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Posts Tagged ‘Hispanics’

TSA targets Hispanics while giving Muslims a pass

by Phantom Ace ( 11 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines, immigration, Islamic Supremacism at June 16th, 2011 - 10:46 am

One of the biggest gripes I have is the lack of respect for Hispanics our elites have. They have eliminated 150 years from school text books. They teach that Hispanics are evil genocidal monsters or poor helpless victims. The media portrays all Hispanics as illegals, thus creating resentment towards us in society.  In the latest act of Hispanophobia by the American establishment, TSA were targeting Hispanics at Boston’s Logan Airport.

A 2010 TSA report obtained by the Newark Star Ledger is offering an inside look into the work of Liberty International Airport’s behavior detection officers, who apparently spent so much of their time stopping travelers of Latin American descent that they dubbed themselves the “Mexican Hunters.”

 The so-called “Boston Report” on the Newark screeners, compiled from early 2008 to late 2009 by inquiry officers based out of Logan International Airport, contains descriptions of manager-supported racial profiling, policies of ignoring actual behavioral stress indicators, and officers’ cavalier attitude towards public safety.

Can you imagine the uproar if it was Muslims being singled out? The truth is that they are given more respect by the American Establishment than 17% of our population. I guess Hispanics serving in the US military and dying for this nation is not enough to get respect. Maybe us Hispanics need to start ramming planes into buildings to get respect.

Followers of Islam are treated better than most Americans of all ethnicities. This is America 2011!

Changing Demographics will not doom the GOP

by Phantom Ace ( 91 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Elections, immigration, Multiculturalism, Politics, Progressives, Republican Party at April 4th, 2011 - 3:00 pm

The progressives are hyping the decline of the “White” population. They are claiming this will doom the Republican Party and that the 2010 elections were a fluke and last stand by “White” America. To begin with let me debunk a few myths. the majority of Hispanics in the US consider themselves White. for some strange reason, Progressives and some Conservatives don’t accept them as White. In fact, there has been a campaign in America to de-Europeanize Hispanics and make them some non European group. In places like California and New York, this campaign has worked. In places like Florida, New Mexico and Texas, it’s gone nowhere. Hispanics even those who are not White belong to the same Mediterranean culture as Italians and Greeks. Many Hispanics have also intermarried with the White American population (Mostly with Italians and Irish), hence their kids are thoroughly Americanize.

Asian Americans have integrated successfully into mainstream American society. Many have intermarried with White Americans and are indistinguishable from any other American. They tend to be very successful professional and business owners. Asians have been here form more than 150 and are a solid part of the American mosaic. The Progressives have created a false image of Hispanics and Asians as Non American or victims. Thus they are hoping that this image will cause resentment and thus hope it leads to these2 groups to feel isolated and turning to the Democrats as their only allies. WHat the Left doesn’t copunton is that attitudes change and teh fact that many Hispanic and Asians are Conservative, thus open to the GOP’s message.

Are whites on the verge of becoming a minority of the American population? That’s what some analysts of the 2010 Census results claim. Many go on, sometimes with relish, to say that this spells electoral doom for the Republican Party.

I think the picture is more complicated than that. And that the demise of the Republican Party is no more foreordained than it was a century ago when Italian, Jewish and Polish immigrants were pouring into the United States in proportions much greater than the Hispanic and Asian immigration of the past two decades.

The numbers do appear stark. The Census tells us that 16 percent of U.S. residents are Hispanic, up from 13 percent in 2000 and 9 percent in 1990, and that 5 percent are Asian, up from 4 percent in 2000. The percentage of blacks held steady at 13. Among children, the voters of tomorrow, those percentages are higher.

But it’s a mistake to see blacks, Hispanics and Asians as a single “people of color” voting bloc. The 2010 exit poll shows that the Republican percentages in the vote for the U.S. House were 60 percent among whites, 9 percent among blacks, 38 percent among Hispanics and 40 percent among Asians.

Simple arithmetic tells you that Hispanics and Asians vote more like whites than like blacks. The picture is similar in the 2008 exit poll.

Read the rest: GOP Shouldn’t Panic If Whites Become a Minority

SO let’s take the Progressives and their argument at face value. Demographics are changing, so what! Culture defines a people and not some one’s biological make up. The Left is obsessed with race, hence they have created 2 fictitious new races, Asians and Hispanics. This is quit laughable considering as I have stated earlier, Most Hispanics are Whiteand even if you include those that aren’t, the culture is a branch of the Southern European-Latin culture which Italians and Greeks also belong to. Asians are so diverse that to put Japanese and Chinese in thesame category. If naything, this shows the racist nature of Progressives.

Conservatives need to get their message out to these 2 growing blocks. One aspect is to view Hispanics and Asians not as big monolithic groups, but as individuals. Use Asian and Hispanic Conservatives as outreach to these communities, go before Spanish language media and make the Conservative case. Keep in mind that until Ronald Reagan, White Catholics were solidly Democrats, now they are mostly Republican or swing votes. To cripple the Democrats, Republicans just need to win 40-45% of the Hispanic vote. One Way to this is to concentrate efforts on Hispanics who are Middle Class, Professionals, Devout Catholics and business owners. If The GOp can lock up these groups of Hispanic voters, then they will do well.

The GOP needs to clarify their stance on illegal immigration. They need to emphasize, that illegals are the issue and not legal immigrants. To many Republicans fall into this culture war with Hispanics as some threat to America. What these fools don’t realize is that over 400 years, the ancestors of Hispanics along with their Italian cousins saved the West from Islam. So it’s much fear mongering over nothing. Asians are no threat and one just has to look at Hawaii as an example. It’s mostly Asian and Polynesian, yet it’s American as apple pie.

If the GOP plays it’s cards right, they will benefit from the growing Hispanic and Asian population in America. But we are talking about a Party that is cooperating with Obama’s illegal Libyan war, appeases Islam and lies to current constituents about their agenda. Before they outreach to other groups, the GOP needs to get its House in order. If the Republicans aren’t serving their current voters, how ill they appeal to new ones? That is another thread.

Republicans won 38% of the Hispanic vote

by Phantom Ace ( 183 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Election 2008, Elections 2010, immigration, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Politics, Progressives, Republican Party at November 28th, 2010 - 6:00 pm

The Progressives would have you think that Hispanic s hate the GOP and support illegal immigration. They also portray the Republicans as Hispanic hating Nativist because they don’t support amnesty. The reality is a different story than the media narrative shows. In their best showing since 2004, the Republicans got 38% of the Hispanic vote in the 2010 midterms. This is an improvement over the 29% the GOP got in 2008 and a shift the GOP can work on. If the Republicans can consistently get near or over 40% of the Hispanic vote, the Democrats will never win a national election outside of New York, Massachusetts and California. The key to win Hispanic votes is to appeal as you would to other Americans and argue the illegal immigration issue correctly. Make the illegal issue one of fairness to those who followed the rules, crime since Hispanics are the biggest victims of illegal criminality and national security. If the issue becomes one of some cultural invasion and demonizing of Hispanics like Sharron Angle’s ad did, then Hispanics will be turned off.

The conventional wisdom has already settled like a blanket over Washington. Allegedly, Hispanics flocked to the polls to punish Republicans for the Arizona immigration law. They “saved” the Senate for Democrats. And on and on. The conventional wisdom, however, is wrong. The 2010 election actually paints a very bright picture of the Republican Party’s relations with this country’s growing Hispanic population.

Exit polls reported by CNN and updated this week reveal that a historically robust 38 percent of Hispanic voters cast ballots for House Republican candidates in 2010 – more than in 2006 (30 percent) and 2008 (29 percent). In fact, since 1984, Republican House candidates have only won a higher percentage of the Hispanic vote in one election: 2004. This level of Hispanic support for Republican candidates came despite widespread pre-election claims by advocates for illegal immigration that the Arizona law and a pro-rule-of-law stand would undercut Hispanic support for Republicans.

Journalist Shikha Dalmia admitted in Forbes that the 2010 election “casts severe doubts” on the assumption that Hispanics will necessarily be advocates for illegal immigration. “Anti-immigration sentiment,” she wrote, is “driven by economic and other fears that have to be addressed anew for every generation regardless of its ethnic make-up.”

Read the rest: The GOP’s other Election Day victory

Progressives love to play divide and conquer. Their favorite tactic is to divide Hispanics and Conservatives. They create a narrative that Republicans are racist nativists, thus creating an image in the Hispanic community that is far from the truth. They also create an image with White Conservatives that Hispanics are some evil 3rd world invaders here illegally and in cahoots with AL-Qaeda or Hizballah. They do false flag rallies by illegals and by not teaching Hispanic kids English in schools, this creating a dependent class. This has work for many years, but finally Republicans called the Democrats bluff.

The Republicans ran a historic number of Republican Hispanic candidates like Marco Rubi, Brain Sandoval, Susana Martinez and many others. None of them supported amnesty and ran as authentic Regan style Conservatives. This won the GOP goodwill with Hispanics and killed the Conservatives are racist narrative. By the same token, Hispanics proved that unlike blacks they can vote for someone who is not one of them. In the mostly Hispanic 27th Congressional district in Texas, Republican Blake Farenthold defeated long time Democratic Congressman Solomon Ortiz. Blake is not Hispanic, yet won in a mostly Hispanic district. This demonstrates that unlike another ethnic group, we will vote for the best candidate. Hispanics are not a race, but a cultural group whose roots go back to the Roman Empire and are related to Italians. It is only the Progressives and their La Raza slaves who have created a Hispanic race.

The Republicans must continue to expand on these gains by running good candidates. Nativists like Sharron Angle, Ken Buck and Tom Tancredo need to be rejected and purged. They belong with the Race based Democratic Party and not the Republican party which is based on borders, language, culture and economic opportunity.

**COLDWARRIOR update: this graphic from Huck to illustrate the point, especially on the southern border:

Fom our Huckfunn:

Look at the border states of TX, AZ and CA on the RCP election map. All of those border districts are majority Hispanic and most of them voted GOP at the Federal level. Rodan, you might want to add that graphic to your post as it is illustrative of the point you’re making.

Conservative Hispanics on the Rise while Progressive Hispanics get Left behind

by Phantom Ace ( 188 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Elections 2010, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Liberal Fascism, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Progressives at November 18th, 2010 - 11:30 am

November 2nd was historic for Conservative Hispanics. With Marco Rubio in Florida, Susana Martinez in New Mexico, Brian Sandoval in Nevada and many others, the monopoly the Democratic party has had on Spanish politicians is coming to an end.

For too long, Hispanics have been manipulated by Progressives who have turned a  proud people, who’s ancestors dominated the world into little serfs. Groups like La Raza have invented this myth of Spanish people as victims and somehow descended from Aztecs and other losers. While biologically some Hispanics are of native origins most are mixed or of Euro-Latin roots. Regardless of biology, the Hispanic Culture is a branch of Latin culture which is the direct offspring of Greco-Roman culture. Now just like our Italian cousins did several generations ago, these Conservative Hispanics want us to integrate and not become the new Blacks as the Progressives are planning.

I’ve long held that Hispanics owe a debt of gratitude to African Americans.  They, more than any group, have shown us what allegiance to the Democratic Party can bring: the disintegration of the African American family, the targeting of black mothers for abortions by left-wing groups like Planned Parenthood, the lowering of the bar for African American students in state-sponsored schools. These are just the tip of the iceberg.  Oddly enough, I have the Reverend Al Sharpton to thank for my current view.  Back in 2003, when the good reverend was seeking the Democratic nomination for president, he said this: “We must no longer be the political mistresses of the Democratic Party.”  It was a rare moment of honesty and admission that he and compatriot Jesse Jackson may have made a mistake in taking the African American community down the road of victimhood, represented by the Democrats, instead of the road of empowerment, represented by the conservative wing of the GOP.  Sharpton’s words changed my life.  I was bound and determined that my family, any Hispanics that would listen, and I would never become victims and reliant on an all-powerful government for our existence.  But I knew I had powerful forces aligned against me.  I saw many leftist Latinos seeking to take the Hispanic community down Sharpton’s road of victimhood.

Take your pick of any Latino hate group. La Raza, Nation of Aztlan, the Brown Berets — these are the anti-American groups that have sullied the reputations of all Latinos.  They get a lot of press.  But they’re not alone.  Groups like LULAC, Border Angels, the National Hispanic Media Coalition, and countless others have made it their mission to portray Latinos as a bunch of victims who need to be compensated for some slight perpetrated by white America.  They shout slogans like, “We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us.” They fly Mexican flags on the streets of America to protest adherence to the law.  They protest semantics, calling anyone a hate monger who dares call those that break the law “illegal immigrants.”  It’s all part of a well-coordinated campaign to blur the lines between American Latinos and those that enter the United States without permission.  The idea is to make citizen Latinos invested in those who break U.S. law to come here.  And it has been wildly successful.  Many first-generation Hispanics still regard illegals, from any Latin-American country, as “their people.”   But the veil of deception perpetrated by the aforementioned leftist groups has begun to lift.

Read the Rest: Liberty-Loving Latinos Outshine Loud-Mouthed Leftist Latinos

Groups like La Raza are nothing more than self hating Hispanics. They bow before racist White Progressives as their masters and do their bidding. They organize rallies that are intended to piss off other Americans. This is the Left’s plan, to segregate Hispanics and do to them what they did to blacks. Those days are coming to an end. Just as our ancestors fought genocidal invaders for 700 years and then conquered nearly a 1/4 of the Earth, we will defeat the latest groups of oppressors.

Make no mistake about it, the Progressives are white supremacists to the core. They refuse to teach Hispanic Immigrant kids English because they view them as genetically inferior. They make sure Hispanics stay poor by putting us in lousy schools and covering up the achievements of our ancestors. This is a carefully crafted plan designed by racist Progressives  to prevent Hispanics from integrating and achieving the American dream.

People like Marco Rubio are a threat to this racist plan and hopefully Conservatives run more candidates like him. Preventing 15% of the population from succeeding in America is evil and racist. Conservatives must prevent this and November 2nd was the start.

(Hat Tip: 1389)