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Posts Tagged ‘Islamic Banking’

Somalian Spoken Here…Who knew?

by coldwarrior ( 155 Comments › )
Filed under Islam, Islamic Invasion, Somalia at December 8th, 2010 - 11:30 am

I was going to the bank machine near the Humane  Society to pay for Phoebedog and I came across this screen at a branch of the Huntington Bank…While this isn’t my bank, it was worth the fee to use the machine, and well worth the language option at the bottom left. A quick perusal of Huntington Bank’s website reveals nothing about Somali’s or any business they have in the metro Pittsburgh area that warrants a Somali language tag.  Any Huntington customers know anything about this?

I understand the need for the Spanish language option here, but Somali??? We are a hell of a lot closer to Quebec than Minneapolis, the nearest place that the Somali’s have infiltrated and set up camp. Would it not make more sense to have a French language option? I can tell you, i have yet to see a person from that area of Africa that covers Somalia and Ethiopia around here…Yet, I have run into a few French Canadians.

I wonder if Huntington Bank knows something I dont?

C’est un mystère?

The Islamic Banking Threat

by Phantom Ace ( 6 Comments › )
Filed under Dhimmitude, Islamic Finance, Terrorism at December 11th, 2008 - 8:46 am

Desperate for cash our Treasury and Corporations are turning to the rich Islamic Persian Gulf States for money.This helps the Islamo-Fascists and gives them potentially American assets. We must shed light and warn people on this form of Sharia Finance.

Islamic Banking

Instead, the Treasury Department, hungry for petrodollars, is holding seminars to promote Islamic banking and U.S. taxpayers are footing the bill. This practice must stop. Islamic banking corrupts our financial system, enables the illegal Arab economic boycott of Israel and entangles government with Islam in violation of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause.

This is a threat to our nation. It’s creeping Sharia law, supported not by Leftists but by Corporatists. They will sell out their own nation to Islamo-Fascism in the name of money and free markets. There are limits and Islamic Finance is where we draw the line. Free Market Capitalism is not an excuse for suicide, national interests takes precedent.