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America’s Progressive/Neo-Feudal future enabled by Republicans ineptitude and Media bias

by Phantom Ace ( 181 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Republican Party at December 28th, 2012 - 3:00 pm

The Republican Party has a problem. They have lost the popular vote 5 out of the last 6 Presidential elections. Yet many Republicans continue to exist in a state of denial and have become very hostile when new ideas or tactics are floated. This has resulted in the Democrats not having a credible opposition at the national level. With no credible opposition, Democrats are creating a  Neo-Feudal system that only benefits an elite core of the Democrat party.

Republicans refuse to reach out to Democrats who do not benefit from this Neo-Feudal system. Instead the inept Establishment tries to copy the Democrats and the Purists want the GOP as their exclusive club.

The media has helped the Democrats and are the 800 lb Gorilla in the room. They love to interview people like Santorum, Bachmann or Coulter knowing full well that will make statements that makes Republicans look bad. Notice Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Susana Martinez, Pat Toomey or Bobby Jindal do not get many interviews? The media know what they are doing and are using Republican incompetence to assist the Democrats establish their Neo-Feudal state.

Progressives may be a lot less religious  than conservatives, but these days they have reason to think that Providence– or Gaia — has taken on a bluish hue.

From the solid re-election of President Obama, to a host of demographic and social trends, the progressives seem poised to achieve what Ruy Texeira predicted a decade ago:  an “emerging Democratic majority” .

Virtually all the groups that backed Obama — singles, millennials, Hispanics, Asians — are all growing bigger while many of the core Republican groups, such as evangelicals  and intact families, appear in  secular decline.

And then, the Republicans, ham handed themselves, are virtually voiceless (outside of the Murdoch empire) in the mainstream national media.

Whatever the issue that comes up — from Hurricane Sandy to the Newtown shootings or the “fiscal cliffs” — the Republicans, congenitally inept to start with, end up being portrayed as even more oafish.


Of the now triumphant urban gentry have their townhouses and high-rise lofts, but the service workers who do their dirty work have to log their way by bus or car from the vast American banlieues, either in peripheral parts of the city (think of Brooklyn’s impoverished fringes) or the poorer close-in suburbs. This progressive economy works from the well-placed academics, the trustfunders and hedge funders, but produces little opportunity for a better life for the vast majority of the middle and working class.


Over time, the cultural identity and lifestyle politics practiced so brilliantly by the President and his team could begin to wear thin even with their core constituencies.  Hispanics, for example, have suffered grievously in the recession — some 28%  now live in poverty, the highest of any ethnic group.

It’s possible that the unnatural cohesion between gentry progressives and Latinos will tear asunder. For one thing Hispanics seek out life in suburbs with homes and backyards, and often drive more energy-consuming cars that fit the needs of family and work, notably construction and labor blue collar industries — all targets of the gentry and green agenda.


Of course, the blues have one inestimable advantage: a perennially stupid Republican party and a largely clueless, ideologically hidebound conservative movement. Constant missteps on issues like immigration and gay rights could keep even disappointed minority or younger votes in the President’s pocket. You can’t win new adherents by being the party of no and know-nothing. You also have to acknowledge that inequality is real and develop a program to promote upward mobility.

Unless that is done, the new generation and new Americans likely will continue to bow to the blue idols, irrespective to the failures that gentry progressivism all but guarantees.

The ineptitude of the Republican Party is the best weapons Democrats have. Rather than learn the lesson from the 2012 defeat Republicans have gone into denial and excuse making.  This is a recipe for Democrat dominance for the foreseeable future. If people feel you hate them, they will not vote for you. The Media has played up this nasty Republican reaction to their loss.

Nature abhors a vacuum and I do not see the Democrats dominating permanently. Many Republicans will get tired of losing and will either rebel against the inept Establishment and the Purists or will establish a new Center Right Party.

The Democrats have a very unstable coalition that can be easily picked apart by a competent opposition. But the Republican Party is not competent, nor is it interested in reaching out to new voters. Unless Democrats go after guns, an issue that the GOP is actually good on, they will dominate politics until challenged by a reformed Republican Party or a New Center-Right Party. For now, the Progressives can enjoy their Neo-Fedual state they are building. They can thank the media and the GOP for their power!

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