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The Fast And Furious Assault On The Second Amendment

by Flyovercountry ( 105 Comments › )
Filed under Progressives, Second Amendment, Tea Parties at June 28th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

For years, we have been inundated with propaganda, from many different sources, claiming that our constitutional right to keep and bear arms is causing violent crime. Never mind that there is not a single credible study, statistical or otherwise which shows any kind of connection between the Second Amendment and an increase in violent crime rates. Think logically for just one moment, if a criminal does what they do because of their complete disregard for obeying the law, why would they choose to obey gun laws? The only thing gun bans have accomplished in major American cities over the last half century, has been the loss of control of urban areas to roving gangs of armed thugs. Throughout all of this, we conservatives have been told adnauseaum that our views of upholding the constitution as written, our belief in limited government which is accountable to the populace which elects them to power is both radical and the reason for the violence in our society. Somehow, the Tea Parties and the supporters of same were now responsible for all gun violence in the country. I am still waiting for the left half of the country to apologize to me for calling me a murderer in the wake of the Representative Giffords shooting. Even a full week after it was learned beyond any doubt that Gerald Loughner was indeed a registered Democrat and committed leftist, I still had people commenting to my facebook profile that it was us conservatives, and more specifically the Tea Parties which were complicit in the day’s horrific events. Of course, in all of this finger pointing, it is never mentioned that the useless sheriff’s deputy was providing security for the event, unarmed. Had the peace officer been armed, as most officers of the law in this country are, he might have been able to prevent a second round from being fired. Maybe Barack Obama can expand the courageous restraint medal to include Puma County Sheriff’s Deputies as well. What finally stopped Loughner’s rampage that day? Why it was an armed private citizen who ran to the scene from two blocks away.

Something was said over the weekend, which brought this all back to me. It seems, the new Police Chief in Chicago will be getting an early start on where to place the blame for his failure, (which didn’t even have the chance to materialize yet,) on Sarah Palin’s Moose Hunting activities on her Alaskan life Reality Show. It seems that people in his last town, Newark New Jersey, somehow saw Governor Palin on T.V., hunting, and decided to vent their frustration by inexplicably shooting each other. For those following along, Phase 1: watch former Alaskan Governor on T.V., phase 2: ?, Phase 3: shoot your neighbors.

For those of you who live in Chicago, the moron who is now your police chief is Garry McCarthy. Best of luck surviving in the windy city with this imbecile in charge of the Chicago P.D. One can only hope that the county has elected a competent sheriff. Of course, lost in the media coverage of Anthony Weiner’s wiener, was a little known incident involving the Department of Justice, at its highest levels and the ATF. I am speaking of course about Operation Fast and Furious. This was an Obama Administration program of buying automatic weapons in large quantities and handing them over freely to Mexican Drug Lords and their foot soldiers. A coherent purpose has not yet been established. Phase one: give guns to Mexican Drug Lords, phase two: ?, phase three: 150 Americans including one ATF agent shot.

When I first started writing about Fast and Furious, testimony had not yet been given. Now that some of it has, there is evidence before the committee which states that the operation was actually an initiative by the Obama Administration to highlight the dangers of a lack of gun control laws. By allowing American and Mexican citizens to be shot by illegally obtained guns, we were all supposed to collectively state, I get it now, the Second Amendment is wrong for us. All that has happened though, has been a stark illustration of what happens when thugs are armed, and law abiding citizens are stripped of their constitutional right to protect themselves. The Second Amendment, and indeed the constitution is under assault by not only the Obama Administration, but also by every liberal in the country. For some reason, the very plainly worded language written in this text has been left open for bizarre interpretation. Fortunately, the guys who wrote this fine founding document had the foresight to see that we would one day screw this up. They wrote their intentions down in a collection of essays called the Federalist Papers. They wrote these papers to explain the constitution to those citizens who would be asked to ratify the document as our national structure. James Madison, the author of the Second Amendment made clear in Federalist number 46 that the Second Amendment was not to form militias, but for private citizens to be armed for the purpose of self defense, and for the further point to fight an oppressive government should our Federal Behemoth become what it pretty much is today. I am not advocating armed resistance against the government, but what I am saying is that we get to keep the First Amendment because we have kept the Second.

One further point. I can not help but notice that it is the proponents of gun control who have resorted to insuring that innocent American citizens become the victims of gun violence. Many years in prison is what the end result for Fast and Furious should be, and it better not stop at simple fall guys either.

Crossposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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