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Some Perspective For The Nuclear Hysteria: Wind Is Far More Dangerous.

by Flyovercountry ( 60 Comments › )
Filed under Media, Politics, Science, Technology at March 18th, 2011 - 6:00 pm

I have been watching with much amusement as people in California have been bending over backwards to be idiotic.  They are gulping down iodine tablets like they are Pez candies.  Terrified about the prospect of a radiation leak from a nuclear power plant magically arriving to us here in the U.S.  Some food for thought for the morons in our most populous and most liberal state, Bananas contain Potassium, which is radioactive.  Your exposure from eating the yellow genetically manipulated fruit, (cross pollinated from plantains,) will be far greater than anything which could possibly arrive from Japan even if the whole plant exploded and the fuel were exposed and in flames.  Doing your laundry this year?  The phosphorous in that detergent is radioactive, and will expose you to far higher doses of radiation than the worst sci-fi possible scenario than anything which could possibly arrive from Japan.

In our society however, hysteria trumps fact.  People are gobbling down the iodine, which amuses me, but it doesn’t hurt anyone.  What is dangerous to our society is the fact that these dolts are causing our own energy production to be shut down.  So, let’s get the facts straight.  One, even after an Earthquake 10 times more powerful than an 8.0, and a tsunami which followed, the Nuclear facility in question in Japan has not lost containment.  The engineers there have done a tremendous job, and the design of the building has worked just like it was supposed to.  Two, wind powered turbines have resulted in more loss of American lives than Nuclear Power. The above link will take you to a Newsbuster’s story which provides perspective.

You read that right. According to the Caithness Windfarm Information Forum, there were 35 fatalities associated with wind turbines in the United States from 1970 through 2010. Nuclear energy, by contrast, did not kill a single American in that time.
The meltdown at Three Mile Island in 1979 did not kill or injure anyone, since the power plant’s cement containment apparatus did its job – the safety measures put in place were effective. Apparently the safety measures associated with wind energy are not adequate to prevent loss of life.
Nuclear accounts for about nine percent of America’s energy, according to the Energy Information Administration, and has yet to cause a single fatality here. Wind, on the other hand, provides the United States with only 0.7 percent of its energy, and has been responsible for 35 deaths in the United States alone. So if we’re trying to weigh the costs and benefits of each, it seems wind fares far worse than nuclear. Yet no one seems to be discussing plans to halt production of all new wind farms until Americans’ safety can be guaranteed.

Read more:

We have finally reached the point in our world where people would rather the horror movie version of world events regardless of facts, and then fantasize as though it were all true.  It’s cute when I can watch my T.V. and laugh at people on the West Coast blowing their dough on iodine and panic over what is actually nothing.  It is not cute when that hysteria forces me to pay a higher price for electricity and every product which uses electricity in its manufacture.  The Eco fascists are forcing us to shut down Nuclear and utilize wind because they are claiming that Nuclear is dangerous.  Well darn it, Wind is demonstrably more dangerous.  We need to stop the horrific loss of life caused by windmills.  Write your Congressman and Senators today, and tell them you demand that all wind farms be shut down before Billions die needlessly.  Remember, it’s for the children!

Crossposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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