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Posts Tagged ‘Susana Martinez’

Republicans won 38% of the Hispanic vote

by Phantom Ace ( 183 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Election 2008, Elections 2010, immigration, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Politics, Progressives, Republican Party at November 28th, 2010 - 6:00 pm

The Progressives would have you think that Hispanic s hate the GOP and support illegal immigration. They also portray the Republicans as Hispanic hating Nativist because they don’t support amnesty. The reality is a different story than the media narrative shows. In their best showing since 2004, the Republicans got 38% of the Hispanic vote in the 2010 midterms. This is an improvement over the 29% the GOP got in 2008 and a shift the GOP can work on. If the Republicans can consistently get near or over 40% of the Hispanic vote, the Democrats will never win a national election outside of New York, Massachusetts and California. The key to win Hispanic votes is to appeal as you would to other Americans and argue the illegal immigration issue correctly. Make the illegal issue one of fairness to those who followed the rules, crime since Hispanics are the biggest victims of illegal criminality and national security. If the issue becomes one of some cultural invasion and demonizing of Hispanics like Sharron Angle’s ad did, then Hispanics will be turned off.

The conventional wisdom has already settled like a blanket over Washington. Allegedly, Hispanics flocked to the polls to punish Republicans for the Arizona immigration law. They “saved” the Senate for Democrats. And on and on. The conventional wisdom, however, is wrong. The 2010 election actually paints a very bright picture of the Republican Party’s relations with this country’s growing Hispanic population.

Exit polls reported by CNN and updated this week reveal that a historically robust 38 percent of Hispanic voters cast ballots for House Republican candidates in 2010 – more than in 2006 (30 percent) and 2008 (29 percent). In fact, since 1984, Republican House candidates have only won a higher percentage of the Hispanic vote in one election: 2004. This level of Hispanic support for Republican candidates came despite widespread pre-election claims by advocates for illegal immigration that the Arizona law and a pro-rule-of-law stand would undercut Hispanic support for Republicans.

Journalist Shikha Dalmia admitted in Forbes that the 2010 election “casts severe doubts” on the assumption that Hispanics will necessarily be advocates for illegal immigration. “Anti-immigration sentiment,” she wrote, is “driven by economic and other fears that have to be addressed anew for every generation regardless of its ethnic make-up.”

Read the rest: The GOP’s other Election Day victory

Progressives love to play divide and conquer. Their favorite tactic is to divide Hispanics and Conservatives. They create a narrative that Republicans are racist nativists, thus creating an image in the Hispanic community that is far from the truth. They also create an image with White Conservatives that Hispanics are some evil 3rd world invaders here illegally and in cahoots with AL-Qaeda or Hizballah. They do false flag rallies by illegals and by not teaching Hispanic kids English in schools, this creating a dependent class. This has work for many years, but finally Republicans called the Democrats bluff.

The Republicans ran a historic number of Republican Hispanic candidates like Marco Rubi, Brain Sandoval, Susana Martinez and many others. None of them supported amnesty and ran as authentic Regan style Conservatives. This won the GOP goodwill with Hispanics and killed the Conservatives are racist narrative. By the same token, Hispanics proved that unlike blacks they can vote for someone who is not one of them. In the mostly Hispanic 27th Congressional district in Texas, Republican Blake Farenthold defeated long time Democratic Congressman Solomon Ortiz. Blake is not Hispanic, yet won in a mostly Hispanic district. This demonstrates that unlike another ethnic group, we will vote for the best candidate. Hispanics are not a race, but a cultural group whose roots go back to the Roman Empire and are related to Italians. It is only the Progressives and their La Raza slaves who have created a Hispanic race.

The Republicans must continue to expand on these gains by running good candidates. Nativists like Sharron Angle, Ken Buck and Tom Tancredo need to be rejected and purged. They belong with the Race based Democratic Party and not the Republican party which is based on borders, language, culture and economic opportunity.

**COLDWARRIOR update: this graphic from Huck to illustrate the point, especially on the southern border:

Fom our Huckfunn:

Look at the border states of TX, AZ and CA on the RCP election map. All of those border districts are majority Hispanic and most of them voted GOP at the Federal level. Rodan, you might want to add that graphic to your post as it is illustrative of the point you’re making.

Friday with the Hammer: The Rodan edition!

by Phantom Ace ( 149 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Elections 2010, Liberal Fascism, Progressives, Tranzis at October 22nd, 2010 - 2:00 pm

Speranza is out on vacation so I humbly will give Friday with the Hammer my spin!

Our 3rd World Liberation ideologue president is blaming American paranoia for why he’s not appreciated. Rather than admit he’s gone too far Left, Barack Hussein Obama he blames the American people’s anxiety for his decline in popularity. This is the Tranzi Totalitarian Progressive moveme view that Americans are too dumb to know what good for us. This attitude reflects only one thing, the American left hates this nation and wants to impose its worldview on us.

In an increasingly desperate attempt to develop a narrative for the coming Democratic collapse, the Democrats have indulged themselves in what for half a century they’ve habitually attributed to the American right: the paranoid style in U.S. politics.

The talk is of dark conspiracies — secret money, foreign influence, big corporations, with Karl Rove and, yes, Ed Gillespie lurking ominously behind the scenes. The only thing missing is the Halliburton-Cheney angle.


The electorate apparently is deranged by its anxieties and fears to the point where it can’t think straight. Part of the reason “facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time,” he explained to a Massachusetts audience, “is because we’re hard-wired not to always think clearly when we’re scared. And the country is scared.”

Read the rest: Dr. Obama Has Misdiagnosed Peasantry’s Ills

When Progressives won elections in 2006 and 2008, they praised the American people as enlightened. President Hussein talked about fundamentally changing America and is now upset that he’s meeting resistance. Now that the public is rejecting this evil ideology, they are showing the contempt they have for us. Barack Hussein Obama and his cronies like Harry Reid have the Neo-Feudal attitude that we as peasants should be grateful and can’t understand what “good” they are doing. This is why they will lose on Nov 2nd, the American people don’t like to be called stupid and looked down upon. Americans don’t serf!

Update: Here’s a condescending piece by the Washington Post about Hispanic Republicans. Rather than point out that Latin Conservatives are poised for big wins and this shows the GOP isn’t racist, the article all but calls them traitors. In the mind of the Racist Left, Hispanics have to support illegals. It has never occurred to them than illegals have caused problems for Spanish people in America. We suffer from crime, identity theft and resentment from part of the population that thinks all Hispanics are illegals.

Martinez is one of a trio of Latino Republicans poised to win high office this year in part by running on an anti-immigration platform. In Florida, Senate candidate Marco Rubio is ahead of Democrat Kendrick Meek and independent Charlie Crist. And in Nevada, gubernatorial candidate Brian Sandoval is leading Democrat Rory Reid.

If they win, Martinez, Rubio and Sandoval would make up a high-profile triumvirate that Republicans hope will help the party woo increasingly influential Latino voters. The nation’s fastest-growing voting bloc – nearly half the voters in New Mexico, for instance, are of Latino origin – has largely shunned the GOP in recent years.

Yet those Republican hopes may be difficult to realize, if only because the GOP’s anti-immigration rhetoric is a primary reason Latinos have turned away from the party.

I’m really tired of these Progressive racists telling me how I should think. La Raza are nothing but  capos for the modern Nazis aka Demon-KKK-Rat party. Progressives also have whitewashed 150 years of human history by covering up the existence of the Spanish Empire in schools. They only mention how evil the Spanish were towards Native Americans and the inquisition. No mention of my ancestors glorious victories like Lepanto, our literary achievements, the artistic achievements of the Spanish Golden Age and the fact we saved Western Civilization. Reading this makes me hate the American left and even more!

Update II:Peggy Noonan has a great article on how the Tea party saved the Republican Party. It has brought back Goldwater/Reagan Conservatism as opposed to the hypocritical Compassionate Conservatism aka Progressivism with a Bible.

Two central facts give shape to the historic 2010 election. The first is not understood by Republicans, and the second not admitted by Democrats.

The first: the tea party is not a “threat” to the Republican Party, the tea party saved the Republican Party. In a broad sense, the tea party rescued it from being the fat, unhappy, querulous creature it had become, a party that didn’t remember anymore why it existed, or what its historical purpose was. The tea party, with its energy and earnestness, restored the GOP to itself.

I hope the GOP stays true to real Conservative principles.

Blogmocracy Note: Happy Birthday Nevergiveup and thanks for your service!