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The Nine Accusations

by Kafir ( 175 Comments › )
Filed under Dhimmitude, Guest Post, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Progressives at December 19th, 2009 - 2:00 pm

Blogmocracy in Action!
Guest post by: NoThreat2U!

Atlasshrugs has posted a copy of “The Islamic Response to the Government’s Nine Accusations” against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed & Co. This is my response to them.

Why the Gitmo detainees should NOT be tried in a civilian court.

First, here is the list of charges:

1. Conspiracy
2. Attacking civilians
3. Attacking civilian objects
4. Deliberately causing grave bodily harm
5. Crimes in violation of the laws of war
6. Destroying property in violation of the laws of war
7. Highjacking and/or endangering an aircraft or vessel
8. Terrorism
9. Material support to terrorism

Now look at that list. Take your time. Read carefully.

When people are charged with crimes that “violate the law of war” should they not be tried by those who are in the know about those “laws of war”, i.e. Military tribunals??? If I were arrested for breaking and entering would it be fine to try me in a military tribunal?

Civilians are not educated in the ways of military law. They do not know what constitutes a violation of military law. I am not a lawyer, but I did play one at one time. There are clear deliniations between crimes that can be tried in Federal court as opposed to local courts.

By using terms like “war” and “civilians” they are clearly stating that this is not just a clear case of mass murder. If this is to be tried in civilian court, the charges should be just that…….Murder in the First. The government is trying to play down the severity of these crimes to make it seems as if it is just a “tiny minority of extremists” that caused it, not a large group involved in global jihad. Many will be fooled by this, I am not.

Also reading through this tripe, they take the time to bash Israel and call Americans terrorists for supporting Israel. This will turn out to be exactly what we feared: The Bush Administration and America herself are being put on trial. Their arguments make no sense what so ever.

This is huge but be sure to read the whole thing.

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