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Posts Tagged ‘Rockefeller Republicans’

Settle Down Jackson.

by Flyovercountry ( 171 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2016, Hillary Clinton, Hipsters, Republican Party at August 9th, 2013 - 12:00 pm

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Not that any of you reading this should take my political prognostications too seriously, I’m still insistent that there’s no way Barack Obama can win reelection in 2012. Not because the opposition party deserves to win the run for the roses, but because the Bamster’s job performance was the single worst in our nation’s history since Franklin Pierce, the only President to earn a DUI, (while driving a horse drawn carriage.) Topping Jimmy Carter in that category by the bye has been no small accomplishment. Producing a malaise greater than the man who would become known as the malaise President will be noteworthy to future generations who will doubtless study our current period of history with a puzzled amusement that belongs to any group who wonder just exactly how stupid can any group of ancestors possibly have been. As or current rate of GDP growth creeps along at a paltry figure, (just a shade under 1%,) even 5 years after the official end to our, “great recession,” we still have some of the more egregiously moronic in our society claiming that we shouldn’t rock the boat now that things are just beginning to, “turn around.” What our experts in foreign policy have done to our world standing makes one hearken back to the Carter days remembering them as the good times. So, here we are once again, not even in the midterm election cycle yet, and someone has been declared a fait accompli for 2016.

Before we inaugurate Hillary however, let’s at least hold the election first, and actually hold all of the national discussions that precede such events. I don’t know if Hillary will win this next time around or not, (the thought of putting President and Clinton together in a sentence again makes me ill,) but I do know that there is not a single person on the other side of the aisle that bothers me more. (O.K., John McCain and Michael Bloomberg are close, damn close, but even they would be better than the woman who when testifying about why her job performance saw to the deaths of U.S. diplomats abroad defiantly mused, “what difference does it make how they died.”)

I expect this sort of grumbling about the inevitability of the rock stars representing the political left from the leftists, that’s a given. What perplexes me now however is that this sort of crap is coming from our side as well. And many are suggesting that we hold back, once again, our strongest candidates, saving them for 2020, thus ceding the ability to put an end to our basic transformation into a Euro Socialist hell for another four years. I am not an expert on winning elections by any means, but there is one thing that I do know. Some degree of positivism is absolutely essential, if we are to win another election, ever again. Expect defeat, and that will affect everything from delivery of message to actual effort being applied. Defeat really will be inevitable, should we allow this funk to continue. So as a public service, here are five reasons why Hillary will not win in 2016.

One: Yes it is true that the GOP has lost the popular vote in four of the last five Presidential elections. That however is more a function of our own tendency to aim our guns at our own feet, rather than at the enemy. Every Republican Presidential that followed Ronald Reagan has run as a watered down version of Democrat Lite, rather than as the steadfast advocate for limited government, fiscal austerity, or even decentralized power. The GOP has been at war with its base since 1976, and that has taken its toll. That does not mean however that this lunacy will continue for ever. When the national message is one of unapologetic conservatism, meaning strong national defense coupled with limited and greatly weakened federal authority, our side wins elections, and wins them handily. It is possible that the morons who currently have themselves in charge of the Republican brand may figure this out prior to the 2016 election, or it may be possible that the Libertarian wing or the Conservative wing of the party may succeed in taking it back from the Rockefeller types who have usurped control.

Two: We suddenly have a very deep bench, and it is filled with plenty of strong limited government advocates who are not a part of the old tired guard. While Presidential elections have been a problem since the days of Reagan, our side has been effective recently at the State and Local levels of government. We hold 30 governorships, have the majorities of a like number in State Legislatures, Hold a two to one margin in State Wide offices over all, (Secretaries of State, Attorney General posts, etc,) and hold the majority in the House of Representatives. The 2010 midterm elections were a complete blow out, and in effect served up as America’s cease and desist order to the Obama agenda. It is the Democrat Party that suddenly has a very limited bench, and is peopled entirely by the same old guard of commie thugs that have been responsible for destroying our national economy for years. I have done this before, and admittedly it never ceases to amaze me how the point can be missed so thoroughly by many, but here it is again. I do not expect all of you to like every name on this list, and focusing on individual names is just north of idiotic, as the point is that I like them all better than who ever wins the Left’s nomination. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Sarah Palin, Mike Lee, Susana Martinez, Nikki Haley, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, John Kasich, Paul Ryan, and Bozo the Clown, would all make a better candidate than Hillary Clinton. Outside of Hillary, who do the Leftists have sitting on their bench? The list I’ve put together is not all encompassing, but it should serve the point, which is to say, we have a bench, and they do not.

Three: Yes, the other side seems to have the lock on pop culture communication and appeal. Yes again, that advantage is huge. It is however not permanent. We are capable of learning. I was a volunteer with the Project Orca fiasco that Mitt Romney foolishly paid Microsoft, (a company that has a long history of supporting the enemy by the way,) $30 Million for. The stories of its disastrous non achievement by the way come no where close to the complete failure that it was, believe me. That lot in our lives does not need to be a permanent disadvantage however. We still have three years to learn how to become Social Media and Pop Culture savvy. This in not necessarily a function left solely to the young. Ronald Reagan, our last conservative President, made conservatism cool again, and in fact won comfortably in the 18 to 25 demographic, twice. It is Democrat Lite that does not resonate, and makes us boring old white racist, homophobic, knuckle dragging, gun toting, bible thumping, scolds. Reagan figured out that by being a passionate advocate for what he genuinely believed, his message of people having the freedom to carve out the destinies that they wanted for themselves, rather than blind acceptance of the life that others would allow them, would be something that people in every demographic would find appealing. That is how the message has to be delivered, and guess what, there are some of the people on that list that I’ve placed above who are delivering this very sentiment, and in a manner that will be successful.

Four: November of 2016 is a long way off. We still have the 2014 midterms to go through yet, and we really haven’t even begun that process. I know that those who earnestly wish to be President and actually win this election need to begin now with setting up their national organizations and fundraising efforts, but that does not conflict with this very true fact. A lot can happen between now and then. Hillary, complete with her life time of being on the fringe of several dozen felony activities, and several dozen governmental scandals, has more than a few skeletons in her closet. This is true no matter how many fluff movies Hollywood has planned to build up the the legend of Hillary as a competent superhero. Who knows how tired of Obama’s brand of malaise people in general will be by then? Tying Hillary to Barack Obama, and labeling her possible administration a third Obama term should be easier than tying McCain to Bush. McCain and Bush were no where near close politically, but except for the Black Liberation Theology, there is no appreciable difference between the Clintons and Barack Obama politically.

Five: Hillary herself isn’t that good a candidate. She has no where near the campaigning skill of either of the previous two Presidents who were nominated by the Democrat Party. She has no where near their charisma. She is considered the fait accompli simply based on the virtue that she is, “owed,” the nomination because she has suffered and sacrificed on behalf of the party by not abandoning her sleazy skirt chasing husband, who by the way single handedly raised the bar for salacious behavior so high that a private citizen’s blue dress was confiscated and inspected for semen stains. Hillary if you’ll recall, was not only willing to grimace and pretend to love that man of hers still, she was actually placed in charge of cleaning up the philandering champion of women’s causes messes. How sleazy was it? Her duties included the subsequent destruction of their reputations so as to mitigate the political damage, thereby placing the phrase, “bimbo eruptions,” into the public lexicon. Hillary’s scolding tone plays well only in the farthest left crowds and audiences. People see through her, and those lingering questions about how she conducted herself during several of the scandals that seem to follow her entire adult life will not be completely removed from the American psyche. Her performance as Secretary of State can only be described as horrid, unless outright lies are employed.

The bottom line is this however, we can not afford to wait too much longer before we go about the business of winning elections again. For those who wish to see our nation returned to something resembling a representative republic, with a federal government limited in scope and power by the consent of the governed, we don’t have too many of these cycles left where we can simply cede the ground to those who seek the great Socialist transformation that has already gained way too much traction. Single issue suicide, protest votes, political temper tantrums, are not helping anything beyond the narcissistic catharsis of those who participate in these practices. If we want to win this fight, our only chance is to do it the same way we began losing it, politically.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

The Chronic Paralysis Of Electability

by Flyovercountry ( 157 Comments › )
Filed under Conservatism, Elections 2016, Libertarianism, Republican Party, The Political Right at July 25th, 2013 - 3:00 pm

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Every four years, the all too long season of Presidential electioneering starts earlier and earlier. This cycle it seems will be no exception to that rule, as some of our hopefuls have already inflicted themselves upon the forever suffering people of Iowa and New Hampshire. Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, and Paul so far have been caught glad handing and speechifying in those two early bird primary states, talking about all things esoteric and shallow, while raising campaign funds far in excess of the necessities for retaining their current offices.

As usual, the very same authorities on all things political have declared the GOP dead in the water, with nary a chance of wrestling the reigns of power from the rightful holders of such, The Democrats. With the current woeful bench and the complete lack of acceptable message known otherwise as Democrat Lite not being enough like the message of the left, the view is that the GOP will remain in the electoral wilderness until time itself ends. Based on what, we may never know, the prevailing conventional wisdom, against a veritable mountain of evidence to the contrary, holds that the GOP candidates for the upcoming midterm elections and the next Presidential election, should take the bulk of their advice from those very same people whom they wish to defeat, and wish to defeat them. This advice is being floated and accepted despite the fact that it produced the electoral defeats of 1992, 1996, 2006, 2008, and 2012. It also managed to turn what should have been a cake walk in 2000 into a nail biter that eventually necessitated the involvement of our top dispute settling forum.

Lost in the narrative that our message must become more liberal of course are some interesting pertinent facts.

From Red State:

In 1995, Republicans in Washington shut down the government. They got creamed by the media and Democrats. The Democrats were interested in scoring points. The media was interested and remains interested in “good government,” never mind what that may or may not be.

But what actually happened?

The House Republicans lost only nine seats. Nine. In fact, nationally, the House GOP got 47.8% of the popular vote to the Democrats only getting 48.1%. In fact, the House GOP outperformed Bob Dole who only got 40% of the vote. The total loss wound up being a net of eight as the GOP picked up one Democrat seat. At the time, Gingrich credited the hard line the GOP took as helping the GOP hold their own.

The Senate Republicans actually gained seats. Two.

To be fair, Erickson’s analysis is misleading, at least partially. It fails to take into account the fact that Ross Perot siphoned off much of Dole’s support, and there was no such siphon to challenge the GOP House members. Over all though, the point is solid, in that during a Presidential Election year, the winning party only managed to pick up 9 House Seats, which was an incredibly weak showing when compared to other election cycles.

The more astute of you also managed to notice other things about the entire shellacking at large seemingly suffered by the Republican Party during this reign of Rockefeller Wing terror that has existed since the days of Goldwater’s defeat. Those Republicans most likely to lose elections and their battle ground seats are the very same who swallow this bait. Those nine lost seats in 1996 were all moderates. In 2006, when the GOP ceded both the House and the Senate, it was the moderates once again who failed to retain anything. In 2010, when historically unprecedented gains were made by the GOP, it was a grass roots conservative movement that made those gains a reality. The Conservative Movement was told unceremoniously to sit down and shut up in 2012, and the opposite happened. The GOP lost seats in the House, Senate, as well as the Presidential Election, once again seeing moderates getting creamed.

We have been treated to many polls telling us how unpopular our Congress is with the American People, but those polls have been incredibly short of detail as to why that unpopularity exists. That little fact has, as it has always been, left to the individual interpretation of those delivering that happy news to the public. Agenda driven news and interpretation is worthless to any who seek the truth. No questions are asked as to why those congress critters remain so unpopular, and the reason given always seems to be tied to that same old bizarrely foolish meme of, “there’s not enough compromising going on out there.”

I am just going to offer up this alternative view point, mostly because it makes a hell of a lot more sense. Let us say for instance, that it is possible that a nation as deeply divided as ours is right now, may not be in agreement with why we are all so irretrievably angry with our Legislative Branch. Each of us may in fact have our own reasons, and as is usually the case in such matters, those various reasons may indeed be aligned according to the basic philosophies of those who hold that resentment. My reason for holding a low opinion of Congress for instance has nothing to do with Congress not moderating enough according to the core principles that they professed to hold while campaigning. In fact, my anger is caused by the opposite. My particular anger is due to the capitulation of my elected representatives. I am tired of those running for office in the Republican Party promising to put an abrupt end to the leftist agenda, and then once elected, offering to work together in some kumbayah moment to push through this very agenda in order to accomplish that exact thing that they promised to prevent. (As an example of this very phenomenon in action, look no further than the current battle being waged over Immigration Reform, the Debt Limit, our complete lack of a budget, the endless stream of continuing resolutions for spending run amok, and the recent capitulation that saw Richard Cordray confirmed as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Czar who’s chief duties seem to be the complete destruction of our national economy.)

Conservatism wins elections, and true conservatism has produced results that has been supported by the vast majority of our citizenry. It is only when we stray from these principles that we receive the well deserved shellacking at the polling place. When Ronald Reagan ran in 1980, he was viewed, by most of the pundits placed in charge of the conventional wisdom of that time, as a dolt with zero chance of beating Jimmy Carter in that ill fated reelection bid. Those very same purveyors of a clearly superior intellect have not changed their talking points since the Goldwater defeat of 1964, and with the track record of them never once being actually correct, I can certainly see why the GOP is so very eager to listen to them once again.

Here’s who I like so far for President in 2016, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, John Kasich, Sarah Palin, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, and probably a dozen or so other fine representatives of our brand. This is the important part to remember, all of them are hugely electable if, and this is key, they stick to their guns and remain unapologetically outspoken advocates for smaller government and the free market principles that are what made America Great, and coincidentally the wealthiest nation the world has ever seen. (Yes that last sentence was meant as a poke at the morons who insist on saying that diversity is what made America great.)

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

The Progressives turn on the Corpulent Guido

by Phantom Ace ( 4 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines, Progressives, Republican Party at March 15th, 2013 - 10:31 pm

The Corpulent fake Guido, played the tough guy role at a Black Church in Paterson, New Jersey. He used the term “boy” when arguing with an audience member. This prompted Progressives to accuse him of racism.

WASHINGTON — During an event at an African-American church in Paterson, N.J., Gov. Chris Christie used the word “boy” during a heated exchange with a man in the audience. The governor has a loose and colloquial style, and no history of racial animus in his past, but his remark and how it’s been heard by the black community underscores the challenge Republicans face as the party begins its post-election outreach.

The exchange was captured by NJToday and highlighted by the liberal New Jersey blog Blue Jersey.

Christie was responding to an African-American man, identified by the Associated Press as Mike Henry, who shouted that the governor should focus on fixing the public schools. “You can yell all you want about ‘fix the public schools.’ Yeah, I hear ya, boy, I hear ya. I hear what you’re saying, but let me tell you something else. What I hear is the despair, I hear the despair of folks all over this state,” Christie said at the event on Tuesday. Christie then went on to engage the man in an argument over the virtues of school choice.

Chris Christie is now seeing what the Progressives really think about him. They used him afer he betrayed Romney, but are now putting him in his place.

Porky Pig (Jeb Bush) denies his last name has baggage

by Phantom Ace ( 173 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2016, George W. Bush, Republican Party at March 11th, 2013 - 8:00 am


The Republican Establishment, led by the Corrupt Consultant Class, lives in an alternate universe. They thought 2012 would be a cakewalk and dismissed polls that did not conform to their world view. Instead, thanks to OFA, Obama won against all historical trends. Instead of trying to match or surpass OFA the GOP Establishment seems to be uniting behind a familiar name; Bush.

I, for the life of me, will never understand the emotional attachment Republican voters have for the Bush family. Poppy Bush destroyed the Reagan coalition and lost the Northeast, Upper Midwest and California permanently for the Republican Party. Baby Bush destroyed the Republican party’s credibility on national security, fiscal and economic issues. As a result for these two disastrous presidencies the Republican Party has become despised and, at best, a regional party that appeals to a shrinking pool of voters. Yet there is an chance that another Bush could win the GOP nod in 2016.

Jeb Bush is all but telegraphing that he is planning a Presidential run in 2016. He even delusionally thinks that the Bush name has no baggage.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) on Sunday said the Bush family name will not drag down his political ambitions as he left open the possibility of running for president in 2016.

When asked whether the legacy of his brother, former President George W. Bush, who has a higher unfavorable than favorable rating, would be a liability, Bush said no.

“I don’t think there’s any Bush baggage at all. I love my brother. I’m proud of his accomplishments. I love my dad. I’m proud to be a Bush and if I run for president it’s not because of something in my DNA that compels me to do it,” Bush said on “Fox News Sunday” after host Chris Wallace cited a poll showing the former president with a 49 percent unfavorable rating.

Wow, talk about being delusional! Jeb Bush may win the Republican nomination thanks to the affection many Republican voters have for his family but not a general election. Jeb would all but guarantee what is likely to be a 2016 Democrat cakewalk.
This is just another example of how the Republican Party Establishment have become a joke. They live in an insular bubble detached from reality. If the Democrats were not so evil, delusions of the Republican Establishment and its allies would be a hysterical comedy. But alas, thanks to the joke it has become, the Republican Party Establishment is enabling the creation of One Party rule in Washington.