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The One™ should apologize to America

by Mojambo ( 183 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama at October 12th, 2010 - 9:00 pm

Actually I think that the voters who voted for this incompetent charlatan ought to apologize to those of us who had the common sense to see through that neophyte Marxist and refused to buy into the whole “Hopey McChange'” garbage. Apologies are also due to our good friends overseas who have been shown the back of the hand by this foolish administration and by the overrated Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (who talked a good game during the primaries) – the United Kingdom, Colombia, Honduras, Israel, Poland, Czech Republic, South Korea and India.  Obama will never admit to a mistake even in private because his over inflated vision of himself does not allow for any human weaknesses.

by John Hawkins

Barack Obama is a petty little man whose grandiose sense of self importance has always far outstripped his abilities and accomplishments. Putting a man such as that in the most important job on the planet is like taking a five year old off an airplane ride at a carnival and putting him at the control of a jet airplane in mid-flight.

Obama, who was so far over his head that he couldn’t see the surface from day one, took over the country at a crucial time and then boldly strode forth and made the situation dramatically worse. His whole presidency, from start to finish, has been the living embodiment of that famous Talleyrand quote:

They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.The rest of America, however, has learned quite a bit about Obama, which is why his approval rating has fallen like a stockbroker on Black Friday. At this point, not only should Barack Obama change course, he should apologize for what he’s done wrong:

1) For lying to the American people: Calling a politician a liar is a bit like accusing a fish of being fond of water, but even amongst politicians, Barack Obama is a particularly hamfisted and prolific liar. Obama’s strategy is simple: He promises everything to everybody and then points the finger elsewhere when people are inevitably disappointed. This has led to some jaw dropping whoppers than would even make Bill Clinton say, “Wow, that guy is a shameless liar.”

2) For the nasty class warfare: Barack Obama must be unfamiliar with the seven deadly sins because never before has an administration so openly advocated envy. Successful Americans have been treated like villains and whole industries have been slimed for no other reason than it’s politically convenient. Obama supporter Bill Maher perfectly captured the attitude when he wrote,

3) For Obamacare: Everybody in D.C., Barack Obama included, knew the American people didn’t want Obamacare. The polls showed that they hated it. Scott Brown won “Ted Kennedy’s seat” by promising to vote against health care reform. There were angry townhalls, Tea Parties, and tens of millions of phone calls and emails spurred by that legislation.

4) For putting our children so deep into debt: Barack Obama’s stimulus plan cost more than the race to the moon, the Louisiana Purchase, and the Marshall Plan — in real dollars — and it did nothing for the economy. Obamacare is a massive new entitlement program that we cannot afford. His 10 year budget? It will leave America with “more debt than has been accumulated by all previous Presidents in American history combined.”

As he did all that, Obama was in public saying things like this,

I refuse to leave our children with a debt they cannot repay, and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control.

Have you no shame, Barack Obama?

Read the rest here: Seven reasons Barack Obama should apologize to America



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