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Posts Tagged ‘Vlaams Belang’

The Jazz Man in cahoots with the Vlaams Belang

by Phantom Ace ( 223 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Europe, Humor, LGF, Liberal Fascism, Open thread, Progressives at August 26th, 2010 - 6:30 pm

The Jazz Man has smeared and attacked the Vlaams Belang. Well it was all a deception to fool everyone, because in reality, he is an agent of the VB. The Blogmocracy investigators have uncovered, a damning and revealing photo of the Jazz Man and Felip Dewinter!

This is an open thread.

The Return of the Vlaams Belang!

by Daedalus ( 176 Comments › )
Filed under LGF, Open thread, Progressives at May 24th, 2010 - 6:00 pm

One thought that the Rightwing regional Flemish Party the Vlaams Belang has disappeared as Charles “Icarus” Johnson’s favorite bogey man. With the rise of the Tea Party, he has neglected the danger of this regional party in Belgium. Not no more!

In the latest conspiracy theory of the obscure 70’s/80’s Jazz Guitarist, he links Rand Paul to the dreaded Vlaams Belang!

Oh no it’s the Vlaams Belang, run and hide! Those damn Flemish-Belgians, they are behind everything! They even control Rand Paul!

Save us Icarus, save us!

(Cross Posted@ Diary of Daedalus)

This is an open thread and please, don’t take this too serious, it’s just for humor!

Update: On this same thread, The Jazz Guitarist named Icarus outright lies about Rand Paul statement about crime.  He twists Paul’s word into saying that if everyone was Christian, there would be no need for laws. One problem, Rand Paul says no such thing.

One problem, Paul does not say that if everyone was Christian, we would not need laws.

I’m a Christian. We go to the Presbyterian Church. My wife’s a Deacon there and we’ve gone there ever since we came to town. I see that Christianity and values is the basis of our society… . 98% of us won’t murder people, won’t steal, won’t break the law and it helps a society to have that religious underpinning. You still need to have the laws but I think it helps to have a people who believe in law and order and who have a moral compass or a moral basis for their day to day life.

Nowhere does he say this, instead he says if people where moral there would be no need of laws. He says if would help if people believed in Laws and had a moral compass. That’s a huge difference than what Radical Totalitarian Progressive Charles “Icarus” Johnson claims Rand Paul says. It doesn’t matter, for Icarus it’s all about lying to smear those he seeks to silence.

Icarus and his lies crash into reality yet again!

Update II: The above picture is called the Lament of Icarus by Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel The Elder. No wonder The Jazz Artist hates the Flemish, they foretold his fall in a painting 450 years ago!

Update III: Charles “Icarus” Johnson needs to stick to Jazz Guitars and not discuss Politics!

Is Bruce Bawer going Dhimmi?

by Phantom Ace ( 37 Comments › )
Filed under Blogwars, Dhimmitude, LGF at May 6th, 2009 - 2:23 pm

Bruce Bawer is now condemning anyone in the Anti islamo-Fascist movement that supports the Vlaams Belang. Charles then emails him and gets permission to reprint the article on LGF. He takes shots without mentioning names at Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and others.

memo from europe

Thursday, May 6, 2009, 9:28 P.M. CET:  Recently, Andrew Sullivan posted a link to an article about Charles Johnson, the celebrated blogger who has distanced himself from many other anti-jihadists and called them “a bunch of kooks.”  Though it grieves me to say so, and though I’ve hoped that things would somehow turn around, Charles is, alas, not whistling Dixie: I can testify that in the last couple of years some significant, and lamentable, shifts have taken place on the anti-jihad front.  Writers and bloggers whom, not very long ago, I would unhesitatingly have described as staunch defenders of liberal values against Islamofascist intolerance have more recently said and done things that have dismayed me, and that, in many cases, have compelled me to re-examine my view of them.

Once upon a time, these people made a point of distancing themselves from far-right European parties such as Belgium’s Vlaams Belang – whose most prominent Internet voice, Paul Belien, has declared himself to be fighting for “Judeo-Christian morality” not only against jihadist Islam but also against “secular humanism.”  Belien has made no secret of his contempt for gay people and for the idea that they deserve human rights as much as anyone else.  Now, however, many of the anti-jihadist writers who once firmly rejected Vlaams Belang have come to embrace it wholeheartedly.  In fact, for reasons unknown to me, this regional party in one of Europe’s smallest countries appears to have become, for a number of anti-jihadist writers on both sides of the Atlantic, nothing short of a litmus test: in their eyes, it seems, if you’re not willing to genuflect to VB, you’re not a real anti-jihadist.

Bruce who has written good works obviously isn’t a fan of the Vlaams Belang. But who else in Belgium is standing against Islam? He also doesn’t mention that the VB supports Israel and was the only party in Belgium that supported Israel’s war with Hamas.

My litmus test about being against Islamo-Fascism is Kosovo. If you support the creation of the Islamic Terror state of Kosovo, you are fake. If you support Serbia’s claims to Kosovo, then you are really anti Islamo-Fascist. What is Bruce’s position on Kosovo? Does anyone know since I am at the office and don’t have a chance to email him. Charles is enjoying this and now he feels he has an ally. Better the VB than Al-Qaeda/Hizballah/Muslim Brotherhood any day of the week.


You careless bum!

by savage ( 141 Comments › )
Filed under LGF at April 25th, 2009 - 8:52 am


Looks like a couple guys just hanging out, huh? Well, hold on, kids!


OMG! Nazis everywhere! Run for your lives!

Update: Full story at JihadWatch

Original picture (thanks Escovado)