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Posts Tagged ‘Andrew Sullivan’

Andrew Sullivan: anti-Semitic lowlife

by Mojambo ( 77 Comments › )
Filed under Ahmadinejad, Anti-semitism, Barack Obama, Elections 2012, Iran, Israel, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Mitt Romney, Republican Party at March 2nd, 2012 - 12:00 pm

Andrew Sullivan used to be one of the more articulate pro Israel anti-Islamofascist pundits out there.  Now he is a paranoid nutter who peddles bizarre, anti-Semitic conspiracies that only a Pat Buchanan and Justin Raimundo could love.  His obsession with torture can only be described as bizarre and we can only speculate as to why Tina Brown’s Newsweek and The Daily Beast does not fire him.

by Ron Radosh

In today’s Daily Beast, Andrew Sullivan has posted a blog post that is so delusional and so over the line that it goes far beyond anything he has yet written in the many tirades he has posted against Israel.  In the course of the post, he argues the following:

First, “a Third World War based on religion” is most likely “inevitable.” The cause of that war will most likely not be the mullahs and theocrats of Iran, which might indeed be the case if its leaders succeed in obtaining nuclear weapons, but rather the Jewish state of Israel!

Second, he actually says — putting himself in the shadow of dozens of notorious anti-Semites from Father Coughlin to Gerald L.K.Smith in the 1930s, to Pat Buchanan and his supporters in present day America — that the media in the United States is controlled by Jewish interests, and hence is friendly to Israel. He writes that the Israeli government can rally “its media outlets (like Fox, and the Washington Post),” as well as “a key part of the Democratic fundraising machinery to side entirely with Israel against the US president.” I bet you did not realize that Fox, the Washington Post, and the Democratic National Committee were all controlled by Israel and its lobby!

 Third, and most serious of all, he concludes his article with the truly bizarre charge that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (who, he earlier writes, is beholden to his “neo-fascist base”) is “in league with Romney, Santorum and Gingrich,[and] will make his move to get rid of Obama soon. [my emphasis] And he will be more lethal to this president than any of his domestic foes.”

Let us parse that paragraph for a brief moment. He does not write they will try to get Obama removed from office by a presidential campaign, in which the citizenry might heed their call and elect one of them our president if successful, but that they will try to “get rid of” him in a “lethal” way. Is this just bad writing, or is Sullivan suggesting in some underhanded manner that Netanyahu and his controlled Republican candidates are trying somehow to assassinate or shoot him?


He argues that Pakistan would most likely tip “into even more outright hostility to any cooperation with the West.” One might say that it could hardly in fact get worse. The country’s military or intelligence agencies harbored Bin Laden, broke with NATO, and shut down American supply routes in protest of its actions. He argues as well that jihad “would boom” if Israel strikes Iran, galvanizing Islamist parties and preventing a rapprochement between our country and Muslim nations.

He says Iran would also use car bombs throughout the world, might block the Strait of Hormuz, and smuggle “high-powered explosives across its border into Afghanistan, where they could be planted along roadways…to kill and maim American and NATO troops.” Of course, Iran is already threatening to block the Strait, and is already targeting and killing our troops in Iraq, which is awash with Iranian bombs.

Sullivan writes that “global recruitment for Jihad would boom as well — reversing all the gains of the last three years.” What gains is he talking about? The Arab Spring and rise of Islamist parties to power?  The shift of once progressive Turkey into a neo-Islamist state? Did the tides of jihad come to an end three years ago, the moment Obama took step into the executive office, only to threaten to come to life again because Israel is trying to defend itself?


Sullivan’s presence at both Newsweek and the Daily Beast, I would think, are becoming somewhat of an embarrassment to its other editors and staff, at least I would hope so. Sullivan wonders why people have accused him of anti-Semitism, and then he writes stuff like this column which provide ample evidence for that charge. There was a time when distinguished columnists would not be allowed to produce such drivel and have it published, at least not since the 1940s and the columns of Westbrook Pegler.

Decades ago, William F. Buckley Jr. isolated Pat Buchanan from the conservative movement, as he did the John Birch Society earlier, for saying similar things to what Sullivan now writes. What liberal or “progressive” will now demand the isolation of Andrew Sullivan and demand that Tina Brown look at what he writes more closely, as Buckley did to those in his own circle? I anxiously wait to see if anyone steps to the plate.

Read the rest – Andrew Sullivan goes over the line in a delusional blog post.

Andrew Sullivan Is an Anti-Semite

by Eliana ( 135 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Barack Obama, Israel, Progressives at February 12th, 2010 - 2:30 pm

His recent protests to the contrary prove it.

Andrew Sullivan is incapable of seeing 500,000 Jewish men, women and children as human beings. He’s incapable of empathizing with them, certainly, but he can’t even see them as actual air-breathing people with beating hearts.

He has no trouble empathizing with “Palestinians” although up to 80% of the “Palestinians” have expressed support in polls for the murders of random Jews via suicide bombings at times. He feels their pain. His stone heart bleeds for the “Palestinians” and how they must feel to live near Israel. Poor babies and poor Andrew Sullivan who can only empathize with people in this conflict if their strategy is firing rockets into civilian towns in Israel and blowing up buses filled with dozens of random and purely innocent Israeli Jewish civilians whose lives are ended for the crimes of being Jewish and riding a bus.

Andrew Sullivan doesn’t care about Jewish lives.

In his February 10 blog post, he included a number of gushy, weepy descriptions of “Palestinians.” He described them as people “whose suffering and constant humiliation is indisputable.” He offered no empathetic descriptions of Israeli Jews in his blog post at all, of course.

He wrote about himself: “There will be times in which the emotion of the moment overwhelms me.”

Andrew, let your emotions get overblown somewhere other than on the internet.

In his post, he tried to justify his total lack of empathy and recognition of Jews as human beings by complaining about how he has been treated and explaining why he thinks he’s been reasonable about Israel in the last year:

I do not think it was unreasonable for the new president, with a unique chance to reset relations with the Muslim world, to ask an ally to make a gesture to freeze all settlement construction in order to bring credibility back to the US as an honest broker in the Middle East.

Does he know that he’s talking about interfering in the lives of 500,000 Jewish men, women and children in Judea and Samaria and in eastern, southern and northern Jerusalem? Who does he think lives in these areas? Blades of grass?

“Freezing all settlement construction” would mean that neighborhoods under construction would be abandoned to rot in the sun while the buyers (families) would lose their down payments and the approved mortgages for these homes would go into default. It would mean that a family with a new baby on the way would be prohibited from adding a room to their home for the new arrival. It would mean that families with balconies on their apartments couldn’t enclose them from the wind by turning them into sun rooms (which are very common in some communities).

It would mean that new schools couldn’t be built so that kindergartners would have to sit on each others laps with 60 children trying to learn in rooms designed for 30 children.

Hillary Clinton spoke directly about what President Obama was asking Israel to do. She said that “natural growth” must be stopped in these communities. As the Washington Times pointed out in a June 1, 2009 editorial, “The euphemism ‘natural growth’ refers to children.” Even old time Labor Party liberal Shimon Peres once asked if America expected Israel to put birth control medication in the water to prevent pregnancies and births in these communities.

Andrew Sullivan thinks it’s “reasonable” for a man who lives like a billionaire in Washington DC to be able to harm the lives of 500,000 Jewish men, women and children as if they don’t even exist. What would Obama get out of this? He would look good to the Arab world.

Of course! Harming half a million Jews is a good fit with the Arab world’s mindset.

Andrew Sullivan went on to say this:

I also believe for good measure that this is in the interests of Israel, if I am allowed to offer an opinion on the matter without being called out as a false friend of “the Jews”. I do believe that what Wieseltier himself delicately concedes were “blunt tactics” in Gaza, followed by a humiliation of president Obama in his first year of office were not the acts of a truly helpful ally of the US, especially when suspension of the settlement construction would have had zero effect on Israel’s security.

The 500,000 Jews in these communities don’t exist for this man (Sullivan) at all.

He goes on:

And I strongly disagree that when a struggle between a foreign country’s government and the newly elected president of the United States cripples the peace process, it is somehow the president of the United States’ fault.

It was the fault of the President of the United States to make impossible demands on the sovereign nation of Israel and announce them to the world without consulting Israel first. It was a colossally stupid thing to do. Obama changed the dynamics of the peace process by raising the bar on what the “Palestinian” negotiators believed they could demand from Israel before they ever set foot in a negotiating room with Israel again.

Obama’s demand also implied to the “Palestinians” that they can expect to have all their non-starter demands met by this President. They became so convinced of this that Mahmoud Abbas immediately settled into a stance where he was simply waiting for Obama to deliver Israel to him.

In a May 2009 interview with the Washington Post, Abbas explained:

Mahmoud Abbas says there is nothing for him to do…

Abbas and his team fully expect that Netanyahu will never agree to the full settlement freeze — if he did, his center-right coalition would almost certainly collapse. So they plan to sit back and watch while U.S. pressure slowly squeezes the Israeli prime minister from office. “It will take a couple of years,” one official breezily predicted. Abbas rejects the notion that he should make any comparable concession — such as recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, which would imply renunciation of any large-scale resettlement of refugees.

Instead, he says, he will remain passive. “I will wait for Hamas to accept international commitments. I will wait for Israel to freeze settlements,” he said. “Until then, in the West Bank we have a good reality . . . the people are living a normal life.” In the Obama administration, so far, it’s easy being Palestinian.

Andrew Sullivan, this is what killed the peace process and it was indeed Obama’s fault. The Arabs were already demanding a long list of non-starters that Israel can never agree to do. NOW they are demanding non-starter pre-conditions so that the parties may never make it into a room together while Obama is President.

Another outrageous and anti-Semitic argument from Sullivan comes later in his recent post:

To ask that Israel freeze all its settlement construction as a way to help facilitate peace is not declaring war on Netanyahu’s government. It is simply assuming the US is capable of determining its own foreign policy in the region without a foreign government’s advance permission.

Again, the 500,000 Jewish men, women and children don’t exist to him and he reduces Israel to a “foreign government” when it comes to the lives and well-being of Israel’s own citizens.

How would Americans react if another country announced that their OWN foreign policy position was to demand a total, permanent construction and pregnancy freeze in the State of California? Does Sullivan think that the United States government would become some “foreign government” trying to interfere if the U.S. stepped up to say that this would NOT be happening?

Sullivan then went on to whine as some sort of “victim” of Israel’s moves to protect their own citizens:

But all of this is always Obama’s failure because it can never be Israel’s fault because to say that anything is Israel’s fault is anti-Semitic. Lovely piece of circular logic there, innit? Unless and until the president of the US recognizes that policy toward the Middle East must always be subject to Israel’s interests and sensitivities before anything else, it is the American president’s failure. Israel can never be blamed.

When America’s foreign policy involves the personal lives and child-bearing rights of a population of 500,000 Jews — it is indeed the American President’s failure for believing that he can get away with doing this. Sullivan, name any country that would allow Obama to freeze part of their population’s construction and pregnancies indefinitely.

Again, Sullivan is a man with a stone cold heart that can’t begin to imagine that he’s talking about people’s lives. He sees himself as a victim for being exposed as an insensitive clod.

Andrew Sullivan is also an anti-Semite.

He sees Jews as objects to be stored and then moved at will when the Man Who Lives Like a Billionaire in Washington DC decides that he has found a way to look cool to the people who have spent 62 years either trying or dreaming of pushing the Jews into the sea. The “Palestinian” demands are designed to end Israel’s existence as a Jewish nation. They are designed to turn Israel into an Islamic country called “Palestine.” Israel is not at fault for refusing to commit national suicide.

The Israeli Jewish population is nearly 6 million people now.

Andrew Sullivan is an anti-Semite and NOT a victim of those who have noticed that he is colder than the recent blizzards in Washington DC when it comes to Israel and the Jewish people.