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Posts Tagged ‘Jobs’

Obama plans fall offensive against GOP

by Phantom Ace ( 8 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Business, Democratic Party, Economy, Elections 2012, Headlines, Republican Party, unemployment at August 31st, 2011 - 3:48 pm

Barack Hussein Obama is on teh ropes politically. His approval rating is in the low 40’s and upper 30’s. However, he still has the media, entertainment industry and Wall Street money behind him.  He is planning a fall offensive against the Republican House of Representative. Obama will use class warfare demagoguelanguage. He’s lucky that his opponent will political eunuch John Boehner, who’s lame and useless.

Kill the body, and the head will die.” — Joe Frazier

President Obama is preparing to fight a political war this fall on two fronts — the first against Republicans who want his job and the second against Republicans who want to make his job more difficult.

Obama is taking dead-aim at the latter group, targeting Congress in a fall offensive that the president’s reelection campaign hopes will bruise the overall GOP image beyond repair.


When GOP lawmakers return, the president and his team are ready to deliver a flurry of attacks, castigating Congress for inaction on jobs, being on the wrong side of taxes and eager to destroy social safety net programs. If Obama and his team have their way, Americans will come to see every Republican as a Tea Party extremist.

The GOP better be ready for war. Obama will attack without mercy and will be ruthless.

Obama Boom: Low wage jobs now the norm

by Phantom Ace ( 66 Comments › )
Filed under Economy, Misery Index at May 26th, 2011 - 8:30 am

The days of upward mobility in America appear to be coming to an end. Good paying jobs were getting scarce before the Great Recession, now they are even rarer. Despite job growth in recent months, they have been low wage positions. These new jobs don’t allow people to move upward economically. We are transforming into a 3rd world style economy. You are lucky to have a good job or you most likely have a low wage position. Even the once vaunted tech industry doesn’t pay what it did in it’s 90’s hey day, thanks to outsourcing and H1-B visas. America’s middle class is being destroyed.

The U.S. labor market has been looking stronger in recent months. Since jobs began to increase in early 2010, private-sector companies have added two million workers, with the overwhelming bulk of the gains coming from small businesses. So far this year, payroll increases have accelerated to 214,000 per month, the strongest four-month pace in five years.

But there’s a catch. The quality of the jobs the U.S. is creating right now in terms of pay, benefits, hours, and skills leaves a lot to be desired. The problem is not only the depth of the recession and the sluggishness of the recovery. It also reflects the changing structure of the U.S. economy, as more manufacturing operations shift to overseas locations, while service businesses, which often pay much less, take a more dominant role in job creation.

Previously high-paying jobs in manufacturing have gone the way of the Edsel. U.S. factories lost 3 million jobs from 2000 to 2004, jobs that did not return during the boom leading up to the recession, along with another 2.2 million from 2007 to 2010. Those are unlikely to come back, as well. Manufacturing jobs were 20 percent of private-sector payrolls in 1990, 15 percent in 2000, and just over 10 percent in April. Large multinational corporations have cut 2.9 million U.S. jobs over the past decade, while adding 2.4 million workers to their overseas operations.

Read the rest: Where have all the high-paying jobs gone?

This is unacceptable. America was once at the forefront of upward mobility and economic opportunity. Clearly our economic system is out of date and can’t compete in a globalized economy. Our leaders in both parties refuse to address this issue. Obama’s polices are making matters worse! If things continue the day will come that Americans will immigrate to other nations to seek better lives. Think it can’t happen? Read about Argentina.

We need to restore the American dream or else we will be a bankrupted has been power. Low wage jobs will not sustain America’s economic power. Without a good economy we will not be a world power for long.

(Hat Tip: Iron Fist)

The Young flee New York

by Phantom Ace ( 1 Comment › )
Filed under Economy, Headlines at May 24th, 2011 - 10:01 am

New York state’s Progressive policies have killed the nation’s once leading job creation machine. Before the great recession, NYers were fleeing the state in droves. Decades of Leftist Democrats and Rockefeller Republicans killed NY’s economic competitiveness. The jobs created in NY now are mostly low wage, with a few high paying jobs. This has shut down upward mobility for young workers and is forcing them to flee.

For more than 15 years, New York state has led the country in domestic outmigration: For every American who comes here, roughly two depart for other states. This outmigration slowed briefly following the onset of the Great Recession. But a recent Marist poll suggests that the rate is likely to increase: 36 percent of New Yorkers under 30 plan to leave over the next five years. Why are all these people fleeing?

For one thing, according to a recent survey in Chief Executive, our state has the second-worst business climate in the country. (Only California ranks lower.) People go where the jobs are, so when a state repels businesses, it repels residents, too.


There’s also more work in Gotham than in the state as a whole. The problem is that the kind of work available shows that the city accommodates new immigrants much better than it supports middle-class aspirations. A recent report from the Drum Major Institute has the data: “The two fastest-growing industries in New York are also the lowest-paid. More than half of the city’s employment growth over the past year has been in retail, hospitality and food services, all of which pay their workers less than half of the city’s average wage.”


The implications of Gotham’s “hourglass economy” — with all the action on the top and the bottom and not much in the middle — are daunting.

America’s economy is rapidly resembling NY. Mostly low wage jobs created and just few high end with no middle wage jobs. This is an unsustainable model.

The Hourglass economy

by Phantom Ace ( 67 Comments › )
Filed under Economy at May 9th, 2011 - 8:30 am

One trend that started in the early 2000’s and has accelerated is the lack of middle wage jobs. Most of the jobs created in the past decade have been retail low wages positions that don’t allow workers to save money. Lack of middle position jobs prevent upward mobility. This was feature of the US Post WWII economic boom and the 80’s/90’s boom.

What is causing this? A number of factors have led to the destruction of middle wage jobs. However we are at a point that complaining about it will not solve anything. Real solutions are needed to reverse this economic deterioration. Tax and regulatory reform need to be the key to all this. We are operating with a 20th century economic model in a 21st century globalized economy. This can’t continue or America will end up like Argentina. A once great economic power is now a hell hole.

America is starting to resemble a 3rd World style economy. Either highly specialized jobs or low wage jobs. We have a hourglass economic structure. This is not the American dream, it is an economic nightmare!