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A Few Moments With Thomas Sowell

by Flyovercountry ( 66 Comments › )
Filed under Conservatism, Libertarianism, The Political Right at September 20th, 2013 - 4:00 pm

I’ve seen more than a few posts over the last couple of days in which the constant reference to race on my least favorite news network has been suddenly noticed. It would seem that everything on MSNBC is being reported on through that particular prism. The self anointed lords of tolerance, being the most intolerant people on our planet in actuality is not what I find to be consequential. That their statements tend to be ill conceived, moronic, without perspective or even accurate reference is what irks me. If you want to have a continuous conversation about race, O.K. fine. The First Amendment says, and rightly so by the way, that you can use the resources of your powerful transmitter and beautifully marketed syndication and distribution channel to speak to what ever issue you wish. Those who want to listen to you pontificate endlessly on one singular issue are free to tune in, while those who wish to talk about something else are free to tune you out.

What does irk me just a little, is how on Earth can one subject remain the entirety of your programming, constantly, and yet having that one coherent thought we’ve all been waiting for with baited breath remains so elusive. All political disagreement with our current President is dismissively labeled as racist, regardless of how much empirical evidence is produced to illustrate reason for that disagreement. Recently, MSNBC has decided to include another wealthy white self anointed scold, Alec Baldwin, to their ranks. Never mind the fact that he himself has embarked on some of the most embarrassing diatribes that would have given Mel Gibson pause, he’s still a member of good standing within the ranks of the political left. That means that as long as he calls out Conservatives as racist, he can spew his own hateful rants without account or repercussion.

So, just to keep pace in the endless discussion on race, brought to us by all who reside on the left side of our national divide, not for the purpose of healing anything mind you, but rather for the purpose of ending all thought and expression of desire for smaller government, free markets, and self determination, I have decided to allow Dr. Thomas Sowell make my points for me. Dr. Sowell is the creator of a school of economics known as empiricism. He was a student of Milton Friedman at the University of Chicago, and was hand picked by Friedman as a replacement for his fellowship at the Hoover Institution.

The more cynical among you may believe, and even state that I picked Sowell’s many statements on the issue of race because of the color of his skin, and not for the content of his intellect. I can assure you that this is not the case, the color of Dr. Sowell’s skin is merely a happy coincidence. I will however point out that in every instance, it is a white liberal who labels Sowell’s views as being racist.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.



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