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Neil Armstrong Slams Obama

by Phantom Ace ( 104 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Progressives, Tranzis at April 14th, 2010 - 11:30 am

Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon and a prime example of American exceptionalism. He blasts Obama for his recent cuts to the Space program. I agree with Armstrong and feel this is suicidal on America’s part and here’s a historical perspective on it.

In the early 1400’s China was the most advanced nation on Earth. Between 1405-1430, several Chinese Emperors appointed Court Eunuch Zheng He to command the most advanced fleet ever seen at the time on voyage expeditions. The goal of these missions was to establish Chinese control over Asian trade routes. The Fleets traveled to South East Asia, India, Sri Lanka, the Persian Gulf, Red Sea and Africa. Many nations soon came under Chinese influence and recognized Ming China as overlords. In 1430 Zheng died on his 7th and final voyage. At his death, China was at its peak and had the voyages continued, China would have discovered Europe and the Americas. Instead, short sighted Chinese rulers scrapped the fleets, thus opening up the Seas to the Latin European powers of Spain and Portugal. This would lead to Western global domination for the next 500 years. Now the west, with America as its head, is ceding space to others with the decision of Barack Hussein Obama to give up manned space missions.

The first man to walk on the moon blasted President Barack Obama’s decision to cancel NASA’s back-to-the-moon program on Tuesday, saying that the move is “devastating” to America’s space effort.

Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong’s open letter was also signed by Apollo 17 commander Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon; and Apollo 13 commander Jim Lovell, who is marking the 40th anniversary of his famous lunar non-landing this week.

The letter was released to NBC News just two days in advance of Obama’s trip to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida for a space policy summit. Obama is expected to flesh out his vision for the space agency’s future during his speech at the summit.

Read the rest: First moonwalker blasts Obama’s space plan

Ironically, China is stepping up its space missions and is aiming to put a man on  the moon. History is now in full circle as the Chinese are filling the space vacated by the West. We are ceding the high ground to other powers and this is suicidal. Many technologies have resulted from the Space Program and this is one area the government needs to be involved in. Neil Armstrong is right to call Obama out on this.

FYI: Muslims claim Neil Armstrong was Islamic and took the shahada after hearing the adzam [adhaan or azaanezan- “call to prayer”] on the moon. He has denied it, but this doesn’t stop Islamic propagandists from making this ridiculous claim.

Update: Barack Hussein Obama is set to unveil a new Space plan where the US will rely on the Russians and private companies for future space missions. The one area where government should be involved in, Obama is outsourcing. This is suicidal and a danger to American national security.

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