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My personal reflections about America 12 years after 9/11

by Phantom Ace ( 122 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, History, Libertarianism, Republican Party, September 11 at September 11th, 2013 - 7:00 am


I was in Jersey City and saw the second plane hit the WTC. I knew that morning nothing would be the same for America. I never realize that morning that both political parties would continue to be dhimmis of the Saudis and Gulf State Arabs. Our political scene is a joke, the economy is a mess and we have no space program to think of. In many ways 9/11 will be remembered the beginning of America’s decline. All through those years, I held hope that things would change and someone would snap us out of that funk. Sadly, I have been wrong.

Sadly, our politicians have spent the last 12 years pitting us against each other. Unlike others on the Right, I don’t have this Democrats are bad and Republicans good mindset. I view both parties as evil, anti-American, divisive and puppets to Islamic interests. Pitting Americans against each other based on ethnicity, economic status, race, geographic location or ideology seems to be the favorite hobby of our political elites. The few politicians like Rand Paul who seek to unite all Americans regardless get attacked and ridicule. I realize that nothing I say or do can wake up people up to the charade of the Democrats and Republicans. Progressives want power and the Conservative base dreams of utopia. Neither one believes in uniting America and making us a great nation.

Thinking back on that day and seeing today’s Americas has drawn me to only one very dark conclusion. although he was killed, Osama Bin-Laden accomplished all his goals. America is nothing but a slave of Dar al Islam, which is why our politicians pit us against each other.

I miss the America that existed the morning of 9/11 and sadly realize that it’s never coming back. But just when things seem dark, there is a glimmer of hope. The rising Libertarian movement inside the Republican party is the one ideological movement that does not care about a person’s ethnicity or geographical background. It’s about economic and personal freedom for all Americans. It stands for America looking after its own national interest and not being a sucker for the Global Community nor a dhimmi to Islam. The modern incarnation of Libertarianism is positive and forward looking.

We can never go back to how things were before that September morning, but we still can build a better future and reunite this nation as one people blessed by god to be the shining city on the hill Reagan spoke of.