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Posts Tagged ‘recipe’

#Caturday, June 15, 2013: Fatwa-worthy bacon lasagna (RECIPE HERE)

by 1389AD ( 3 Comments › )
Filed under Caturday, Food and Drink, Headlines, Open thread at June 16th, 2013 - 8:50 am

Note: This is an “old-school” improv-style recipe, created by experimentation in my own RV kitchenette. Proportions and measurements are not exact, nor do they need to be.

Garfield, what would you like for dinner?


1 package bacon
1 package hot Italian sausages (remove skins, or buy skinless Italian sausage meat)
1 large can diced tomatoes, including the juice (about 28 oz.)
1 medium size can mushroom pieces (roughly 12 to 16 oz.)
1 medium size can tomato paste (12 oz.)
1 12-oz. can beer
1 tablespoon basil
1 tablespoon oregano
1 tablespoon (or more) onion flakes
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 package lasagna noodles
1 package mozzarella cheese
8 oz. container ricotta cheese
Glass baking dish, preferably square or rectangular because the noodles will fit better. (You can even use a glass loaf pan.)

The sauce:

Brown the sausage meat in a frying pan, drain, and set aside.

Fry the bacon until it is nearly done but NOT crisp. Drain the bacon, cut the bacon strips into 1 to 2 inch lengths, and set aside.

Bring the diced tomatoes, tomato paste, mushrooms, beer, and seasonings to boil in a large pan. Turn the heat down and add the browned sausage meat and the bacon. Stir to make sure it doesn’t burn. Simmer the sauce until flavors are somewhat blended – 15 minutes should suffice.

The noodles:

In a large pot, boil enough lasagna noodles to provide for 2 layers of noodles in the baking dish that you will be using. If you plan to use a deep baking dish (such as a loaf pan), boil enough noodles to make 3 layers.

Boil noodles only until they are very slightly flexible. Then drain IMMEDIATELY. Do NOT cook noodles any longer than that or they will become mushy when baked.

Assembling the lasagna:

Cover the bottom of the pan with one layer of lasagna noodles.

Add a layer of sauce.

Add a layer of ricotta cheese.

Scatter pieces of mozzarella cheese over the ricotta layer.

Add another layer of lasagna noodles.

Add another thick layer of sauce.

If you are using a fairly deep baking dish (or a loaf pan), you will still have some room in the baking dish. In that case, add one more layer of noodles and top it with another thick layer of sauce.

Note: Don’t worry if you have sauce or cheese left over. You can freeze leftover sauce in a freezer bag for future use. If you have leftover mozzarella and ricotta, you can save it for next time or use it to stuff large pasta shells.


Microwave the lasagna for 25 minutes or so, depending on the size and shape of your baking dish. Watch it toward the end to make sure that the sauce on the top does not scorch. If the lasagna doesn’t look done, give it a few more minutes.

When it is very nearly done, scatter some small pieces of mozzarella on top of the lasagna. Microwave 1-2 more minutes to melt the cheese. Then serve.

Variations, depending on what ingredients you have on hand:

  • If you have fresh onions on hand, you can chop up an onion, fry it in the bacon grease until soft, drain it, and add it to the sauce in place of the onion flakes.
  • You can mix some chives, and/or a whole egg, into the ricotta cheese.
Garfield scarfing lasagna


by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 54 Comments › )
Filed under Food and Drink, History, Humor, Open thread at May 17th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

“What’s for dinner, hon?”
“Flatbird casserole.”

Never eaten pigeon, but here’s an interesting recipe:

Lark, or Sparrow Pye.
You must have five dozen at least; lay betwixt every one a Bit of Bacon as you do when you roast them, and a Leaf of Sage and a little Force-meat at the Bottom of your Crust; put on some Butter a top and lid it; when bak’d for one Hour, which will be sufficient, make a little thicken’d Gravy, put in the Juice of a Lemon; season with Pepper and Salt, so serve it hot and quick. (Charles Carter’s “City and Country Cook … “ 1736)

Yeah, serve it hot and quick and run out the back door before your guests catch on to what they’re eating. Speaking of gamey little crunchy things, it’s time for The Overnight Open Thread.

March of the Pigs? Awaiting Updates…

by 1389AD ( 72 Comments › )
Filed under Food and Drink, France, Free Speech, Humor, Open thread, Sharia (Islamic Law) at May 15th, 2011 - 4:00 pm

Small pink pig

I am still awaiting updates on the counterjihad “March of the Pigs” that had been planned for Lyon, France on May 14, 2011.

Here is what I found on the Marche des cochons website:

Rassemblement pour la liberté autorisé, une victoire pour les Identitaires!

Après 48 heures de réflexion, la préfecture du Rhône vient d’autoriser la manifestation identitaire « rassemblement pour la liberté » de samedi prochain 14 mai. Cette autorisation vient d’être notifiée suite à une rencontre en Préfecture entre les services de l’Etat et les organisateurs.

Il s’agit d’une véritable victoire politique. Après son ubuesque interdiction de la « Marche des cochons » de la semaine dernière, l’Etat a donc reculé. Il est vrai qu’il lui était difficile d’interdire un rassemblement pacifique pour la défense de la liberté d’expression. Ce d’autant plus qu’il n’a pas une seconde envisagé d’interdire la contre-manifestation des nervis d’extrême-gauche qui, depuis des semaines, appellent à la violence physique sur leurs sites internet à l’encontre des militants identitaires ou patriotes. Une contre-manifestation qui sera sous surveillance policière à environ 4 kms du rassemblement identitaire.

Le Bloc Identitaire se félicite de cette décision, conforme à la démocratie et aux droits des gens. Il remercie l’ensemble de ses opposants et notamment les élus socialistes et Verts de la municipalité lyonnaise qui, depuis quinze jours, par leur battage médiatique hostile, ont servi d’attaché de presse, ô combien efficaces, du mouvement identitaire. Toute peine méritant salaire, le Bloc Identitaire leur adressera prochainement, à titre amical, le programme de leur candidat à l’élection présidentielle, Arnaud Gouillon. Ils découvriront sans doute alors avec surprise, loin des clichés et des caricatures, les propositions du Bloc identitaire en matière d’environnement, de rapports nord-sud ou de construction européenne.

Après cette première victoire, le Bloc Identitaire et Rebeyne! appellent tous les Lyonnais et habitants de la région, à transformer l’essai et à venir participer à ce Rassemblement pour la Liberté, samedi à 14 h 30, place St-Jean à Lyon.

Face à toutes les menaces, à tous les abandons, l’espoir doit renaitre : Lyon sera toujours la capitale de la résistance!

Translated into English via Google:

Freedom rally authorized a victory for Identitaires!

After 48 hours of reflection, the prefecture of the Rhone has cleared the event identity “freedom rally” next Saturday May 14 This authority has been notified following a meeting in the Prefecture between state departments and organizers.

This is a real political victory. After his grotesque prohibition of “March of Pigs” last week, the state has declined. It is true that it was difficult to ban a peaceful rally for freedom of expression. Especially since he has not considered one second-demonstration against the banning of left-wing thugs who, for weeks, calling for physical violence on their websites against activists identity or patriots. An event-cons who will be under police surveillance at about 4 kms from the gathering of identity.

Block Identity welcomes this decision, consistent with democracy and human rights of people. He thanked all his opponents including the Socialists and Greens elected to the City of Lyon, who last fortnight, by their hostile media coverage, served as press secretary, oh so effective, the identity movement. Any punishment worthy salary, Identity Bloc send them soon, as friendly, the program of their presidential candidate, Arnaud Gouin. They then discover perhaps surprisingly, far from the stereotypes and caricatures, the proposals of the identity block in the environment, North-South relations or European integration.

After this first victory, the Bloc and Identity Rebeyne! Lyonnais and call all people of the region, transforming the test and come participate in this Rally for Freedom, 14 am Saturday at 30, Place St-Jean in Lyon.

Address all threats, all withdrawals must hope reborn: Lyon will always be the capital of the resistance!

It appears as though the rally was scheduled to go ahead after all. I was unable to find any videos or news coverage of the rally itself. If you are aware of any, please contact me at 1389 Blog.

In any event, I have chosen to honor at least the efforts, and hopefully also the success, of these counterjihad marchers with a decidedly non-halal culinary effort of my own:

Fatwa-Worthy Pasta Sauce (4 Servings)

1 lb. hot Italian pork sausage (remove sausage casings, or buy sausage meat without casings, it is best to buy sausage in natural casing, many producers use casings from www.dcwcasing.com/, so that should not be a problem)
1 medium-sized onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped
Olive oil (or sunflower oil)
1 carton fresh mushrooms (or 1 can sliced mushrooms)
28 oz. (or more) tomato puree
8 oz. dry red wine
1 bay leaf
1/4 tsp. fennel
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. parsley
1 tsp. chopped chives
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. basil
1 bay leaf

Brown the onions, garlic, sausage, fennel, and red pepper flakes in a frying pan with the oil. If you are using fresh mushrooms, slice them and add them to the sausage mixture. Do not overcook the sausage.

Put the sausage mixture and all remaining ingredients into a large saucepan and mix well. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Discard bay leaf before serving.

This sauce can be used with just about any type of pasta, including lasagna.

The sauce requires no added salt, because the sausage meat contains enough salt to flavor the entire dish. The dry red wine adds just the right degree of tartness, without any need for vinegar or sugar.


‘Dillo: The Other White Meat

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 224 Comments › )
Filed under Food and Drink, Humor, Open thread at September 17th, 2010 - 11:00 pm


There’s a website for everything on the internest, and this one is dedicated to roadkill of the armadillo variety. Quite the niche market. Of course, we have our own niche market right here on the Overnight Open Thread.