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Islam is the problem, not Terry Jones

by Phantom Ace ( 156 Comments › )
Filed under Afghanistan, Dhimmitude, Islam, Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Supremacism, Koran, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Progressives, Republican Party at April 6th, 2011 - 9:00 am

Rockefeller Progressive Republican, Lindsey Graham, has stated that he wishes anyone doing Koran burnings would be investigated and has called for curtailing anti-Islamic speech. The American elite of both parties literally genuflect themselves when it comes to Islam. Other religions like Catholicism and Evangelical Christianity are regularly bashed and the politicians don’t condemn these insults. The Islamic version of history is taught in American schools and on various historical shows. In short, the American establishment is Islamophile. So it’s no surprise that pastor Terry Jones, gets blamed for the riots and the Islamic rioters are given a pass.

In America, we used to have a custom, too: Freedom of expression. Citizens moved to protest burned books, waved posters calling for the death of unpopular presidents, torched flags and the like. Americans didn’t necessarily like watching elected officials being burned in effigy, but we didn’t get too worked up about it, either.

Now we have a new standard: The Muslim Standard. Burning books is fine — just not the Koran. Offensive political cartoons are no problem — unless they offend Islamists.

The result is a moment that is extremely uncustomary: The president of the United States, members of Congress and key military leaders joiningtogether to condemn an American citizen for political protest — not because it violates our values, but because it violates the values of militant, living in the 9th-century Islamists.

In other words, Barack Obama has brought the free speech standards of Iran and the Gaza Strip to the streets of the United States.

Since American liberals don’t have the guts to say it, allow me: the Rev. Terry Jones hasn’tdone anythingwrong. Nothing.

As a Hispanic, I had to deal with bigotry in my life. I see Hispanics mocked and insulted, history as taught in America either covers up the existence of the Spanish Empire or it’s taught that they were evil Nazis. The Arab genocide in Spain is considered by our elites a good thing and many lament that my ancestors overthrew their invaders. In short, I tell Muslims go cry me a river. I don’t endorse burning the Koran, but I have to live with insults about my culture. So I could care less if 7th Century throwbacks were insulted. In a free society one has to live with insults, I did without rioting.

Pastor Terry Jones is a loon, but he expressed his freedom of speech no matter how reprehensible it was. To blame him is just another example of the protected status Islam has in America. The problem is that Islam is an Arabic based Imperialists movement based on genocide and violence. The Imams use any insult to whip up hatred and violence. They are at fault. Hamid Karzai, our supposed ally in that great democracy of Afghanistan, used the Koran burning to whip up anger. He is at fault. Yet our elites Praise Karzai as a friend and give him billions of our tax dollars.

The truth is Islamic societies are violent. It’s time to stop appeasing them. It’s time to tell them enough,  get used to insults. After all, how many times a day are Non Muslims insulted in the Islamic world? This double standards by our elites need to stop.

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