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Green + Green = Danger for the West

by 1389AD ( 204 Comments › )
Filed under Climate, Environmentalism, Europe, Islamic Finance, Islamic Supremacism, Saudi Arabia, Sharia (Islamic Law) at October 25th, 2010 - 2:00 pm

Originally published on The West, Islam, and Sharia.

Green – a common color. The color of leaves and grass, the color of emeralds, the color of the US currency (greenback), and the color of some species of frogs. More about the frog later….

It is also the color of the Environmental Movement and the color of Islam.

The flags of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are green to name just a couple. Hamas also uses green.

How are these things linked? Simple really: they both have the same goal – the destruction of the West.

While I consider it a worthy goal to look after our environment I do not consider the Environmental Movement the answer to this because I think the environment is actually of little concern to them no matter how loudly they bleat about it.

If you spend as much time as I have looking at their websites and reading their material you will discover that they are anti-human, Marxist, and what is commonly called ‘control-freaks’!

Both the Environmental Movement and Islam are anti-freedom.

The Environmental Movement started quite a while ago – possibly in the 1970’s. It seemed rather harmless, almost benign. Who doesn’t care about their surroundings? Who doesn’t want to recycle and save resources?

As things moved along we come to Al Gore and his movie.

This added another dimension to things. Suddenly we were confronted with the fact that carbon dioxide – CO2- was destroying our planet and we had to do something about it – and fast!

Talk about doom and gloom! Al did a sensational job of scaring everyone to death. Almost everyone,worst of all children. Child abuse actually.

Al convinced most of the world that the science ‘is settled’, the consensus is in, thanks to the IPCC. This should have been a warning sign to anyone with common sense.

Science is NEVER settled, and certainly never settled by consensus. It requires experiments not computer models. No one took Albert Einstein’s word: he had to prove his Theory of Relativity.

It is well worth reading Michael Crichton‘s piece on science to get a feel of what science should be. Here’s a quote:

Finally, I would remind you to notice where the claim of consensus is invoked. Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough.

Nobody says the consensus of scientists agrees that E=mc2. Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way.

More here.

Al Gore has some powerful friends, however. Maurice Strong and George Soros.

Check out what Ezra Levant had to say about Maurice Strong in 2002.

Both these hugely wealthy men are dedicated to bringing down Capitalism in the West. They tell us it doesn’t work although it did wonders for their bank accounts!

Communism/Marxism is so much better! 100 million deaths.

As Glenn Beck says: don’t take my word for it: do you own homework!

In fact you will discover that the Environmental Movement has more to do with population control, in all ways, than anything else – apart from making Gore, Soros, Strong and their acolytes squillionaires through carbon trading. Follow the money indeed!

The economies of the West, which are, coincidentally, rather fragile right now will not survive or thrive with carbon taxes, alternate energy and green jobs – whatever that may mean.

But hey, they have convinced most people that the substance humans exhale and plants thrive on is destroying our planet and we have to pay for the privilege of living, and share our wealth.

“We” being us poor suckers – not the ruling elite who are pushing hard for global governance, no doubt through the UN.

(I used to think it was a conspiracy theory – now I am not so sure as the pieces of the puzzle start falling into place.)

The “Climategate” incident was conveniently whitewashed, and the resignation of Emeritus Professor Hal Lewis simply glossed over. But just to baffle us with more bull**** they have changed the whole thing again from Man-made Global Warming, to climate change (it always does and will ), to climate disruption and now to biodiversity!

If the Environmental Movement did indeed start in the 1970’s then it has something in common with the start of the influence of Saudi Arabia.

It was back then that we had an oil crisis and somehow the Saudis convinced Europe to take in ‘guest workers’ from Muslim countries.

Oriana Fallaci goes into more details in her book “The Force of Reason”.

Since then they have funded the spread of Wahhabism all over the world thanks to their immense wealth through petrodollars.

Then of course there is the Muslim Brotherhood.

Here is what they want:

“…. the strategic objective of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America is to implement shariah law in the United States in furtherance of establishing a global caliphate”.

Not just North America. It says “Global Caliphate”.

And we also have the O.I.C.

Not all Muslims agree with what the Saudis are doing. Just recently Sheik Hadi Abdul Palazzi said he thinks all Muslims should be Zionists, here and here.

He is not in agreement with Wahhabism.

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury isn’t too partial to Sharia Law or Sharia finance which already affects many of us in ways we don’t even know about. His article explains it well.

And a definitive piece on Islam in Europe was just recently published by Oskar Freysinger.

It seems too few people are taking notice although Angela Merkel may have woken up a few with her observations about multi-culturalism recently.

The trial of Geert Wilders may also help.

So now the West finds itself at a cross road. It is in a pincer-like trap between the two “Greens”!

This bring me back to the frog.

Yes, the old story of putting a frog in a pot of water, setting it on a stove and slowly boiling it. The frog doesn’t know what is happening at this stage. But if you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water it will surely know exactly what is happening – it’s going to die a horrible death.

We are the frog that was put in a pot of water and have been set on the stove. The heat has slowly been turned up over time.

If we do not remove ourselves we will be heading to a “horrible death”: a total loss of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

With many thanks to “Gramfan” for this piece.

Ed: Both Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and George Soros have mentioned “New World Order”.

Litoria caerulea (Australian Green Tree Frog)

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