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Posts Tagged ‘Haley Barbour’

Our own Speranza gets quoted at Politico.

by Phantom Ace ( 14 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Conservatism, Headlines, The Political Right at January 20th, 2012 - 1:49 pm

Someone at Politico is reading this blog. In an article on how Conservative bloggers have taken Haley Barbour to task for his pardons, Our own Speranza gets quoted!

Conservative bloggers were shocked and puzzled by Haley Barbour’s pardoning of nearly 200 convicted criminals — including a handful of murderers — and said the last person they expected something like that from was the “law and order” Mississippi governor.

Barbour, who was term-limited, granted the mass pardons in his last days in office — a move the conservative blog HotAir called “startling.”

“It just shows you that Republicans can be as full of spit as Democrats. Haley Barbour, an allegedly conservative law & order governor on his way out of office, has pardoned 14 convicted murderers,” wrote Speranza at Blogmocracy.

Congrats Speranza!

Haley Barbour not running

by Phantom Ace ( 2 Comments › )
Filed under Elections, Elections 2012, Headlines, Politics, Republican Party at April 25th, 2011 - 4:44 pm

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has announced he will not run for President. This is actually shocking since he was considered one of the top Contenders.

“I will not be a candidate for president next year. This has been a difficult, personal decision, and I am very grateful to my family for their total support of my going forward, had that been what I decided.

“Hundreds of people have encouraged me to run and offered both to give and raise money for a presidential campaign. Many volunteers have organized events in support of my pursuing the race. Some have dedicated virtually full time to setting up preliminary organizations in critical, early states and to helping plan what has been several months of intensive activity.

It’s a shame because Haley Barbour was one of the few potential contenders who was opposed to the Libyan intervention. He handled Hurricane Katrina with success as opposed to Louisiana Governor Katleen Blanco who botched it. This showed his leadership skills. This will be a sad loss for the GOP.