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Posts Tagged ‘Libertarianism’

My thoughts on the Tea Party and the current political scene

by Phantom Ace ( 146 Comments › )
Filed under Conservatism, Progressives, Republican Party, Socialism, Tea Parties, The Political Right, Tranzis at November 15th, 2011 - 8:00 pm

A question I am pondering. What happened to the Tea Party? Why is there no rally or counter rallies to the Occupy rallies? My suspicions is that several things happened. Certain groups hijacked the Tea Party and turned off the Economic/Fiscal Conservatives who saw the Tea Parties as their movement. Another is that once the GOP won Congress, many Conservative groups that were organizing them figured they don’t need it anymore.

Personally I have become disillusioned with the current American political scene. Although I am technically in the Republican camp, I no longer relate with the Modern GOP. Their economic and fiscal policies are too Progressive/Leftwing. It’s foreign policy is all about spreading Muslim Democracy rather than smashing them into the dust. Too many in the GOP establishment have ties to the House of Saud and Gulf States. There are hypocrites that hide behind a religious agenda to push Progressive economic polices, while they personally bang meth whores and hook up with gay male prostitutes. Republicans love to be grouches and bitch about music, TV shows or how people dress. I bet when they were young many of these critics did the same. To be honest, I don’t relate with the modern GOP. Unfortunately the alternative is worse.

The Democratic Party is run by an alliance of White Supremacists, Black Nationalists, Marxists, Capo self hating Hispanics and Islamists. It really is an anti-American Party. The GOP, even at its International Socialist worst, is still Pro-American. So for those of us on the Right the GOP is the default party because its not evil, just cranky and naive. But as an America I feel this nation can do better.

I would love for a new Rightwing Party to emerge. A party that stands up for American interest not that of the Global Community or the House of Saud. A party that fights to win wars, not nation build in the name of Democracy.  A party that confronts Islamic Imperialism, not one that turns a blind eye to Islamic oppression of Non Muslims (like Bush did with the Chaldeans in Iraq). A party that is about economic opportunity and less burdens on business. A party that’s about fiscal responsibility. A party that is about individual freedom providing that it doesn’t break the law. A party that doesn’t judge someone because of how they dress or their music preference. A party that views America’s future as one in the Western Hemisphere, not in sands of the Mideast or in Asia. A party that is serious about a Space Program that would reap unimagined economic and technological rewards. A party that stands for a positive future as opposed to one that looks back to a fictional past.

In short, the Modern Republican Party are a bunch of grouchy judgmental Socialists. The Democrats are a bunch of evil Transnational Marxists. Neither are Rightwing nor are about American National interest. It is clear to me that I am a political orphan. I no longer feel I have a political home. Although I view the Democrats as my main enemy, I am not a fan of the modern GOP. Members of the Republican party, like political eunuch John Boehner and socialist Mitt Romney, have expressed support for the Neo-Marxist Occupy Wall Street. This was a red line for me and revealed the Progressive nature of the GOP. Did any Democrat say anything nice about the Tea party? Nope, not at all.

I truly believe that if the Rightwing Party was set up as I describe above, it would eventually defeat both Democrats and Republicans. Both Parties don’t stand up for American interests. To be fair, there are individual Republicans who do stand up for our interest. But the party apparatus is infiltrated with Muslim Brotherhood agents, like Grover Norquist or Saudi puppets like Karl Rove. This explains why the elites are pushing Mitt Romney while the base rejects him. There is huge disconnect. Most Republicans are good people, but the party leadership is Socialist and corrupt. Hence why I feel its time for a new Rightwing Party.

What are your feelings on the current state of politics? Are you satisfied with it, or do you feel like an orphan as well? No answer is wrong and I would love to see everyone’s take on it.

Barry Manilow supports Ron Paul

by Phantom Ace ( 87 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Entertainment, Humor, Music, Republican Party, The Political Right at September 16th, 2011 - 8:30 am

Washed up pop singer, Barry Manilow, was always a bit out there. Well it turns out, his political views are out there too. Manilow admits he agrees with Ron Paul’s views. Maybe he wants Paul to be in the remake of Copa Cabana.

Grammy award-winning musician Barry Manilow told The Daily Caller that he agrees with “just about everything” 2012 Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul says, calling him a “solid” contender for the highest office in the land.

“I like him. I like what he says, I do. I like what he says. I think he’s solid,” said Manilow, who confirmed to TheDC in an interview at the Capitol on Thursday that he contributed to Paul’s last campaign for president.

“I agree with just about everything he says. What can I tell you?” Manilow added.

You can bet Charles Johnson would never consider doing a gig with Barry Manilow now. Why Barry Mailow likes Ron Paul, after he defended AL-Qaeda’s reasons for 9/11, is unknown. Bary Manilow should stick to music.

I hope he doesn’t get a blog.

Big time lib Barry Manilow, AKA (Also Known As) Barely Man-enough, is a Paulian…