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Posts Tagged ‘Compassionate Conservatism’

The hostility between Rick Perry and Mitt Romney

by Phantom Ace ( 9 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Headlines, Mitt Romney, Republican Party at August 29th, 2011 - 10:56 am

Add Mitt Romney to the list of Republicans, Rick Perry is political opponents with.  The beef stems from Mitt Romney having an adviser who also was advsing an oppoent of Perry in 2006.  In 2007, whne Perry endorsed Rudy Giuliani, he took swipes at Mitt Romney. He also believes that Mitt Romneys satands for nothing.

It’s the worst-kept secret of the GOP presidential primary: Mitt Romney and Rick Perry have never liked each other very much.

And the past animosity could play out on the national scene in the coming weeks when Romney, the precarious front-runner, and Perry, who is rising in the polls, take the stage together for a series of fall debates.

The tension between the two goes back at least five years, tracing back to a 2006 blow-up when the two Republicans served together as governors. At the time, Romney, then the Republican Governors Association chairman, hired veteran media strategist Alex Castellanos to do work for the national group — a direct affront to Perry, since Castellanos was working for Carole Keeton Strayhorn, who was running as an independent against the Texas governor.

“There was a big blowup” between Romney and Perry over it, said one Republican familiar with the situation.

[….]Perry thinks “Romney stands for nothing,” said a Perry confidante. “He’s got no spine, no backbone.”

Rick Perry clearly doesn’t like the Rockefeller Wing of the GOP.

Jeb Bush tells Republicans to be easy on Obama

by Phantom Ace ( 13 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Headlines, Progressives, Republican Party at August 24th, 2011 - 11:08 am

I will not say much since my opinion of the Bush family is well known. But Jeb opened his mouth and told Republicans to be easy on Obama. In other words, he wants the GOP to follow the failed tactics of his brother and father by not fighting back.

Jeb, shut up.

Update: Jeb Bush also throws Karl Rove under the bus. He claims Karl’s hostility to Rick Perry is his own.

And Bush played down widespread reports of tensions between Perry and the Bush clan, though he acknowledged that Bush political architect Karl Rove harbors some of his own resentment.

“I’ve never heard anybody in my family say anything but good things about Rick Perry,” Bush said. “Maybe with Karl — he’s around here all the time, you can ask him. Not with my brother and not with me.”

Whether it’s true that Karl Rove speaks for himself and not the Bush clan remains to be seen.

Karl Rove tells Perry to lay off Bush

by Phantom Ace ( 8 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, George W. Bush, Headlines, Progressives, Republican Party at August 16th, 2011 - 3:20 pm

The Bush Mafia and Rick Perry have no love loss. Perry split from the Bush family back in 98, when he decided to go negative and win his election. Last year, the Bush family recruited Kay Bailey Hutchinson to run again Perry for governor. He defeated her and won re-election. Now Rick Perry is pointing out to people he’s no George W. Bush. He’s a fiscal and economic conservative. This has gotten Bush lackey, Karl Rove upset.

Karl Rove made it clear today that he’s none too happy about the way Rick Perry is treating his former boss, George W. Bush. Perry is aggressively distancing himself from Bush. Some tea party types Perry is seeking to woo think that Bush was a big spender. Perry’s making it clear he’s a different guy.

Rove was clearly steamed on Fox News this morning. He suggested Perry wouldn’t be where he is today if it weren’t for Bush: “Why he falls into this pattern of sounding like he’s being dismissive of the former president is not smart politics, either strategically or tactically.”

What Karl Rove needs to realize is that outside of band of hardcore loyalists, Bush is not a popular figure in politics. By making his differences with Bush known, Rick Perry is showing voters he’s not A Bush clone. Karl Rove needs to realize the era of Compassionate Conservatism is over. Economic and Fiscal Conservatism is what Republicans are looking for.

John Boehner shows his Liberal side

by Phantom Ace ( 138 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Politics, Republican Party at May 10th, 2011 - 2:00 pm

House Speaker and political Eunuch John Boehner showed his Liberal Rockefeller Republican. He has come out and said that NJ. Governor Chris Cristie and Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels should run. Clearly the GOP establishment hasn’t learned its lesson. Although Christie is Conservative on fiscal and economic issues, he’s not on gun issues and many Conservatives wouldn’t support him just for that stance. Mitch Daniels is a useless loser whose wife cheated on him, ran off with another man and he begged her back. He supports a VAT Tax and is a Liberal Compassionate Conservative. He would be a punching bag for the Left and would be defeated easily by Obama and the Progressive machine.

House Speaker John Boehner didn’t watch last week’s Republican presidential debate, but he knows whom he wants to see in the next one: Govs. Chris Christie and Mitch Daniels.

Asked Tuesday on NBC’s “Today” if Christie would make a strong candidate, Boehner responded, “I do,” adding that the New Jersey governor “ has done a great job and he speaks English, which the American people like – English, like in plain talk.”

Then, without prompting, Boehner brought up the Indiana governor, who has been slightly warmer to a candidacy than Christie. “I think Mitch Daniels is looking at this seriously … [a] person with a track record of reform in his state, the kind of reforms we need in Washington, D.C.”

Read the rest: John Boehner: Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels should run

If Chris Christie changed his stance on Guns for the national audience in a Presidential primaries, he would be unbeatable. He would not be bullied by the Left and would take the fight to Obama. However, Christie has said he’s not running.

Mitch Daniels is a useless clown who looks like Uncle Fester. I would support him over Obama, but would do so after drinking some beer and taking a few shot of vodka. Then after his election, I will turn my guns on him and attack him like I do Obama.

Clearly the political Eunuch John Boehner really hasn’t gotten it. So far, he’s been a lousy speaker and has given into Obama when push comes to shove. It’s because of his uselessness as speaker why 52% of Republicans are considering supporting a 3rd Party. This isn’t a bluff and the GOP elites better take heed. You can’t have a Center-Left Party establishment in control of a party composed of Conservatives. Something really has to give or Obama might just defeat a divided GOP in 2012. The Republican Establishment needs to realize that they are a minority within the party. Most Republicans are Conservative and the Presidential candidate should reflect that.