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Posts Tagged ‘Tennessee’

Proposed Tennessee Law Would Make Shari’ia Illegal

by Iron Fist ( 267 Comments › )
Filed under Dhimmitude, Islam, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Multiculturalism, Politics, Sharia (Islamic Law) at February 23rd, 2011 - 2:00 pm

This is what I am talking about! While the world’s eyes are on Wisconsin and the war on Public Unions (I hope Scott Walker is really trying to burst these parasite unions. That would be, as convicted felon Martha Stewart says, a good thing), in Tennessee we can walk and chew gum at the same time. While we have a law proposed to do away with our teachers’ Unions (mostly), another law has been proposed to outlaw Shari’ia and make it a felony to adhere or practice it! Read on:

A proposed Tennessee law would make following the Islamic code known as Shariah law a felony, punishable by 15 years in jail.

State Sen. Bill Ketron, R-Murfreesboro, and state Rep. Judd Matheny, R-Tullahoma, introduced the same bill in the Senate and House last week. It calls Shariah law a danger to homeland security and gives the attorney general authority to investigate complaints and decide who’s practicing it.

It exempts peaceful practice of Islam but labels any adherence to Shariah law — which includes religious practices such as feet washing and prayers — as treasonous. It claims Shariah adherents want to replace the Constitution with their religious law.

A dozen other states are considering anti-Shariah bills, and there’s a federal lawsuit in Oklahoma over one.

Well, that is a shot across our Enemy’s bow. The usual suspects have theior panties in a bunch:

Imam Mohamed Ahmed of the Islamic Center of Nashville on 12th Avenue South said Islam teaches its followers to obey the law of the land. Shariah law, he said, teaches moral values.

“What do you mean, really, by saying I can’t abide by Shariah law?” he said. “Shariah law is telling me don’t steal. Do you want me to steal and rob a bank?”

No, asshat, we don’t want you stoning women and hanging gays. Marrying children, and all of the other lovely things that go along with Shari’ia law. I don’t know if this law has a chance of passage or not. I intend to write my State Senator, Stacey Campfield, and encourage him to support this. He is a straight-shooter and unafraid of controversy. It’ll be fun if it does pass. The wailing and gnashing of teeth will be heard from the Left Coast enclaves to the cities of the Northeast. It’ll piss all the right people off.

Bill Would Free Tennessee Children From Teachers’ Unions

by 1389AD ( 201 Comments › )
Filed under Diary of Daedalus, Education, LGF, Republican Party at February 3rd, 2011 - 6:30 pm

Legislators in the State of Tennessee are taking the first steps to free their taxpayers, and more importantly, their children, from being held hostage to the teachers’ unions. I, for one, hope that all fifty States will follow, and the sooner the better!

If you agree, please contact your own State legislators!

Tennessee State Flag

As an aside, I can’t wait to see how the infamous libelblogger Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs will react to this attempt to roll back the progressive assault on our liberties. I am still laughing about his Tennessee Boer delusional moment, in which CJ thought he saw a neo-Nazi flag at a Tea Party rally – which turned out to be the flag of the State of Tennessee. CJ apparently mistook it for the flag of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging. Yes, that’s mighty farfetched, but then, malignant narcissists see only what they want to see, not what the rest of us see.

Bill would put taxpayers back in charge of public education

(h/t: Iron Fist)

It looks like the leaders of the Tennessee Education Association are in for some sleepless nights.

But education reformers, taxpayers, parents and many dedicated teachers are celebrating the news that two Tennessee lawmakers have filed the initial paperwork to introduce a bill that would effectively eliminate teacher unions in the Volunteer State.

Even though Tennessee is a “right to work” state, state law gives public school teachers the right to collectively bargain with their local school board over issues such as working conditions, salaries and fringe benefits. No other public sector employees (such as firemen or police officers) have that privilege.

House Bill 130, sponsored by Rep. Debra Maggart, a Republican who represents Hendersonville, Gallatin and portions of Goodlettsville, and Rep. Glen Casada, Republican from College Grove, would prohibit “any local board of education from negotiating with a professional employees’ organization or teachers’ union concerning the terms or conditions of professional service on or after the effective date of this bill.”
In plain English, the bill would put the taxpayers back in charge of public education. Cash-strapped local school boards would be able to make spending decisions based on what’s best for children, instead of what will keep adult employees happy.
It would also give individual teachers the ability to negotiate directly with their administrators and school board. Teacher unions say that unionization is necessary for educators to be treated as professionals. The exact opposite is true. True professionals want to be rewarded for their individual performance, whereas the union’s fixation on tenure protection and seniority rules have the effect of treating teachers as interchangeable workers, no better and no worse than any other.

It terms of serious education reform, it appears that HB 130 is the tip of a very large iceberg. This group of state legislators also wants to end the practice of withholding union dues from teacher paychecks, and loosen the union’s power to appoint members to state boards.

Read it all.

Tennessee city residents resist Islamic Colonial Center

by Phantom Ace ( 119 Comments › )
Filed under Islamic Invasion, Islamic Supremacism, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Sharia (Islamic Law) at July 16th, 2010 - 4:30 pm

First it was the Cordoba Center near the site of 9/11 ground zero in NYC. It’s goal is to celebrate the scene of Islam’s greatest victory since Ottoman Empire. Now, in the Tennessee town of Murfreesboro, Islamic Colonialists seek to build an Islamic Center. This has nothing to do with religious freedom, it’s about colonial domination. Make no mistake, these centers are outposts for Islam’s dream of conquering America. The residents don’t want it and are speaking out.

(CNN) — A proposed mosque and Islamic center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, is dividing the city about 35 miles southeast of Nashville, Tennessee. Residents are battling about whether the center should exist, and if not, why not.

The Islamic Center of Murfreesboro currently resides in the southwest part of town. The center purchased a new 15-acre site just a few miles to the east in November for $320,000, according to its website, with plans to build on the property.

Proponents of the mosque allege the opponents are displaying religious intolerance, while people fighting the mosque say zoning concerns and worries about Islamic radicalism are their chief concerns.

Several hundred opponents marching from a middle school to a courthouse faced off against roughly the same number of counter-protesters Wednesday.

The rhetoric was heated. Protesters bore signs with slogans such as “MOSQUE LEADERS SUPPORT KILLING CONVERTS.”

“In Islam, a mosque means ‘We have conquered this country,'” one man told CNN affiliate WTVF. “And where are they? They’re in the center of Tennessee. They’re going to say, ‘We have conquered Tennessee.'”

Read the rest: Middle Tennessee city divided over proposed Islamic center

Here’s a video clip of the residents resisting Islamic Imperialism.

The American people have had enough of the Islamic Colonization. This is another example of where the American people and the elites have a different vision for this nation. The time for tolerance has ended and it’s time for intolerance.