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Posts Tagged ‘Arab Spring’

Nusra video shows intense urban fighting in Deir ez Zor

by Phantom Ace ( 1 Comment › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Headlines, Hezballah, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Islamists, Lebanon, Syria at November 24th, 2013 - 2:18 pm

I saw this video on Twitter today by al-Nusra Front and was amazed of the intensity of urban combat showed in it. The video which was filmed in Deir ez Zor in Eastern Syria shows Nusra fighters taking on the Syrian Army, Hezbollah and Iraqi Shias in urban combat.

This shows how deadly and difficult an urban combat environment can be.

Nusra Front displays ID of dead Hezbollah fighter

by Phantom Ace ( 2 Comments › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Headlines, Hezballah, Islamic Terrorism, Islamists, Syria at September 29th, 2013 - 9:43 pm

Nisra Front loves to display videos of dead Hezbollah fights like a hunter tales picture with his kill. The videos are psych-ops to get into the heads of Hezbollah. In this video they show the ID of a dead Hezbollah fighter and the Iranian currency on him. This is just more evidence of Hezbollah being Iranian puppets.

The Syrian War is an Islamic soap opera!

Essential VDH: Obama is a joke

by Phantom Ace ( 100 Comments › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Military at September 10th, 2013 - 12:12 pm

Despite huffing, puffing and chest pounding Obama has thankfully backed off helping al-Qaeda and its allies in Syria. The Russians have made offer that they will help dismantle Syrian WMDs in return for the US backing off strikes. Not only will this mean Assad can’t transfer weapons to Hezbollah, but it will prevent al-Qaeda/al-Nusra from seizing them and using it.

In the end, Obama ended up looking like a clown and his red line over Syria, has effectively crippled his Presidency. Not even his own party was backing his call for war. The public was vehemently against the intervention.

To support the president’s enforcement of his red line in Syria requires suspensions of disbelief. Here are several.

I wish it were not true, but there is scant evidence that the world, led by the U.S., went to war in the past over the use of weapons of mass destruction — whether by Gamel Nasser in Yemen or by Saddam Hussein against the Kurds and the Iranians. Understandably, the current West’s reaction, including Obama’s, to possible Syrian WMD use is calibrated mostly on the dangers of intervention, not the use of WMD per se. Thus Obama is now focusing on Syria in a way he is not, at least overtly, on Iran, the far greater WMD threat, because he believes the former could be handled with two days’ worth of Tomahawks and the latter could not. That would be understandable pragmatism if it were not dressed up in the current humanitarian bluster about red lines and the “international community.”


No one currently in charge of U.S. foreign policy has any record of foreign-policy success. Those who might have offered wise counsel either are dead, have left the administration, or do not exercise authority — Crocker, Eikenberry, Gates, Holbrooke, Mattis, Petraeus. In contrast, the common theme among Obama, Biden, Hagel, Rice, Kerry, and Power is not brilliance. They cannot agree in public with each other; they contradict their own past statements; they have lost the public’s confidence in their veracity; and they sermonize and pontificate rather than inspire. One day we are bombing and skipping authorization from Congress; the next day, everything is on hold while Congress vacations; the next, its vote may not even matter; the next, the “shot across the bow” is a full-fledged, non-tiny attack; and most recently, everything is on hold again while the Russians — in the middle of a civil war, no less — negotiate with Assad to account for and turn over his WMD. We are certainly not in reliable hands to make one of the most complicated interventions in recent U.S. history.

Obama has been exposed as the jokester many on the Right have known for the last 5-7 years.

Our Foreign Policy, And More Importantly Syria, In A 29 Second Nut Shell

by Flyovercountry ( 91 Comments › )
Filed under Al Qaeda, Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Progressives, Republican Party, Syria at September 5th, 2013 - 8:00 am

We there you have it my gentle fellow citizens of the land of the feckless, home of the naive. When asked what it was exactly that our leaders hoped to gain by intervention in Syria, Admiral Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, answered, “I don’t know, I can’t answer that.” Just let that soak in for a moment or two, and we’ll chat afterwards.

I really did not want to do another Syria bit today, but seeing as though the only other news was about the monster Ariel Castro’s suicide, and the fact that a senior Obama Official has admitted that when we do intervene in Syria, our belief is that our action will accomplish nothing, I felt obliged. I don’t know what the background of Admiral Dempsey is here, and my sense is that he is held hostage by his principals to serve an Administration that he genuinely dislikes. Somebody has to hold his job while our treasonous President serves out his term, and it’s possible that, to his thinking, somebody should actually have America’s best interests at heart. At the same time, he is honor bound to follow the President’s orders, no matter how stupid they may be.

So, when the President ordered him to appear at the Kerry dog and pony show orchestrated for the Senate, he was stuck betwixt a rock and a hard place when asked the simple question, what good do you hope comes of this? Kicking out the Iranian puppet regime which takes the form of Hezbollah and that group of shiite thugs, in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood controlled puppet regime which will take the form of Al-Queda and that group of Shiite thugs, makes darned little sense when the end game is considered in its proper perspective, which is that there will be no appreciable difference in what Syria will be, in the end.

There is not one single argument for intervention in Syria that passes even cursory scrutiny. Chemical Weapons or WMD? Do you honestly believe that Al Queda, those fine folks who flew airplanes into the WTC and Pentagon are less likely to use Chemical weapons once they get their hands on them? They had no compunction with the thought of killing thousands of innocent people, what makes anyone believe that killing hundreds would give them pause? Bashir Assad is a really bad guy? What evidence does anyone have that the replacement thugs will be any nicer? Does September 11, 2001 ring any bells for you? That’s exactly who our President has chosen to support.

What it comes down to is this, our President, as much as he accused everyone else in the world of having this fault, decided that seventh grade school yard diplomacy would be the way to go in terms of helping Bashir Assad, the one time bestest buddy of the Democrats in Washington, make the best decisions for all of humanity, and those poor souls in Syria who live at his pleasure. Our President, fully armed with that smart diplomacy power, and his vast array of sternly worded letters and such, told Mr. Assad, a known sociopath, that there was a, “red line,” which he dare not cross. So, in the spirit of seventh grade, “neener neener,” brand of politicking, which for those Middle East aficionados is also known as saber rattling, Bashir Assad emphatically asked directions to the vaunted, “red line,” and crossed so many times that it is indistinguishable from the rest of the sand in the desert.

So now, the rush to lob a single cruise missile so that it explodes harmlessly in the desert, (brings back memories of Bill Clinton doesn’t it,) is supported by the latest iteration of an argument, America will look weak should we fail to do this thing. For the intellectuals out there, who may have a hard time following an argument that is not properly nuanced, I am truly sorry. I realize that simplicity is the enemy of tortured logic, and I’m only spit balling here, but perhaps the foreign policy based on projecting American weakness is what has made America seem weak. Maybe, just maybe, Bashir Assad looked out over the happenings in Egypt, Tunisia, Quatar, Libya, the Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, and where ever else, and said, hey there’s a Democrat in the White House again, I can behave poorly with impunity.

The worst part of this dog and pony show for me is the realization that the Republican Party once again, asserts its place as the Palooka Party. Barack Obama, who has thrown this farce to Congress for a hypothetical debate, which means basically that he’ll act with or without Congressional Approval, is clearly seeking political cover, so that he may share blame, or better yet, manage to once again escape any of the accountability for committing U.S. troops to a military operation in which we have no identifiable objective, and consequently no chance for any sort of victory. Listening to a good number of the Republicans in the Senate, and in the House, it would seem that there is a large swath of our side more than willing to kiss canvas here.

By the time this is remembered for the 2014 midterms, it will have been a bipartisan disaster, in which Barack Obama’s hand was forced because of the ill advised council he’d received from John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and John Boehner. By the time the 2016 Presidential election rolls around, this will have been consigned to history as the McCain-Graham-Boehner war. Just like history granting Richard Nixon the lion’s share of the blame for the war in Viet Nam, conveniently forgetting that it was John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson who gifted that use of military force to our nation, by the time that this one gets retold in the reeducation camps formerly known as public schools, Barack Obama will have tried to keep it from happening at all. He will have fought against the establishment as he always has, while leading our country from behind.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.