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Posts Tagged ‘John Boehner’

The old Obama returns

by Mojambo ( 88 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, Elections 2012, Progressives, Socialism, taxation at January 4th, 2013 - 3:00 pm

Aided by a lapdog media, a feckless and fractured opposition, Obama not even waiting for his inauguration has advanced his redistributionist agenda. As Dr. K. writes, he was stymied a bit since 2010 after losing the House and having to secure his re-election but now that he no longer has to worry about pesky things like voter accountability, it is full steam ahead.

by Charles Krauthammer

The rout was complete, the retreat disorderly. President Obama got his tax hikes — naked of spending cuts — passed by the ostensibly Republican House of Representatives. After which, you might expect him to pivot to his self-proclaimed “principle” of fiscal “balance” by taking the lead on reducing spending. “Why,” asked The Post on the eve of the final fiscal-cliff agreement, “is the nation’s leader not embracing and then explaining the balanced reforms the nation needs?”

Because he has no interest in them. He’s a visionary, not an accountant. Sure, he’ll pretend to care about deficits, especially while running for reelection. But now that he’s past the post, he’s free to be himself — a committed big-government social democrat.

As he showed in his two speeches this week. After perfunctory nods to debt and spending reduction, he waxed enthusiastic about continued “investments” — i.e., spending — on education, research, roads and bridges, green energy, etc.

Having promised more government, he then promised more taxes — on “millionaires” and “companies with a lot of lobbyists,” of course. It was a bold affirmation of pre-Clintonian tax-and-spend liberalism.

Why not? He had just won Round 1: raising rates. Round 2 is to raise yet more tax revenue by eliminating deductions. After all, didn’t John Boehner offer him $800 billion of such loophole-closing revenue just a few weeks ago?

To paraphrase Churchill on the British Empire, Barack Obama did not become president of the United States to preside over the liquidation of the welfare state. On the contrary, he is dedicated to its expansion. [……]

But this level of spending requires a significantly higher level of taxation. Hence his hardball fiscal-cliff strategy of issuing an ultimatum to Republicans to raise tax rates — or be blamed for a massive across-the-board tax increase and a subsequent recession.

I’ll get you the money by eliminating deductions, offered Boehner. No, sir, replied the president. Rates it must be.


(1) Partisan Advantage

As I wrote last month, the ultimatum was designed to exploit and exacerbate internal Republican divisions. It worked perfectly. Boehner’s attempted finesse (Plan B), which would have raised rates but only for those making more than $1 million, collapsed amid an open rebellion from a good quarter of the Republican caucus.

At which point, power passed from the House to the Senate, where a deal was brokered.  […….] Checkmate. Obama neutralized the one body that had stymied him during the past two years.

(2) Ideological Breakthrough

Obama’s ultimate ambition is to break the nation’s 30-year thrall of low taxes — so powerful that those who defied the Reaganite norm paid heavily for it. Walter Mondale’s acceptance speech at the 1984 Democratic convention, promising to raise taxes, ended his campaign before it began. President George H.W. Bush’s no-new-taxes reversal cost him a second term.

[…….] He not only got his tax increase passed. He did it with public opinion behind him.

Why are higher taxes so important to him?

First, as a means: A high-tax economy is liberalism’s only hope for sustaining and enlarging the entitlement state. It provides the funds for enlightened adventures in everything from algae to Obamacare.

Second, as an end in itself. Fundamentally, Obama is a leveler. The community organizer seeks, above all, to reverse the growing inequality that he dates and attributes to ruthless Reaganism. Now, however, clothed in the immense powers of the presidency, he can actually engage in unadorned redistributionism. As in Tuesday night’s $620 billion wealth transfer.

Upon losing the House in 2010, the leveler took cover for the next two years. He wasn’t going to advance his real agenda through the Republican House anyway, and he needed to win reelection.

Now he’s won. The old Obama is back. He must not be underestimated. He has deftly leveraged his class-war-themed election victory (a) to secure a source of funding (albeit still small) for the bloated welfare state, (b) to carry out an admirably candid bit of income redistribution and (c) to fracture the one remaining institutional obstacle to the rest of his ideological agenda.

Not bad for two months’ work.

Read the rest – Return of the real Obama

Give Our House Speaker Some Credit, Especially Since He Deserves Some.

by Flyovercountry ( 50 Comments › )
Filed under Politics, Republican Party, taxation at December 19th, 2012 - 8:00 am

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

The Wails of Oust Boehner went up over the weekend and yesterday so loud I believe my Grandmother, who survived the Reagan Years but not the Clinton years probably heard them. I will admit that going to bed last night, I too was ready to throw in the towel on this weepy eyed Speaker from the liberal 32% of the Republican Party. A funny thing happened on the way to my effigy burning party however. That was the little fact that when John Boehner delivered Nancy Pelosi’s plan on tax rates to the President for consideration, basically eschewing the line in the sand drawn by a goodly percentage of the right side of the aisle outside of the beltway, Barack Obama rejected it quicker than Yasser Arafat rejecting the offer from Israelis at Oslo that basically promised him his entire wish list. In order to be fair to the President, who has shown less than the slightest inclination to, “come together in the interests of all Americans,” with regards to the, “Fiscal Cliff,” negotiations, John Boehner did couch his monumental capitulation in the terms of separating out spending as a different issue to be discussed.

Whether by design, or purely on accident, John boehner has accomplished three things with this latest offer of capitulation to President Obama. First, by offering President Obama the plan endorsed by his very own party, at least as far as tax rates are concerned, Boehner forced our President to either accept the offer, or to show America the blindingly obvious fact that he indeed is only too happy to drive that car, Thelman and Louise style, off of the, “Fiscal Cliff.” By the time I am writing this, even the dullest talking heads from MSNBC should be able to realize that the President just rejected his own plan, because it was not punishing enough to American Taxpayers.

Another thing it does, is it puts the onus back on President Obama in regards to spending, specifically, having our federal spigots permanently stuck on the OMG + WTF rate of flow. In the end analysis, I would not mind seeing the United States revert to the Clinton era rates of taxation on income and investment, if we subsequently agreed to cut our spending to the Clinton levels of spending as well. After all, as I have stated before, spending and taxation are really the same thing, irrespective of the rates put into place at the time.

Speaking of which, as it turns out, Veronique DeRugy, a Mercatus Fellow at George Mason University, and a top notch economist besides, has done the math to show exactly that. I’ll admit that I learned this by simply watching one of several dozen Milton Friedman videos online, so I of course feel like I’ve cheated somehow by learning it the easy way, rather than actually proving it. So, my hat’s off to Ms. DeRugy.

The third thing this does is to place the ball back in Obama’s court with respect to the most important issue in this debate. By caving totally on the minor issue, which is the mistaken belief that tax rates are equal to the total of taxes paid, Boehner has put the spotlight uncomfortably back onto a President who will try to push promised cuts in growth decades from now as actual cuts in spending. Not even Christopher Hayes, he of, “rhetorically proximate to a justification for war,” fame, will be dumb enough to fall for this one with the disinfectant of sunlight shining at full beam.

If Boehner does a good job in securing actual cuts in exchange for his capitulation, then I say we give him his props. If he secures for us once again, spending cuts in rates of growth on Tuesday for a tax increase today, then I’ll personally lead the charge to hang him in effigy, while writing my Congress Critter to oust him as Speaker.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Let the GOP housecleaning begin

by 1389AD ( 137 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, Republican Party at December 7th, 2012 - 5:00 pm

Extraterrestrial leaves UFO, meets clueless GOP elephant. 'Apparently, he doesn't HAVE a leader.'

It’s time for a reboot.

In my opinion, the Republican National Committee has too much baggage – including some catastrophic legal impediments – and has made too many mistakes. It would be far better to disband the RNC entirely, found new party organizations in each state, and elect a new national organization under another name and with none of the current personnel. It is also vitally important to put an end to open primaries, which allow our leftist opponents to rig the nominations in their favor.

Be that as it may, Republican Party unity is a thing of the past.

Here’s how the story is taking shape:

  • Soo Evening News: Fox News Benches Karl Rove and Dick Morris (h/t: Speranza)
  • Business Insider: There Is A Brutal Civil War In The GOP, And It Looks Like Karl Rove Will Be The First Casualty (h/t: Speranza)
  • Real Clear Politics: Yes, Romney Was The Problem (h/t: Flyovercountry)
  • PJM: No Virginia, the RNC CANNOT Monitor Polls for Ballot Security
  • Redstate: A Primer for Rich Donors Who Got Taken to the Cleaners by Republican Consultants (h/t: Flyovercountry)
  • AmSpec: The Quisling Consultants
  • Weasel Zippers: Good News: Boehner Removes Conservatives From House Financial Committees… (h/t: waldensianspirit)
  • Breitbart: Rep. Hensarling Throws Boehner Under Bus on Conservative Purge
    Seems that Boehner tried to pin responsibility for the purge of conservatives from the House Financial Services Committee on incoming chairman Rep. Jeb Hensarling. Hensarling’s spokeswoman vehemently denies that he had anything to do with it.
  • Kan. US Rep. Huelskamp: House demotion vindictive
    TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) – U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp blasted House Republican leaders Wednesday for “petty, vindictive politics” following their decision to remove him from key committees, including an agriculture panel he says has included a Kansan for 151 years.The GOP congressman, who represents Kansas’ 1st District, said on a media conference call that his only explanation is that he didn’t vote with House Speaker John Boehner on key votes over the past two years.
  • Breitbart: Boehner to Conservatives: We’re ‘Watching’ Your Votes
    After purging four conservative House members from key Committees, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) threatened Republican members of Congress on Wednesday by telling them Republican leaders are “watching” their votes to determine future committee assignments.Boehner’s remarks are a sign that the moderate House Republican leadership will be less tolerant of conservative dissent.

    Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), who was removed from the Budget Committee, said Boehner warned those in his conference that “there may be more folks that will be targeted” and the Republican leadership is “watching all of your votes.”

    “It was a message to the Republican Conference in general, especially the comment today that there may be more punishment coming if you don’t vote the right way,” Huelskamp told The Hill.
    Breitbart News investigative reporter Matthew Boyle broke the story that House Republican leadership used a secret list of votes in a closed-door meeting to decide to remove Huelskamp and Reps. Justin Amash (R-MI), Walter Jones (R-NC), and David Schweikert (R-AZ) from their Committees.

    According to The Hill, Boehner “addressed the firestorm over the removal of four lawmakers from plum committee assignments at the weekly GOP conference meeting.” His remarks may be a sign that Boehner is willing to adopt the tactics of former Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX), who was known as “the hammer” last decade for his ability to whip Republicans in line.

    Some of DeLay’s former aides now work for Boehner.
    Boehner’s moves upset many prominent conservatives — and some are calling for him to be removed as Speaker.

    Ned Ryun, the president of American Majority Action, on Wednesday urged conservatives “fire” Boehner as House Speaker, noting that only 16 Republicans needed to abstain from voting for him for Speaker to get the process or removing him started.

    “Speaker Boehner has been an abysmal failure as speaker, and his latest purge is the nail in the coffin for conservatives,” Ryun said. “Boehner has never won a negotiation battle with the White House or Senate—and he’s been nothing short of an embarrassing spokesman for the Conservative Movement. It’s time for him to go.”

Back in the USSR – or is it the Third Reich? John Boehner supports tax on Americans fleeing US

by 1389AD ( 82 Comments › )
Filed under taxation at November 30th, 2012 - 8:00 am

1389 Blog had the story on this in April 2012. Now it’s baaaaack.

Those Fleeing Obama’s America: Prepare to be taxed

(h/t: Mike C.)

30% tax on all assets above $600,000 includes cash value of property and bank accounts

IRS shakes down fleeing Americans

Senator Charles Schumer has recently proposed a new law to tax Americans heavily for leaving the United States. It was in reaction to the news that Eduardo Saverin, co-founder of Facebook, had renounced his American Citizenship and was taking his $2 billion dollars in capital gains with him.

Schumer proposed to tax him 30%. Sadly John Boehner, Republican, Speaker of the House (I still think he’s a disguised Democrat), said he would support the measure. [emphasis added]

Schumer must thank Adolph Hitler for this idea. The Fuehrer instituted the Reichsfluchsteuer tax of 25% on Jews leaving the Fatherland in the 1930s. So Herr Schumer has merely taken the basic idea and upped it by 5%.

Richard Samuelson, history professor at California State University, San Bernardino, quoted by National Review points to the historical significance of Schumer’s bill.

“Schumer’s attack is fundamentally misguided, and reveals a disturbing attitude toward private property. Should it impose such a tax, the American government would be saying that property is no longer truly private.”

He goes on to point out that George Washington, in January 1777 made the heart-rending decision to allow his followers to cross to the English side and take all of their property and savings with them if they felt they would be better off under the rule of the King. This was one of the darkest periods of American history, but Washington knew that liberty was of paramount importance and felt he had no right to impound the property of the settlers. His followers were fighting for the liberty to live where they pleased and to be free of arbitrary taxation. Why should it be different now?

It is my opinion (and only my opinion at this point) that starting very soon the IRS will begin collecting an exit tax of up to 30% on any of your savings leaving the country. The first stage would be to tax only very large assets but later I believe the ceiling will come down to cover even modest nest eggs because this government is in deep financial trouble. Obama and the Congress continue to spend money at an alarming rate and only your savings can pay the bills.

But you still have time to avoid it.

During the 2007 legislative year of the US Congress, a bill entitled “Tax Collection Responsibility Act of 2007” almost became law. This bill sought to impose an exit tax on all persons leaving the USA to take up residence abroad and thereby renouncing permanent resident status in the US, or people who renounced their US citizenship.

It was introduced by Rep Charles Rangel (Harlem NY), and co-sponsored by Representatives Earl Blumenauer, Joseph Crowley, John Larson, Sander Levin, John Lewis, Jim McDermott, Kendrick Meek, Earl Pomeroy and Chris Van Hollen. You will be amazed to learn that all of these Congressmen are Democrats. Not one Republican sponsored this bill.
Don’t hold your breath citizens. It will come up again soon. So, if you have any plans for leaving the country with your hard-earned savings you had better do it very soon.

30% tax on all assets above $600,000. This included the cash value of property and bank accounts

The general idea of the “Tax Collection Responsibility Act of 2007” was to discourage people from leaving the United States and taking their savings with them. In essence, it imposed a 30% tax on all assets above $600,000. This included the cash value of property and bank accounts

While similar bills have failed, and Schumer’s may also fail, how long do you think it will be before some of Obama’s thugs bring up a version that will pass? And, how long would it take the next Congress to vote that bill into law?

Most people do not have $600,000 anyway, but I’m sure this dedicated President will get to them eventually.

Let’s face it people—-the government is in trouble. They have a President who spends money like water. He can’t get his hands on enough of it and he will find many ways to tax you out of all of your savings until he has brought you down to the financial level of his half-brother in his native Kenya. In fact, his avowed aim is to make all men in the world equal in poverty, except for himself, of course. In his philosophy all men are equal except that some are more equal than others.

Even before I researched this bill, I knew that Obama would be coming after those who leave the country to live in other lands early on. Few of those who remain in the United States would care about the fate of those who want to leave. Most Americans would not be able to leave anyway and they certainly would want your hard earned savings to be available for their use in the form of welfare. They would be horrified to think someone like you who wants to leave the Obama Utopia would be allowed to take their savings with them.

My wife Marcia and I saw this coming ten years ago and that is one of the reasons we felt compelled to find a home in another country. We were never rich. But we took what little we had and invested it in land and real estate seven years ago. We have never regretted that wise move.

We pay taxes to the IRS just as we did when living in the United States. The little we owe on our Social Security payments is not worth worrying about. We have not renounced our citizenship and have no plans to do so in the future. We are simply Americans living abroad.

This bill may never affect you as long as you move before it becomes law. In past versions it was not retroactive.

So, if you buy property abroad before the bill becomes law you should not have to worry. How long this will be I can’t say. But I would suggest that if you plan to move anyway, do it as soon as possible.

This message is for those who want to leave and have the means to do so.

Do it NOW. A year from now it may be too late.

Read the rest at CFP.