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Essential VDH: The Hipsters

by Phantom Ace ( 138 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Election 2008, Elections 2012, Fascism, Liberal Fascism, Multiculturalism, Progressives, Tranzis at January 10th, 2013 - 2:00 pm

The Hipster movement is one of the least spoken about phenomena in recent times. They are politically the most powerful constituencies in American politics. They help fuel the rise of Obama in 2007 and propelled him to victory over Hillary Clinton for the Democrat nomination. In 2012, Hipsters were the decisive edge for Obama over Romney.

Hipsters are near the top of the Progressive Caste System. Most of the issues Democrats push are a result of Hipster activism. The push a very Far Left world view, but love the benefit of the free market. Victor Davis Hanson explains the hypocrisy of the Hipster movement.

No longer in our post-modern, post-industrial, metrosexual fantasyland. The nexus of big government, big money, and globalization has created a new creed of squaring the circle of being both liberal and yet elitist, egalitarian-talking but rich-acting, talking like a 99 percenter and living like a 1 percenter. And the rub is not that the two poles are contradictory, but that they are, in fact, necessary for each other: talking about the people means it is OK to live unlike the people.

In short, we can all be just what we profess to be. The key in our world of blue-jeaned billionaires is being hip — or rather at least professing to be hip.

But what is hip? Mostly it is a state of mind, a religion, a talk, a look, an outward persona that is the key that unlocks you from the ramifications of your ideology.

Hip is like “cool”, whose power I wrote about not long ago: a general sense of tapping into the popular youth culture of music, fashion, food, electronics, easy left-wing politics, and adolescent habit. Hipness is a tool designed to justify enjoying the riches and leisure produced by the American brand of Western market capitalism by poking fun at it, teasing it some, dressing it up a bit to suggest ambivalence over its benefits without ever seriously either understanding their source or, much less, losing them. We feel hip at Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, but not so much in the organic section of Safeway.

Hip also plays out as professed caring — worrying in the abstract about all sorts of endangered species, starving peoples, or degraded environments. It is being loudly angry at retrograde forces — white males, the rich, gun owners, Christians, family types, and suburbanites, the sorts who ostensibly crafted the toxicity of Western civilization that you are forced to use and enjoy. Yet embrace hip, and all things become possible.


Palestinians are hip in a way that Israelis are not; but pro-Palestinian reporters stay in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv without a clue why the two cities are different from Ramallah.

Hipsters are no laughing matter. They are a very dangerous group who seek to establish a Totalitarian Regime with them at the top. Their ideology is based of Plato’s the Republic. Hipsters view themselves at the forefront of shaping society. They have elected one President and seek to elect another one.

Make no mistake, Hipsters are a political force to be reckoned with.

(Hat Tip: The Osprey)



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