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Posts Tagged ‘Amsterdam’

Protecting Antifa’s Right to Violent Counter-Protest

by 1389AD ( 130 Comments › )
Filed under Europe, Free Speech, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Liberal Fascism, Political Correctness at October 30th, 2010 - 5:00 pm

Scroll down for the NCAA Football Thread, Week 8 thread below!

Originally published on Gates of Vienna

Reprinted with permission.

Update on Saturday’s Demo in Amsterdam

EFI logoI mentioned last night that the Amsterdam police suddenly — three days before the scheduled event — demanded that the organizers of Saturday’s free speech demonstration move their event to a new venue.

Today the European Freedom Initiative’s appeal was denied, and the authorities have officially ordered the demonstration to move to its new location, Generatorstraat.

Our Flemish correspondent VH sends these details about the new venue:

Generatorstraat is all the way out in the Western Harbour area. They have moved it there out of fear for violence. The mayor says out of fear of hooligans, but if there is any violence, it will be violence provoked by the Anti-fascists. Threats were also posted on the culturally enriched website maroc.nl.

Another aspect may be is that the EFI is not a left-wing initiative — for example, violent demonstrations by the anti-Semitic enriched “Dutch” in The Netherlands Admits Color or the squatters were not relocated to the fringe of the city.

Here’s a Google map of the location Generatorstraat.

As I understand it, the new location is near the subway station Isolatorweg, which is the end of line 50 from Amsterdam Central Station. The demonstration will run from 2:00 to 5:00pm.

One of our Dutch contacts has this to say about the new location:

We will be placed, I guess, on a field of grass. As I understand it, the police will seal off the area, in such a way that they will have checkpoints on each road leading to it: in that way they want to ensure Antifa cannot attack our demonstration.

Antifa don’t have a permission for a demo, but they will show up anyway. I am sure, however, that the police will deal with them.

Antifa is losing credit every day here in Holland, they don’t have much left. If the demonstrators assemble in an orderly and peaceful manner, they can gain sympathy from the majority of the Dutch people.

A note to Europeans who up until now thought they lived under the rule of law: the police, in all their riot gear, armed with weapons, dogs, helicopters, and so on, cannot protect a peaceful crowd of unarmed civilians.

This is the New World Order.

Check the ICLA website for more information.

Many thanks to Kitman for the title of this post.

We are all fighting the same battle!

Thanks to the efforts of brave people like Geert Wilders and Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, many people in Europe are becoming aware of the danger of Islam and are willing to take a stand. We must support them. Here in the US, we must also get out the vote for candidates who understand and will confront the danger of Islam, who respect the Constitution, and who will protect our vitally important right to freedom of speech, particularly about the impending danger of Islam.

October 30, 2010: Amsterdam Demonstration for Free Speech

by 1389AD ( 61 Comments › )
Filed under Breaking News, Dhimmitude, Islam, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Liberal Fascism at October 28th, 2010 - 6:30 pm

Gates of Vienna: Crush Sharia-Socialism!

Reprinted with permission.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
EFI logoAs reported here previously, there will be a demonstration in support of free speech in Amsterdam this Saturday, October 30th. Activists from all over Europe will gather to express their solidarity with Geert Wilders, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Gregorius Nekschot, and all the other people across Europe who are being harassed, sued, prosecuted, and silenced for daring to speak out against politically correct orthodoxy.

The event is scheduled to take place at Museumplein, Amsterdam. However, the police want the organizers to move to a new location, and have proposed that it be held somewhere in the Westerlijk Havengebied (Western Port Area). In other words, in the middle of nowhere, and not in the heart of the city.

The organizers are working with police liaison in attempt to retain the original location. They argue that it creates enormous logistical difficulties — and may increase the security risks — to change the venue at such a late date. Some of the attendees are already in transit, and may miss the news of the change in plans.

As of this evening, there has been no final decision.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
The umbrella group organizing the Amsterdam demonstration is the European Freedom Initiative. Participating groups include

  • Pax Europa (BPE)
  • The Dutch Defense League (DDL)
  • Politically Incorrect
  • Mission Europa Netzwerk Karl Martell
  • The Alliance to Stop Sharia
  • The Amsterdam Post
  • The English Defence League (EDL)
  • The French Defence League (LDF)
  • The German Defence League (GDL)
  • The International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA)

Many thanks to Kitman for making this promotional video. I’ve placed it below the jump to get around the “Blogger bug”:

As soon as I receive any firm news about the change (or not) of venue, I’ll post it here.


Guilty: Jewish in the first degree

by Kafir ( 113 Comments › )
Filed under Anti-semitism, Blogmocracy, Europe, Guest Post, Islamic hypocrisy, Islamic Invasion, Islamic Supremacism, Islamic Terrorism, Judaism at June 24th, 2010 - 7:00 pm

Blogmocracy in Action!
Guest post by: WE ARE GOVERNMENT!

While the economic situation in Europe has taken precedence over issues of integration or the lack thereof, don’t think that it has disappeared entirely. Here is a video report from a Dutch Jewish organization entitled “Yarmulke, threats, and hidden camera” which is rather self explanatory. The story is about the daily intimidation and threats that Jews face while walking through Amsterdam. For the report, a Rabbi and two students walk through the city, *gasp* while wearing a kippa. Obviously, many of the “youths” of Amsterdam consider the existence of Jews a provocation and react accordingly.

While subtitles in English are not available, I will provide a play by play.

2:00: The announcer points out that it doesn’t take long before they have their first “incident” of the day.

2:30: A group of “youths” laugh as they walk by and one gives a Hitler salute.

3:05: Here is where I will plagiarize Mark Steyn. “What’s that word again?” You guessed it: Youths.

3:20: Doedi explains that he always remains alert when walking through the city. I suppose I would too if half of the people under the age of 25 would gladly use me as kindling.

3:30: A Moroccan honks his horn and yells out “Go back to your own country”, which is obviously ironic coming from a Moroccan in the Netherlands. Considering the high turnout for Geert Wilder’s party, it seems many Dutch people would ask him to follow his own advice first. I’m sure they would even provide bus fare.

3:50: One Jewish student tells of experiences he has had on a bus, including the now famous “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas” slur made famous during the war with Gaza in 2009. Of course this is a message of peace, love and understanding. It is a little known fact that in John Lennon’s ode to utopian world peace, Imagine, this was in a verse that never made the final cut. Because, you know, it’s a message of peace and shows a longing to integrate.

And just a side note; the Youths we are talking about here were in their forties. Ah, the youthful exuberance of a 45 year old Jew hater!

4:20: This is a new one to me. One youth calls out “Kankerjood” as they walk past. The best translation for this I can come up with is “Cancer Jew.” At least they are creative.

4:45: Another incident with more of the youths of the city. The youths ask him if he is going to call the police. He asks why, and then turns and walks away. Then it gets interesting.

5:20: Is this a peace message? You be the judge. “Jood”, by the way, means Jew.

6:00: Here we can start to see the psychological strain of living in such conditions. The word used here is “intimidating.” That seems to be a bit of an understatement. I would have said “psychoterror resulting from an aggressive, imperialistic, nihilistic culture that is unable to live at peace with anyone due to a backwards mindset that should have been discarded before Columbus’ crew every brought tobacco and syphillis back to the old country.” But that’s just me. Maybe my grasp of Dutch doesn’t allow me to get nuance?

6:10: What was that word again? Jongen = boys = youths.

6:40: Here is a list of the registered complaints in the Netherlands. In the last 6 months. Keep in mind that these are only the ones that made it to the police. And, there are only 30,000 Jews in the Netherlands, 9,000 of which belong to a Jewish organization. Of these, my guess is that fewer than 1,000 would be considered Orthodox and “look” Jewish. These seems to be a widespread phenomena. I guess everyone wants to get in on the craze. Why should the youths of Amsterdam have all the fun when there is nothing to do in Wassernar and Middleburg on a Friday night?

7:30: Here is where the Rabbi gives a relatively calm reaction to the events. He says both that this behaviour is certainly not normal, and that they shouldn’t accept it. He’s half right. It is certainly unacceptable that Jewish Dutch citizens have to live like 3rd class citizens in their own country, fearful of being spotted. On the other hand, it is definitely the new normal. As you can see from the video, this has gone from an infrequent occurrence to something that happens every time a “visible” Jew is seen on the streets of Amsterdam.

If this video surprises you at all, please read and then reread Mark Steyn’s “America Alone.” And visit the Netherlands while you still can. It really was quite nice while it lasted.

Update: Reading through the comments section is enlightening. Apparently some people consider it a provocation to wear an Israeli shirt; in other words, don’t look Jewish or you are to blame for the unwanted attention. This is where I would note the popularity of the clothing manufacturer Ken Velo, which is particularly loved by the “youth” of Europe. Ken Velo is an Israeli company; it is not the owner’s name but means “Yes and No” in Hebrew.

-We Are Government

(cross posted at We Are Government)

Dam Square, Amsterdam

by Kafir ( 56 Comments › )
Filed under Open thread at March 8th, 2009 - 7:12 pm
