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Posts Tagged ‘Boeing’

Will The Last Free Person In America Please Turn Out The Lights!

by Flyovercountry ( 104 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Communism, Democratic Party, Economy, Politics, Progressives, Regulation, Socialism, unemployment at May 18th, 2011 - 5:00 pm

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

If this does not wake Americans up as to what our Central Planners in the Washington Politburo and their boss, Dear Leader Obama are doing, and are going to do in the future, I am not sure at all that there is any hope for America.  I hate to sound negative, and I realize that calling Dear Leader and his Central Planning Apparatchiks Marxists is considered racist in the circles of those who are also in favor of flat out Marxism, but this latest move, perpetrated by the NLRB really puts it all in perspective.  It seems as though, appointed Washington bureaucrats have granted themselves the authority to tell a successful American company where they can and can not conduct their business.

WASHINGTON – The top lawyer for the National Labor Relations Board issued a ruling Wednesday claiming that Boeing violated federal labor laws in deciding to start manufacturing a new line of its 787 planes in South Carolina – and seeking to force the firm to make the Dreamliner aircraft at its current plant in Everett.

Bear in mind, Boeing was planning on keeping their operations in Washington State going, they were going to add the plant in Charleston to their workforce.  This is the very job creation and economic boost our Nation needs right now.

Lafe Solomon, NLRB’s acting general counsel, alleged in his complaint that Boeing’s decision to open a non-union factory in South Carolina, a right-to-work state, discriminated against its Washington state employees who belong to the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.
“A worker’s right to strike is a fundamental right guaranteed by the National Labor Relations Act,” Solomon said. “We also recognize the rights of employers to make business decisions based on their economic interests, but they must do so within the law.”
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, delivered a scathing indictment of the NLRB move.
“This is one of the worst examples of unelected bureaucrats doing the bidding of special interest groups that I’ve ever seen,” Graham said. “In this case, the NLRB is doing the bidding of the unions at great cost to South Carolina and our nation’s economy.”

The State of Washington made decisions for the past 50 years to make the leftward shift towards Socialism.  South Carolina has been spending the same amount of time remaining a free market zone.  It is no secret that any job creation in our economy over the last 2 years has occurred either in the right to work states, or in the form of government growth and hiring.  Texas, South Carolina, Utah, have all not participated in the recession.  While unemployment remains at 9% for the rest of the Nation, These states have vastly better records.  What’s worse, if government hiring is factored out, unemployment would be up around 12%.  In other words, in order to keep the numbers below double digits, the Obama Administration has increased the numbers of those dependent on the federal teat.  The only Private Sector hiring going on, is happening in places where Obama’s policies are not being enacted.  That is not exactly a ringing endorsement of hopety change.

Not ever in my lifetime did I believe that it would be possible for the government to basically dictate to a private citizen how and where their business would be conducted.  Special interests, meaning the unions, have been placed at the forefront, while the economic interests and possibly the survival of an American Company have been mandated aside.  This is nothing more than a Chicago style payback for big labor.  Part of the need for Socialists, in order to make their asinine economic theory viable and competitive, is to change the rules and behavior of citizens.  Since Boeing’s best interests await in South Carolina, and the best interests in South Carolina is to incent Boeing to open up shop there, the NLRB needs to pass a rule making it painful for South Carolinians to incent businesses to open up shop in their State.  They need to pass rules making it painful for Boeing to do business where they choose to go.  This is the same thing as making incandescent bulbs illegal to produce, and taxing unapproved toilets.  It is just on a massively huge scale, and it is every bit as destructive.

Crossposted at Musings of a Mad Conservative.