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Ferguson Proves One Thing, It’s Not Open Season On Black Youths, No Matter How Hard That Narrative Is Pushed.

by Flyovercountry ( 245 Comments › )
Filed under Conservatism, Liberal Fascism, Libertarianism, Progressives, Republican Party, The Political Right at August 21st, 2014 - 8:59 am

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

As Ferguson consumes the new normal in terms of news cycles, one crisis dominating a two week period of time, wiping the continuing crises from our collective consciousness, (remember, the border crisis, Gaza, Ukraine, and Isis are all still out there,) some things have struck me over the last few evenings of riotous stupidity. One, I’d like to formally welcome the strange and logic defying anarchist/communist alliance to the mix. You’ll remember this group of fun loving trouble makers, they’re the two groups that got together and fouled down town areas with their great demonstrations of personal hygiene in the Occupy movement that’s been going on since 2011. They say that politics makes strange bedfellows, but commies and anarchists getting together? That takes some real imagination stretching. You lucky people in Ferguson, besides being the inhabitants of a place that used to be a town, now get to live side by side with these people and their antics. There are already several reports of these lunatics attempting to egg protesters into more violent acts, including increased looting, (they want their share of the treasure I guess.)

Occupy Wall Street Protester defecating on police car.

Not to belabor the point, but what ever Ferguson used to be, it will never be again. It may be rebuilt, it may heal, it may even be stronger some how, but it will always be different. Ferguson has been identified as a front in a battle much larger than Mike Brown, and the Police hired to protect the town’s 21,000 inhabitants from the Mike Browns of the world. The rioters are not from Ferguson for the most part. They hail from just about everywhere else in America, and they’re coming for the fun and sport of looting and pillaging, all while sticking it to the Man, who ever he is.

Not lost in the irony of Ferguson and the riots there is the sight of a Democrat Party initiative to register voters who have been outraged by the violence now destroying their community. Like a swiss watch, they have their tent out there on the edge of it all, telling everybody who passes by, “we’re here to help you achieve hopety change.” Lost in the irony of what is happening in Ferguson is the small fact that the Democrats run everything in that community from the Sheriff’s office to dog catcher, and have for quite some time. The Mayor is a Democrat. The Police Chief is a Democrat. The Sheriff is a Democrat. The Governor is a Democrat. The City Council Members are all Democrats. At some point in time, somebody somewhere will be forced to ask, “how’s that hopety change working out for you?”

In our post racial Presidency, that time when the rise of our oceans was supposed to have been reversed, our nation fundamentally transformed into Utopia, and our racial divisions healed, we find ourselves suspiciously embroiled in one racially motivated crisis after another. I don’t know if any of you have noticed this or not, but we here in America aren’t suddenly sitting around hugging each other, smoking peace pipes, and singing, “kumbayah my lord,” in those wonderful drum circles. Harken back to the heady days of 2008, when 51% of a nation was convinced that electing Barack Obama was necessary to heal the racial divisions still being caused by the institution of Slavery, even though 150 years ago, our nation went through the bloodiest war in world history expressly to abolish that reprehensible institution. The term post racial was bandied about like candy being passed out by, “Palestinians,” after the 9/11 attacks. And here we are today, not exactly reaping the benefits of a post racial period in our history, but instead suffering a period in time when our racial divisions have descended to the tumultuous level we survived in the 1960’s. Coincidentally, our President’s rhetoric and agenda also match exactly what was heard from the community organizing crowd largely existing on the fringes of society during that same era of American civil unrest.

One thing should be painfully obvious to everyone though. If one thing has been proven during the last 6 years, it is that this meme of police and white holders of political power running about viciously hunting down otherwise peaceful innocent Black Youth is patently false, fabricated, baloney, and just otherwise off of the reservation silly. For six years, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Malik Shabaaz, and in fact our Attorney General, Eric Holder, have been circling the nation like some species of perverted bizarre racist vultures just waiting for an innocent Black Child to be slain by the Great White Defendant. We’ve had some promising candidates in that time, some wonderful riots, civil unrest, but in the end, the facts have undercut the opportunity to hang a white racially motivated killer out to dry.

In fact, despite true effort to show how truly evil and racist Americans really are, in that six year time frame, not one single incidence of whitey killing a black child out of pure spite has been proven true, not one. It’s not from a lack of effort or creativity either. We’ve invented a new demographic, “white hispanic,” along the way. We’ve attempted to change facts, suppress evidence, and move the goal posts, but in each and every case, the original narrative has been shown to not only be wrong, but a fabricated lie as well. So this leaves two possibilities. Either we are not attempting to round up Black Children and kill them, or we really such at it.

So America, I guess, pat yourself on the back. You’ve remained largely post racial, despite the best efforts of our first Black President, who’s worked tirelessly to drag you back into the civil unrest of the 60’s.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.



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