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Who’s Up For Some Media Bias?

by Flyovercountry ( 197 Comments › )
Filed under Communism, Fascism, Media, Progressives at May 31st, 2012 - 3:00 pm

Let’s start off with this doozy from my favorite, MSNBC. In this clip we get a dose of a little side show I like to call, “exactly how crazy are those Mormons any how?” The message here seems to be that there is a rumor of some disavowed prophecy in which apparently, way back in the 1860’s, it was foretold that a Mormon who ran for President would actually agree that our Constitution was a good thing. Wait for this little tidbit, Mitt Romney has actually praised our founding documents, gasp! Putting aside the fact the the Mormons themselves haven’t been talking about this at all since the 1860’s, and that Mitt Romney has pretty much kept on message about real issues, and further has stayed completely away from anything even remotely dealing with religious issues personally, Some reporter at MSNBC actually took the time and effort to dig this up, dust it off, and is attempting to make it a campaign issue. Is there anyone honest at MSMBC?

CNN has been touting themselves as the middle ground between MSNBC, clearly on the left, and Fox, criminally on the right for the better part of a year now. How are they doing? Well, a year and a half ago, I put up a post in which I called Wolf Blitzer the real life version of Ron Burgundy. Have they shown improvement? The short answer is no. Watch this clip of Soledad O’Brien trying her best to sucker John Sununu into a fight over the birther nonsense. O’Brien asks the question, and Sununu states plainly that neither he, nor, more importantly Mitt Romney subscribe to the whole thing. Undaunted, Soledad presses on with the, “well Donald Trump believes it,” ploy. Sununu swats that aside, and points out that the subject only comes up now because CNN is asking to talk about it. Missing the irony, O’Brien pushes onward with the ridiculous line of questioning. Three minutes and twenty – six seconds of air time is wasted on getting Sununu to say exactly what he said in the first ten seconds, which is, Obama was born in Hawaii.

Special note on this one. As it turns out, the entire Birth Place of Obama crap was actually started by Hillary Clinton’s team and the original court case was filed by long time Clinton operative Philip Berg. The rumor as it turns out was started by Barack Obama himself in 1995 when he was hawking his first book. His publisher felt that he would sell more copies of the literary masterpiece if he claimed to be a foreigner. As it turns out, it does not mean that he is ineligible to be President, only that his ability to lie sinks to the level of a Kennedy or a Clinton.

Get used to this level of dishonest reporting my friends, it is going to be a long 5 months filled with a compliant pussy cat media hell bent on getting Barack Obama reelected. Crazy Mitt the Mormon stories will abound. All conservatives are fringe racist homophobic nut jobs stories will be mega blasted across the air waves and presented as the only thing anyone should really be afraid of at all. meanwhile, earlier this week, our President just awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to an avowed Communist, Deloris Huerta. Noting that Barack Obama is a flat out Marxist will be duly reported as racism, completely ignoring the small fact that it is true.

Cross Posted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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