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Posts Tagged ‘Compassionate Conservatism’

The reported death of Conservatism was an exaggeration

by Phantom Ace ( 186 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Election 2008, Elections 2010, Polls, Progressives, Republican Party, Tranzis at November 2nd, 2010 - 11:30 am

Flush with victories in 2006 and 2008 the Tranzi Totalitarian movement was talking about a permanent majority and realignment. The media was tauting the death of Conservatism and a permanent Democratic majority. In reality they didn’t defeat Conservatism, they defeated Compassionate Conservatism which is a cousin ideology of Traniz Progressivism! Another claim  was that young people, women, Blacks and Hispanics were increasing in numbers, while White males were declining. What these propagandists didn’t realize was that demographics don’t indicate voting patterns. The the polls show the GOP is winning the women’s vote and cut into the Hispanic and youth vote. These groups are seeing the failures of left-wing ideology and as a result are becoming receptive to real Regan/Goldwater conservatism and not the fraudulent Karl Rove Progressivism with a bible variety.

After Barack Obama’s election in 2008, the phrase was on the lips of progressive prognosticators everywhere. A permanent alignment had arrived. The growing ranks of Latinos, the reliably liberal voting patterns of blacks, the Republican Party’s longstanding problem with single women, plus the fact that surveys found young people — a.k.a. millennials — to be the most liberal generation in decades all proved that the aging, white GOP was destined for near-eternal rump status. In a Time magazine cover story featuring Obama as a Photoshopped FDR, Peter Beinart wrote that the “coalition that carried Obama to victory is every bit as sturdy as America’s last two dominant political coalitions: the ones that elected Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan.”

Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg eulogized Republicans: “Their coalition no longer works in the changing demography of the day, and is dangerously old; their Southern strategy … has become a relic of the past; their tech and media tools have not kept up with the times; their ideas have become spent and discredited…. They are an aging and frayed bunch, living off the fumes of a day and politics gone by.”


But if the first half of the Obama presidency proves anything, it is that straight-line predictions lead to political hubris. Events change and attitudes change with them, for every demographic.

Read the rest: Demography isn’t political destiny

People change and groups change over time. At one time White Catholics were heavily Democratic, this changed with Nixon and Reagan and now they lean GOP. Blacks were at one time Republican but due to Progressive brainwashing and the creation of a Neo-Slave mentality by racist Democrats , they are now solid Democrats. Times change and people change, so any predictions of a permanent majority by either Progresisves or Conservatives are bogus. People vote on results and if the GOP blows it again, the Progressives will be back.

David Frum’s Dishonesty

by Phantom Ace ( 136 Comments › )
Filed under Blogwars, Liberal Fascism, Politics, Progressives, Republican Party, Socialism, Tranzis at September 22nd, 2010 - 11:30 am

Apparently I struck  nerve with fraudulent Conservative David Frum by my post the other day: David Frum’s true colors.

I pointed out a “Join the Counter Revolution” recruiting ad of him posing with a poster of Lenin.  I mentioned he has a poster of Lenin, meaning in his ad. Rather than explain why he has this evil tyrant in the background, he called me dumb and claims that I said he owns that poster. He’s obviously the one with reading comprehension issues.

I was referring to him having it prominently displayed in his ad. He is either being deliberately dishonest by jumping on grammar or he is too dumb to get the point of my post. In fact, he doesn’t answer any of my points!

I will go through his little self righteous rant.

Actually I don’t “have” a poster of Lenin.

Yes you do have a poster of Lenin in your “Join the Counter Revolution” recruiting ad. That was the point of my post. You also have Soviet style writing (Counter Revolution?) and what is it you are countering? It’s not Obama that you bash. It is Conservatives.

A giant red-tinted image of Lenin confronted an equally huge white-tinted image of Josef Pilsudski, commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Russo-Polish war of 1920.

Why not just have Josef Pilsudski in your recruiting ad? Clearly this indicates your Leftist tendencies as you appear to be trying to be cool with Lenin. Only a Progressive would think this is a good recruitment tool.

The Polish language street sign visible in the picture might (you’d think) act as some kind of tip-off.

Irrelevant to my point. You have it in your ad.

But then, hints and tips must bounce off the skull of anyone who could write the sentence quoted above.

Claiming intellectual supremacy is a the hallmark of a Leftist. You did not address any point I made in the post.

This website exists because I devoutly believe that there exists a huge national audience of people who believe in limited government, free markets, technological progress,

You don’t believe in limited government. You have endorsed Progressive-lite ideas known as Compassionate Conservatism. Big Government leads to Economic stagnation and prevents technological progress.

and a strong American role in the world

A strong American presence is not sending American troops to benefit Chinese firms or in pursuit of the delusion of spreading Democracy in the Muslim world. Our duty is to protect our interests and reap economic benefits. Your Wilsonian ideology weakens America and is bleeding us dry. Americans shouldn’t die so that Europeans, Japanese and Chinese can reap the rewards.

– but who do not want to be represented and championed by paranoid idiots.

You call Conservatives idiots. Do you use this language with Democrats? Nope, because you’re a Progressive and you agree with their goals. Therefore in your elitist mind, we are idiots for calling out on the failure of your ideas. A typical Leftist Alinskyite tactic.

They would have proudly voted for Ronald Reagan in 1984, but they recoiled from Sarah Palin in 2008

John McCain was the Republican standard bearer in 2008, not Sarah Palin. Are implying that people who like Reagan would vote for Obama? That may have been you, but it sure isn’t the majority of Reagan voters. These people hate Reagan and didn’t vote for him. You want the acceptance of your fellow Progressives and would love their cocktail invitations.

David Frum claims to support Israel, yet admires Israeli hating British Prime Minister David Cameron. He has often claimed Cameron’s Progressive-Conservatism is the model for American Conservatives. He is wrong. We know that this ideology has already been tried in America. It was called Compassionate Conservatism and Frum was a backer.  Conservatives are rejecting this falsehood and want a return to Reagan era Conservatism and a Jacksonian Peace through strength interest based foreign policy.

They are for freedom, but against dumb.

Have you looked in the mirror David Frum? You fit this description as you failed in grasping the point of my article. You have made a great mistake in insulting me and this blog. Expect no mercy from us as we will expose you. Ask your friend, Charles Johnson about how ruthless an adversary we are. We will show the world that you are an Elitist Totalitarian Progressive masquerading as a Conservative. We will rip your fake mask off.

You made you bed, now sleep David.

David Frum’s true colors

by Phantom Ace ( 136 Comments › )
Filed under Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Republican Party, Socialism at September 19th, 2010 - 8:30 pm

David Frum is a Progressive masquerading as a Conservative. Rather than go after the Left, he constantly attacks the Right and is beloved by the media. He claims to be trying to start a New Modern Conservative movement. Well we already tried that, it was called Compassionate Conservatism and it was merely Big Government Progressivism with a Conservative face. Frum was part of that ideology and it failed. Now Reagan style Conservatism is making a comeback and it upsets him. In a revealing picture, his true colors are shown.

Frum has a poster of Lenin and is claiming he wants a Counter Revolution as opposed to the Conservative Revolution going on now. This picture reveals what he is, a Totalitarian Progressive.

Progressive hypocrisy over Bush

by Phantom Ace ( 86 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, George W. Bush, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Progressives, Republican Party, Socialism, Tranzis at August 10th, 2010 - 11:30 am

The Tranzi Totalitarian progressives launched the most vicious political destruction of a man ever seen in American politics. I was no Bush fan, but what the Left did to him in a time of war was wrong. Everything he proposed they were against, even though they were Progressive ideas! They made him out to be some far Right politician. In reality Bush was a Left of Center Progressive Republican, just not an America hating type like Obama. He actually did love America and although I disagreed with many of his Progressive based policies, he genuinely thought he was doing good.

Real Conservatism is making a comeback and is poised to deliver a massive blow to the Progressive Democrats. Now all of the sudden they like Bush! That’s right, Peter Beinart is now lamenting the fact that Conservatives are eliminating Progressives Ideology from the Republican Party. After years of demonization, now they realize Bush was close to them on many policies.

On issues from immigration to Islam, the 43rd president staked out a view far more progressive than today’s conservatives. Peter Beinart on how declining U.S. confidence has changed the right.

In the age of Obama, I always assumed that the Democratic Party would define itself against George W. Bush. But I never imagined that the Republican Party would as well.


After September 11, Bush described Muslims in the same universalistic way. A few months after the attacks, he insisted that “Islam is peace,” a view dramatically at odds with the one being propagated by most conservative talking heads. (A 2002 poll of evangelical Protestant leaders found that only 10 percent thought Bush was right.) But Bush’s brand of Christianity was genuinely ecumenical. Although he had transformed his life through Christ, he knew that lots of former addicts had done so through born-again Islam. As president, he sought out people like Iraqi dissident Kanan Makiya who told him that the people of Iraq yearned for democracy, and were capable of building it. And it was this belief that made him receptive to the arguments of Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, who as ambassador to Indonesia had been emboldened by watching the world’s largest majority-Muslim country move from dictatorship to democracy. Two months before the Iraq War, Bush declared, “The human heart desires the same good things, everywhere on Earth. In our desire to be safe from brutal and bullying oppression, human beings are the same. In our desire to care for our children and give them a better life, we are the same. For these fundamental reasons, freedom and democracy will always and everywhere have greater appeal than the slogans of hatred and the tactics of terror.”

Read the Rest: The GOP’s Revolt Against Bush

The Progressives should have realized that on many issues Bush was actually on their side. Instead, in pursuit of power they did all they could to destroy him. They did the same to McCain, another progressive Republican. What didn’t occur to them was that they helped defeat the Progressive element of the GOP and opened it to genuine Conservatives. Now they are dealing with a monster of their own Creation and they don’t know what to do. Many Conservatives have gotten over Bush and moved on. Now in an ironic twist of history it’s the Left who will miss Bush.

This is not the first time it has happened. The Left attacked Eisenhower, Nixon and Ford. Now these three Presidents are idolized by the Progressives. Even Reagan and Goldwater are getting praised by the Left. This is hypocrisy and dishonesty on part of the Left.

The moral of the story is to always be careful what you wish for!