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Posts Tagged ‘Current events’


by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 172 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Humor, OOT, Open thread at August 29th, 2011 - 11:00 pm

Been quiet here the past few nights. Lotta stuff’s been going down, what with the Little League Finals, Obama kicking the crap out of Irene, and Lady Gaga’s attempt to coopt the MTV Music Awards by pretending she has a penis.

Earlier, this blog reported that at least one journalist in Washington D.C. has eaten shit, Lutherans believe that the Papacy represents the Anti-Christ, and that if  you’re a communist/nazi/anarchist gun-smuggling drug-dealing prostitute/pimp rapist with ties to terrorist organizations who is involved in human trafficking and has first hand experience torturing prisoners you still may be eligible to get a Green Card.

No one can deny that The Blogmocracy certainly has its moments, and that at least some of those moments may be found on The Overnight Open Thread.

56% of Americans support withdrawal from Afghanistan

by Phantom Ace ( 3 Comments › )
Filed under Afghanistan, Headlines, Islamic hypocrisy, Taliban at May 9th, 2011 - 4:31 pm

A majority of Americans now support leaving Afghanistan. In reality, we should have left long ago. It’s clear the Afghans are incapable of getting their act together. In reality the US is propping the corrupt Karzai regime composed of pedophiles against the pedophiles of the Taliban.

Voters feel more strongly than ever that U.S. troops should be brought home from Afghanistan right away or a timetable should be set to bring them back within a year.

A new Rasmussen Reports nation telephone survey finds that 35% of Likely U.S. Voters now favor the immediate withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, the highest level of support to date. Twenty-one percent (21%) more support the establishment of a firm timetable to bring the troops home within a year.

The war in Afghanistan has not stop the march of Islamic Imperialism. It’s time to bring the boys and let the pedophiles of that savage nation kill each other.

Egyptian Protests Saturday Open

by Phantom Ace ( 187 Comments › )
Filed under Egypt, Islamists, Open thread at January 29th, 2011 - 6:30 pm

This thread is to discuss the Egyptian Riots and the current situation.

The Egyptian military is in the streets and are allowing the protests to continue. In fact many of the protesters are shaking hands with Army personnel. What does this mean? Only time will determine.

CAIRO – Tens of thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators swarmed central Cairo on Saturday in the largest demonstration yet against the rule of the country’s longtime autocratic leader, President Hosni Mubarak. The crowd went unchallenged by troops, who, in extraordinary scenes unfolding around the capital’s central Tahrir Square, smiled and shook hands with protesters and invited them up onto their tanks.

Is the Egyptian Military letting people vent or is there more to this?