This thread has been combined from 3 headline posts brought to you by 1389AD.
Many thanks to the PVV for sending this:
Statement of Geert Wilders concerning the massacre in Norway
The brutal murder of dozens of innocent Norwegian civilians several days ago has shocked the Freedom Party (Dutch PVV). We mourn and stand by the Norwegian people who suffer from a massive blow.
The manifesto of the perpetrator makes clear that this is a madman. He wants to work with Al Qaeda (which he cherishes great admiration for), craves the bombing of cities, dreams of knights that surgically mutilate themselves, and wants to meet his hero Karadzic.
Breivik also refers to the Netherlands. That the fight against Islam is violently abused by a psychopath is disgusting and a slap in the face of the global anti-Islamic movement. It fills me with disgust that the perpetrator refers to the PVV and me in his manifesto.
Neither PVV nor I are responsible for a lone idiot who twisted and violently abused the freedom-loving anti-Islamization ideals, no matter how much some people would like that. We are democrats at heart. The Freedom Party has never, ever called for violence and will never do. We believe in the power of the ballot box and the wisdom of the voter. Not bombs and guns.
We fight for a democratic and nonviolent means against the further Islamisation of society and will continue to do so. The preservation of our freedom and security is our only goal.
— Geert Wilders
Also see:
July 26, 2011
Stand Up America Now condemns the attack that took place in Norway. There is absolutely no excuse for this type of violence. These types of acts are perpetrated by misguided individuals, and could continue out of a desperation to bring attention to the growing threat of radical Islam.
As long as our governments continue to ignore the radical element of Islam and as they continue to justify its violent actions by adapting to a policy of political correctness, there will be a great danger.
Hopefully this event will not be used as a type of smokescreen to cover up the violent activities of Islam that take place worldwide. Since the 9/11 attack in 2001 there has been over 18,000 Islamic terrorist attacks injuring and killing many people. The threat of radical Islam needs to be addressed by our governments and necessary measures must be taken to stop it.
– Dr. Terry Jones
Founder and President, Stand Up America Now
Our Austrian correspondent Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, whom regular readers know well, has been pulled into the controversy over the recent atrocities in Norway. In response to numerous media requests, Elisabeth has decided to make the following statement, which will be her only one.
Below is her own translation into English. The original German is below the translation.
In English:
APA Aussendung
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, M.A.
I condemn in the strongest possible terms the terror attacks that took place in Oslo and on Utøya island on July 23, 2011. There are no excuses for this wicked atrocity, nor can it be relativized. I extend my sympathies to the Norwegian people and especially to the relatives and friends of the dead. I mourn with the survivors.
I very much regret that this psychopathic killer believed he had to make reference to my beliefs in his 1,500-page manifesto. I can hardly defend myself against such wrongful exploitation, but those who know me and hear what I say in my public appearances know very well that I reject any form of violence.
However, if well-founded criticism is blamed for those attacks, aren’t the critics of Olof Palme to blame for his murder?
Did Mahatma Gandhi’s critics kill him, or did the killer himself bear individual responsibility?
Were the critics of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy to blame for the murder of the crown prince, and consequently responsible for the outbreak of World War I?
I am a woman of words, and I have nothing to do with violence, which I categorically reject.
In addition, I reject all worldviews that justify the use of violence. In this rejection, I do not care whether the ideology commands its power with the help of guns or swords.
Auf Deutsch:
APA Aussendung
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, M.A.
Ich verurteile aufs Schärfste die Terroranschläge von Oslo und auf ein Jugendcamp auf der Insel Utöya vom 23. Juli. Es gibt keinerlei Entschuldigung oder Relativierung für dieses infame Verbrechen. Meine Anteilnahme gilt dem norwegischen Volk und besonders den Angehörigen. Ich trauere mit den Hinterbliebenen.
Ich bedaure es sehr, dass der psychopathische Attentäter glaubte, sich in seinem 1.500-Seiten Pamphlet auch auf meine Ansichten beziehen zu müssen. Ich kann mich gegen solche falschen Vereinnahmungen leider nicht wehren, denn wer mich und meine Vorträge kennt, der weiß, dass ich jede Form von Gewalt anlehne.
Wenn fundierte Kritik Schuld an Attentaten ist, sind beispielsweise dann die Kritiker Olof Palmes für den Mord an ihn verantwortlich?
Haben die Kritiker Mahatma Gandhis ihn ermordet oder war es der Attentäter selbst in individueller Verantwortung?
Waren die Kritiker der Monarchie schuld am Attentat auf den Thronfolger und daher auch schuld am Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs?
Ich bin eine Frau der Worte, habe mit Gewalt nichts zu tun und lehne diese kategorisch ab.
Ich lehne alle Weltbilder ab, die Gewalt rechtfertigen. Bei dieser Ablehnung ist es mir gleich, ob laut der Ideologie die Macht aus den Läufen von Gewehren kommt oder ob diese mit dem Schwert verbreitet wird.