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An open letter to Gov. Romney from Discovery Channel host and star Mike Rowe

by Bob in Breckenridge ( 164 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Business, Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Economy, Elections 2012, Mitt Romney, Politics, unemployment at September 12th, 2012 - 3:00 pm

You might have might have seen Mike Rowe in his show “Dirty Jobs”, where he travels the country doing, well, jobs where you get dirty.

Or you might have heard him narrate the show “Deadliest Catch”, about crab fishermen in Alaska. Both air on the Discovery Channel. He also is a spokesman for Ford and does commercials for them.

Four years ago he wrote a letter to our Dear Leader™ about the need for young people to realize, especially in this bad economy, that there’s nothing wrong with having a job where they might get dirty, and asked if Obama could help by using his fledgling foundation to help kids who weren’t planning on going to college get vocational training.

Needless to say, Obama didn’t bother to respond.

But then again, why would he? Obama’s never had a real job in life, much less a “dirty” job. Well, unless you count dumocrat politics. That’s about as dirty as you can get, especially in Chicago.

Everything he’s ever had has been given to him, with virtually nothing required from him to get it. No hard work, or any work at all was required. That’s why he’s such an arrogant narcissist.

And he will never concede that he’s been an abject failure by just about every reasonable measurement, and actually had the gall and temerity to say he was the fourth best President. EVER!

He believes this even though he has the dubious distinction of being the first president ever who has put more Americans on welfare than he has to work.

So is it any wonder he would ignore Rowe and his offer to help young people find what used to be called “skilled labor” jobs that were and still are perfectly respectable occupations?

Well, except to liberals like Obama, whom I’m certain look down on and laugh at such “little, meaningless, and worthless” people who get their hands dirty from actually working.

A couple of weeks ago, Rowe wrote one to Gov. Romney, right after hearing him speak at the RNC convention, and said he would vote for Gov. Romney if read his letter, and guess what happened?

Unlike our Dear Leader™, Governor Romney did read his letter.



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