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If You Think The Democrats Are Running From Obamacare Now, Just Wait Till October

by Flyovercountry ( 264 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Progressives at July 9th, 2014 - 7:00 am

In the never ending game of, “is the conservative, evil, stupid, senile, or crazy,” Sarah Palin drew the stupid card, and they even made a movie about her to prove it. Game Change showed us a Palin so vapid, and simultaneously vacuous, that I honestly believed that Ed Harris, the guy playing John McCain, would at one point knock her over and begin using her as a kettle drum. The great quote from the movie was Sarah saying, “we have to win this race so I won’t have to go back to Alaska,” nice. Something happened on the way to labeling Sarah stupid though. Each of the, “dumb things,” Sarah said during that campaign, have either come true or been proven correct.

So while we all have a laugh at the Woman not properly vetted to take the Oath of Office, and worse yet, not fit to lead, let’s grab a quick glimpse of the guy who actually was elected as our nation’s number two, before we continue.

After the election, Sarah Palin penned in early 2009, an op-ed in which she passionately argued against the passage of Obamacare. During that impassioned plea, she described the cold realities which would await Americans when facing, “Death Panels.” The usage of that term of course threw the political left into a tizzy. “Sarah is just plain stupid, that she would try to scare Americans into believing such a crazy thing.” Of course, those panels are called, “Independent Payment Advisory Boards,” and the phrase, “Death Panels,” itself comes from the British Citizens, who dubbed their counterpart of that particular piece of our legislation as such. It is a derogatory term for a body of bureaucrats making life and death decisions for all of us, not based upon medical considerations, but upon bureaucratic ones instead. What brings it all home is the fact that when ever pressed about the moronic economics of Obamacare, the left always pointed to Britain as one of their shining examples of how well the law would work, and indeed was already working in other industrialized nations.

The first glimpse of the Death Panel reality can be seen by clicking the link.

Rolain was diagnosed with the tumor in early 2014 and was unable to receive treatment for months because of enrollment problems with the state’s Obamacare exchange, Nevada Health Link, Rolain’s husband Robert said in a June press conference.

Robert Rolain said his wife’s tumor went from treatable to fatal as they awaited coverage. Following multiple enrollment issues, the couple bought insurance through Xerox. The plan was supposed to begin in March, but Xerox miscommunicated its start date so the couple didn’t know they had coverage until May, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Las Vegas insurance broker Pat Casale, who helped Rolain with the enrollment issues, told the Review-Journal that he knows multiple people who are “in serious need of care” but aren’t receiving it despite the fact that they’ve paid premiums.

We have now had our first death-by-government-bureaucracy casualty of Obamacare. But, like every good leftist knows, one death is a tragedy, and a million deaths are a statistic. Right now, Linda Rolain’s death is a tragedy, and one that could have been avoided, death by Obamacare. Fear not my fellow comrades of the land formerly reserved for the free and brave, by this time next year, she’ll have been joined by many others, thus completing that short walk from tragedy to statistic. Sorry Linda, you’re only the first in an eerily long and depressing line.

Milton Friedman once quipped that if you wanted to rid the desert of sand, all you’d need to do would be to appoint some government bureaucrat the task of keeping sand in the desert. Welcome to that desert my fellow good subjects, the sand I speak of is what’s left of the world’s greatest health care system. And as hard as this news may be to hear, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

As unpopular as this law is, the really scary stuff hasn’t even hit yet. That loud and palpable convulsion America experienced in November of last year, when about 8 Million or so people nation wide were unceremoniously informed that they couldn’t keep their plans, doctors, or facilities, that they liked, will seem like the happy days when almost a third of Americans felt Barack Obama was really good at his job.

Insurers have already started to dribble out the really good news that premiums will be skyrocketing due to out of control costs inflicted by adding a massive money sucking infrastructure with out benefit to a system that was operating well enough to actually make 85% of Americans happy with its function. Come to think of it, what institution in our nation’s history besides health care could ever have made that claim?

The problem of course is that those cost curves aren’t coming down, at least not in the land known as reality.

Insurers got a close look at the profiles of the enrollees in the individual health-insurance market this spring, and they turned out to be sicker than projected, as the “young invincibles” took a pass on ObamaCare in 2014. That means that premiums will go up in the fall in order to cover the added expense of the higher-risk enrollments — and that has the Obama administration spin team working extra hard this summer to cover their rear ends just before the midterms:

Even the upcoming rate hikes that almost everyone in the nation will face this year however is only a side show annoyance in this colossally bad idea made national law. the true devastation will occur when and if the employer mandate ever kicks in. It’s been pushed back once already, and something tells me that the Democrats holding office in Washington will try to delay it through at least the 2016 Presidential Election. Those 8 Million dropped subjects will seem like small potatoes indeed when the vehicle by which a vast majority of our number becomes too encumbering to keep in place.

Buy stock in companies that produce pitch forks and torches. When 200 Million Americans lose their health care coverage, because compliant plans that won’t be designed to actually pay benefits make the fines cheaper than the, “coverage,” something tells me that they’ll be plenty upset.

Just as a side note: Maybe instead of debating about what to do with the new crisis caused by our petulant man child President along our Southern border, we should be worried about the adoption of the very economic system that made their original nations such hell holes as our own economic system. Change it back please!

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

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