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ShankaPOTUS Friday Drinking Thread.

by coldwarrior ( 286 Comments › )
Filed under Open thread at December 17th, 2010 - 8:00 pm

TGIF…get your favorite beverage and kick you shoes off, its the Friday Drinking thread featuring one of my favorite animals, the Shankapotomus…this particular  Shankapotomus is of the Ombamia Shankapotus line, a branch from the  larger Shankapotomus tree.  Found mostly in upscale clubs either buying the membership with other people’s money or guilting the club for a gratis country membership, this wily breed is easily identified by a lack of documented personal history, cheating on the golf course, and by the unnatural and uncomfortable swing that they employ in the wild. If you see this Shankapotus on the course or in the clubhouse, notify the Club President or the Club Secretary, move away slowly, hide your wallet and your medical insurance card:


This video is not a shankapotomus:

So, we’ll see you all at the bar in the clubhouse for drinks!

Tonight’s club special is the M Winter martini:

1.5 oz appel stoli

1.5 oz stoli 100

dash of sweet vermout

stir vigorously with ice, pour into frozen martini glass, garnish with a Vietnamese Cinnamon stick.



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