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Posts Tagged ‘TSA’

Political Correctness, Our Sanity Run Amok.

by Flyovercountry ( 73 Comments › )
Filed under Hate Speech, Islam, Islamists, Politics, Progressives, Terrorism at September 2nd, 2011 - 5:00 pm

Bear in mind, the next time you travel into or out of a big city airport, the humiliation and sexual assault you are going through is all there so that we, as a society, are able to keep deluding ourselves with the notion that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Muslims.  There comes a point in time when, in the face of overwhelming evidence, a phobia becomes rational thought.  Over the past decade we have been treated to a new word in our lexicon.  That word is Islamaphobia.  The word pretends that if we would just give up being afraid of Islamic terror, then all would be well, and we would all be cured.  Unfortunately, reality has a little something to say about it all.  After 17,685 terrorist attacks carried out since September 11, 2001, radical Islamists become something more that a group we are irrationally afraid of, they become a description of the perpetrator for these various crimes.  Even if we continue with the mistaken concept that we are not at war with them, they are at war with us.  The actions taken by the TSA are guaranteed to protect us from nothing.  I have watched in amazement as the 85 year old grandmother was, “randomly selected,” for the more in depth examination before being allowed entrance onto the airplane.  I have been equally amazed with the fact that this woman seems to win the prize each and every time a plane departs.  The Israelis have used techniques for their airport security that are no where approaching invasive for 99% of their air travel patrons, have a much higher profile as far as being targets for terrorists and terror attacks, and have not suffered a successful attack against their air travel system since the early 1970’s.  We should be using their security system as a template for our own, and not this politically correct suicide pact we seem to be holding to.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

TSA Forces 95 Year Old Wheelchair-Bound Woman to Remove Her Adult Diaper

by huckfunn ( 15 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Free Speech, government, Headlines, Progressives, Terrorism at June 26th, 2011 - 2:24 pm

Last weekend a 95 year old wheelchair-bound woman was forced by the TSA to remove her soiled adult diaper before she was allowed to board and airplane.  You have to ask yourself is “are there no limits to TSA’s depravity?”. Children are groped, women are assaulted. the sick and feeble are humiliated on a daily basis in our nation’s airports all under the politically correct excuse of “TSA cannot exempt any group from screening”. The TSA screening process against innocent travelers is a disgrace and a blasphemy against our liberty.

Jean Weber of Destin filed a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security after her 95-year-old mother was detained and extensively searched last Saturday while trying to board a plane to fly to Michigan to be with family members during the final stages of her battle with leukemia.

Her mother, who was in a wheelchair, was asked to remove an adult diaper in order to complete a pat-down search.

She said her mother was first pulled aside into a glass-partitioned area and patted down. Then she was taken to another room to protect her privacy during a more extensive search, Weber said.

Weber said she sat outside the room during the search.

She said security personnel then came out and told her they would need for her mother to remove her Depends diaper because it was soiled and was impeding their search.

Weber wheeled her mother into a bathroom, removed her diaper and returned. Her mother did not have another clean diaper with her, Weber said.

Read the whole outrageous thing here.

TSA targets Hispanics while giving Muslims a pass

by Phantom Ace ( 11 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines, immigration, Islamic Supremacism at June 16th, 2011 - 10:46 am

One of the biggest gripes I have is the lack of respect for Hispanics our elites have. They have eliminated 150 years from school text books. They teach that Hispanics are evil genocidal monsters or poor helpless victims. The media portrays all Hispanics as illegals, thus creating resentment towards us in society.  In the latest act of Hispanophobia by the American establishment, TSA were targeting Hispanics at Boston’s Logan Airport.

A 2010 TSA report obtained by the Newark Star Ledger is offering an inside look into the work of Liberty International Airport’s behavior detection officers, who apparently spent so much of their time stopping travelers of Latin American descent that they dubbed themselves the “Mexican Hunters.”

 The so-called “Boston Report” on the Newark screeners, compiled from early 2008 to late 2009 by inquiry officers based out of Logan International Airport, contains descriptions of manager-supported racial profiling, policies of ignoring actual behavioral stress indicators, and officers’ cavalier attitude towards public safety.

Can you imagine the uproar if it was Muslims being singled out? The truth is that they are given more respect by the American Establishment than 17% of our population. I guess Hispanics serving in the US military and dying for this nation is not enough to get respect. Maybe us Hispanics need to start ramming planes into buildings to get respect.

Followers of Islam are treated better than most Americans of all ethnicities. This is America 2011!

TSA Christmas Carol

by Deplorable Macker ( 164 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Open thread, Regulation, Satire, Transportation at December 17th, 2010 - 5:04 pm

Let ‘er rip!