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Hezbollah gearing up for another round

by Flyovercountry ( 142 Comments › )
Filed under Hezballah, IDF, Islam, Islamists, Israel, Leftist-Islamic Alliance at January 17th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

I found a very interesting article written by Michael Totten. Hezbollah and really the rest of the Islamofaciasts have been employing a strategy for years on how to eventually destroy Israel.  They attack, lose, regroup, refortify, and attack again.  While they continue this cycle unbroken, they indoctrinate their children to hate all Jews through the most insidious form of child abuse known to any civilized society.  These children are so thoroughly unable to even think critically about a peaceful coexistence by the time they are young adults, it may very well be that it will take another two generations before the concept has any chance of working.

Watch a couple of clips of Palestinian TV and bear in mind that this is meant for children.

I’ll end it with a compilation clip with music added.

In the mean time, the hapless U.N. inspectors, known as Unifil, fail to notice that Hezbollah has quadrupled their missile capabilities since the end of the last war.  As a part of the end of the last war, and as a condition of Israeli withdrawal, The U.N. and the rest of the world promised Israel that Hezbollah would not be permitted to rearm itself.  Here we are though, a scant 4 years later and they are firing across the border, armed with 50,000 missiles once again.  Israel was blamed by the world’s biased media last time around.  Will that be any different this time?  Especially now that we see Hezbollah is clearly arming itself for another unprovoked attack.  Get ready for more fraudulent reporting like this.

The hardest part of this to understand is that we’ve all seen this movie before.  The islamists are masters at painting themselves as victims.  The Israelis, while they are much more representative of our values, morals, and peaceful in intention, are also lousy at the public relations game.  It is a shame too.  Israel is our only true ally in the region.  They are the sole Democracy and trading partner who is actually seeking to enrich us as a result of that trade rather than use the trade as a means to destroy our nation.  They share our values of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.  They share our values of respect for life, and seeking to allow people to live freely in an open civilization.  The islamists, if Israel would ever be defeated, would seek to destroy us next.

Here are some of the more interesting passages from the Totten article.

“Four years ago you could easily see Hezbollah positions and bunkers from here,” she said. “Now you can’t. Hezbollah pretends to respect United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, but that’s just their public face. Their posts are now hidden in houses and mosques.”

So, they are purposefully hiding weapons in schools with children and in Mosques.

Hezbollah had 10,000 rockets before the war in 2006. Now it has between 40,000 and 50,000. Some are stored in warehouses. Others are hidden away a few at a time in private homes.

This is a clear contradiction of Resolution 1701.

“They’re storing huge amounts of C2 explosives next to clinics, schools, and mosques,” she said. “It’s terrible that Hezbollah is doing all this in civilian areas and sabotaging the new order in Lebanon. It’s sad, not just for Israel, but also for Lebanon.”

What will be the world reaction when in the course of defending herself, civilians are accidentally harmed.  History has shown that the Israelis will receive most of the blame.

Can you imagine Hamas or Hezbollah investigating their fighters and punishing them if they harmed Israeli civilians? The very idea is absurd. The whole point of firing missiles at cities and sending suicide bombers into restaurants and onto busses is to murder as many civilians as possible. These aren’t just acts of terrorism. They’re war crimes.
“If we get complaints about the intentional targeting of civilians, we have to investigate,” she said. “Our soldiers often take it personally and get angry. They resent being investigated after being ordered to go to war and risking their lives. I understand why they feel that way, but we have to do this. It’s not just important because of all the international pressure. It also matters for the health of our society.”

In the end Hezbollah will target civilians specifically, and Israel will try to not harm any civilians.  The political left in this country will defend Hezbollah and demonize Israel.  The press will agree, as they have been shown to be irredeemably biased in so many other instances.  One more exit question, if you please.  How did a nation like Lebanon, which at one time was a majority christian, become about 65% Muslim today?  Do you believe that happened peacefully, or by other means?

(cross posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative)



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