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Posts Tagged ‘Flyoverountry’

Landslide or lucky to win?

by Kafir ( 195 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Blogmocracy, Elections 2012, Politics at June 23rd, 2011 - 8:00 pm

Landslide, via Flyovercountry

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Prospects For An Obama Second Term.
In a word, dim. Today’s post is something different.  I am engaging in a point counter point kind of thing with Rodan at The Blogmocracy.  My belief is that Obama will suffer a defeat electorally somewhat akin to those suffered by folks of the same political stripe as himself within the last half century.  McGovern, Carter, Mondale, each had huge landslide defeats as a result of their vision for moving America to a socialist Utopian society.  America has spent the last 31 months viewing the worker’s paradise which Barack Obama envisions, and it is my further belief, that a majority of them want no part of this.  Rodan believes the election will be a nail biter, down to the last vote close affair.  His argument will appear at The Blogmocracy, along with mine.  If I am successful at gaining his permission, his piece will also appear here.  On to my argument.

First, we need to take a look at the election of 2008.  I do not believe that there has ever been a President of the United States so poorly vetted, with the possible exception of Millard Filmore.  Who Obama was, where he came from, who he associated with, who were his influences, even what his beliefs were and are, have all gone almost completely unreported by the press.  Barack Obama rode into the White House on a platform of substance free platitudes and gibberish.  Hope and Change, with not a single word on what was going to be changed, nor what was to be hoped for.  Many Americans voiced their own opinions of what they were hoping for, or what they wanted changed, but the man himself, not a single thing.  Indeed President Obama arrived as an empty palate, to be painted at will by a seemingly incurious electorate.  Obama became what 52% of the country were looking for, collectively and individually.  This malfeasance practiced by the press had some after effects.  The birth certificate nonsense lingered on past the point of comedy, largely because the press did its level best to hide who Obama was from the public.  Had America known that Barack Obama spent the vast majority of his life associating and rabble rousing with terrorists and thugs with whom he shared political beliefs, there is no way they would have gone for him as their President.  Compare that for a moment with the sick obsession of a gotcha press spending a boat load of money reading and reporting on 25,000 personal emails from Sarah Palin just a few weeks ago.  I have to video clips two illustrate this first point.

The next point I’d like to make is this, it will be far more difficult to hide who, and what Obama is from the American People in 2012 than it was in 2008. Democrats are able to win by pretending to be conservatives, and while the converse is not true, meaning Republicans are not able to win by pretending to be liberal, what is true is that the conservative Democrat victory laps are short. Ask Jim Webb and indeed the entire class of 63 Democrat House members who were elected during the previous two cycles that are no longer in Congress. Pandering to the crowd you are in front of is nothing new for a politician. I am not going to give Barack Obama credit for inventing that technique of soft dishonesty.  He did however take it a step further.  The Socialists in this country were voting for Obama the Socialist.  (My personal opinion is that this version of Obama is closest to being the most accurate view.)  Obama had many conservative backers who were voting for Obama the pragmatic tax cutting fiscal hawk.  Obama had supporters who believed he was going to be backing a strong national defense.  Obama had people voting for him who believed that he would never sell our national sovereignty out to the United Nations.  Obama convinced Jewish and Christian groups that he was going to be a staunch supporter of Israel.  In 2008, with not a single identifiable record of anything having ever been accomplished, or voted on, (a complete lack of any type of personal history should have been a major clue that something was terribly wrong,) the press was able to paint a broad picture of a messianic figure where we as Americans were free to fill in our own details as we wished to see them.  Since January of 2009 however, there is a tail shaped record which we can pin onto the Obama Donkey.  That record, as I will show in the remainder of this rant is not pretty, nor even close to what people thought they were voting for. 

The record so far, which will damn Obama to the Carteresque defeat in 16 months.  While promising a new tone and more transparent way of conducting the people’s business by a more enlightened and more honest Washington, President Obama has run the most cynical and corrupt Administration in our Nation’s history.  That’s saying something, considering we’ve had a President who literally came from Tammany Hall.  The way in which the Health Care Law was passed will be studied in two hundred years, and the students of history at the time will wonder why nobody went to jail as a result of it.  Arm twisting is nothing new politically, but the level of bribery and outright vote buying for this monstrosity is still coming to light.  The Corn husker Kickback, All student loans will now be made from a single bank on South Dakota, water being shut off in California’s central valley until the appropriate House member changed his vote, the Defense Department’s disbursement office being kept open in Cleveland so that Dennis Kucinnich would change his vote, are all just massively expensive tidbits in a very corrupt scheme which completely ignored the express will of the American People.  The new tone myth was sufficiently busted with this, Obama’s crowning achievement.  Not only did the American people not get the chance to read this 2000 page bill prior to Obama’s signing it, our own Representatives did not seem to feel that reading a bill they voted yes on was necessary.  We got something we did not want crammed down out throats, which two years later we are still finding things hidden in this Law that no one would have ever supported.  Not only was the transparency promise broken, but Obama managed to up the tax bill for everyone but the so called rich.  The 11 new taxes packed into this law will place a burden to be borne by America’s poorest citizens, and not a single member of Obama’s supposed despised class of the Rich will be forced to pay an extra dime.  The Obama Administration, since the massive defeat of the 2010 elections, has taken to a program of massive enforcement of a vast regulatory structure.  Executive fiat, failing the ability to direct legislation anymore, has become the modus operandi.  While Americans may not be spending their time keeping up with the overbearing culture of unilateral and unthinking regulation, they are aware of its results upon our economy.  Those results are continued depression like unemployment numbers.  Obama and his team of cronies have been peddling this mantra of things are getting better out there, as though Americans aren’t smart enough to know when they are feeling pain.  While that may work for a month, possibly two, it won’t work beyond that.  The regulation is so overbearing, Obama’s own pet infrastructure projects can’t even start. 

By the way, that guy chuckling to Obama’s right is Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of GE. I’m glad he thinks this is funny. GE is the company who lobbied hard for a ban on incandescent bulbs, so that they could force us all to by GE produced Cfl’s which are made in China and require a hasmat team to clean up should one break in your home. The point is that our economy will not fully recover, as long as we are encouraging a regulatory environment which declares milk to be a dangerous substance that requires the same environmental maintenance and control as Carbon Tetra Chloride. We can read the bad economic news stating very eloquently how we are still screwed, and no matter how many times Reuters or the AP place the word unexpectedly in their column, the American People have long run past the point of being duped into believing that a turnaround is at hand, let alone that Obama save us from the brink disaster. Obama’s foreign policy has been even worse. While in the rank of what American’s care about, foreign policy takes a back seat to the economy, at least today it does, his record on foreign policy is probably a bigger disaster. The new, “Arab Spring,” will have disastrous implications for generations to come. I am not even certain that there are any Coptic Christians left alive in Egypt anymore. The Muslim brotherhood has not taken an official root in several nations, where they were previously outlawed. The Obama Administration even attempted to deflect this criticism by spreading the position that the Muslim Brotherhood was nothing more than a group of loosely associated social workers, ignoring the fact that Hamas, and Alqueda are both branches of the Brotherhood. Americans, if nothing else, are proud of American independence. That independence does not include America becoming the thuggish tool of tin pot despots, such as what is happening in Libya today. By allowing our military to be ordered into action by a small faction within the U.N., we have not only sold our national sovereignty out to the Arab League, but we have also become the mafioso leg breakers of that same group. We are in fact now fight alongside the same people who attacked us on 911. While we are now making nice with our enemies, how do we treat our friends? An American President was not invited to the Royal Wedding. That says a lot. This is the definition of Smart Diplomacy. The foreign policy polling has not been getting a lot of play in the press, but my belief is that it will all come up prior to the election, especially when discussing America’s standing in the world. What discussion of Obama’s foreign policy would be complete without mentioning Bibi Netanyahu’s bitch slap of Obama in front of rolling cameras in the Oval Office.

This Obama gaffe was so bad, that his reception at AIPAC was less than warm only two days later. AIPAC’s leaders were reduced to begging their membership to clap for Obama’s speech, the boos he received were surgically removed from press reports on the day. The list of let them eat cake moments is long indeed. Telling a man who was expressing his frustration with gas prices that he should go out and buy a hybrid car. The all out assault on the energy industry as a whole to create artificially inflated gas and electricity prices will not have voters feeling warm and fuzzy in 16 months. The financial shenanigans used to claim that Chrysler paid back their loans from the auto bailout fooled no one, and in fact, not even the auto workers who Obama was bragging to, as the United Auto Workers Union Local in Toledo openly heckled the President. Literally, the record is too abysmal to get it all into one article.

The upcoming campaign. The last incumbent President who ran on a campaign of, “this malaise is the best we can do in today’s world, so get used to it,” was James Earl Carter. Then, as now, the press were running stories about how America had become so big that it was just too hard to be President and that the job had indeed become impossible for just one man. Then, as now, we were told by Carter and indeed the press that we just had to accept the fact that our best days were behind us. What a depressing and utterly false message that turned out to be then. This is no less true today. Americans in general voted for Barack Obama primarily for one reason. When you boil the whole thing down to its core, people will vote for the candidate who they believe will lead the country to its greatest living standard. The message of you can’t drive the vehicle you want, or live in the comfort you want, because Barack Obama has determined that it is just not fair to the remainder of the world will not play well at all to the American People. Now that Obama has an actual record, which just as predicted, has produced the results we now live with, he has no options but to campaign on our sacrifice because people in the Sudan don’t have air conditioning. The campaign based on you must sacrifice the living standard you want because I deem it to be so is a loser. That lesson will be learned for a fourth time since 1972 by yet another Democrat Candidate for the Presidency of the United States.


Barely, if at all, via Rodan

Why Obama will be tough to be beat.

My Good friend, FlyoverCountry, believes that Obama will lose Carter-Mondale style. I disagree with his assessment, as much as I would love for it to be true. I disagree for the following reasons.

1) The media and the entertainment industry are in the tank for Obama. Most Americans aren’t politically aware like us on the blog. They’ll turn in sometime in the Summer of 2012 when the pro-Obama propaganda is in full swing.

2) Obama is a pop culture icon. Although he’s not as cool as he was in 2008, he still has a cool factor. Many younger people will still vote for him to appear cool. The fact they don’t have jobs or a future is irrelevant. It’s about the fact that being popular and supporting Obama is culturally popular.

3) Obama will raise $1 Billion. Don’t underestimate what that type of money can do.

4) Americans still personally like Obama. Most of us here know Obama is thinnetwod skin and has a nasty streak. But thanks to his media and pop culture image, all they see is a smiling cool guy. This can change if a Republican gets in his face and he loses his cool.

5) White progressives view Obama as their political version of Jesus. They believe that by supporting Obama, they are washing away America’s sins. For decades the Left in academia have taught this guilt ridden version of American history. We are a bad, Imperialist, racist nation. By voting and supporting Obama, many white progressives feel as if they are redeeming America. They know he’s a failure, but to admit it would destroy their belief system.

6) He’s black. People like Charles Johnson will claim that you are racist to oppose Obama. The sad part is that many Americans agree with this. Therefore, to prove they’re not racist, they will vote for Obama again. Blacks will turn out in large numbers again, to make sure Obama doesn’t lose

7) Obama’s the incumbent President. It’s difficult to beat a sitting President. The only two who have been defeated in recent times are Jimmy Carter in 1980 and Papa Bush in 1992. Barack Obama is a more formidable politician than these two and many are emotionally invested in him.

8) His is opposed by the Republican Party. The GOP has this tendency to run the lamest candidates who refuse to fight hard. They are scared of being called racists, so they will hesitate to go nuclear on Obama

I do think Obama can be defeated, but it’s not a slam dunk. If he loses, he will get no lower than 47%. In fact he result will be he Republican getting 50% of he vote and him getting 47-48%. The electoral map will be close as well. The GOP candidate must run on a Conservative message and attack Obama without mercy. That is the only way to win.

2012 is not guaranteed and our side should expect a tough fight.
