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So here we are.

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 453 Comments › )
Filed under Open thread at January 6th, 2025 - 5:45 am

And popcorn sales are up. The next few weeks are going to be very interesting…


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453 Responses to “So here we are.”
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  1. eaglesoars
  2. eaglesoars
    2 | January 6, 2025 8:33 am

    200 times?


    A father rang the police 200 times to help his daughter who was being gang raped by Muslim men.

    Fathers turned up to the derelict building where they were being raped……

    The fathers were arrested, so child rapists could continue with their fun.

    For years we have been viewed as being batshit crazy far-right racist conspiracy theorists.

    20 years later the world is catching up thanks to


  3. eaglesoars
    3 | January 6, 2025 8:34 am

    video of Lake Michigan. Terrifying

  4. eaglesoars
    4 | January 6, 2025 9:57 am

    X is blowing up re Starmer/rape gangs

  5. eaglesoars
    5 | January 6, 2025 11:23 am

    Trudeau has resigned. video at link

  6. eaglesoars
    6 | January 6, 2025 11:29 am

    Yeah that won’t work

    NEW: Senior politicians in Labour, Tories & Reform have urged Trump allies to reconsider his ties with Musk

    One source: “I can’t see Elon’s relationship with Trump lasting very long after this … has definitely set off alarm bells with people close to Trump”

  7. eaglesoars
    7 | January 6, 2025 11:33 am

    Good lord. Brown said young girls being rapedd were making a LIFESTYLE choice?

    “We believe they have made an informed choice about their sexual behaviour and therefore it is not for your police officers to get involved”

    The Home Office circulated this memo under Prime Minister Gordon Brown in respect to the victims of the rape gangs.


  8. eaglesoars
    8 | January 6, 2025 11:48 am

    Today, I will perform my constitutional duty as Vice President to certify the results of the 2024 election. This duty is a sacred obligation — one I will uphold guided by love of country, loyalty to our Constitution, and unwavering faith in the American people.

  9. lobo91
    9 | January 6, 2025 11:54 am

    @ eaglesoars:

    Too bad she never thought about performing her Constitutional duty with regard to the 25th Amendment..

  10. eaglesoars
    10 | January 6, 2025 11:55 am

    These people are worse than incompetent

    NEW: Labour has apologised and deleted this video after the lyrics translated to ‘punching a young girl’s p***y’ and ‘sit on d*ck’

    “The post is an adaptation of a viral social media trend and contains a mix of two music tracks. We acknowledge the translation of the lyrics are completely inappropriate. We apologise and the video has now been deleted.”

  11. eaglesoars
    11 | January 6, 2025 12:05 pm

    The Labour cover-up goes EVEN FURTHER.

    When the father of a victim of grooming gang victim met
    in November, and told her he wanted a national inquiry, he found the minutes of the meeting REMOVED ALL MENTION of it and replaced with the word “strategy”.

    This is doctoring of the truth that Starmer just said politicians should staunchly defend.

    This is the most corrupt government in history.

    Jess Phillips is the MP in charge of children’s safety

  12. eaglesoars
    12 | January 6, 2025 12:56 pm

    this is bullshit

    DOJ: 200 Jan. 6 cases pending as Trump prepares to retake office

  13. eaglesoars
    13 | January 6, 2025 1:08 pm

    Shocking images show woman, 19, whose breasts quadrupled after taking Pfizer Covid vaccine

  14. eaglesoars
    14 | January 6, 2025 1:14 pm

    probably important

    ‘Single crystal’ electrodes could power EVs for millions of miles

  15. 15 | January 6, 2025 2:03 pm

    We got about 6 inches of snow here. On top of ice. Most of the roads across the state are closed.

    We have one day slightly above freezing by the end of the week. And then more snow on Friday.

  16. eaglesoars
    16 | January 6, 2025 2:04 pm

    Don Jr has arrived in Nuuk Greenland

    and Greenland’s PM has cancelled mtg with Denmark’s king

  17. Possum
    17 | January 6, 2025 2:05 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    That development actually makes wind power and solar power more attractive.

    The issue with both is they are not constant.

    Connecting EVs to the grid when they are not in use can supply electricity back to the grid. Charge them to 100% during periods of cheap electricity, discharge them back to the grid, to say 60%, when grid demand is higher and price per KWh is higher.

    That would actually make a profit for an EV owner and stabilize the grid better.

    Currently ( LOL I mades a funny ) the main issue with doing that is the charge/discharge cycles “wear” out the battery.

  18. eaglesoars
    19 | January 6, 2025 3:22 pm

    @ Possum:

    oh. I kinda understand

  19. eaglesoars
    20 | January 6, 2025 3:24 pm

    Norwegian PM sits down with Bill Gates to warn against Elon Musk interfering in other countries.

    You can’t make this shit up.

    Does an editorial in and international paper, e.g. Financial Times ‘interfere?

    No. It’s an opinion.

  20. eaglesoars
    21 | January 6, 2025 3:57 pm

    Met Police criticised after telling London families terrorised by drug gangs to play classical music to fend them off

  21. Possum
    22 | January 6, 2025 4:01 pm

    A weather and cat post.

    As you all know the breaker at the end of the apartment block where I live that is by my electricity meter is old and knackered. Last month when it was a little bit cold I turned on the central heating and about 30 mins later it tripped. A 100A breaker.

    I can go into advanced details of how breakers work, it is a heat thing, but I won’t.

    Asked for it to be replaced, and fuck all happened. Probably going to have to do it myself, got to take the electrical box apart and see what type. They are about $40

    So, the story. To keep my electricity consumption low so as not to trip the old and faulty breaker I ordered a 1500W heater from Walmart at 11:14am It arrived at 11:55am.

    LOL Walmart kicks Amazon ass.

    Anyway the $16 heater is working great. Just enough to keep me happy. Last night low 31F and I survived due to extra blankies. Currently 43F and expected low of 30F.

    Well, the cat part. Anything new, strange, not where it should be gets a tiny squirt from Glen. However depending on the degree of strangeness sometimes it is not a tiny squirt but a full on huge cat bladder fire hose event.

    Glen has already discovered the new thing in our lives. I know he is going to mark it as his eventually.

    Dilemma, should I unplug it when not in use? Should I yell at him when he is reversing into it when his tail is in the air? Should I just let him piss on it and find out what 120v feels like?

    Note to potential cat owners. Female cats are really bitchy and affectionate sometimes but reliable in the pissing and shitting thing.

    Male cats are fucking nuts.

  22. eaglesoars
    23 | January 6, 2025 4:13 pm

    He did?

    BREAKING: Do you agree with Senator Thune’s decision to block Adam Schiff from committee positions until his involvement in the Russia collusion investigation is thoroughly examined?

  23. Possum
    24 | January 6, 2025 4:14 pm

    @ Possum:
    I have a female cat. Cats can understand over 120 words and can ignore all of them. She does.

    I have a male cat that is more like a young puppy than a cat. I think me patting him on his head and saying ” Nice puppy ” may have something to do with it.

    The difference between male and female cats is very noticeable.

    Not saying my male cat is stupid. When it is bed time I lay in bed and with headphones on then catch up with X and maybe watch a car chase or two on Youtube while male cat sits on my chest.

    When I am done then turn of phone, take headphones off and male cat jumps off the bed and goes to where he sleeps. He knows we are done.

    However! Funny times are when I put phone down, take off headphones, he then goes to his sleeping place and I just did it to get up to go pee.

    LOL, and back on my chest he comes.

  24. Possum
    25 | January 6, 2025 4:26 pm

    Homeland Security understands things, and cats.

    Heating and electrical appliances are significant causes of home fires. When using heating devices like space heaters, wood stoves, or fireplaces, it’s essential to never leave them unattended. Always make sure to turn them off before going to bed at night.

    They did not specifically mention cats but the “essential to never leave them unattended” was an obvious reference to cats…

  25. lobo91
    26 | January 6, 2025 4:34 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    I see nothing to indicate that Thune’s done anything about Schiff.

  26. Possum
    27 | January 6, 2025 4:47 pm

    Well, it is afternoon nap time. Primarily due to the fact that heater was $16 and minimum order is $35 for free delivery so a 5L box of Merlot was added, and a 100 pack of tea bags.


    Box that little heater came in has had its flaps cut off so it fits as a protective cover over the heater. Got to remember to unplug it before I cover it with the box.

    Cats are sneaky, I am sneakier…

  27. eaglesoars
    28 | January 6, 2025 5:11 pm

    #BREAKING: Joe Biden has just RELEASED 11 YEMENI TERRORlSTS from Guantanamo Bay just days before leaving office


    These terr*rists were captured in the aftermath of 9/11, and despite the rapidly deteriorating state of th

  28. eaglesoars
    29 | January 6, 2025 5:12 pm

    lobo91 wrote:

    @ eaglesoars:

    I see nothing to indicate that Thune’s done anything about Schiff.

    neither do I

  29. Possum
    30 | January 6, 2025 5:21 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    It is afternoon nap time so not getting into a fight but….

    You have to acknowledge that Guantanamo Bay was a way of circumventing the Bill of Rights.

    Housing prisoners there was wrong.

  30. lobo91
    31 | January 6, 2025 6:18 pm

    Possum wrote:

    @ eaglesoars:
    It is afternoon nap time so not getting into a fight but….

    You have to acknowledge that Guantanamo Bay was a way of circumventing the Bill of Rights.

    Housing prisoners there was wrong.

    True. They should have been shot, instead

  31. coldwarrior
    32 | January 6, 2025 6:46 pm

    @ Possum:
    Or, we could build a bunch of nuke stations…

  32. eaglesoars
    33 | January 6, 2025 8:16 pm

    Possum wrote:

    You have to acknowledge that Guantanamo Bay was a way of circumventing the Bill of Rights.

    I’m not sure I do. I’ll think about it tho

  33. lobo91
    34 | January 6, 2025 8:25 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Possum wrote:

    You have to acknowledge that Guantanamo Bay was a way of circumventing the Bill of Rights.

    I’m not sure I do. I’ll think about it tho

    It’s absolutely true. If they’d been held anywhere in the US, they would have been afforded the same rights as any other accused criminal. The only way around it would have been to designate them as Enemy Prisoners of War (EPWs), but that would introduce a different set of rules. If they’d been sent to any other overseas military base, they would have been subject to pressure from the host nation. Guantanamo is unique in that regard, since we really don’t care what the Cubans think.

  34. eaglesoars
    35 | January 6, 2025 10:05 pm

    @ lobo91:

    yeah I was just researching it and was beginning to figure it out. But I don’t think it was wrong

  35. eaglesoars
    36 | January 6, 2025 10:10 pm

    Ben Kew

    According to BBC Newsnight, Britain’s socialist government are considering ending their security partnership with the U.S. unless Donald Trump distances himself from Elon Musk’s views on grooming gangs.

    Fuck with Trump. Make my day

  36. lobo91
    37 | January 6, 2025 10:18 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    “Security partnership”

    How cute

  37. 38 | January 6, 2025 10:48 pm

    @ lobo91:
    They aren’t subject to the Geneva Convention rules for POWs.

  38. lobo91
    39 | January 6, 2025 11:02 pm

    right_wing2 wrote:

    @ lobo91:
    They aren’t subject to the Geneva Convention rules for POWs.

    No, but they have to fall into some category. That’s why they were never brought to US soil.

  39. lobo91
    40 | January 6, 2025 11:02 pm

    @ right_wing2:

    As I said in the first place, they should have just been shot.

  40. eaglesoars
    41 | January 7, 2025 7:47 am

    Jean Marie Le Pen has died

  41. eaglesoars
    42 | January 7, 2025 7:48 am

    lobo91 wrote:

    @ right_wing2:

    As I said in the first place, they should have just been shot.

    yep after interrogation

  42. eaglesoars
    43 | January 7, 2025 8:15 am

    Crimeny ask one question about Tommy Robinson and my replies explode

  43. eaglesoars
    44 | January 7, 2025 8:39 am

    I have an idea. The 1st time we catch an illegal and are in the process of deporting him/her we tattoo them on the back of the hand where it’s visible. Name, country of origin, date of deportation, where found, etc. I assume that can all be embodied in a bar code, QR code or something like that.

    No one can rent to them, employ them because it will be obvious. It would cut down on them trying to re-enter because they’re marked.

    whadya think? I’m tired of reading stories about an illegal who has been deported five times was arrested for trying to kidnap a teenage girl

  44. eaglesoars
    45 | January 7, 2025 10:16 am

    I just found out Tom Homan follows me so I’m going to give him my idea

  45. Possum
    46 | January 7, 2025 10:19 am

    @ eaglesoars:
    1940s Germany tried the tattoo thing, sort of. ( that would be the outrage to your idea )

    As to identifying people are they just letting people in that are technically ” undocumented ” without fingerprinting them, photographing them and taking a DNA sample?

    If so, then we get what we deserve.

    ( FBI/Immigration biometrics takes 5 minutes, but you have to drive three hours from middle of fuck all Iowa to Omaha Nebraska to get it done, no DNA though )

  46. coldwarrior
    47 | January 7, 2025 10:34 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Crimeny ask one question about Tommy Robinson and my replies explode

    It’s odd he doesn’t use his real name.

  47. coldwarrior
    48 | January 7, 2025 10:35 am

    @ eaglesoars:
    @ Possum:
    Yeah…a bit to reminiscent of the bad old days of Germany

  48. eaglesoars
    49 | January 7, 2025 10:36 am

    @ eaglesoars:

    It’s already been reposted at least times and liked several. I just bookmarked my own tweet. HA!

    gotta run

  49. Possum
    50 | January 7, 2025 10:43 am

    Inviting everyone to come visit me and help eat my fridge.

    Then we can move on to eating the freezer. You however will not be allowed into the food cupboard as that contains tuna, sardines, canned origano tomatoes and canned carrots which are not anywhere near expiry date!

    Just portioned out latest arrival of chicken breasts, over 5lbs family pack which had 5 breasts in it. They go individually into cheap sandwich bags with a splash of chicken stock to prevent freezer burn and all five then went into a one gallon freezer ziplock, labeled ” chicken”

    Next up is cutting the cheap ass pork loin I got, boneless. $1.84/lbs 3.55lbs. That has freeze/eat by date of 14th Jan so no rush.

    Going on an average of half a pound of meat per meal which is a nice large portion I have 16 meals in stock at a cost of $1.25 per protein part of the meal.

    Cooking a real meal is cheap, buying processed shit using food stamps is expensive.

    LOL lunch is a 30 cent thing of Ramen noodles, a can of tuna and some lettuce that is yelling ” eat me! ” but with temperature of 33F here then ain’t eating lettuce!

  50. Possum
    51 | January 7, 2025 11:00 am

    @ Possum:
    I lied yet again. It is not 33F but 38F.

    And my heating does not work.

    Fuck the lettuce….

  51. Possum
    52 | January 7, 2025 11:49 am

    @ Possum:
    I have to go.

    Lucy made lunch.

  52. coldwarrior
    53 | January 7, 2025 2:52 pm

    @ Possum:
    You need an instant pot

  53. rain of lead
    54 | January 7, 2025 4:12 pm

    @ coldwarrior:


  54. eaglesoars
    55 | January 7, 2025 4:17 pm

    Are you effing kidding me?

    Anger over Labour’s shameless bid to ‘rig’ election by easing ID law and allowing millions of foreign nationals to vote

  55. eaglesoars
    56 | January 7, 2025 4:58 pm


    The sanctuary City of Los Angeles is on Tactical Alert due to a major incident.

    Story is still developing.

  56. 57 | January 7, 2025 5:50 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Crimeny ask one question about Tommy Robinson and my replies explode

    He’s got big brass ones.

  57. 58 | January 7, 2025 5:51 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    I just found out Tom Homan follows me so I’m going to give him my idea

    Send illegal invaders to Guantanamo for processing? Interesting idea.

  58. 59 | January 7, 2025 5:53 pm

    coldwarrior wrote:

    eaglesoars wrote:
    Crimeny ask one question about Tommy Robinson and my replies explode

    It’s odd he doesn’t use his real name.

    He’s on a lot of hit lists. Why make it easy for the amateurs?

  59. 60 | January 7, 2025 5:56 pm

    We’re about 50 miles south of the Palisades fire. We can see the smoke plume.

  60. rain of lead
    61 | January 7, 2025 6:07 pm

    In a replay of Baltic Sea undersea infrastructure attacks by Chinese ships in October of 2023 and November 2024, a Chinese-associated ship has now destroyed a major undersea cable off Taiwan. On Friday, January 3, at about 1240 hours local time, Chungwha Telecom noticed an outage from its Trans-Pacific Express (TPE) Cable, which it owns and operates with AT&T, China Telecom, China Unicom, Chunghwa Telecom, KT, NTT, and Verizon. The location was just outside the 12-mile limit of territorial waters of Taiwan,

  61. rain of lead
    62 | January 7, 2025 6:09 pm

    South Korea is coincidently going through a Constitutional crisis on leadership. No conspiracies, but no coincidences. If South Korea is off the table as far as being part of an alliance to deter or address a Chinese quarantine of Taiwan, that would be a significant advantage for China.

  62. 63 | January 7, 2025 7:51 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    The Palisades fire.

  63. Possum
    64 | January 7, 2025 8:50 pm

    @ coldwarrior:

    Not more ways to cook a week’s worth of leftovers!


  64. Calo
    65 | January 7, 2025 9:26 pm

    You should probably go while you can. Lights out should be a signal.

  65. eaglesoars
    66 | January 7, 2025 9:30 pm

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    @ eaglesoars:
    The Palisades fire.

    Get out ASAP

  66. eaglesoars
    67 | January 7, 2025 9:52 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:


    The sanctuary City of Los Angeles is on Tactical Alert due to a major incident.

    Story is still developing.

    this is not Tom Homan – fake acct

  67. Possum
    68 | January 7, 2025 10:35 pm

    Tonight I am doing a real life, real time enactment of Apollo 13.

    The part where they try to restore power to the systems in the command module. Things are tense. “don’t go over 24 Amps! ”

    Main breaker outside is worn out, well past its sell by date and trips after about 20 minutes of me using central heating, and takes a while to cool down before I can re-set it. Apartment people said they would replace it, a month ago. Looks like I will have to do it myself.

    Anyway, the $16 1500W heater I bought is keeping me warm, while wearing a T shirt, two sweat shirts, sweatpants under jeans.

    Using air fryer 1500W to cook some pork. Air fryer is not proportional it is an on/off thingy. So, if air fryer and heater happen to be on at the same time then 3000W , will that trip the outside breaker?

    Not risking it.

    While supper is cooking heater is off.

    Apollo 13 taught me this….

  68. eaglesoars
    69 | January 7, 2025 10:40 pm

    Stasi Starmer is one vile human being

    SIR Keir Starmer will today order his Labour MPs to vote against calls for a new national inquiry into the Asian rape grooming gangs scandal — insisting the time has passed to ask any more questions.

  69. Possum
    70 | January 7, 2025 10:51 pm

    @ Possum:

    AI Overview
    Learn more
    In the context of Apollo 13, “24 amps” refers to a critical power usage threshold that the astronauts had to stay under after the oxygen tank explosion, meaning they needed to carefully manage their electrical power consumption to not exceed 24 amps to ensure a safe return to Earth; exceeding this limit could potentially jeopardize their mission due to limited battery power.
    Key points about the 24 amps on Apollo 13:
    Power restriction:
    The crew had to prioritize which systems were essential to operate, turning off non-critical functions to remain within the 24 amp limit.
    Critical for survival:
    Staying below this power level was crucial for the mission’s success, as exceeding it could lead to a power shortage during critical phases of the journey.
    Lunar Module batteries:
    The Apollo 13 crew primarily relied on the Lunar Module’s batteries for power after the incident, making careful power management even more important.


  70. Possum
    71 | January 7, 2025 11:33 pm

    And as is usual here the pork I cooked to perfection I no longer want for supper.

    Just sliced up a plump and succulent onion using a jar lid and it is now doing the 2 hour soak in water.

    On target for a midnight flowered onion, with honey mustard dip.

    This time I got it cut into 16 slices without knife going sideways and chopping off some petals.

    However, now craving a bacon sandwich, no bread and no bacon currently in stock.

  71. eaglesoars
    72 | January 7, 2025 11:33 pm

    European Union bureaucrats are threatening to wage lawfare against Elon Musk and because Musk plans to interview conservative German politician Alice Weidel on Thursday.

  72. eaglesoars
    73 | January 7, 2025 11:36 pm

    unreal pic

    #PalisadesFire from a flight arriving into LAX

  73. eaglesoars
    74 | January 8, 2025 12:10 am

    bedtime nite

  74. Possum
    75 | January 8, 2025 12:12 am

    @ eaglesoars:

    It is going to be a few more hours until my onion is cooked!

  75. Possum
    76 | January 8, 2025 12:38 am

    @ Possum:
    I lied, well Lucy did.

    Onion is done.


  76. lobo91
    77 | January 8, 2025 1:03 am

    @ eaglesoars:

    I wonder if they’ve really thought that plan through?

    Is it really a good idea to antagonize the world’s richest man, who happens to employ thousands of the most talented computer geeks?

  77. Possum
    78 | January 8, 2025 1:26 am

    @ Possum:
    Eventual supper.


  78. 79 | January 8, 2025 3:37 am

    Replies to the DOJ commemoration of January 6.

  79. 80 | January 8, 2025 3:53 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Get out ASAP

    We’re not in any danger, neither is daughter No. 2 in L.A.
    Sister is. She’s on the SE side of Santa Monica. I told here to pack a bugout bag and she can sleep on the couch. About 6 hours ago she texted that the power in her apartment went out. No word since, so I guess she found some place to go.

  80. 81 | January 8, 2025 3:56 am

    @ Possum:
    The movie was good, Lovell’s book “Lost Moon” was even better.

  81. 82 | January 8, 2025 3:59 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    #PalisadesFire from a flight arriving into LAX

    Lot of regional flights were cancelled due to the high winds.

  82. 84 | January 8, 2025 5:20 am

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    No word since, so I guess she found some place to go.

    2:20am She just texted me, said she fell asleep, and she’s decided to stay where she is.
    I didn’t want to set up the couch bed anyway.

  83. rain of lead
    85 | January 8, 2025 7:24 am

    Hollywood stalwart James Woods has taken to social media to lament the destruction of his home in Pacific Palisades as brutal wildfires tear through much of Los Angeles and Southern California.

  84. rain of lead
    86 | January 8, 2025 7:25 am

    Fox 11 News covering Pacific Palisades Fire in Los Angeles are talking live to Rick Caruso, a major developer in LA.

    He stated there is no water coming from fire hydrants because of neglect and firemen cannot spray water on the fires.

    LA mayor Karen Bass is not even in the country, she’s in Ghana.

    Caruso said reservoirs that provide fire hydrant water were not re-filled.

    Caruso also slammed CA and LA for not clearing brush for decades.

  85. rain of lead
    88 | January 8, 2025 7:31 am


    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is moving forward with a regulatory rule in the final days of the Biden administration that would effectively ban cigarettes currently on the market in favor of products with lower nicotine levels,

  86. eaglesoars
    89 | January 8, 2025 8:05 am

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    eaglesoars wrote:

    #PalisadesFire from a flight arriving into LAX

    Lot of regional flights were cancelled due to the high winds.

    Looks like Joe and Jill are stuck there too. The high winds preclude flying

    The insurance companies bailed awhile ago due to poor water/fire mgmt so no one has homeowners

  87. eaglesoars
    90 | January 8, 2025 8:05 am

    rain of lead wrote:


    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is moving forward with a regulatory rule in the final days of the Biden administration that would effectively ban cigarettes currently on the market in favor of products with lower nicotine levels,

    a gift to the black market

  88. eaglesoars
    91 | January 8, 2025 8:08 am

    As well as “35% of UK Healthcare Workers now not able to work because they took the ”
    “Official UK data reveals 95% of COVID-19 deaths were among vaccinated”.

  89. eaglesoars
    92 | January 8, 2025 8:11 am

    lobo91 wrote:

    @ eaglesoars:

    I wonder if they’ve really thought that plan through?

    Is it really a good idea to antagonize the world’s richest man, who happens to employ thousands of the most talented computer geeks?

    It’s not that he’s the richest. It’s WHY he’s the richest. Because he’s one of the smartest

  90. eaglesoars
    93 | January 8, 2025 8:19 am

    A girl in the UK was trafficked at age 11 by a rape gang and raped by over 500 men.

    She went to police about it multiple times. They refused to do anything, but prosecuted her for prostitution.

    She was one of the victims of rape gangs in Telford, where over 1,000 girls were abused by mostly Pakistani Muslim gangs.

    Authorities knew about the abuse for decades.

  91. eaglesoars
    94 | January 8, 2025 8:37 am

    Bloody brilliant

    This week, the U.S. Forest Service directed its employees in California to stop prescribed burning “for the foreseeable future,” a directive that officials said is meant to preserve staff and equipment to fight wildfires if needed.

    The pause comes amid the crucial fall window for planned, controlled burns, which remove fuel and can protect homes from future wildfires — raising concerns that the move will increase long-term fire risks.

    “There are two times in the year when it’s safe to do prescribed fire: in the fall right before the rains come, and in the spring when things are dry enough to burn but not dry enough to burn it in a dangerous way,” said Michael Wara, energy and climate expert at Stanford University. He worries half of the prescribed fire season on federal lands will be sacrificed because of this decision.

    Oct 2024

  92. eaglesoars
    95 | January 8, 2025 8:40 am

    The high temp today is 33. Psycho Puppy is stuck in the house

  93. eaglesoars
    96 | January 8, 2025 8:48 am

    Every. Fucking. Time.

    Meet Los Angeles Fire Chief Kristin Crowley. She boasts about being the first female and LGBTQ fire chief in the LA Fire Department. Promoting a culture of DEI is her priority.

  94. Buckeye Abroad
    97 | January 8, 2025 9:36 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    As well as “35% of UK Healthcare Workers now not able to work because they took the ”
    “Official UK data reveals 95% of COVID-19 deaths were among vaccinated”.

    Every industry is having a hard time finding personnel, but no one seems to know why. Mystery that. Friend in the airlines told me 25% of the pilots cannot pass their physicals (allegedly) due to the Fauci ouchy.

  95. eaglesoars
    98 | January 8, 2025 9:41 am

    @ Buckeye Abroad:

    I did read that months ago. On top of all their DEI bullshit

  96. eaglesoars
    99 | January 8, 2025 9:42 am

    LA fire chief sent surplus equipment to Ukraine in 2022?

  97. eaglesoars
    100 | January 8, 2025 9:43 am


    what are they covering up now?

    ok gotta run later

  98. Possum
    101 | January 8, 2025 11:38 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    The high temp today is 33. Psycho Puppy is stuck in the house

    38F here, cats are on the bed but I have the door open.

    If I close the door ( the patio sliding door ) cats wake up, paw at it and demand it be opened. But they don’t go outside when I do open it again.

    They then go back to bed. I think they don’t like being closed in. They like the choice of freedom.

  99. eaglesoars
    102 | January 8, 2025 12:05 pm

    BREAKING: The French Foreign Minister is now pushing to ban in France because he has no power to control it.

    “There is no question that public debate is delocalized in a completely unregulated manner and takes place on social media platforms owned by American or Chinese billionaires.”

    COOL! How about the United States bans all French imports and/or impose a 100% tariff on them? Who’d consume their precious little wines? How about we stop subsidizing their national defense via NATO?

    Play dangerous games, win dangerous prizes.

  100. poteen
    103 | January 8, 2025 1:16 pm

    Possum wrote:

    eaglesoars wrote:

    The high temp today is 33. Psycho Puppy is stuck in the house

    38F here, cats are on the bed but I have the door open.

    If I close the door ( the patio sliding door ) cats wake up, paw at it and demand it be opened. But they don’t go outside when I do open it again.

    They then go back to bed. I think they don’t like being closed in. They like the choice of freedom.

    They just want you cold. When you get cold enough they will feast upon you./

  101. Possum
    104 | January 8, 2025 1:36 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    Um, the NATO thing is a load of bollocks.

    France is a major payer into NATO.

    Cost share arrangements for civil budget, military budget and NATO Security Investment Programme
    Nation Cost share “at 32” following the accession of Sweden
    Valid as from 7 March 2024 until 31 December 2025
    Albania 0.0882
    Belgium 2.0447
    Bulgaria 0.3552
    Canada 6.6840
    Croatia 0.2910
    Czechia 1.0259
    Denmark 1.2744
    Estonia 0.1213
    Finland 0.9057
    France 10.1940
    Germany 15.8813
    Greece 1.0273
    Hungary 0.7380
    Iceland 0.0624
    Italy 8.5324
    Latvia 0.1550
    Lithuania 0.2493
    Luxembourg 0.1645
    Montenegro 0.0283
    Netherlands 3.3528
    North Macedonia 0.0756
    Norway 1.7267
    Poland 2.9015
    Portugal 1.0194
    Romania 1.1931
    Slovakia 0.5014
    Slovenia 0.2212
    Spain 5.8211
    Sweden 1.9277
    Türkiye 4.5927
    United Kingdom 10.9626
    United States 15.8813
    TOTAL NATO 100.0000

  102. Possum
    105 | January 8, 2025 1:41 pm

    @ poteen:
    Yep, and when they have eaten me they need the door open so they can go invade some other unfortunate person and eat them!

  103. Possum
    106 | January 8, 2025 1:57 pm

    When watching TV shows and movies why do they ALWAYS use chopsticks to eat the takeaway?

    Currently watching Black Box 2021 which is French and subtitled in English. 59:10 and he is eating with chopsticks!

    Use a fork non Chinese people, it tastes just the same and you can shovel it into your mouth much faster.

  104. eaglesoars
    107 | January 8, 2025 3:45 pm

    This story is all too familiar:

    Adam Carolla applied to be an LA firefighter, and was told he had to wait 7 years because he wasn’t black, hispanic, or female.

    DEI kills.

  105. 108 | January 8, 2025 8:33 pm

    Possum wrote:

    Germany 15.8813
    United States 15.8813

    What’re the odds.?

  106. eaglesoars
    109 | January 8, 2025 8:36 pm

    So how does this work?

    You have a mortgage and your fire insurance has been canceled. You have no house.

    You still owe the mortgage, that’s not going to be forgiven and you’ll still owe property taxes on at least the land

    Do I have that right?

  107. 110 | January 8, 2025 8:38 pm

    Sister surfaced earlier today. She was still without power so she decided to go into her office in downtown Santa Monica, the danger zone.
    She was surprised that it looked like a ghost town, but she had to charge her cell phone.

    Daughter in L.A. is fine, took in an evacuee friend.

  108. 111 | January 8, 2025 8:42 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Do I have that right?

    The homeoners’/renters’ insurance companies have been bailing from CA for a couple years now for exactly this reason. The State and PGE stopped cutting vegetation in fire-prone areas.

    Our insurance is with USAA, and I’m watching for signs as to see what they might do.

  109. eaglesoars
    112 | January 8, 2025 8:44 pm

    liberalism is a mental illness

    LI county told to pay $60M to illegal immigrants for detaining them — at federal government’s request: officials

  110. 113 | January 8, 2025 8:48 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:
    A lot of bullshit press conferences going on, platitudes are waste-deep. Nobody in the press has asked why the hell were the fire-fighting water reserves not replenished last year. Hydrants were dry…

    Wind just shifted, fire in the Hollywood Hills is burning downhill!

  111. eaglesoars
    114 | January 8, 2025 8:49 pm

    Well I think I can predict one thing- Gavin Newsom will never be Dem nominee for POTUS

  112. 115 | January 8, 2025 8:50 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    He had a presser earlier, said not to make this disaster a political issue as he proceeded to make it a political issue.

  113. 116 | January 8, 2025 8:53 pm

    Some DEI hire with a microphone made it clear that mental health facilities are open in L.A.

  114. coldwarrior
    117 | January 8, 2025 8:54 pm

    @ Possum:
    Fancy way to show what 2% of gdp looks like.

    Most countries aren’t meeting their share.

  115. 118 | January 8, 2025 9:03 pm

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    fire in the Hollywood Hills

    That fire in the Hollywood Hills began suddenly around 5pm. That’s an arson fire.

  116. eaglesoars
    119 | January 8, 2025 9:14 pm

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    @ eaglesoars:
    He had a presser earlier, said not to make this disaster a political issue as he proceeded to make it a political issue.

    He’s fucked and he knows it

  117. 120 | January 8, 2025 9:18 pm

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    That fire in the Hollywood Hills began suddenly around 5pm. That’s an arson fire.

    and it’s dinner time in the canyon homeless encampments.

  118. 121 | January 8, 2025 9:21 pm

    Good minute by minute updates by Tim Conway Jr.

  119. eaglesoars
    122 | January 8, 2025 10:12 pm

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    Some DEI hire with a microphone made it clear that mental health facilities are open in L.A.

    Politicians get first dibs

  120. eaglesoars
    123 | January 8, 2025 10:16 pm


    NEW: One billionaire couple owns almost all the water in California.

    In a series of secret meetings in 1994, the Resnicks seized control of California’s public water supply.

    Now they’ve built a business empire by selling it back to working people.

  121. eaglesoars
    124 | January 8, 2025 10:26 pm

    oh dearie me

    BREAKING: An explosion has just occurred at a substation in Forth Worth, Texas

    video at link

  122. eaglesoars
    125 | January 8, 2025 10:36 pm

    LA DWP just sent out alerts to everyone in Los Angeles telling them to boil water since their water pressure is so low.

    There is no water for fires, or for drinking, city wide.

    LA DWP chief makes $75OK a year

  123. eaglesoars
    126 | January 8, 2025 10:56 pm

    New: Danish officials are being warned by Trump allies and advisers that he is serious about acquiring Greenland—And they’re carefully weighing how to respond without sparking a major rupture with a major ally and fellow NATO member. With

    Here’s their problem. If they are going to allow China to exploit
    Greenland then they are going to have a problem with Trump. They are going to have to fish or cut bait. Trump is not going to fall for ‘Greenland is not for sale’ when they’re selling out to China.

  124. 127 | January 9, 2025 5:19 am

    @ eaglesoars:
    I keep thinking of the vulnerability of the undersea communications cables in the Arctic.

  125. eaglesoars
    128 | January 9, 2025 7:51 am

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:

    hadn’t thought of that one. I know China apparently cut some cables to Taiwan

  126. eaglesoars
    129 | January 9, 2025 9:38 am

    The worst aged tweet in the history of aged tweets. Karen Bass during her campaign for LA mayor 2021


    Ted Cruz fleeing Texas in the middle of a deadly crisis is part of a larger pattern of the GOP abandoning folks in crisis.

    We need to build a movement to kick them all out.

  127. Possum
    130 | January 9, 2025 9:43 am

    @ eaglesoars:
    I was really happy when Ted and his family flew to Cancun. The less people in Texas meant less power used and more for the rest of us to share.

    And what could he have done staying in Texas? Nothing.

    As long as he was somewhere with phone and Internet access it was OK for him to depart.

  128. lobo91
    131 | January 9, 2025 9:47 am

    @ Possum:

    I never understood that one, either. He’s a US Senator, not a state official. He has nothing to do with the state’s power grid.

  129. eaglesoars
    132 | January 9, 2025 10:47 am

    @ Possum:
    @ lobo91:

    Leftists never expect their minions to think. If you saw Bass being grilled by that Sky reporter she couldn’t think either. They are mental robots

  130. eaglesoars
    133 | January 9, 2025 10:58 am

    Irony. All these globalists who think they are the ‘globalist elites’ bitching about Elon interfering in ‘NATIONAL elections’ because they let their peasants be abused.

    Welcome to the party, pal.

  131. eaglesoars
    134 | January 9, 2025 11:02 am

    LA Mayor Karen Bass is a trained Marxist terrorist who traveled to Cuba dozens of times, praised communist dictators and allied with the literal terror group that bombed the US Capital.

    One has to assume she’s burning LA on purpose. Bass should be in jail

  132. eaglesoars
    135 | January 9, 2025 11:05 am

    @ eaglesoars:

    GROK has it. This didn’t come up during her campaign?

  133. eaglesoars
    136 | January 9, 2025 11:12 am

    This is about Stasi Starmer giving away Chagos

    Starmer’s Chagos Deal Could Block UK and US From Stationing Nuclear Weapons at Its Diego Garcia Base, Even Under New Lease

  134. Possum
    137 | January 9, 2025 11:29 am

    @ eaglesoars:
    Um, I
    had to read that three times before I understood it.

    First time I read it as a Sky reporter grilling a Bass. And I WANT!

  135. Possum
    138 | January 9, 2025 11:30 am

    @ eaglesoars:
    Cuba is a nice place to live. Went once and stupidly got on a plane back to the UK.

  136. eaglesoars
    139 | January 9, 2025 11:47 am

    I have a tech question. If the EU tries to block X could Starlink get around it?

  137. Possum
    140 | January 9, 2025 11:50 am

    OK a food post.

    Did the half pork loin that had a eat or freeze date of 14th Jan.

    Chopped off four chunks at 200g each, that is just over half a pound. I am getting good at estimating weights, and yes I did weigh them. Into sandwich bags they went with some chicken broth to mitigate freezer burn, then all four went into a gallon ziplock marked as ” pork”

    The remaining 425g which is about a pound is wrapped in foil, seasoned with sage and onion powder, and in air fryer at 350F for 40 minutes.

    The whole pork thing cost me $6.52 and lots of meals!

    Anyway, the reason for this post is why is canned cat food not available in pig flavour?

    I can buy tuna, white fish, chicken, beef etc but no pig!

    Anytime I process pig and cook it cats go nuts and WANT!

  138. Possum
    141 | January 9, 2025 11:52 am

    @ eaglesoars:
    Yes, and also using a VPN can circumvent a per country ban.

  139. eaglesoars
    142 | January 9, 2025 11:58 am

    What department is FEMA in?

    In 24 hours, FEMA will be kicking out 3,500 families in #WNC out of hotels in the middle of a 14° winter snowstorm.

    Homeless shelters are now calling churches, scrambling to set up more beds as the number of people in shelters in #WNC is likely to DOUBLE tomorrow.

  140. lobo91
    143 | January 9, 2025 12:09 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    What department is FEMA in?


  141. lobo91
    144 | January 9, 2025 2:26 pm


    Los Angeles Fire Chief Warned That Mayor Karen Bass’s Budget Cuts Limited Wildfire Response: ‘At Risk of Reduced Effectiveness’

    Just weeks before five wildfires engulfed the City of Angels, Los Angeles fire chief Kristin Crowley warned that Mayor Karen Bass’s (D.) budget cuts to her department “severely limited” its response to wide-scale emergencies—including wildfires.

    In a memo dated Dec. 4, Crowley wrote that Bass’s $7 million reduction to the Los Angeles Fire Department’s overtime budget “severely limited the department’s ability to prepare for, train for, and respond to large-scale emergencies, including wildfires, earthquakes, hazardous material incidents, and large public events.” All told Bass cut more than $17 million from the fire department this year, according to the enacted budget, although she initially proposed slashing nearly $23 million.

    “These budgetary reductions have adversely affected the Department’s ability to maintain core operations,” such as training and fire prevention, Crowley wrote in her memo to the Board of Fire Commissioners, which is comprised of mayoral appointees. “Specialized programs and resources, such as Air Operations, Tactical EMS Units, Disaster Response, and Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), which rely heavily on [overtime], are now at risk of reduced effectiveness.”

    Bass’s fire department budget also allocated $5 million for electric fire vehicles. The Democrat has prioritized funding for renewable energy projects as a way to curb disasters she says stem from climate change.

  142. 145 | January 9, 2025 2:31 pm

    Possum wrote:

    @ eaglesoars:
    Cuba is a nice place to live. Went once and stupidly got on a plane back to the UK.

    Emilio Arechaederra told me some stories. His family escaped Franco’s Spain for Cuba, things were going well, and then this Castro guy shows up. “We’d seen this play before.” He and his family left Cuba and never looked back.

  143. lobo91
    146 | January 9, 2025 2:34 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:

    Of course, you could say the same thing about California. Nice real estate. Horrible government

  144. 147 | January 9, 2025 2:36 pm

    The Eaton fire is moving up Mt. Wilson. A ton of communications equipment is up there.

  145. 148 | January 9, 2025 2:44 pm

    @ lobo91:
    Of course you could same the same thing about the U.S. Everyone voted for Joe Biden.

  146. 149 | January 9, 2025 2:50 pm

    @ lobo91:
    Steve Garvey came surprisingly close to defeating Newsom. Garvey was a weak candidate, yet the hate for Newsom tipped the scales in his favor. The RNC completely ignored him and he ran out of money.

    Same thing happened when Larry Elder was leading in the polls during the recall election.

  147. 150 | January 9, 2025 2:56 pm

    There’s a small grassroots movement to mess with Bluesky. Post vague and meaningless content to tie up the content moderators.

  148. eaglesoars
    151 | January 9, 2025 3:41 pm

    Exclusive: Elon Musk tweets probed by UK counter-extremism unit as alarm raised over risk to Britain

  149. eaglesoars
    152 | January 9, 2025 3:51 pm

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    The Eaton fire is moving up Mt. Wilson. A ton of communications equipment is up there.

    Starlink might help?

  150. eaglesoars
    153 | January 9, 2025 3:53 pm

    2015 video

    FLASHBACK: The Los Angeles Fire Department publicly declares that white firefighters are “the problem.” (2015)

    Fast forward to today, DEI is literally killing people.

  151. rain of lead
    154 | January 9, 2025 3:55 pm


  152. rain of lead
    155 | January 9, 2025 4:51 pm

    biden press conf.

    saying lack of water was only to pumpimg stations power being shut off

  153. rain of lead
    156 | January 9, 2025 4:52 pm

    if anybody sees this, watch the girl in the yellow jacket behind him
    bobble head she is

    gotta hit them talkin points

  154. eaglesoars
    157 | January 9, 2025 5:38 pm

    If I’m following correctly, the British government:
    1. Gave up an island it owned for no reason other than woke virtue signaling
    2. Realized it needed the military base on that island
    3. Is now desperate to buy a lease from the new owners to operate that base, at any price, having given up all negotiating leverage

  155. lobo91
    158 | January 9, 2025 6:11 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    In reality, Diego Garcia is a US base. The Brits control the island, but we’re the primary users of it. And there’s nothing else there.

  156. eaglesoars
    159 | January 9, 2025 6:27 pm

    NY Governor Hochul’s Deputy Linda Sun used her influence to promote DEI in the USA… she ended up being a spy for the Chinese regime.

  157. eaglesoars
    160 | January 9, 2025 6:29 pm

    Wow. Sky News caught Gavin Newsom using a fake phone call to avoid a desperate Mom and victim of the fires. He pretended to be on the phone with the President and she caught him.

    His political career should be over after this!

  158. eaglesoars
    161 | January 9, 2025 6:30 pm

    Fat lezbo sez what?

    LAFD Assistant Chief Kristine Larson:

    “Am I able to carry your husband out of a fire? He got himself in the wrong place.”

  159. eaglesoars
    162 | January 9, 2025 6:35 pm

    England forced the last guy who was stabbed by a terrorist on London Bridge to take “deradicalization” classes because they feared he might become anti-Islam

  160. eaglesoars
    163 | January 9, 2025 6:38 pm

    Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass

    Cuban regime asset deploys to run America’s second largest city. Karen Bass is a long-time veteran of the Cuban Communist Party’s Venceremos Brigades agitprop training and recruitment operation.

  161. eaglesoars
    164 | January 9, 2025 6:49 pm

    About time

    Incoming National Security Advisor Mike Waltz told Breitbart News exclusively that every intelligence official from the various departments and agencies across the federal government currently detailed to the National Security Council (NSC) at the White House under outgoing President Joe Biden will be expected to vacate the premises by 12:01 p.m. Eastern on Inauguration Day when President-elect Donald Trump is inaugurated again.

  162. eaglesoars
    165 | January 9, 2025 7:38 pm

    Leo Terrell will be Sr Counsel to Asst AG for Civil Rights in DOJ

  163. eaglesoars
    166 | January 9, 2025 7:39 pm

    A Metro PD source just told me that Newsom said they are shutting off the Gasoline Pipline to Vegas from California!

  164. eaglesoars
    167 | January 9, 2025 7:49 pm


    environmental disaster

  165. eaglesoars
    168 | January 9, 2025 7:52 pm

    Free Starlink Service Coming to Los Angeles Areas Hit by Wildfires, Musk Says

  166. lobo91
    169 | January 9, 2025 7:58 pm

    Supreme Court Rejects Trump’s Request to Stop Sentencing in New York Case

    The Supreme Court on Jan. 9 rejected President-elect Donald Trump’s request to halt proceedings in his New York business records case, removing a potential barrier to sentencing scheduled for Jan. 10.

    The brief order noted that Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh would have granted the application.
    The court offered several reasons it said it refused to grant the application. “First, the alleged evidentiary violations at President-elect Trump’s state-court trial can be addressed in the ordinary course on appeal. Second, the burden that sentencing will impose on the President-Elect’s responsibilities is relatively insubstantial in light of the trial court’s stated intent to impose a sentence of ‘unconditional discharge’ after a brief virtual hearing,” a note on the Supreme Court’s docket read.

    Trump’s application for a stay was submitted on Jan. 8 and argued that “the prospect of imposing sentence on President Trump just before he assumes Office as the 47th President raises the specter of other possible restrictions on liberty, such as travel, reporting requirements, registration, probationary requirements, and others—all of which would be constitutionally intolerable under the doctrine of Presidential immunity.”

  167. eaglesoars
    170 | January 9, 2025 8:20 pm

    Holy cr*p. The Los Angeles Deputy Mayor is under investigation for allegedly calling in a bomb threat to City Hall. The FBI raided his home a few weeks ago and he was placed on leave.

  168. lobo91
    171 | January 9, 2025 8:23 pm

    And they have yet another fire in LA

  169. 172 | January 9, 2025 8:24 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    Radio & TV have backups for transmission.

  170. eaglesoars
    173 | January 9, 2025 8:26 pm

    The City of Los Angeles cut funding for its fire department and allocated thousands of dollars to various progressive programs, including a “Midnight Stroll Transgender Cafe” and a Gay Men’s Chorus.

  171. eaglesoars
    174 | January 9, 2025 10:48 pm

    Thank god we put the whole house generator in. It’s 22 degrees and the whole neighborhood just lost power. 1200 customers impacted cause unknown

  172. Possum
    175 | January 10, 2025 1:09 am

    State emergency declared!

    Due to it being slightly chilly in Texas we are advised to reduce electricity usage, get pets indoors and cover plants.

    Oh my! we is going to die!

    Currently 36F and light rain here.

    I said before we need more granularity in these “emergency” alerts.

  173. Possum
    176 | January 10, 2025 1:11 am

    @ eaglesoars:
    Turn off all lights, make house look like you have no power.

  174. 178 | January 10, 2025 2:23 am

    Possum wrote:

    I said before we need more granularity in these “emergency” alerts.

    A citywide emergency evacuation aler was issued for the City of Los Angeles earlier today. A lot of people panicked.

    The emergency system alert was issued by accident and was retracted.

  175. Possum
    179 | January 10, 2025 2:26 am

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:
    That has happened before in many other states. Hawaiiiii springs to mind and North Korean missile.

  176. Possum
    180 | January 10, 2025 2:31 am

    @ Possum:
    I has all the amber and silver and all the other alerts turned off on my phone. You cannot turn off presidential ones.

    But, *laughing in Possum* you can turn your phone off when it is sleepy time.

  177. 181 | January 10, 2025 3:18 am

    @ Possum:
    Most of the alerts we get are about elderly dementia patients who wandered away from the ward. If I turn my phone off, a helicopter flies over the house and broadcasts the message.

  178. 182 | January 10, 2025 3:40 am

    California residents have long been struggling with insurance companies that no longer want to protect their homes, and thousands of policies — including around 1,600 in the now-devastated Pacific Palisades neighborhood — were dropped in the months leading up to this week’s wildfires.

    They’re so screwed.

  179. Possum
    183 | January 10, 2025 3:51 am

    we has issues here. bored and went to youtube and did the ELP thing, then some

    pink Floyd then Europa, final countdown.

    then on the random list came up Drummer Ami doing a drum cover and Natasha went nuts!

    Thar was just her watching the video, no sound as i had headphones on..

    we going to do this again. with sound…

  180. Possum
    185 | January 10, 2025 4:04 am

    @ Possum:
    Natasha enjoying music night.

    Now, for anyone that actually watched that video and wondered why her right ear has the tip missing.

    She is a TNR cat.

    TNR cats are feral cats that have been trapped, neutered, and returned to their outdoor homes. TNR stands for “trap-neuter-return”. It’s a humane and effective way to manage feral cat populations.

  181. Possum
    186 | January 10, 2025 4:06 am

    @ Possum:
    Oh link!

    Notice her right ear.

  182. 187 | January 10, 2025 4:12 am

    Possum wrote:

    Thar was just her watching the video, no sound as i had headphones on..

    She does a lot of stretching. She’s got bouncy feets too.
    Kitty Durham is my favorite female drummer to watch.

  183. Possum
    188 | January 10, 2025 4:25 am

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:
    Sina is another awesome female drummer.

    I do not actually know how they do this. Do they get access to the original multi track recordings and delete the drum tracks?

    Like karaoke removes the vocals.

  184. Possum
    189 | January 10, 2025 5:09 am

    Also Natasha likes watching police car chases with me and she bops the screen when they do the PIT thing and send the fleeing felon to a fiery death

    Cats are evil

  185. lobo91
    190 | January 10, 2025 9:47 am

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    Into the wood chipper.

    LAPD still has Crown Vics? The last year those were made was 2011.

  186. eaglesoars
    191 | January 10, 2025 10:21 am

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:

    Hey Bunk. My cousin’s daughter says she is sheltering in place, that she lives in ‘the flats’ and the fires are in the hills. Do you know what ‘the flats’ are?

  187. eaglesoars
    192 | January 10, 2025 10:26 am

    It’s finally started snowing. 3-8 inches depending on what source you look at. All Knox County schools closed

  188. lobo91
    193 | January 10, 2025 10:42 am

    Trump Sentenced With No Penalties, Jail Time in New York Records Case

    Judge Merchan gave Trump an unconditional discharge, which means that no penalties were imposed.

  189. eaglesoars
    194 | January 10, 2025 12:00 pm

    Loren is the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan

    NEW: FEC reports show Loren Merchan’s Democratic consulting firm raked in at least $7.3 million between the end of May 2024 (after Pres Trump was convicted) and Election Day.

    Top clients during that time include Tammy Baldwin, Gretchen Whitmer, John Tester, Cory Booker.

  190. eaglesoars
    195 | January 10, 2025 12:04 pm

    Turns out the power outage last night was due to an accident that took down a pole about 2 miles away

  191. 196 | January 10, 2025 1:00 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:

    Hey Bunk. My cousin’s daughter says she is sheltering in place, that she lives in ‘the flats’ and the fires are in the hills. Do you know what ‘the flats’ are?

    Nope. I axed the missus too – she grew up here. She hasn’t heard of “the flats” either.

  192. eaglesoars
    197 | January 10, 2025 1:05 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:


  193. 198 | January 10, 2025 1:29 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    It appears to be an area in Beverly Hills.

  194. Possum
    199 | January 10, 2025 1:33 pm

    In the UK an apartment is not called an apartment it is called a ” Flat ”

    In the LA area there are several apartment buildings called ” The Flats ”

    One of those strange things Americans do to name something in a quaint English style so the rent is $100 more.

    There is an area in Beverly Hills which is known as ” The Flats ”

    So, basically, I have actually no clue whatsoever where Eagles cousins daughter is sheltering.

  195. Possum
    200 | January 10, 2025 1:34 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:

    You is good, and if I typed faster with more fingers I would have beated you to the answer.

  196. Possum
    201 | January 10, 2025 2:11 pm

    I am a strong believer that vital infrastructure should be a nationally owned and operated thing.

    In the UK the postal system, electricity generation, telecommunication network, rail network etc used to be a government thing then they got sold off and privatised. Lots of companies.

    In the US it has been like that for decades. Electricity generation and distribution is an example. Currently the focus in Texas is can the private corporations keep our lights on during this cold spell?

    Why should they bother if it hurts their profit margin?

    So, I am all for vital infrastructure being nationalised, the communist way.

    EXCEPT for USPS. That nationally government owned and run organisation should die a sudden and horrible death. Useless….

    LOL you guessed it, I have a package due today. USPS, the lord only knows where it will end up. UPS, FedEx, Walmart, Amazon deliver a package to my door.

    USPS deliver to the apartment complex office, or pretend there is no one at the apartment to receive the package or say the address is wrong and return it to sender.

    I know why, the mail person weighs in at well over 400lbs, the silly little mail truck leans over to one side when it goes past!

    Get rid of USPS. Save billions in tax payer money.

  197. 202 | January 10, 2025 3:05 pm

    @ Possum:
    The only area I know of that’s called “The Flats” is in the Mistake On The Lake. Locals call it Cleveland Ohio.

  198. 203 | January 10, 2025 3:09 pm

    @ Possum:
    If I’d been paying attention, we could have played the annoying time / comment number correlation game.

  199. eaglesoars
    204 | January 10, 2025 3:17 pm

    JUST IN: LAPD says there is no probable cause to charge the man walking around with a large blowtorch in LA with arson.

    He must have just been trying to light a cigarette with a massive blowtorch!

    The man was detained by local residents after they accused him of trying to start fires.

    “There was not enough probable cause to arrest this person on arson or suspicion of arson, and therefore, this person was arrested on a felony probation violation.”

  200. eaglesoars
    205 | January 10, 2025 4:38 pm

    Big fire in the Bronx. video

  201. 206 | January 10, 2025 5:11 pm

    @ Possum:
    I don’t trust the government to do a decent job of running many things. Including rail, telecomm/internet, and utilities.

  202. lobo91
    207 | January 10, 2025 5:15 pm

    right_wing2 wrote:

    @ Possum:
    I don’t trust the government to do a decent job of running many things. Including rail, telecomm/internet, and utilities.

    Health care

  203. eaglesoars
    208 | January 10, 2025 5:23 pm

    And they wonder why they lost

    Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz

    Tim Walz
    DNC to hold first in-person candidate forum in Detroit
    Walz endorses Minnesota Democratic chair as next DNC leader
    Jim Gaffigan defends anti-Trump remarks even if ‘true die-hard’ MAGA ‘never forgive me’
    More(Tim Walz)
    (D) endorsed Democratic National Committee vice chair candidate David Hogg on Friday, marking the latest big name endorsement for Hogg.

    “David Hogg represents exactly the kind of bold, dynamic, and courageous leadership the Democratic Party needs right now,” Walz said in a statement.

    “After campaigning with David throughout the country, I know firsthand his unique ability to connect with the American people and to speak to the strengths of our party,” he continued.

  204. eaglesoars
    209 | January 10, 2025 5:27 pm

    A 12-year-old girl was raped by 19 (!) migrants in a parking garage near Vienna Central Station, Austria.

    The first migrant on trial, a 17-year-old Syrian national, was acquitted, even though he had already confessed.

    The court ruled there was no evidence to prove the schoolgirl did not consent.

    He left the girl €100 as a ‘gesture of goodwill’ before leaving the courtroom.

  205. 210 | January 10, 2025 5:31 pm

    I emailed the folks I worked for in Santa Monica. Owner of the firm lives in the Palisades, lost his house. He had a huge collection of antiques and artwork. Original Miro paintings.

  206. eaglesoars
    211 | January 10, 2025 5:32 pm

    Jesus God

    “They put a pump in the anus of a 12 year old girl to expand it so multiple men could rape her and your country covered that up and then told me Tommy was the bad guy.”

    Tim Pool pushes back on Piers Morgan demonizing Elon Musk’s defense of Tommy Robinson for exposing the UK police’s grooming gang coverup.

  207. 212 | January 10, 2025 6:07 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    Piers Morgan is a douche.

  208. eaglesoars
    213 | January 10, 2025 6:36 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:

    not always but he has his moments that’s for sure

  209. eaglesoars
    214 | January 10, 2025 8:06 pm



    15 areas in Britain have applied to CANCEL and delay local elections in May.

    9 million voters won’t be able to vote.

    Maybe they are afraid that Reform will get a resounding victory?

    This is undemocratic.

  210. eaglesoars
    215 | January 10, 2025 8:13 pm

    All the crap being thrown into the atomosphere by the fires and they pull THIS?

    I just heard from my brother, a firefighter in Central Oregon, that the 60 firetrucks the state sent to support the LA fires are being held up in Sacramento for ‘emissions testing.’ They likely won’t pass inspection and won’t be able to help… What a joke

  211. 216 | January 10, 2025 9:23 pm

    L.A. Mayor Karen Bass has just dismissed L.A. Fire Chief Kristin Crowley for telling the truth about the budget cuts.

  212. 217 | January 10, 2025 9:35 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:
    FoxNews is reporting Bass says she HASN’T been fired as previously reported.

  213. Aussie Infidel
    218 | January 11, 2025 3:11 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Norwegian PM sits down with Bill Gates to warn against Elon Musk interfering in other countries.

    You can’t make this shit up.

    Does an editorial in and international paper, e.g. Financial Times ‘interfere?

    No. It’s an opinion.

    A one word response …..

    SOROS ……….

  214. Aussie Infidel
    219 | January 11, 2025 3:14 am

    eaglesoars wrote:



    15 areas in Britain have applied to CANCEL and delay local elections in May.

    9 million voters won’t be able to vote.

    Maybe they are afraid that Reform will get a resounding victory?

    This is undemocratic.

    Holding democratic local body elections has been passed in the UK for decades.

  215. Aussie Infidel
    220 | January 11, 2025 3:32 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Jesus God

    “They put a pump in the anus of a 12 year old girl to expand it so multiple men could rape her and your country covered that up and then told me Tommy was the bad guy.”

    Tim Pool pushes back on Piers Morgan demonizing Elon Musk’s defense of Tommy Robinson for exposing the UK police’s grooming gang coverup.

    Reform was all well and good amongst the ‘to the Manor BornConservatives’ as long as virtually nobody from the right ever had a chance to win a plurality in Local Body elections. Most Local Body elections managed to convince only 20% of the electorate that it was worth even turning up at the Polling place on the right day.

    Local Body elections in the UK have been captured by Marxist fanatics since 2000. Yawn!

    Noe The Reform Party stalwarts standing in National elections were thought of as aberrations. Even Nigel just loved flapping his gums in Parliament UNTIL he found himself in with a chance to become the PM. THEN things got serious and he had real power to lose, and a chance to win. THEN it all got very serious indeed and Nigel had real power to lose!

    Now Nigel has has a ‘Road to Damascus’ moment and starts behaving like a typical Politician with real power to lose! Nigel suddenly loves POWER or the mere sniff of POWER and decides to be just a typical politician. Reform and even Musk and Tommy Robinson are better off without Nigel!

  216. Aussie Infidel
    221 | January 11, 2025 3:43 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    If I’m following correctly, the British government:
    1. Gave up an island it owned for no reason other than woke virtue signaling
    2. Realized it needed the military base on that island
    3. Is now desperate to buy a lease from the new owners to operate that base, at any price, having given up all negotiating leverage

    Now where have I heard a similar story??

    Oh YES.

    Carter sold the Panama Canal for a $ buck. Then allowed Panama to lease it back to the CCP through a cut out Chinese company, knowing full well that the CCP controlled the deal.

    I don’t care a jot that Carter is just warm in his grave.

    He sold the USA down the river for a slice of Chinese cash!

  217. Possum
    222 | January 11, 2025 4:14 am

    @ Aussie Infidel:
    Hey, I am laughing my ass off. The USA is crying about the Panama Canal?

    The Suez Canal is yelling ” Hold my beer ”

    Britain, France and Israel lost control of the Suez Canal in 1956 and it became Egyptian due to the USA getting involved, on the side of Egypt.

  218. eaglesoars
    223 | January 11, 2025 8:36 am

    I’ve never heard of this before. It’s astonishing. The Shell Grotto

  219. eaglesoars
    224 | January 11, 2025 10:00 am

    For those wondering how long the Santa Ynez Reservoir has been empty the answer is June 2009. Go to Google Earth and locate Santa Ynez. There’s a slider top left allowing you to scroll through historic satellite imagery which I marked with a yellow rectangle.

    Oh. Didn’t they tell us it was emptied for ‘maintainence?

  220. eaglesoars
    225 | January 11, 2025 10:43 am

    This is the weirdest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I don’t know how to describe it

    Congresswomen is caught on camera being mind controlled by a human hybrid handler

  221. eaglesoars
    226 | January 11, 2025 10:48 am

    It appears people broke into an army reserve center in California and stole THREE Humvees, machine gun vehicle mounts, machine gun tripods, and tried to steal uniforms.

    Setting aside the obvious question: how in the name of sweet holy hell do you steal and conceal three Humvees…

    These people should be immediately regarded as terrorists, not not referred to as mere “thieves”.

  222. lobo91
    227 | January 11, 2025 11:28 am

    @ eaglesoars:

    Stealing a Humvee isn’t particularly difficult. They don’t even have ignition keys. Just a switch. The only lock is a cable or chain with a padlock securing the steering wheel.

  223. eaglesoars
    228 | January 11, 2025 11:30 am

    Zucksbucks has a lot to answer for

    Ah lads, this is too funny.

    Facebook had Ibrahim Halawa working as a moderator!

    An Egyptian Muslim who was arrested while trying to overthrow the Egyptian government.

    His father runs the biggest mosque in Ireland on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood.

  224. eaglesoars
    229 | January 11, 2025 12:41 pm

    um, really?

    BREAKING: Greenland Prime Minister Mute Egede says he is ready to speak with Donald Trump as he calls for independence from Denmark.

  225. 230 | January 11, 2025 12:55 pm

    FEMA kicks hurricane survivors out of temporary housing into snowstorm and freezing temperatures
    FEMA is also closing disaster recovery centers in North Carolina until Monday — ‘due to winter weather’

  226. 231 | January 11, 2025 1:09 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    I’ve never heard of this before. It’s astonishing. The Shell Grotto

    Cool pics of the mosaics.

  227. 232 | January 11, 2025 1:13 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    For those wondering how long the Santa Ynez Reservoir has been empty the answer is June 2009. Go to Google Earth and locate Santa Ynez. There’s a slider top left allowing you to scroll through historic satellite imagery which I marked with a yellow rectangle.

    Oh. Didn’t they tell us it was emptied for ‘maintainence?

    Mr. Wrechard had to make a correction after it was pointed out that the reservoir has a floating cover, making it appear to have been empty for a long time.

  228. 233 | January 11, 2025 1:20 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:
    HOWEVER, the reserve was emptied for maintenenance prior to the fires.

  229. 234 | January 11, 2025 1:23 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Congresswomen is caught on camera being mind controlled by a human hybrid handler

  230. Possum
    235 | January 11, 2025 1:48 pm

    If my drinking water came from a reservoir up in the hills that was covered with a plastic thing that occasionally had to be repaired I would only ever drink beer and wine.

    I knows how sneaky frogs are. They is going to be under that cover and fucking and spawning and shitting like every day is Spring break in Cancun.

  231. Possum
    236 | January 11, 2025 1:54 pm

    Um, we may have a really serious global event happening!

    I think the Earth stopped rotating.

    It is 12:51pm here and the East facing porch is in full sunlight and the out the door stairs thing is in shadow.

    Cats alerted me to this fact. At noon they usually migrate to the West of the building.

    Or did the fucking clocks change overnight again?

  232. Possum
    237 | January 11, 2025 1:58 pm

    @ Possum:
    LOL just checked what time zone my electronical devices thing we are in and they all say Central.

    The sun and the cats say different.

  233. eaglesoars
    238 | January 11, 2025 2:13 pm

    Former European Commissioner and Wannabe Tyrant Thierry Breton Says EU May Cancel German Elections if Right-Wing AfD Wins

  234. Possum
    239 | January 11, 2025 2:14 pm

    @ Possum:
    OK maybe the Earth is still rotating. Sunlight on East balcony is receding. Natasha just jumped onto the dividing wall of the balconies and still absorbing the warmth.

    What she will do next, and cats are predictable, is jump onto the roof, then go lay on the West side and absorb more warmth.

    I would take a picture but nobody looks at them.

  235. eaglesoars
    240 | January 11, 2025 2:17 pm

    Hubby has been invited to Trump’s inauguration

  236. lobo91
    241 | January 11, 2025 2:18 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    Former European Commissioner and Wannabe Tyrant Thierry Breton Says EU May Cancel German Elections if Right-Wing AfD Wins

    “Shit…why didn’t we think of that?”

    –Joe Biden

  237. eaglesoars
    242 | January 11, 2025 3:51 pm

    You can’t make this shit up

    A week ago Former Labour Minister Ivor Caplin was on TV lambasting
    about mean tweets

    Today he has been arrested after he allegedly attempted to meet a 15 year old boy during a sting operation by a Facebook paedophile hunters group

  238. rain of lead
    243 | January 11, 2025 4:02 pm

    Helicopters Battle Flames

  239. rain of lead
    244 | January 11, 2025 4:06 pm

    kinda been watching this off and on all day and it does not look like they are having any impact

  240. eaglesoars
    245 | January 11, 2025 4:21 pm

    @ lobo91:


  241. eaglesoars
    246 | January 11, 2025 5:26 pm

    Jack Smith has resigned

  242. Buckeye Abroad
    247 | January 11, 2025 6:34 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Hubby has been invited to Trump’s inauguration


  243. eaglesoars
    248 | January 11, 2025 8:07 pm

    Buckeye Abroad wrote:

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Hubby has been invited to Trump’s inauguration


    He won’t be going but it’s nice to be asked. He was at Mar a Lago and met Melania and I grilled him on what she was wearing. Unfortunately my husband is colorblind.


    But he did say she’s even more beautiful in person, photos don’t do her justice

  244. Buckeye Abroad
    249 | January 11, 2025 10:04 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    I have been to Ljubljana on a business trip once. I could envision living there. Good people.

  245. eaglesoars
    250 | January 11, 2025 10:04 pm

    Steve Bannon: ‘I Will Do Anything’ to Keep Elon Musk out of the White House

    I like Bannon but I don’t think he’s going to win this one. Not to mention I think there is a shit load of jealousy involved.

  246. coldwarrior
    251 | January 12, 2025 5:30 am

    @ eaglesoars:
    I don’t remember Bannon winning the election. Did he run? I must have missed that.

  247. eaglesoars
    252 | January 12, 2025 9:18 am

    @ coldwarrior:


  248. eaglesoars
    253 | January 12, 2025 9:28 am

    I’m posting this thread of Karen Bass, mayor of Los Angeles, comiserating, simplybecause the ratio in the replies is pure fire

    Former child actor Rory Skyes, who was born blind and had cerebral palsy has died in the Palisades Fire, his mother announced.
    His mother has a broken arm and was unable to lift or move her son to safety

    Keep smiling and makie this about your ass saving PR attempt.
    We want your resignation, either voluntarily or forced.
    Your choice.

  249. eaglesoars
    254 | January 12, 2025 9:32 am

    I cannot wait

    Kash Patel~ I’m calling on Congress to issue Subpoenas on Judge Merchan’s daughter’s company, who made $15M off this trial

    America is calling for a full accounting of our judicial system… i want all the bank records

  250. eaglesoars
    255 | January 12, 2025 9:42 am

    I suspect this was Trump’s intent all along

    Trump can use Greenland’s desire for independence to leverage a deal that gives him almost everything he wants while also appealing to Greenland’s and Denmark’s pride and interests.

    That’s what a COFA could do. The United States has three such treaties with the Republic of Micronesia, Palau, and the Marshall Islands. The U.S. supplies each with economic aid and access to many government programs such as Medicaid. Imports from these countries are largely tariff-free, and citizens of these nations can live and work in the United States.

    [COFA – Compact of Free Association]

  251. eaglesoars
    256 | January 12, 2025 10:34 am


    NEW: California Governor Gavin Newsom has claimed that former President Donald Trump hasn’t returned any of his calls.

  252. Possum
    257 | January 12, 2025 2:53 pm

    A food post.

    If anyone here has an Uber account, and upgraded to Uber one or whatever for a while then cancelled it. Long story, I don’t go anywhere now, last time I traveled anywhere was two years ago to renew my driver licence, to get beer delivered you need a valid ID. I have not had a car since May 2020

    Anyway, Uber and Ubereats keep sending me ” Please come back ” emails and coupons.

    And I take advantage of their generosity.

    Yesterday used their coupon/offer.

    It’s been a minute since you last ordered on Uber Eats. Since you’ve been gone, we’ve added thousands of new restaurants across the country.

    Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a late night snack, we have what you’re craving. Give us another try with 70%
    off your next 2 orders through Sunday. Max savings of $20.

    AND!!!! Whataburger seemed nice yesterday. So I went for it.

    Total $22.81

    #3 Triple Meat Whataburger®
    Large Bun (5″) $0.00
    Tomato $0.00
    Lettuce $0.00
    No Pickles $0.00
    Diced Onions $0.00
    Signature Sauces
    No Mustard $0.00
    Mayonnaise $0.00
    Ketchup $0.00
    #1 Whataburger®
    Large Bun (5″) $0.00
    Tomato $0.00
    Lettuce $0.00
    No Pickles $0.00
    Diced Onions $0.00
    Signature Sauces
    No Mustard $0.00
    Mayonnaise $0.00
    Ketchup $0.00

    Subtotal $29.59
    Promotion -$20.00
    Tip $4.92
    Delivery Fee $0.99
    Service Fee $4.87
    Tax $2.44

    I will not bore you with the details but I got three big burgers and one insanely big burger delivered for actually less money than if I went to the store and bought them.

    The downside is the three #1 Whataburgers at 620 calories each has been eated.

    Next on the menu for Sunday lunch is the

    The triple meat Whataburger burger contains 1070 calories, 63g fat, 21g saturated fat, 62 carbs, 65g protein, and 1,720mg sodium per burger12. This is more than half the number of calories most people need in a day

    Expecting laughing and/or vomiting from posters here when I tell you it is going to be re-constituted into a fresh burger due to my expertise in taking them apart, re-toasting the bun, keeping the lettuce, onion, tomato and mayo cold, flash frying the meat and. Well this is the thing that is gonna make you puke!

    Notice pickles were subtracted. That is because I insert pickled beetroot slices instead.

    Pickled beetroot on a burger is heaven….

  253. Possum
    258 | January 12, 2025 3:03 pm

    @ Possum:

    For anyone buying burgers in bulk so you can take them apart and re-incarnate them into a delicacy then….


    It sticks to the burger patties and the buns. Making dismantling really difficult.

    I always have a stock of sharp cheddar, in both block form and shredded if it is required.

  254. eaglesoars
    259 | January 12, 2025 3:36 pm

    Some got prison sentences but a lot didn’t. Not all of them are foreign names either

    Labour Pedos, 50 of them.

    Wanna bet there are a lot more?

    Of course there is, it will be endemic.

  255. eaglesoars
    260 | January 12, 2025 5:05 pm

    Some badass flying here

  256. eaglesoars
    261 | January 12, 2025 8:56 pm

    The British Prime Minister, Stasi Starmer, has not been invited to the inauguration.

  257. 262 | January 13, 2025 8:36 am

    Round 2 of chemo on Thursday. Her hair is very thin already. Appetite has come back, just in time to start getting sick again.

    And her follow up with the trauma surgeon about her broken humerus is next Wednesday. We either find out everything looks good, find out we need to wait another six months, or find out she’ll need to have the whole damn thing replaced. If it’s replacement, that might have to be put on hold while she finishes up her chemo.

  258. lobo91
    263 | January 13, 2025 9:59 am

    Gavin Newsom sparks outrage for soliciting donations to LA wildfire victims via his super PAC

    California Gov. Gavin Newsom sparked fierce outrage for soliciting donations to victims of the deadly Los Angeles wildfires via his super PAC, which pushed users to add their personal information to a Democratic fundraising site.

    Newsom, 57, posted a link on X to, a website set up by his campaign committee, in response to what he claimed was misinformation on the wildfires.

    But the site urges users to give money to the California Fire Foundation and links them to a module from ActBlue, the Democratic Party’s fundraising platform. The ActBlue donation box says the money is being raised by Campaign for Democracy, Newsom’s super PAC.

    “Your donation will go directly towards supporting firefighters and the communities they serve, including direct financial support to impacted residents,” the site says.

    The California Fire Foundation, which helps firefighters, their families and victims, allows users to donate directly without relying on a service like ActBlue to make those transactions.

    Users who donate via Newsom’s fundraising appeal are also automatically signing up for text messages from his super PAC, if they provide their phone numbers.

  259. eaglesoars
    264 | January 13, 2025 10:44 am

    right_wing2 wrote:

    If it’s replacement, that might have to be put on hold while she finishes up her chemo.

    gawd. what a mess

  260. eaglesoars
    265 | January 13, 2025 10:44 am

    @ lobo91:

    Pocahantas Warren did the same thing

  261. eaglesoars
    266 | January 13, 2025 10:45 am

    oh jeez that’s too bad. Anyway……

    BREAKING: Jennifer Rubin out at Washington Post.

    She accuses Jeff Bezos of enabling “the most acute threat to American democracy—Donald Trump.

  262. eaglesoars
    267 | January 13, 2025 10:47 am

    This should be fun

    i>Maduro says he will invade Puerto Rico “with Brazilian troops” to “liberate them from the United States”

  263. eaglesoars
    268 | January 13, 2025 11:31 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    BREAKING: Jennifer Rubin out at Washington Post.

    She accuses Jeff Bezos of enabling “the most acute threat to American democracy—Donald Trump.

    Ho ho ho!

    She’s teaming up with Norm Eisen

  264. 269 | January 13, 2025 12:53 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    Yeah. 2024 was a crappy year for her.

    I don’t know how things will work with the lowest suit against the hotel, but if I’m ever asked what I want from them, I’ll have to respond with “What do I want, or what do I think is fair? Because there’s a big difference.”

    I’ll also have to mention this happened because of their poorly maintained facilities.

  265. Deplorable Martian Overlord
  266. eaglesoars
    271 | January 13, 2025 2:51 pm

    Newly arriving out of state fire trucks unable to get gas to fight the Los Angeles Pacific Palisades fires

    “These guys came all the way from Oregon, but cannot get gas at Malibu. — They can’t get diesel because these pumps are not working”

  267. 272 | January 13, 2025 2:51 pm

    @ Possum:
    Buy a box of 24 frozen White Castle sliders, onions only. If you take a slice of American cheese, fold it diagonally twice; two small triangles fit perfectly on the square burger with no overhang. Arrange four sliders on a plate, cover them with a paper towel and nuke them. Then nuke some baked beans for dipping sauce and you’re off to the races.

  268. eaglesoars
    273 | January 13, 2025 2:51 pm

    @ Deplorable Martian Overlord:

    That’s brazen even for the Chicoms

  269. 274 | January 13, 2025 2:52 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Hubby has been invited to Trump’s inauguration

    Very cool.

  270. eaglesoars
    275 | January 13, 2025 2:58 pm

    Jen Rubin did WHAT?

    Meanwhile, Jen Rubin is finally leaving the Washington Post. She demanded other journalists resign in protest when their owners made decisions prioritizing profit and sales over wokeness, but didn’t resign herself.

  271. eaglesoars
    276 | January 13, 2025 2:58 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:

    Yeah, a very nice gesture. It’s much appreciated

  272. eaglesoars
    277 | January 13, 2025 3:02 pm

    oh man……………….

    NEWS: Europe’s largest pension fund says it sold its entire $585M stake in $TSLA in Q3 partly due to Elon Musk’s compensation package. The fund voted against it and thought it was “exceptionally high.”

    If they had held, their Tesla stake would now be worth over $1.1 billion.

  273. 278 | January 13, 2025 3:03 pm

    right_wing2 wrote:

    Round 2 of chemo on Thursday. Her hair is very thin already. Appetite has come back, just in time to start getting sick again.

    Damn. Sorry to hear she’s having a rough time.

    Aside from that, depending on your financial situation (income) there are programs that can reduce the co-pays dramatically, but you have to find them. In my case I lucked out, found a woman who knew the system inside and out. She got a $6K copay reduced to $600. Her instructions were not to pay anything until I spoke with her first. She walks on water.

  274. 279 | January 13, 2025 3:06 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:
    Once Medicare kicked in I no longer qualified.

  275. 280 | January 13, 2025 3:15 pm

    Yesterday was Rush Limbaugh’s birthday, Howard Stern’s birthday, and mine.
    I got one phone call from my sister in the convalescent home, everyone else forgot, and I don’t mind at all. The phone was quiet yesterday. 😀

  276. 281 | January 13, 2025 3:24 pm

    Well fun.

    I met with my cardiologist for a follow up after my stress test, and since I’ve been having some tightness in my chest over the last couple of weeks he wants to do another heart catheterization. On top of the stent in 2023. On top of Mrs. RW’s broken humerus and cancer last year.

    If it’s not one thing it’s another.

  277. rain of lead
    282 | January 13, 2025 3:48 pm

    hey y’all

    On Sunday, Newsom signed an executive order that suspends requirements for permits and reviews under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the California Coastal Act for properties that were substantially damaged or destroyed in the fires.

    CEQA, which was signed into law in 1970 by then-Governor Ronald Reagan, requires public agencies to regulate activities that may affect the environment.

  278. 283 | January 13, 2025 4:02 pm

    @ rain of lead:
    1970 was the same year that Richard Nixon created the EPA.

  279. rain of lead
    284 | January 13, 2025 4:05 pm

    Thanks to a lawsuit by some pilots at American Airlines, a major federal court ruling just put corporations and money management firms on notice that it is a violation of federal law to misappropriate employees’ investment accounts to pursue the radical ESG agenda.

    Think about the magnitude of that final sentence. American Airlines chose to use the personal savings of its employees’ 401k plan “to benefit a party other than the Plan participants.” Misuse of money by a custodian to which it has been entrusted is a form of theft, and that is what American Airlines and Black Rock did to American Airlines employees. The same is true for every other company allowing Black Rock to mismanage money in service to its anti-freedom political agenda.

    Every corporation that uses Black Rock (and State Street, etc) better start taking a hard look at how those money managers are using proxy votes to illegally advocate for ESG.

    Black Rock and its diabolic CEO, Larry Fink, should start lawyering up, since a federal court is now acknowledging that the company deliberately abandoned its fiduciary responsibilities to pursue a political agenda that negatively affected the retirement accounts and savings of millions of victims.

  280. 285 | January 13, 2025 4:05 pm

    A lawsuit has been filed against Southern California Edison (SCE) for causing the Eaton fire. They didn’t power down their equipment prior to the winds as is standard practice. Trees fell & took down power lines that went all sparky.

  281. eaglesoars
    287 | January 13, 2025 5:48 pm

    A former Russian mercenary was captured by U.S. Border Patrol agents near the city of Roma after he waded across the Rio Grande.

    According to KVEO, Timur Praliev was reportedly carrying two passports—one from Russia and one from Kazakhstan—as well as $4,000 in U.S. cash and 60,000 Mexican pesos. Following a search of his backpack, Border Patrol agents discovered that he was also transporting a drone.

  282. eaglesoars
    288 | January 13, 2025 5:49 pm

    rain of lead wrote:

    deliberately abandoned its fiduciary responsibilities

    It’s called stealing and they should do to him what they’ve done to Rudy Guiliani. Right down to his shorts

  283. eaglesoars
    289 | January 13, 2025 5:53 pm

    “A review of her public daily schedule for the past year shows that Ms. Bass has traveled out of the country at city expense at least four other times in recent months before the Ghana visit,” the NYT reported. “Once to Mexico for the inauguration of President Claudia Sheinbaum and three times to France for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.”

    on the taxpayers dime

  284. eaglesoars
    290 | January 13, 2025 7:49 pm

    I am vindicated

    NEW – JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon says “Bitcoin has no intrinsic value. It’s used heavily by sex traffickers, money launderers, ransomware.”

  285. coldwarrior
    291 | January 13, 2025 8:08 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    I am vindicated

    NEW – JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon says “Bitcoin has no intrinsic value. It’s used heavily by sex traffickers, money launderers, ransomware.”

    Won’t go anywhere near it.

  286. eaglesoars
    292 | January 13, 2025 9:41 pm

    Breaking from @hntrbrkmedia : China’s DJI, the world’s largest drone manufacturer, has disabled U.S. geofencing on its drones, enabling flights over airports, military bases, and no-fly zones.

    DJI says it is putting “control back in the hands of the drone operators”

  287. eaglesoars
    293 | January 13, 2025 9:42 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    read that thread

  288. eaglesoars
    294 | January 13, 2025 9:46 pm

    LA Mayor Used Fire Department Money to Fund Queer Occult Interests, ‘Ebony Theatre,’ Trans Cafe, and More

  289. eaglesoars
    295 | January 13, 2025 9:51 pm

    Canadians Flee To U.S. After Doctors Threaten To ‘Unplug’ Their Son And Harvest His Organs

  290. lobo91
    296 | January 13, 2025 10:13 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    That’s actually not accurate. DJI had its own geofencing system that was more restrictive than what’s required by the FAA. They didn’t eliminate it entirely. They just updated it to match the FAA’s requirements.

  291. lobo91
    297 | January 13, 2025 10:16 pm

    DJI has updated its geofencing system in the U.S. to align with FAA regulations, rather than completely disabling geofencing. This update involves replacing previous DJI geofencing datasets with official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) data. Areas previously labeled as “Restricted Zones” are now displayed as “Enhanced Warning Zones” in DJI’s Fly and Pilot flight apps. This change gives more control back to the drone operators, requiring them to obtain airspace authorization directly from the FAA for flights in these zones. However, this does not mean that all restrictions are removed; instead, it shifts the responsibility to the operator to ensure compliance with FAA regulations.

    Therefore, while DJI has not entirely disabled geofencing, they have altered how these restrictions are managed, which might lead to some confusion regarding the ability to fly over sensitive areas like airports and military bases without proper authorization. This update was implemented starting January 13, 2025, on both consumer and enterprise drone products in the United States.
    7:25 PM · Jan 13, 2025

  292. eaglesoars
    298 | January 13, 2025 10:51 pm

    @ lobo91:

    jeez why can’t they get this crap right?

  293. lobo91
    299 | January 13, 2025 11:19 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    @ lobo91:

    jeez why can’t they get this crap right?

    That requires reading past the headline.

    DJI’s software was always too conservative with regard to restricted areas. It’s about time they changed it to align with the actual FAA restrictions.

  294. eaglesoars
    300 | January 14, 2025 9:21 am

    In 1983 the Capitol was bombed by a left wing group MI9 that was radicalized by
    South Los Angeles Vinceremos Brigade. Which was founded by Karen Bass

  295. eaglesoars
    301 | January 14, 2025 9:24 am

    The 100 Labour Party staffers who traveled to the U.S. to campaign against Donald Trump and in support of Kamala Harris may face serious legal consequences under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

    Acting as unregistered foreign agents is a federal offense. By interfering in America’s election, these Labour operatives crossed a dangerous line.

  296. eaglesoars
  297. lobo91
    303 | January 14, 2025 10:01 am

    President Biden on Monday named Navy aircraft carriers after former Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush.

    “I am proud to announce that the next two Gerald R. Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers will be named for two former presidents: Bill Clinton and George W. Bush,” Biden said in a statement on Monday.

    “When I personally delivered the news to Bill and George, they were deeply humbled,” the president added. “Each knows firsthand the weight of the responsibilities that come with being Commander-in-Chief. And both know well our duty to support the families and loved ones who wait and worry for the safe return of their servicemember.”

    Bush, Clinton and Biden attended funeral services for former President Carter last week, alongside the two other living presidents, former President Obama and President-elect Trump.

    In his Monday statement on the aircraft carriers, Biden said construction on the two ships named for his predecessors is coming “in the years ahead.” Upon the ships’ completion, the president added, “They will join the most capable, flexible, and professional Navy that has ever put to sea.”

    “They will be crewed by Sailors who hail from every corner of the United States, and who will sail these ships into harm’s way, defending our interests overseas and our safety here at home,” Biden added.

  298. eaglesoars
    304 | January 14, 2025 10:57 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    The 100 Labour Party staffers who traveled to the U.S. to campaign against Donald Trump and in support of Kamala Harris may face serious legal consequences under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

    there’s more

    BREAKING: Labour’s Head of Operations, Sophia Patel, has deleted her LinkedIn profile and locked her Twitter after explosive allegations surfaced that she organized 100 Labour staffers to meddle in the 2024 US election—allegedly to prevent Donald Trump’s reelection.

    Here’s where it gets serious: thanks to extradition laws signed by former Labour PM Tony Blair, it’s now easier for UK citizens to be sent to the US to face charges.

    Patel could potentially be charged with:

    Election Interference
    2️⃣ Failure to Register as a Foreign Agent (FARA)
    3️⃣ Conspiracy to Commit an Offense Against the US
    4️⃣ Cybercrime or Unauthorized Access
    5️⃣ Transporting Funds for Unlawful Purposes
    6️⃣ Interstate Travel to Aid Unlawful Activities

    If convicted, these charges carry severe penalties, including significant fines and prison time. Is Patel now terrified she’ll be extradited and prosecuted under US law?
    This could explode into a major international scandal with far-reaching implications.

  299. eaglesoars
    305 | January 14, 2025 3:13 pm

    British pubs could ban customers talking about RELIGION and criticizing TRANSGENDER people, under new plans by the UK’s authoritarian government.

    Labour’s proposed workers’ rights reforms could lead to a ban on customers discussing topics deemed ‘controversial.’

    Under the proposed reforms, employers could face legal action if they fail to protect staff from harassment by “third parties” such as customers.

    Under the proposed legislation, harassment is defined as “unwanted conduct that has the purpose or effect of violating the recipient’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.”

  300. eaglesoars
    306 | January 14, 2025 3:14 pm

    the UK has fallen

    Yesterday I became British. I thought the ceremony will be nationalistic and a bit cringe until the lord mayor of Brighton started his speech with al salamu ‘alaykum

  301. eaglesoars
    307 | January 14, 2025 3:22 pm

    Copenhagen Atomics Progressing to Mass Production of Molten Salt Nuclear Reactors

    Copenhagen Atomics is a Danish molten salt technology company developing mass manufacturable molten-salt reactors. The reactor type invented by Copenhagen Atomics is a thorium molten salt breeder reactor, which fits inside a custom built 40 foot shipping container and can be mass manufactured on assembly lines with an expected output of minimum 1 reactor per day (per assembly line). The target customers are large plants producing commodities such as aluminum, ammonia or hydrogen.

  302. rain of lead
    308 | January 14, 2025 4:08 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    for scale, a standard coal fired power plant makes 500megawatts per year
    a standard nuclear power plant makes 1 gig also

  303. rain of lead
    309 | January 14, 2025 4:09 pm


    bet i’m on a list now

  304. eaglesoars
    310 | January 14, 2025 4:09 pm

    I did not know that Karen Bass was in Congress (5 terms at least) and Chair of Congressional Black Caucus. This is from 2020

    In an interview on MSNBC, the five-term House lawmaker and chair of the Congressional Black Caucus addressed her decision to describe Castro as “Comandante en Jefe” in a statement she issued marking his death in 2016.

    The Spanish phrase, which translates in English to commander in chief, has been criticized as unduly deferential to the communist strongman who presided over various human rights abuses.

    “I have talked to my colleagues in the House about that, and it’s certainly something that I would not say again,” Bass said. “I have always supported the Cuban people, and the relationship that Barack Obama and Biden had in their administration in terms of opening up relations.”

    from 2020

  305. Possum
    311 | January 14, 2025 4:10 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    At least they didn’t make the poor guy sing like they do in the USA.

  306. eaglesoars
    312 | January 14, 2025 4:12 pm

    London — The Westminster City Council @CityWestminster
    has posted a DEI job recruitment ad that says whites will be discriminated against. The council is seeking someone from the “Global Majority (GM)” and says it will use “positive” discrimination against white applicants.

    full statement at the link

  307. eaglesoars
    313 | January 14, 2025 4:25 pm

    uh oh


    Speaker Johnson has removed Rep. Thomas Massie from the Rules Committee.

  308. eaglesoars
    314 | January 14, 2025 5:50 pm

    For the first time ever, I have been polled.. mostly about Tennessee

  309. Possum
    315 | January 14, 2025 5:55 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    For the first time ever, I have been polled.. mostly about Tennessee

    I used to absolutely LOVE those calls.

    Especially those calls where they ask you questions and at the end ask you which political candidate I will be voting for. Sometimes it was 15-20 minutes.

    I then say ” I am British, I cannot vote for anyone in the USA”

    Then the line goes suddenly dead.

  310. eaglesoars
    316 | January 14, 2025 6:44 pm


    BREAKING REPORT:⚠️ Just days before Gary Gensler is set to resign, SEC sues Elon Musk over alleged securities violations..


  311. Possum
    317 | January 14, 2025 6:45 pm

    It is almost time to file my taxes!

    Yep, even though I am not an American citizen I have to file a tax thingy.

    This one, 2024 is going to be fun. I don’t think the free Turbotax one is going to have the right buttons to push.

    Maybe going to have to a tax place in person in March when the dust settles.

    Unless the DEA,FBI,ATF break down my door at 4am one morning because Wells Fargo flagged me as a drug dealer.

    I said it before, be aware of which country you retire to.

    Cuba is looking more and more attractive….

  312. eaglesoars
    318 | January 14, 2025 6:46 pm

    @ Possum:

    That was cleared up in the beginning. Are you registered to vote in Tennessee?

  313. Possum
    319 | January 14, 2025 6:52 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    LOL and you probably can thank me for that.

    Once these poll people got sick of me having a laugh and wasting their time they got wise to it.

    First question should be ” are you an American citizen “

  314. Possum
    320 | January 14, 2025 6:55 pm

    @ Possum:
    As in, first question should be to ensure that the person is eligible to be entered as data in the poll.

  315. eaglesoars
    321 | January 14, 2025 7:02 pm

    Our weather forecast from the best forecaster in our area

    A very cold… and we aren’t playing when we say cold… airmass will drop into the area next week. This will drop highs into the low-20s with lows into the single digits.

  316. Possum
    322 | January 14, 2025 7:07 pm

    Cooking post.

    Never been able to cook a Marie Callender or a Banquet pot pie properly.

    Microwaved, oven or on a camp fire stove.

    Today was craving crust, I used to think food cravings were a woman and hormonal thing, but I get them now in my old age.

    Anyway, tried a microwave to thaw then air fryer to make the pastry nice and cooked and browned.

    total of 40 minutes microwave and air fryer and I have 950 calories of mush for $3.27 Marie Callender’s Creamy Parmesan Chicken Pot Pie, Frozen Meal, 15 oz.

    Smells yummy, looks like a fiery car wreck on I69 with no survivors.

    Nope, I am on a Keto diet again and even if I managed to cook the fucking thing and eat it would have kicked me out of ketosis. Just was craving crust!

    Mr Toilet is going to get yet another nice supper…

  317. Possum
    323 | January 14, 2025 7:27 pm

    You know how a while ago I said because I stopped using Uber they keep sending me the 70% off things and I can get food delivered with delivery fee, taxes and tip for less than if I walked to the store and bought it?

    Hulu is the same. I did a month because there was something I wanted to watch then cancelled it.

    Peacock is the same. Just got a year for $20.

    Anyway, if anyone is interested, or cares Hulu is begging me to sign up again.
    The Rookie Is Back
    Start streaming an all-new season of The Rookie on Hulu (With Ads) for only $2.99/month for 6 months.

    Sign up with your promo code: WSD4F97ISS6A
    Promo code

  318. eaglesoars
    324 | January 14, 2025 10:03 pm

    BREAKING: The Biden administration is expected to lift the U.S. designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism, according to U.S. officials familiar with matter.

  319. eaglesoars
    325 | January 14, 2025 10:15 pm

    Did anybody else hear some senator ask Hegseth to define ‘jagoff’? I nearly fell over. I thought that was unique to Pittsbrgh-ese

  320. eaglesoars
    326 | January 14, 2025 10:18 pm

    Somebody explain to me how this works

    For far too long, we have relied on taxing our Great People using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Through soft and pathetically weak Trade agreements, the American Economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the World, while taxing ourselves. It is time for that to change. I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share. January 20, 2025, will be the birth date of the External Revenue Service. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

  321. eaglesoars
    327 | January 14, 2025 10:23 pm

    big layoffs coming…….

    Meta announces 5% cuts in preparation for ‘intense year’ — read the internal memo

  322. eaglesoars
    328 | January 14, 2025 10:52 pm

    Biden’s National Security Advisor says this is his last time speaking UNLESS there’s an “unexpected event in the next few days which we know is totally possible”

    Like WHAT? also he looks anemic

  323. lobo91
    329 | January 15, 2025 12:19 am

    @ eaglesoars:

    He forgot to wink when he said it

  324. eaglesoars
    330 | January 15, 2025 9:12 am

    Sick fucks

    Newsom and the Supermajority are conditioning aid for fire victims. They are only providing it on the condition that $50 million is appropriated for unrelated lawsuits against Trump. This is an absolute disgrace.

  325. eaglesoars
    331 | January 15, 2025 9:20 am

    Stasi Starmer again

    Keir Starmer’s Labour are dropping voter ID laws (meaning your parcel at the Post Office is more secure than your vote), giving millions of foreigners the right to vote and allowing children to vote too. Make no mistake, this is a blatant attempt to keep them in power. Chilling!

  326. Possum
    332 | January 15, 2025 9:55 am

    Watching the Pam Bondi hearing. Well did for a few minutes.

    My only comment is the young lady seated behind Durbin who is always texting on her phone is very pretty, she is wearing a short skirt and has nice thighs.

  327. eaglesoars
    333 | January 15, 2025 12:54 pm

    Well I don’t know what he thought would happen

    UST IN: Top Pentagon Advisor Jamie Mannina has just been FIRED per email to
    from Joint Staff Public Affairs Spokesman Joseph Holstead

    Mannina was caught on OMG hidden cameras revealing plans “with a Couple of Retired Generals to Explore What We Can Do” to to ‘Protect People from Trump’.

  328. eaglesoars
    334 | January 15, 2025 12:56 pm

    Some glorious videos. Also why I’m terrified of open water

    The terrifying beauty of the Ocean. A thread

  329. eaglesoars
    335 | January 15, 2025 12:57 pm


    Joe Biden’s administration just banned cigarettes as you know them.

    Now each cigarette will have less nicotine.

    So smokers will smoke more cigarettes to get the same nicotine.

    And by doing that, they’ll get more toxic chemicals in their body.

    Does Biden ever do anything right?

  330. eaglesoars
    336 | January 15, 2025 2:43 pm

    Oh noes!

    BREAKING: Hundreds of artworks by Hunter Biden, valued at “millions of dollars,” have been destroyed in the Los Angeles fires.


  331. lobo91
    337 | January 15, 2025 2:57 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    Joe’s out of office in less than a week. How can any of Hunter’s “art” be worth millions, since it only had value as a means of money laundering?

  332. Possum
    338 | January 15, 2025 2:57 pm

    LOL, I am hungry and so I played with Ubereats.

    I have probably a month’s worth of food in the fridge and cupboards and probably a month more mystery food in ziplocks in the freezer.

    That backlog of food needs eating first.

    However, using Ubereats to fill a cart at a burger place, an Indian place then deleting the contents seems to have triggered a BOGO email from them.

    I know the system, slowly slowly catchy the monkey. Next thing to do is place an order and not check out. That really gets them on the hook, just waiting to reel them in.

    Give it a couple of weeks and they will be offering me 70% off my food order and $0 delivery fee for an order of $20 or more.

    I showed the math in an earlier post here. Got a shit load of burgers delivered for less than it cost to buy them at the store.

  333. 339 | January 15, 2025 2:58 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Hey Bunk

    These Homes Withstood the LA Fires. Architects Explain Why

    No real secrets in that article, and that the author referenced Redditors for his story amused me. Luck was certainly the biggest factor. Keeping landscaping vegetation to a minimum and away from the house comes in second in my opinion.

    “Still other elements are invisible — yet critical. The walls of the house have a one-hour fire rating.” Sounds impressive, but that’s common practice. 2×4 studs at 16″ o/c with 5/8″ Type X gypsum board on the interior and exterior plaster gives you that rating. Tbe author says the windows were tempered glass, but I suspect he meant laminated tempered glass – the latter prevents pressure blow outs and penetration by flying debris.

    The attic is required to be ventilated, but if there are no exterior vents, then the attic is ventilated via the HVAC system. A Class B roof is required, but a Class A roof is better. Pressure-treated wood for the exterior decks and trim is an upgrade. Eliminating eaves to prevent wind eddies is a new one for me, but then I’ve never designed a custom house.

    The homeowner suffered a previous fire, and that justified the cost of the upgrades.

  334. 340 | January 15, 2025 3:04 pm

    Today is Martin Luther King’s birthday, 15 January 1929. My dad was born the same date.

  335. Possum
    341 | January 15, 2025 3:11 pm

    @ Possum:
    While we are on the subject of food and general grocery delivery as I have no car and the last time I visited a store to shop for food was over three years ago.

    EGGS! When I used to go to the store often by the time I got home I had broken at least one.

    Yesterday delivery of food was that chicken pot pie I fucked up and fed to Mr Toilet, bacon, hot dogs, cheese, mushrooms, sour cream and four bags of frozen cauliflower.

    And 18 eggs. Now eggs are difficult to order online and be delivered, they are very fragile. So far eggs have arrived 100% unbroken and with a long eat by date.

    Yesterday’s eggs however were a different story. YEP you guessed it!

    I dropped the carton in the kitchen when going to put it in the fridge.

    RIP four nice, plump, succulent white eggs.

  336. 342 | January 15, 2025 3:15 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    If convicted, these charges carry severe penalties, including significant fines and prison time.

    Jimmah Carter & Barrack Obama did the same thing.

  337. Possum
    343 | January 15, 2025 3:15 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:
    America should build houses to Cuba standards.

  338. lobo91
    344 | January 15, 2025 3:19 pm

    Pam Bondi vs Adam Schiff:

  339. eaglesoars
    345 | January 15, 2025 3:19 pm

    Thank god

    BREAKING: Trump announces he will not give subsidies for windmills under his administration

    “I don’t even want one built during my Administration.”

    statement at link

  340. 346 | January 15, 2025 3:20 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Speaker Johnson has removed Rep. Thomas Massie from the Rules Committee.

    Massie says he stepped down of his own volition.

  341. 347 | January 15, 2025 3:25 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Did anybody else hear some senator ask Hegseth to define ‘jagoff’? I nearly fell over. I thought that was unique to Pittsbrgh-ese


  342. Possum
    348 | January 15, 2025 3:29 pm

    @ Possum:
    The reason I say that is many times, if you look at the track of an hurricane, the nasty weather passes over or very near to Cuba before it gets to the USA.

    When a hurricane hits the USA it devastates the houses. All two story wood framed built from 2x4s from home depot with flimsy shingle roofing.

    In Cuba houses are built to ride through the severe storms.

  343. Possum
    349 | January 15, 2025 3:37 pm

    Possum wrote:

    Watching the Pam Bondi hearing. Well did for a few minutes.

    My only comment is the young lady seated behind Durbin who is always texting on her phone is very pretty, she is wearing a short skirt and has nice thighs.

    Here she is!

  344. 350 | January 15, 2025 3:37 pm

    Possum wrote:

    short skirt and has nice thighs.

    I googled Bondi hearing girl with tight skirt and nice thighs but couldn’t check the results because the missus walked in.

  345. Possum
    351 | January 15, 2025 3:47 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:
    OK so here is another video.

    She has her legs crossed the other way exposing her shapley thigh, and she is texting like a demon!

  346. eaglesoars
    352 | January 15, 2025 3:47 pm

    I interviewed a Los Angeles firefighter with 20+ years of service. The truths I found are harrowing.

    ordered the removal of
    from the command post, and ordered the Cal Fire firefighters to return all donated startlinks.

    The firefighters ran out of water in the palisades.

    The fire department was not consulted on the draining of the palisades reservoir.

    There were insufficient hydrants in the palisades..too far apart, and the incorrect diameter for sufficient water flow.

    “We could have saved more homes if we had more water”

  347. Possum
    353 | January 15, 2025 3:50 pm

    @ Possum:
    And she is texting like I has never seen texting before!

    She is good…

  348. eaglesoars
    354 | January 15, 2025 3:51 pm

    So what if your only vehicle is an EV. Home from work, it’s low on charge but the power goes out because of the fires. Maybe it has enough battery to evac you and maybe it doesn’t

    Who wants to deal with that crap?

  349. Possum
    355 | January 15, 2025 3:58 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    You is smart and I am taking a wild guess here but your generator is Propane.

    When the power goes out even people with gasoline powered cars are going to be shit out of luck.

    Can’t go to a gas station and get gas if there is no power.

  350. lobo91
    356 | January 15, 2025 4:07 pm

    Possum wrote:

    @ eaglesoars:
    You is smart and I am taking a wild guess here but your generator is Propane.

    When the power goes out even people with gasoline powered cars are going to be shit out of luck.

    Can’t go to a gas station and get gas if there is no power.

    You can run a gas station using a relatively small generator. You CAN’T charge an EV using one, though. At least not in any sort of reasonable length of time.

  351. 357 | January 15, 2025 4:08 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    There were insufficient hydrants in the palisades..too far apart,

    One hydrant within 150 ft. radius of residential structures, 300 ft. commercial / industrial buildings.

  352. Possum
    358 | January 15, 2025 4:33 pm

    @ lobo91:
    So why in 2000 whatever when I lived in Iowa when we got hit by an ice storm in the spring and there was no power for ten days as the storm took out the wood power poles was no gas stations operating?

    No generators.

  353. Possum
    359 | January 15, 2025 4:36 pm

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    eaglesoars wrote:

    There were insufficient hydrants in the palisades..too far apart,

    One hydrant within 150 ft. radius of residential structures, 300 ft. commercial / industrial buildings.

    Really LOLLING now… Fire hydrants?

    Go live in Iowa.

    Where I lived nearest fire hydrant was 20 miles away, and it had a six foot pole on top of it with a flag so when the snow plows came by they would see it in the deep snow and not squish it.

  354. Possum
    360 | January 15, 2025 5:29 pm

    SMR or also known as Small Modular Reactors.

    Yeah I am patriotic and cheering for Rolls Royce, a British company. Developing a Uranium based SMR but look at their site. They need $250 million or so to continue.

    Also mentioned up thread was Copenhagen Atomics they are trying to develop a Thorium based SMR They need to raise $200 million in year 2025 to continue development.

    Hyperion was another company developing SMR They changed their name to Gen4 Energy, Inc and went bankrupt in 2018 due to a loss of a grant of a few million $

    Point is, these private companies need funding.

    The two active companies require about $500 million to continue research for the next generation of SMR.

    We sent that much to Ukraine last week.

  355. Possum
    361 | January 15, 2025 5:39 pm

    @ Possum:
    Oh, and the technology is not that new.

    The USA has 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers. capable of operating for over 20 years without refueling

    We ain’t even going into the submarine thing, and the Russian ice breaker ships.

    Small reactors are in existence and have been for over 60 years.

  356. eaglesoars
    362 | January 15, 2025 5:43 pm

    BREAKING: House Speaker Mike Johnson has just removed Rep. Mike Turner from the House Intelligence Committee.

    Rep. Mike Turner opposed the resolution to censure and fine Adam Schiff.

  357. Possum
    363 | January 15, 2025 6:23 pm

    @ Possum:
    And as I go for my afternoon nap I will leave you with this thought about SMR and Greenland, which is not very green.

    Camp Century

  358. 364 | January 15, 2025 6:30 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    “We could have saved more homes if we had more water”

    And that comes under the jurisdiction of LADWP, another bloated bureaucracy that ignored fire departments’ reports of dry and low pressure hydrants.

  359. 365 | January 15, 2025 6:34 pm

    Possum wrote:

    Where I lived nearest fire hydrant was 20 miles away

    Farms use CO2 foam, ya?

  360. 366 | January 15, 2025 6:41 pm

    Possum wrote:

    Camp Century

    The google just took me there.
    “Temperatures inside the camp were kept at a constant 20°F, thanks to the insulation provided by the ice.”

  361. eaglesoars
    367 | January 15, 2025 6:55 pm

    “On the morning of October 7th, Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar submitted a letter of resignation to Prime Minister Netanyahu. He submitted his resignation because of two very important facts, one, Shin Bet’s absolute responsibility for the failed collection of information from Gaza. The second thing is that he depended on a source of information that misled him and as a result, the IDF Chief of Staff, who received erroneous information from him, decided not to activate the necessary systems for the defense of the State of Israel. The political factor on which the Shin Bet chief relied is the head of Egyptian intelligence. He deliberately misled us and caused 1,200 people to be murdered and 250 kidnapped. The Shin Bet chief trusted him completely on the eve of the massacre and this is the most serious secret that is being hidden from us.”

  362. eaglesoars
    368 | January 15, 2025 8:14 pm

    Crooked Joe Biden’s farewell address to America is pre-recorded.

    The official livestream just accidentally caught his handlers queuing it up.

  363. eaglesoars
    369 | January 15, 2025 8:42 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Oh noes!

    BREAKING: Hundreds of artworks by Hunter Biden, valued at “millions of dollars,” have been destroyed in the Los Angeles fires.


    If Hunter manages to get himself arrested for insurance fraud after receiving an 11 year unconditional pardon I’m going to die laughing.</i?

  364. eaglesoars
    370 | January 15, 2025 9:01 pm

    Yup. True story. Hunter was our tenant in Venice, CA. Didn’t pay rent for over a year. Tried to pay w/ art made from his own feces.

    Absolute shit bag.

  365. eaglesoars
    371 | January 15, 2025 10:28 pm

    As 12 local elections are cancelled to save Labour’s face, there has been an increase of 344% of asylum seekers receiving council properties, no doubt at the expense of local people. The two must be connected.

    MP for Great Yarmouth said: “Local people do not want illegal migrants roaming their streets.

  366. eaglesoars
    372 | January 15, 2025 11:22 pm

    Canada could cut US energy supply in reply to Trump’s tariffs

    OTTAWA — Canada is considering cutting off its energy supply to the United States should President-elect Donald Trump impose sweeping tariffs on Canadian goods.

    “Everything is on the table,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Wednesday, following a meeting with Canada’s provincial and territorial premiers.

    blah blah blah

  367. lobo91
    373 | January 16, 2025 12:16 am

    This is the venue where I’m going to see The Warning in a couple of weeks. Auditorio Nacional (National Auditorium) in Mexico City. 10,000 seats. It’s considered to be one of the top 10 live music venues in the world:

  368. eaglesoars
    374 | January 16, 2025 12:24 am

    @ lobo91:

    oh fun!

    The team overseeing the State Department’s transition to the new administration, the Agency Review Team, has requested that Dereck Hogan, Marcia Bernicat and Alaina Teplitz leave their posts, the sources said.

    this is the beginning of a very interesting thread

  369. lobo91
    375 | January 16, 2025 12:33 am

    @ eaglesoars:

    They originally booked one show on February 7th. Tickets went on sale last March. Sold out all 10,000 seats in one hour. Then they added a second show on February 11th. That sold out in less than a day. Finally, they announced a third show on February 7th back in November. I was able to snag a fairly decent seat, and figured I’d work out the rest of the details later.

  370. lobo91
    376 | January 16, 2025 12:44 am

    @ eaglesoars:

    Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin!

  371. Possum
    377 | January 16, 2025 6:57 am

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    Possum wrote:

    Camp Century

    The google just took me there.
    “Temperatures inside the camp were kept at a constant 20°F, thanks to the insulation provided by the ice.”

    Yeah, 60+ years ago small modular reactors were in early stages of development and actually deployed.

    Seems like in 2025 we are years away from doing the same.

    Anyway, Camp Century. For anyone interested this Youtube is only 31 minutes long.

    As a side note, this is what NASA discovered buried under the ice in Greenland.

    NASA scientists discovered an underground “city” buried 100 feet beneath the ice of Greenland.

    Researchers were shocked when their advanced radar technology picked up signs of human construction deep beneath the ice of the island territory’s tundra, according to the space agency.

    Camp Century, an abandoned Cold War-era military installation, was rediscovered 100 feet beneath the ice by a NASA Gulfstream III back in April, according to a news release.

    LOL NASA should have just watched this now de-classified film.

    Dog is cute….

  372. Possum
    378 | January 16, 2025 7:03 am

    @ Possum:
    Why am I obsessed with 1960’s cold war shit and Cuban missiles and Jupiter missiles in Turkey and Thor ICBMs in the UK?

    A four year old child should not need to know what an Iodine tablet is. And why when told they should take a hand full.

  373. eaglesoars
    379 | January 16, 2025 9:15 am

    Crimeny. Nutcases abound

    The world knows Hamas and ISIS are creations of the Israeli / US Intel Communities…

    Years ago she was sane. Then she ‘discovered’ Jesus and fell down the weirdest rabbit hole…………..

  374. eaglesoars
    380 | January 16, 2025 9:17 am

    4 hours ago

    NO DEAL: Israel’s cabinet delays vote to approve Trump-negotiated ceasefire deal, with Netanyahu claiming “last-minute crisis” by Hamas.

  375. eaglesoars
    381 | January 16, 2025 9:20 am

    This prize is leader of the LibDems

    Let’s not kid ourselves. Donald Trump is a threat to peace and prosperity around the world.

    The UK will not be able to depend on the US to be a reliable partner on security, defence or the economy.

    How do we deal with Donald Trump? We need to do it from a position of strength.

    It’s a thread on how they have to be all EU crap

  376. 382 | January 16, 2025 9:35 am

    Round 2 of chemo starts soon.

  377. lobo91
    383 | January 16, 2025 9:49 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    4 hours ago

    NO DEAL: Israel’s cabinet delays vote to approve Trump-negotiated ceasefire deal, with Netanyahu claiming “last-minute crisis” by Hamas.

    It’s because Hamas is trying to change the terms of the deal. They’re demanding the right to choose which Palestinian prisoners Israel releases.

  378. eaglesoars
    384 | January 16, 2025 10:54 am

    @ right_wing2:

    God speed.

  379. eaglesoars
    385 | January 16, 2025 10:56 am

    lobo91 wrote:

    It’s because Hamas is trying to change the terms of the deal.

    And who didn’t see that coming. They think they’re fucking around with Bibi. They’re fucking around with Trump

  380. eaglesoars
    386 | January 16, 2025 10:58 am

    Look at this repugnant cartoon

    Darrin Bell, the cartoonist who made this, was just arrested with child porn on his computer

    He also works for WaPo

  381. lobo91
    387 | January 16, 2025 11:13 am

    DeSantis Chooses Florida AG Ashley Moody to Replace Rubio in Senate

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Jan. 16 announced that Ashley Moody, Florida’s attorney general, will replace Sen. Marco Rubio in the U.S. Senate, praising her for her work as a staunch fighter against illegal immigration, the drug epidemic, and federal government overreach.

    “I’m happy to say we’ve had an attorney general who has been somebody that has acted time and time again to support the values that we all share,” DeSantis said. “Whether that’s illegal immigration, opioid and fentanyl crisis, human trafficking, she has stood strong time and time again, most recently in this past year, filing lawsuits and joining lawsuits to take on the weaponization of law enforcement that targeted then-candidate Donald Trump.”

  382. eaglesoars
    388 | January 16, 2025 11:26 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Darrin Bell, the cartoonist who made this, was just arrested with child porn on his computer

    He won the 2019 Pulitzer for Editorial Cartooning

  383. eaglesoars
    389 | January 16, 2025 11:56 am

    Georgia state Senator @realColtonMoore Colton Moore has just been ARRESTED at the Georgia state Capitol.


  384. Possum
    390 | January 16, 2025 2:33 pm

    Just started trying to work out how to file a 2024 tax return.

    Spent a while on the IRS website.

    It is going to take many 5L boxes of Cabernet and 30 packs of beer to be able to understand it all. So….

    Enjoying a nice coffee mug of wine, then a few beers while waiting for Starship to launch in sunny Texas.

    I actually miss my tax consultant.

  385. Possum
    391 | January 16, 2025 3:30 pm

    @ Possum:
    Interesting fact.

    If you are an American citizen and you go overseas to work, say in Belgium, for a few years. You are required to file a tax return and have to declare your income you got in Belgium and you will be taxed on it.

    Belgium will tax you on what you are paid when there. Hey that is only fair. But the IRS also wants a cut.

    Maybe that is why when the 10 or so mega stars who say they are leaving the country if Trump gets elected renounce their American citizenship.

    Even if you leave forever and go live in a remote corner of the planet you STILL have to file US taxes and pay.

    Once an American citizen always an American citizen. Pay your taxes!

  386. eaglesoars
    392 | January 16, 2025 3:57 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    Georgia state Senator @realColtonMoore Colton Moore has just been ARRESTED at the Georgia state Capitol.


    Georgia RINOs control the statehouse. They banned Sen. Colton Moore from entering the chamber today for the governor’s state of the state address. When the pro-Trump lawmaker tried to enter – he was physically manhandled and thrown to the ground. He was arrested by the Georgia State Patrol and sent to jail.

    video at link

  387. eaglesoars
    393 | January 16, 2025 3:58 pm


    Germany will be FIRING police officers that are member of the right-wing AfD party, despite being the second largest party in the country.

  388. eaglesoars
    394 | January 16, 2025 4:00 pm

    This is a superb thread on the reality of Greenland

    I’m Danish.

    I’m strongly in favour of striking a deal with Trump regarding Greenland.

    Today, the state of Greenland is a mess economically and sociologically.

    Here’s the big lines of why a deal with the United States is a win-win-win

  389. eaglesoars
    395 | January 16, 2025 4:01 pm

    My son had documents against OpenAI. They attacked him and killed him.

    一 Mother of Suchir Balaji, OpenAI Whistleblower in an interview with Tucker Carlson

    interview at link

  390. eaglesoars
    396 | January 16, 2025 4:03 pm

    The Senior Pentagon Official James O’Keefe just caught on Camera talking about Sabotaging Trumps Inauguration —— was busted in 2021 for Soliciting an Underage Girl for S*x

    How in the hell was Jamie Mannina a Top Senior Pentagon Official after this?

    How was he allowed to stay an FBI agent?

  391. eaglesoars
    397 | January 16, 2025 4:05 pm

    The FBI just shut down it’s DEI office. Good riddance.

    Now, there’s much more to clean up in that vipers nest.

  392. Possum
    398 | January 16, 2025 4:36 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    Denmark should email Greenland and say goodbye.


    Just as Britain should have emailed all the former colonies such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc and said goodbye you are independent. Don’t come back.

  393. rain of lead
    399 | January 16, 2025 4:37 pm

    Closing Arguments in Billion-Dollar CNN Defamation Trial: CNN Just Can’t Stop Digging All the Holes

    In the billion-dollar CNN defamation trial, the lawyers are offering closing arguments. The judge issued juror instructions just before that.

  394. Possum
    400 | January 16, 2025 4:40 pm

    Greenland and why it is important.

    Look at a map, when Russia and the USA starts throwing nuclear missiles at each other lesser people that do not know geography think they will fire missiles from the West and East.

    Actual truth shortest route is over the North pole.

    Oh well….

  395. Possum
    401 | January 16, 2025 4:48 pm

    I am not a rocket scientist but, and you know there is always a but.

    I understand the thing about catching the booster in the loving arms of the place where it launched from. Do not need legs on the booster.

    BUT, catch the fucking booster some where else other than the launch pad where all the oxygen and methane tanks and all the other launchy stuff is just in case the loving arms fumble the catch.

    Anyway 49 minutes to lunch, um, I mean launch. Lunch which is tacos will occur after the launch.

  396. Possum
    403 | January 16, 2025 5:06 pm

    @ Possum:
    Cats don’t give a shit.

  397. lobo91
    404 | January 16, 2025 5:18 pm

    Possum wrote:

    Greenland and why it is important.

    Look at a map, when Russia and the USA starts throwing nuclear missiles at each other lesser people that do not know geography think they will fire missiles from the West and East.

    Actual truth shortest route is over the North pole.

    Oh well….

    That’s why our ICBM silos are in North Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. People think it’s because nobody lives there. It’s actually because it’s closer to their presumptive targets.

  398. rain of lead
    405 | January 16, 2025 5:42 pm

    @ lobo91:

    a quicker reply and less fuel load

  399. eaglesoars
    406 | January 16, 2025 8:29 pm

    Several cars just went over the bridge into the water in Washington DC


    video at link

  400. eaglesoars
    407 | January 16, 2025 8:31 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    14th street bridge

  401. eaglesoars
    408 | January 16, 2025 8:45 pm


    BREAKING: Thune has blocked Schiff from committees until his role in the Russia Collusion case is investigated?

  402. eaglesoars
    409 | January 16, 2025 8:58 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    @ eaglesoars:

    14th street bridge

    Memorial bridge

  403. lobo91
    410 | January 16, 2025 8:59 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:


    BREAKING: Thune has blocked Schiff from committees until his role in the Russia Collusion case is investigated?

    Unfortunately, it’s apparently not true. If it were, he wouldn’t have just spent two days attacking Pam Bondi.

  404. eaglesoars
    411 | January 17, 2025 7:32 am

    Here’s video of the truck that went off the bridge. Another driver clipped him in the back.

  405. eaglesoars
    412 | January 17, 2025 9:08 am

    oh no

    Gavin Newsom’s California demonstrating that even fires can go green…

    The world‘s largest lithium battery facility has caught fire at Vista Power Plant in Moss Landing, CA

    video at link

  406. eaglesoars
    413 | January 17, 2025 9:09 am

    A thread

    I’m German.

    My country just made a €500 billion mistake:

    We demolished our last nuclear plants while France kept 56 reactors running.

    Now we’re reliant on Russia, pay 2x for electricity, and burn more coal than ever.

    Here’s the brutal story of Germany’s nuclear suicide

  407. eaglesoars
    414 | January 17, 2025 9:11 am

    They are moving the J6’ers all around the country right now…

    This morning:

    A J6 wife went to pick her husband up (8 hour trip) he was in jail in Ashland, KY. Non violent misdemeanors. He was suppose to go to a half way house.

    She’s driving home without him. That have the U.S. Marshall’s taking him to the DC Gulag!

  408. eaglesoars
    415 | January 17, 2025 9:13 am

    BREAKING: Senate Democrats have proposed a bill to abolish the Electoral College, claiming it will “restore democracy.”

    Isn’t the Electoral College in the Constitution?

  409. lobo91
    416 | January 17, 2025 10:27 am

    @ eaglesoars:

    Isn’t the Electoral College in the Constitution?

    Yes, it is

  410. eaglesoars
    417 | January 17, 2025 10:40 am

    NEW @thenatpulse : BREAKING: Supreme Court Upholds TikTok Ban, Citing National Security.

  411. eaglesoars
    418 | January 17, 2025 10:58 am

    Zuckerberg is SUCH an asshole. Here he is lying to Joe Rogan about hunting, including with a bow and arrow.

    Watch Joe Rogan let him know he knows he’s lying

  412. eaglesoars
    419 | January 17, 2025 11:21 am

    eaglesoars wrote:

    oh no

    Gavin Newsom’s California demonstrating that even fires can go green…

    The world‘s largest lithium battery facility has caught fire at Vista Power Plant in Moss Landing, CA

    video at link

    Officials are not actively fighting the Moss Landing power plant fire and are instead leaving the building and the batteries to burn on the advice of fire experts.

  413. eaglesoars
    420 | January 17, 2025 1:07 pm


    Jury in CNN defamation trial — finds CNN guilty

  414. lobo91
    421 | January 17, 2025 1:20 pm

    Trump Inauguration Moved Indoors Due to Freezing Conditions

    The Jan. 20 inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump has been moved indoors due to extreme cold weather.
    “It is my obligation to protect the People of our Country but, before we even begin, we have to think of the Inauguration itself,” Trump wrote on Truth Social on Jan. 17.

    “I don’t want to see people hurt, or injured, in any way. It is dangerous conditions for the tens of thousands of Law Enforcement, First Responders, Police K9s and even horses, and hundreds of thousands of supporters that will be outside for many hours on the 20th,” he added.

    “The various Dignitaries and Guests will be brought into the Capitol. This will be a very beautiful experience for all, and especially for the large TV audience!” Trump also wrote.

    The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, which organizes the Inauguration and events surrounding it, said in a statement that it moved the swearing-in in accordance with Trump’s wishes.

    “The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies will honor the request of the President-elect and his Presidential Inaugural Committee to move the 60th Inaugural Ceremonies inside the U.S. Capitol to the Rotunda,” they said.

  415. eaglesoars
    422 | January 17, 2025 3:02 pm

    BREAKING: President Biden goes on unhinged, tyrannical rant and unilaterally, unconstitutionally declares the 28th Amendment in effect “NOW.”

    “The Equal Rights Amendment is the law of the land NOW. It is the 28th Amendment to the Constitution NOW.”

    the video is lit. Sleepy Joe starts yelling

  416. eaglesoars
    423 | January 17, 2025 3:05 pm

    ELIZA is famous as a rudimentary artificial intelligence and the first ever chatbot, but versions found online today are actually knock-offs because the original computer code was lost – until now.

    gawd we spent hours playing with Eliza at the Comp Center at PSU

  417. lobo91
    424 | January 17, 2025 3:32 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    Biden declares the ERA the law of the land — but it likely will not matter

    President Joe Biden on Friday declared that the Equal Rights Amendment is the law of the land, attempting to ratify a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in a last-ditch effort to protect women’s reproductive rights.

    But Biden’s assertion may amount to little more than an expression of his opinion, with the White House acknowledging that it has no immediate force of law — and the National Archives telling POLITICO it has no plans to formally add it to the Constitution.

    “I have supported the Equal Rights Amendment for more than 50 years, and I have long been clear that no one should be discriminated against based on their sex,” Biden said in a statement. “We, as a nation, must affirm and protect women’s full equality once and for all.”

    The move, which states that Biden personally believes the ERA has cleared all the hurdles to ratification, would be unlikely to carry weight unless courts agree with him, a hurdle even White House officials conceded as they made the announcement

    If successful, the long-shot gambit would provide a dramatic coda to the 50-year effort to get sex-based equality into the Constitution and bolster Biden’s policy record. In Biden’s final days before turning the Oval Office over to President-elect Donald Trump, whose Supreme Court appointees helped to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022, the statement on the ERA offered the departing president a final opportunity to push back at the laws that resulted from that decision in several states where lawmakers have restricted and even criminalized abortion procedures.

    But the National Archives, which is responsible for publishing amendments to the Constitution, immediately indicated it had no plans to follow Biden’s lead.

    U.S. Archivist Colleen Shogan has previously said that the ERA’s eligibility has expired, and could not be added now unless Congress acts. Congress, under control of Republicans, is unlikely to do so.

    “This is a long standing position for the Archivist and the National Archives,” the Archives said in a statement. “The underlying legal and procedural issues have not changed.”

  418. eaglesoars
    425 | January 17, 2025 4:45 pm

    @ lobo91:

    what staffer thought this would be a good idea? And why didn’t Dr Jill stop it?

  419. eaglesoars
    426 | January 17, 2025 4:49 pm


    The Federal Reserve has withdrawn from the global climate coalition.

    Read this again.

  420. Aussie Infidel
    427 | January 17, 2025 4:51 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    Hiya Eagles.

    You should be happy that your man is NOT freezing his ass off in DC on Monday

    i have serious concerns given the weather generated change in venue indoors. This concentrates the security footprint which is good news given the holes in manning and standards. I’m still scared shitless as the attack profiles also simplifies the planning for a massive building attack profile with huge numbers of VIPs concentrated in a relative smaller footprint.

    I hope that alternative venue security planning has been done professionally but given recent SNAFU amongst security services, I an NOT overly confident. Last minute venue security changes from outdoors to indoors makes me nervous. I know that various venue plans have been worked again and again. I just am not over confident that the plan B has no holes. The huge concentration of VIPs and their concentration inside the Capitol makes a juicy target for a massive building strike. Glad your man is tucked up safe and warm at home watching the proceedings on TV.

  421. Aussie Infidel
    428 | January 17, 2025 5:00 pm

    @ eaglesoars:
    On the downside i have a serious security concern. Daughter is considering a job offer in EGYPT! She is batshit crazy even thinking of considering this. I told her so in no uncertain terms. What is she thinking? She’s toying with being snatched as a hostage or worse. This is madness writ large. I worry about her being close to London right now. She’ll be back in NZ again early next month and I’ll get my tame former Aussie Spook Director to talk some sense into her. She thinks she is bulletproof. She’s WRONG in so many ways!

    I’m horrified!


  422. 429 | January 17, 2025 5:04 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    They are moving the J6’ers all around the country right now…

    There’s a term for that, road treatment or something. It prevents inmates from bonding with other prisoners and guards, cuts him off from the outside world. No visits, no phone calls, mobile isolation.

  423. 430 | January 17, 2025 5:05 pm

    @ Bunk Five Hawks X:
    The bus trips in themselves are torture, sitting for hours, handcuffed behind your back. Can’t even scratch your nose if it itches.

  424. 431 | January 17, 2025 5:45 pm

    And the first domino falls.

    “Former Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao is facing 95 years in federal prison for bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud, and corruption following an FBI investigation.”

    Seneca Scott deserves a lot of credit for pushing for the investigation of Sheng Thao, her boyfriend, and the trash collection company that plays the extortion game.
    CA AG Rob Bonta is next.

  425. eaglesoars
    432 | January 17, 2025 6:48 pm

    Aussie Infidel wrote:

    I hope that alternative venue security planning has been done professionally but given recent SNAFU amongst security services, I an NOT overly confident

    What you may not have heard is that Trump has appointed the guy who has been his personal bodyguard for years to head up the Secret Service. Sean somebody. The complaints, of course, is that he has no experience managing bureaucracies. True. Which means he’s not putting up with their crap. Sean will have people in place and people he doesn’t know or trust can stand outside and watch for drones while freezing their asses off.

  426. rain of lead
    433 | January 17, 2025 6:48 pm

    @ Aussie Infidel:

    crazy daughter children are gonna do what they are gonna do

    all you can do is love them like crazy and be ready to help pick up the pieces
    if shit goes sideways

  427. eaglesoars
    434 | January 17, 2025 6:53 pm

    Aussie Infidel wrote:

    Daughter is considering a job offer in EGYPT! She is batshit crazy even thinking of considering this. I told her so in no uncertain terms. What is she thinking?

    You may want to bring her up to speed on Lara Logan who went into the crowds in Egypt during the Arab Spring celebrations. On camera it just looked like she was being crowded but in reality she was being so brutally sexually assaulted she needed surgery to repair the damage. I watched it live. Logan is a war adrenalin junkie and it impairs her judgement. Unless your daughter has Hell’s Angels for body guards, she ain’t going.

  428. eaglesoars
    435 | January 17, 2025 6:56 pm

    Bunk Five Hawks X wrote:

    “Former Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao is facing 95 years in federal prison for bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud, and corruption following an FBI investigation.”

    Did you see the video she did on this? First of all, she’s one of those people who gets the face they deserve.

    “Oh, no, I’m not going down, not like this”. I’ll see if I can find it

  429. eaglesoars
    436 | January 17, 2025 6:59 pm

    My favorite whack job MTG is the chair of the DOGE subcommittee!

  430. coldwarrior
    437 | January 17, 2025 7:17 pm

    eaglesoars wrote:

    My favorite whack job MTG is the chair of the DOGE subcommittee!


  431. eaglesoars
    438 | January 17, 2025 7:55 pm

    Interesting ideas from Wayne Root about how Trump can help the economy. 10 points

  432. Possum
    439 | January 17, 2025 8:37 pm

    Maybe studying for the citizen test, and taking singing lessons.

    There is a trick question, ” how many amendments are there to the constitution? ”

    The correct answer is 27. Not 28 as you are lead to believe currently.

    Now, I really knows this shit. Technically there are only 26 active amendments to the constitution. The 18th got shitcanned by the 21st.

    ” Oh say can you see ”

    LOL got the first line nailed.

  433. Possum
    440 | January 17, 2025 8:50 pm

    @ Possum:
    AND! you are all busy Googling what the 18th amendment is and what the 21st is.

    I will save you the trouble as I am not as fast as AI Grok, but more cute and slow.

    18th was prohibition.

    21st was repealing the 18th and making it once again possible to make the United States of America a place where Super Bowl fans could drink themselves into a coma on game day.

  434. eaglesoars
    441 | January 17, 2025 10:04 pm


    When you think about it, it’s nice to live in a system where the commander of the armed forces declares that the founding legal charter is permanently amended and we all just laugh at him and nothing happens.

  435. lobo91
    442 | January 17, 2025 10:23 pm

    @ eaglesoars:

    It’s amazing how many people actually seem to believe he had the power to do that.

    I’m pretty sure this is part of an organized plot by the far left to disrupt things in DC for the inauguration. There are reportedly protesters outside the National Archives demanding that it be officially put into the record.

  436. lobo91
    443 | January 17, 2025 11:43 pm

    Not wasting any time:

    Trump Officials Plan Immigration Raids in Chicago Next Week

    The plan, called “Operation Safeguard” by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, would start on Tuesday, the day after President-elect Trump is inaugurated, and last until the following Monday, according to the people familiar with it and the correspondence.

  437. eaglesoars
    444 | January 18, 2025 2:30 am

    lobo91 wrote:

    I’m pretty sure this is part of an organized plot by the far left to disrupt things in DC for the inauguration.


    good luck. Sounds like part of the trope ‘women are going to lose rights under Trump’ bs. I hope they’re bundled up!

    Nice of the NYT to give the illegals and their cohorts a heads up so they can get a running start

  438. rain of lead
    445 | January 18, 2025 8:08 am

    new thread would be nice

  439. Possum
    446 | January 18, 2025 9:45 am

    Looking forward to Monday night and Tuesday.

    Glen has never seen snow!

    There will be videos.

  440. Possum
    447 | January 18, 2025 9:48 am

    @ Possum:
    I must remember to fully charge the laptop, and the trolling motor battery so I can re-charge my phones if power goes out.

    I do not use any mains powered routers etc for internet connection. My internet is via a Visible phone I use as a hotspot. Unlimited data. $25 month. Up to ten devices.

  441. eaglesoars
    448 | January 18, 2025 10:50 am

    This is a GREAT article by a great reporter, a native yinzer, Salena Zito, on her encounters with Trump during the campaigns. She coined the phrase “the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”

    My Decade With Donald Trump.

    She totally gets it

  442. coldwarrior
    449 | January 18, 2025 11:12 am

    rain of lead wrote:

    new thread would be nice

    as you wish.

  443. Possum
    450 | January 18, 2025 11:26 am

    @ coldwarrior:
    You a Genie?

    Hey, Rain had one wish. Genies are authorised to grant three wishes.

    Any chance I could use the other two?

    And no funny stuff like you pretended not hear me correctly and Poof in a cloud of purple smoke!

    Suddenly there is a twelve inch pianist in my apartment playing piano concerto no 1 by Tchaikovsky 24/7

  444. eaglesoars
    451 | January 18, 2025 11:27 am

    DEBT: On her final day in office, Secretary Yellen dropped a bombshell: the U.S. government would run out of money on President Trump’s first full day in office. Since 2020, the federal debt has ballooned by an astonishing $13 trillion. The so-called resolution of the debt crisis with the last debt ceiling increase was nothing more than a temporary reprieve, a can-kick down an ever-shortening road. This fiscal recklessness is unsustainable, a ticking time bomb that Washington continues to ignore.

  445. Possum
    452 | January 18, 2025 11:41 am

    @ eaglesoars:
    Simple solution to get rid of the debt. Tell the people it is owed to to go fuck themselves we ain’t paying it back.

  446. coldwarrior
    453 | January 18, 2025 11:51 am

    @ Possum:
    Yes, Saheeb!


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