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Posts Tagged ‘Park51’

Let me introduce myself…

by Kafir ( 110 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, History, Israel, Leftist-Islamic Alliance at August 25th, 2010 - 8:30 am

If Israelis were the savages that the world portrays them to be, nobody would have a bad word to say about Israel. Her enemies would be gone.

From the Shoebat Foundation

Let me tell you a story about my life… First, I will begin with my name…

I am Israel.

Update not related, but also from the Shoebat Foundation:

9/11 Mosque Imam Wrote Much of the Guts of Obama’s Historic Cairo Speech!

The Shoebat Foundation obtained this shocking audio recording of Rauf’s own voice boasting in Arabic that Obama’s historic Cairo speech was provided by the Imam and the Cordova Initiative in what the Imam called “The Blue Print” which he said was the solution to the Islamic-American divide. Rauf claimed Chapter 6 of the Imam’s work engineered by the Cordova Initiative was the construct for the entire speech:

“This is an example of the impact of our work in a positive way to be used by the President.”

The famous Cairo Speech.

(h/t to iam7545)

Ground Zero victory mosque protest

by Kafir ( 181 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Guest Post, Patriotism at August 23rd, 2010 - 8:00 pm

Blogmcracy in Action!
Guest post by: Bluebird!

Hey Guys!

Here are some photos from the rally in NYC yesterday morning, if you’re interested:

I was a little worried when I got up because the the weather was looking kinda bad – rainy and really hot, but we had an excellent turnout! The first photo is of the puny counter-protest. They were such an anemic looking bunch, I didn’t even try to get a closer look. There were a few scattered moonbats on the periphery of our rally, but they were pretty bland and they were keeping their mouths shut and the police did an excellent job of keeping them out of our hair. Our crowd was GREAT!! Lot’s of firemen and construction workers here this time and they seemed like they’ve just about had enough of this mosque nonsense.This rally didn’t feel as ‘festive’ as some I’ve attended – it was in fact, quite appropriately, a little grim. Everybody was perfectly aware of what this victory mosque signifies and they didn’t try to soften their anger with humorous signs. It was awesome! I could really feel a growing momentum. We may be outnumbered up here, but were scrappy. Don’t count us out just yet! 🙂

All the best,

The week from hell

by Mojambo ( 91 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Blogmocracy, Dhimmitude, Guest Post, Politics at August 22nd, 2010 - 5:30 pm

I always cringe when people like Bill O’Reilly constantly tout the “Obama is a smart guy” line. No he is not smart, he is a bit too clever for his own good and I have noticed that no matter what job he holds, he always seems to be looking to his next job. Maybe he can be The Leader of the One World Government in 2016.  As far as this Mosque thing goes, I think it has reawakened the passions on the arrogant entitlement nature of Islam that may have been laying dormant since the Iraq war went bad.

by Clarice Feldman

The week began for Obama with him basking in the love of his invited guests at a White House Iftar dinner and ended with his party in disarray, his political fortunes plunging even further, and his sixth (Michelle’s seventh) lavish vacation of the season imperiled by floating poop.

Celebrating Iftar at the White House, the president, as is his wont, made ridiculous panders to the audience, suggesting Islam had contributed much to this country since its creation and  suggesting by both word and tone that he supported the building of the Cordoba House mosque near the ruins of the World Trade Center.


a. Cordoba House, aka Park-51
There is something peculiar about the way Democrats think we ought to memorialize the worst attack on American soil, an attack by nineteen Moslems, supported by their fellow religionists and certainly some Moslem countries. (Gallup’s latest survey indicates that 7% of the Moslem world hates us — that’s 80 million people.) While we pay the high costs for this attack, both in rebuilding the ruins and compensating those who suffered it, but as well in daily inconveniences in public buildings, transport, and higher military defense costs, so many on the left — which, face it, is now synonymous with the Democratic Party — think we ought to use these sacred spots to reach out and touch our enemies, gestures which in those places are seen only as weakness.


(b) The Storm that followed
The double lutz triple mosque spin by Obama had hardly been completed when the politicians of all stripes and voters weighed in, and the fancy footwork was not getting the kind of score the president apparently thought it would. Instead, it started a battle which continues to erode his support his party’s. (Some nutters in the Moslem world abroad have suggested the whole thing is really a Zionist plot, but I’m beginning to think Obama himself is a Republican plant designed to bring the mainstream media hacks, who promoted him into office and continue to cover his behind, and his own party into such ignominy that they may never recover.)

The issue to anyone who is an adult is not the legal right to build a mosque in that part of the city, nor the right to freedom of religion; it is the propriety of building a thirteen-story mosque within the very area hit with the debris of the attack.

People who have no problem attacking Israelis for building apartments on their own land in Jerusalem, opposing energy companies for surface mining and constructing generating facilities, and denying even the right to smoke in one’s one home and car are suddenly championing private property rights. People who would require that Catholic doctors and hospitals perform abortions, that kosher butchering be made illegal, and that Mormons be boycotted for opposing gay marriage are now championing religious freedom. You  really can’t make up this stuff.


(c ) Nostalgia for George Bush
Maureen Dowd begged George Bush to weigh in on the matter and save Obama’s bacon…er…hide. So did Eugene Robinson, and Peter Beinart wrote that he was feeling nostalgic for the former president.

So were the residents of Martha’s Vineyard (Obama vacation spot) where Bush (“Miss Me Yet?”) T-shirts were outselling pro-Obama ones.


And while it wasn’t likely nostalgia for Bush, Obama managed to wee-wee up all of Los Angeles with security blockades as he attended a fundraiser for Barabara Boxer in Hancock Park, a fundraiser where two of the sponsors, Barbara Streisand and Jeffrey Katzensberg, were no-shows.

When you’ve lost Barbra and Jeff…

By week’s end, the president, his approval ratings scraping bottom, made it to Martha’s Vineyard in time to learn that Tisbury Great Pond, which fronts on the expensive rental vacation estate they are staying at, is contaminated with coliform fecal  bacteria.

It was a week where everything around Obama turned to merde.


Read the rest here: Looking for love in all the wrong places

Addendum by Huckfunn

Blogmocracy in Action!
Guest post by: Huckfunn!

AP shills for Barrak Hussein Obama

The Associated Press doesn’t want its readers to be confused about the proposed “Ground Zero Mosque”. Therefore, AP Deputy Managing Commissar for Standards and Production, Tom Kent, issued a directive that the term “Ground Zero Mosque” should be avoided in future articles and the following terms be used in lieu thereof:

_ mosque 2 blocks from WTC site
_ Muslim (or Islamic) center near WTC site
_ mosque near ground zero
_ mosque near WTC site

Additionally, the Abominable Press reminds its minions to toe the line as to President Obama’s position on the Non-Ground Zero Mosque:

Here is a succinct summary of President Obama’s position:
Obama has said he believes Muslims have the right to build an Islamic center in New York as a matter of religious freedom, though he’s also said he won’t take a position on whether they should actually build it.

Succinct? Are you kidding? Does anyone really believe that O-hole’s position on the Anything-Else-But-Ground-Zero Mosque is succinct? By the way; is he Hindu or Lutheran? He’s so “nuanced”, ya know.

Read the whole sorry thing here.

– Huckfunn

Voice of the Resistance!

by Kafir ( 132 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Media, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness at August 5th, 2010 - 9:00 pm

Tonight we will have a special guest call in ~ Shelomo Alfassá. A snippet from his bio page:

Shelomo Alfassá oversees Special Projects for a national Jewish organization based at the Center for Jewish History in New York City. He specializes in the history of Jews from both Iberia (Spain and Portugal) and the Ottoman Empire (the former Turkish empire including Ottoman Palestine, etc.). From 2006-2009 he was U.S. Director of Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC) where he successfully helped develop H.Res.185, an historic resolution recognizing rights of Jews displaced from Arab countries which was unanimously approved by the U.S. Congress on April 1, 2008.

Mr. Alfassá is the founder and former Executive Director of the International Sephardic Leadership Council and the editor of the award winning International Sephardic Journal. Well known as an international advocate for Sephardic Jewry, Mr. Alfassá served as former Director of Research and Development for Sephardic House in New York City and for four years he served as a vice-president of the Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture. He was a staff consultant to both the Sephardic Educational Center and the Shehebar Sephardic Center (Midrash Sefaradi) in Jerusalem.

In 2005, he successfully worked with the U.S. Congress to bring about greater representation for Sephardic victims of the Holocaust (specifically Jews from Arab countries) at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). In 2003, Mr. Alfassá traveled to Poland representing Sephardic Jews in the United States as part of Judéo-Espagnol A Auschwitz, a successful multi-national campaign that sought recognition for Sephardic Holocaust victims that perished at Auschwitz.

Mr. Alfassá’s articles and papers on Jewish history and politics have appeared in numerous media outlets; his books include Ethnic Sephardic Jews in the Medical Literature; Reference Guide to the Nazis and Arabs During the Holocaust; A Window Into Old Jerusalem; History, Politics & Loss; The Palm Tree of Deborah and The Sephardic Anousim. Mr. Alfassá’s family is from the Ottoman island of Rhodes and Ottoman Edirne, Turkey. He has lived in New York, Florida, California, Colorado and Jerusalem.

Previously on theBlogmocracy – Mayor Bloomberg angry when confronted over Ground Zero Mosque

Enjoy the show ~!!

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