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Posts Tagged ‘Christine O’Donnell’

Christine O’Donnell will not appear at Iowa Tea Party rally

by Phantom Ace ( 9 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines, Republican Party at August 30th, 2011 - 4:16 pm

It seems that fans of anti-masturbation activist Christine O’Donnell will be hugely disappointed. It was announced that she would appear at a Iowa tea Party rally where Sarah Palin will speaking. Well the organizers now claim it was a mistake and that she will not be speaking. It seems many Tea party activists are not fans of the non-witch.

UPDATE: Former U.S. Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell will not speak at a tea party event featuring former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palinin Indianola, Iowa, this weekend, an organizer told Washington Wire.

“I made a mistake,” said Ken Crow, president of Tea Party of America. “I assumed there was an open slot and there wasn’t.”

Monday night, Mr. Crow told Washington Wire that Ms. O’Donnell would appear.

Tea Party of America’s cofounder,Charlie Gruschow, said the group withdrew Ms. O’Donnell’s after receiving numerous “emails from a lot of tea party folks that were very disappointed that she would be speaking.”

“We decided not to have her speak,” Mr. Gruschow said. “We felt it was in the best interest of the movement.”

Christien O’Donnell’s anti-masturbation campaign clearly has pissed many people off. Clearly she’s not exacty a rising political star. Maybe she can go get a real job now!

(Hat Tip: Waldesianspirit)

Christine O’Donnell storms out of Piers Morgan interview

by Mojambo ( 7 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines, Tea Parties at August 18th, 2011 - 8:59 am

Piers Morgan is an ass but so is O’Donnell. She should have known that he was going to try to ambush her and should never have even agreed to go on his show to plug her book.  Did she really think he was interested in her book (that nobody is going to read anyway)?

by Steven Nelson

Former Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell walked off CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight” Wednesday night after being grilled on her thoughts about masturbation and same-sex marriage.

The interview opened with clips of O’Donnell’s appearances on MTV’s “Sex in the 90′s.” Asked about the appearances, O’Donnell stood by her statements on sex, but denied that they remain relevant.

“Well they’re not [relevant],” O’Donnell said, “because there aren’t laws outlawing sex, and if there are they should be on the local level, as I make the case for local control as opposed to federal control.”

Morgan then asked, “are you still a supporter of total abstinence?” O’Donnell responded: “are you the pro-masturbation talk show host?”

The host pressed further, asking, “have you committed lust in your heart?” O’Donnell laughingly said, “lets not even go there.”

The interview grew tense when O’Donnell was pressed to explain her position on gay marriage. After unsuccessful attempts by Morgan to get an answer, O’Donnell said, “I’m not running for office, ask Michele Bachmann what she thinks.”


Read the restChristine O’Donnell storms out of Piers Morgan interview over ‘rude’ treatment

Christine O’Donnell might appear on Dancing with the Stars Update:Iwo Jima flag raising 66 Years ago

by Phantom Ace ( 267 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Open thread at February 23rd, 2011 - 8:30 pm

Christine O’Donnell just loves the limelight. She knew she had no chance of winning the Delaware Senate seat but she did to get attention. She hijacked the Tea Party label and the Progressives used her to smear the whole movement. Now there are reports that she has been invited to appear on Dancing with Stars. As of this writing she has made no decision yet.

WILMINGTON, Del. – Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell says she’s been invited to be a contestant on TV’s “Dancing with the Stars.” But the losing Senate candidate from Delaware isn’t sure she should accept, saying she has two left feet and a book about politics to complete.

The conservative Republican, who lost to a Democrat amid controversy over past statements about youthful dabbling in witchcraft, is soliciting opinions on her Facebook page.

O’Donnell says her initial reaction was to say “no” to the show, but others are encouraging her to accept. O’Donnell writes she’s flattered, but a 2-year-old nephew has more rhythm than she does.

A program representative said Tuesday it has no comment on casting speculation, adding a new cast will be announced next week.

Read the original AP report: O’Donnell mulls ‘Dancing With the Stars’ invite

I hope she goes on this show. This could be her natural calling since politics, clearly is not her strenght. Besides, by practicing her dance moves she might acquire some job skills and become a productive member of society. She’s unemployed and maybe she can seek employment in the dancing industry! I’m sure there’s always an opening somewhere!

No word yet whether  Sharron Angle will has been invited.

Update: This is a humor thread based on an AP report. Take a chill pill.

UpdateII: Since people are so serious, here’s a reminder of targets of mine in the past.

John Boehner
John McCain
The Bush family
David Frum
Newt Gingrich
Lindsey Graham
Michael Steele
Charlie Crist
Mitt Romney
Mitch Daniels
Colin Powell
Sean Hannity
Mike Huckabee
Bill Kristol
Paul Wolfowitz
George Pataki
Tim Pawlenty
Tom Tancredo
Bruce Bartlett
Ron Paul
Allen Keyes
Pat Robertson
The Rockefeller Wing of the GOP

Since it’s OK to go after these people well then Palin, Angle and O’Donnell are fair game. Gender doesn’t mean anything to me. This was supposed to be a humor thread but since certain people are off limits it seems, I just want to remind people of other objects of ridicule.

Update III: On a serious not, 66 years ago today, the US Marines raised the flag over Iwo Jima.

(Update Hat Tips: Huckfun and Nothreat2U)

Iranian regime donating money to Turkish ruling party

by Phantom Ace ( 245 Comments › )
Filed under Ahmadinejad, Elections 2010, Iran, Islamic Supremacism, Sharia (Islamic Law), Turkey at September 15th, 2010 - 2:00 pm

There should be no doubt left that Turkey has gone Islamic-Imperialist. Last Sunday, Turkey voted on Constitutional changes to give the Turkish government more power over the Army and courts. This effectively neuters the once secular establishment and opens the door for the Islamic Supremacist, AKP, to impose more Constitutional changes. Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan is now openly talking about a new constitution for Turkey. His goal is to reintroduce Sharia Law and do away with the reforms of Kemal Ataturk. The Iranian regime is his model and it’s no coincidence that the Ayatollahs are now sending money to the AKP to help their electoral chances in the next Turkish general election.

Iran has agreed to donate $25 million (£16 million) to Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in a move that will increase fears that Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan is preparing to abandon the country’s secular constitution.

Western diplomats say they are alarmed by reports that Mr Erdogan has negotiated a deal with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for Tehran to make a substantial contribution to the campaign funds of Turkey’s leading Islamic party.

Under the terms of the deal Iran has agreed to transfer $12 million to the AKP, with further payments of up to $25 million to be made later in the year. The money is said to be meant to help support Mr Erdogan’s campaign for re-election for a third term in next year’s general election.

Read the rest: Iran donates $25 million to Turkey’s ruling party

Turkey is not an ally of the United States, Israel or any other Western nation. It’s a vile nation with an evil history of genocide against Greeks, Armenians and Balkan Slavs. It’s recent verbal attacks on Israel has shown that regime’s true colors. The Cold War is over and it’s time to change our stance towards this filthy regime by kicking it out of NATO. We should cut off all military ties to this nation and stop arms sales to it. Israel should likewise end it’s military cooperation and selling arms to the Turks. Turkey currently occupies ethnically cleansed Northern Cyprus and it’s about time it gets condemned for this.

Turkey is now an Islamic-Imperialist nation as it was under Ottoman Times. It should be treated as a pariah state, just like their Iranian allies.

Election News Update:

After initially saying that the National Republican Senatorial Committee would not back Christine O’Donnell, they have backtracked. The NRSC is now going all in backing the will of the Republican electorate in support of O’Donnell.

In a clear sign of the grassroots pressure on Republican leaders, National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn just put out a statement embracing Christine O’Donnell — a dramatic contrast with his group’s curt response last night — and writing her a big check.

It’s a remarkable reversal, and a vivid illustration that the base is in charge and has the leadership running scared.

This shows the Progressive Establishment of the Republican Party is realizing the dislike the base has for them. I still have my doubts that Christine can win in Delaware as polls show her losing to the Democratic candidate Coons, but we have to try. Conceding this seat is a mistake as it will allow the Democrats to pour resources into other close Senate races. 

The NRSC is doing the right thing here, but we must keep the pressure on them.