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Hamas’ political win thanks to Obama

by Phantom Ace ( 94 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Dhimmitude, Gaza, Hamas, Islamists, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Muslim Brotherhood at April 1st, 2013 - 7:00 am

The Obama Regime forced Israel to apologize to Turkey over the Gaza flotilla. Acting like the Islamic jerks they are, The Turks are spiking the football and bragging over a great victory. Erdogan is planning a visit to Gaza to celebrate his win. The truth of the matter is thanks to the Obama Regime, Hamas, which is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood has won a huge political battle. By making Israel apologize for the flotilla, Turkey has legitimized Hamas and their demands.

Barack Obama brought enough Chicago-style community organizing to Israel that Benjamin Netanyahu knew what he would have to do. If he hoped to keep the tepid support of his country’s essential but icy ally, Israel’s prime minister would have to do what he’d spent nearly three years steadfastly refusing to do. Netanyahu would have to apologize to a state sponsor of terrorism that openly, notoriously, and enthusiastically supports Hamas.

He would have to apologize to Turkey — to its prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Obama’s close friend and confidant.


As I recount in Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy, the violent jihadists in question were from the grotesquely named “Humanitarian Relief Foundation” or IHH (İnsan Hak ve Hürriyetleri ve İnsani Yardım Vakfı). The IHH is an Islamic “charity” based and basted in the Islamic supremacism of Erdogan’s Turkey. It is part of the Union of Good (sometimes referred to as the “Union for Good”), a jihadist umbrella enterprise that was designated by the United States government, during the Bush administration, as an international terrorist organization. Under the direction of a top Muslim Brotherhood honcho, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Union of Good’s main purpose is to transfer funds to Hamas, another designated terrorist organization. Besides being the Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch, Hamas boasts Turkey, our NATO “ally,” as its chief benefactor.


With Obama on the phone egging him on, Netanyahu abased himself. Not only did he apologize to Turkey, he further capitulated to Erdogan’s demand that Israel pay compensation to the Mavi Marmara “victims.” After the apology, Erdogan briefed his Hamas confederates and announced he would be visiting them in Gaza next month. Predictably, he has since announced that Netanyahu’s humiliating act of contrition will not be sufficient to restore diplomatic relations between the two nations. Just as predictably, other Islamic states are now preparing demands for apologies and compensation for sundry exercises of Israeli self-defense against jihadist terror.


 Our military’s killing of Osama bin Laden, complemented by the controversial drone campaign, has given President Obama cover. The occasional terrorist is taken out, the administration beats its chest, and few notice that al-Qaeda is resurgent, that the administration spends far more time appeasing Islamists than killing terrorists, and that Hamas has won.

Obama has carried out an American tradition of backstabbing Non Muslims to please Muslims. Its a disgrace and proves an argument of Rand Paul. Israel has become too dependent on the US. This may  not be an issue when there is a Pro-Israel president, but with a not friendly Administration, US support for Israel becomes blackmail.

Blinded by Wilsonianism, both Democrats and Republicans are nothing but lackeys of Islamic interests. 12 years after 9/11, I have nothing but shame in my county’s Pro-Islamist policies.



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