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Posts Tagged ‘Liberal hypocracy’

All Liberal Hypocrites Must Die

by Iron Fist ( 13 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines at October 31st, 2011 - 3:18 am

I want to nip this little bit of high-tech lynching in the bud:

In an impromptu, awkward interview Sunday night on Fox News Channel’s “Geraldo at Large,” Herman Cain spokesman J.D. Gordon attempted to defend the former pizza magnate against a Politico story alleging that two unnamed female staffers accused Cain of sexual harassment in the late 1990s when he was CEO of the National Restaurant Association.

“These are thin allegations — this is not sourced,” Gordon said. “Right now we are trying to put this in perspective for you, that this is not even a sourced allegation.”

Rivera pressed Gordon for an outright denial, but Gordon continued to attack the Politico story, mostly repeating talking points that were part of a statement the campaign issued earlier Sunday evening.

“All I will tell you here is it’s important to know what the facts are here,” Gordon said. “And these are just like I said: These are thinly sourced allegations that occurred during Mr. Cain’s tenure.”

Woah! Full stop! We have, once more, thin allegations about sexual harassment against a black conservative. This should go no further. After Billl Clinton (whom we all know to have serially sexually harassed women, if not definitively sexually assaulted them), there should be no more noise about sexual harassment on the part of anyone. It is personal behavior, remember? What is the difference? Nearest thing I can see is that Herman Cain is black, Bill Clinton was white. Now, I am not saying that all racists are liberal hypocrites. What I am saying is that all liberal hypocrites that are making noise about this are racists.

Pathetic…Liberal hypocrites never see a tragedy they won’t exploit and politicize

by Bob in Breckenridge ( 183 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Crime, Democratic Party, Hate Speech, Politics, Progressives, Tea Parties at January 11th, 2011 - 11:30 am

And of course, this surprises no one. Their phony righteous indignation of the Tucson shooting by an unstable sociopath is obviously playing politics with the deaths of six innocent people, and the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 12 others.

Let’s start with lib sissy boy Jonathan Alter, Newsweak writer, who said: “Can Obama Turn Tragedy Into Triumph?”


Let me ask you this: What kind of sick liberal  scumbag who writes for a supposedly national news magazine, would have the audacity to actually say something like that, talking about turning the murder of six people and the wounding of 13 into a political triumph???

If there was ever proof that liberalism is a mental disorder, t Alter just proved it.

Even the idiot dimocrat Sheriff of Pima county, one Clarence Dumbnik, I mean Dupnik, did it, for which he should be not only ashamed, but, if possible, impeached, or subjected to a recall election, or voted out of office, the next time he runs for re-election.

Last I checked, the job of law enforcement, especially the chief law enforcement officer of any jurisdiction, is to investigate the shooting, NOT POLITICIZE IT, especially just a few hours after it happens, when all the facts are not known!

But he probably isn’t ashamed at all, since to most dimocrats, all that matters is to exploit the tragedy for whatever political gain can be used against conservatives and the GOP, and to hell with the victims, their families, and the truth.

And the dimocrat “leadership” obviously agrees:

“The sheriff out there in Tucson, I think he’s got it right,” Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., the assistant minority whip, told “Fox News Sunday.” “Words do have consequences. And I think that we have to really — this is nothing new. I’ve been saying this for a long time now.”

“I think the sheriff was right,” said minority whip Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., who appeared on CBS’ “Face the Nation” (another show almost no one watches):

“Bob, when you and I grew up, we grew up listening to essentially three major news outlets: NBC, ABC, and of course, CBS. We listened to people like Walter Cronkite and Eric Sevareid, and Huntley-Brinkley, and they saw their job as to inform us of the facts and we would make a conclusion,” Hoyer said. “Far too many broadcasts now and so many outlets have the intent of inciting, and inciting people to opposition, to anger, to thinking the other side is less than moral. And I think that is a context in which somebody who is mentally unbalanced can somehow feel justified in taking this kind of action. And I think we need to all take cognizance of that and be aware that what we say can, in fact, have consequences.”

Walter Cronkite? This tells us all we need to know about Hoyer. Cronkite was nothing more than yet another in a long line of liberal liars in the media who spun the news to fit his far-left agenda.

Hey Steny, ever hear the insane vitriol that comes out of the piehole of that douchebag Keith Olbermann, and on other shows just about nobody watches on MSNBC?

Here’s a short 81 second video of Dumbnik justifying Blaming Rush-

Then Megyn Kelly on Fox News asked Dumbnik about politicizing the tragedy, and when questioned about whether talk radio or anything similar had anything to do with this case, the sheriff could not support his claims, but said he has no regrets.

Of course not. Again, the ends justify the means to libturds, the truth be damned. Although why she allowed him to blame the Republicans without objecting, and even agreeing with him, bothers me. I hope she misunderstood what he said.

BTW, Dumbnik even admitted he knew the suspect in Saturday’s shooting rampage was unstable and had been known to make death threats in the past. The police had gone to the college Loughner attended five times due to concerns from his teachers and classmates that he was mentally unstable.

The libs didn’t even wait until after the shooter or his victims were identified to start exploiting this tragedy. They don’t give a Goddamn about them! They’re nothing but props to be exploited by these pathetic libturd losers.

That imbecile who writes for the New York Slimes, well, okay, almost everyone who writes for that worthless rag that no self-respecting dead fish would want to be wrapped in is an imbecile, but Paul Krugman was by far lower than whale shit.

Within two hours of the shootings, he was already posting on his NY Slimes blog fantasizing about how this could be used to hurt the GOP. I wouldn’t be surprised if the moron’s pants were around his ankles and a jar of vasoline was next to his keyboard.

The libs used the same old tired drivel they always use- Blaming Rush and talk radio, Fox News, the internet, Sarah Palin, easy access to guns, Tea Parties etc. I’m half surprised they couldn’t figure out a way to blame Bush and Cheney.

But being libs, they revert to their ages-old pathetic playbook- Blame everyone but the person responsible for shooting those people.

To libs, the perpetrator is almost never at fault, but rather a victim him or herself wronged by society. There’s always some underlying reason excuse for whatever crime they commit, be it poverty, coming from a broken home, racism, or whatever the liberal gripe du jour is.

But most outrageous, by far, was the dimocrats blaming Sarah Palin for her map “targeting” her opponents with crosshairs as causing this. That was the ultimate act of unmitigated hypocrisy, since the dimocrats used targets, rather than crosshairs, on the DLC (Dimocratic Leadership Council) website for Republicans they wanted to defeat. Scroll about half way down the page and see for yourself. Even the words they used- “The heartland strategy begins by choosing likely targets for Democratic gains.” calling it going ‘Behind enemy lines”, denotes a “war”.

And I won’t even get into the many incendiary statements made by the idiot in the White House, such as when referring to battling with Republicans Obungler said “If they bring a knife, we’ll bring a gun” or “Get in their faces!”.

And finally, I doubt any conservative, moderate Republican, independent, or sensible Democrat would list the “Communist Manifesto” or “Mein Kampf” as one of their favorite books. Even the shooter’s classmates described him as “a left wing pothead”.

He is also a 9-11 troofer, which, again, is a kook movement owned and operated 100% by the left, since they blame the Bush administration for actually bringing down the towers to justify going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I know I’m pissed off! Anger mounts over Michelle Obama’s $80K a day Spanish vacation with forty friends

by Bob in Breckenridge ( 124 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Economy, Progressives at August 7th, 2010 - 5:00 pm

I had to do it! pic update from savage!

This could end up costing $500K, and of course us serfs are paying for it. And, as usual, we don’t hear a peep from the mainstream Obama worshipping media about this insulting vacation with 40 of her “friends”.

How many of you could name ten, much less forty friends, that you have? Forty friends? Bullshit!

This is political payback, pure and simple, at our expense.

But since the state-controlled media ignores it, we have to read about this from London’s Daily Mail website. This won’t surprise you, but the New York Slimes is actually defending her.

And it seems that the only ones who seem to be concerned are bloggers like us.

Of course, many more average Americans would be disgusted by it IF THEY KNEW ABOUT IT, but that would require the lib swine in the mainstream media to actually do their damn jobs, rather than being propaganda ministers for this crooked and totally incompetent administration.

Michelle Obama today faced a fresh wave of attacks over her lavish break in Spain with 40 friends which has cost U.S. taxpayers tens of thousands of pounds.

Break? Give me an F**kin’ BREAK!!! When most people take a break, they go get a coke, maybe go to the bathroom, and take off 15 minutes before returning to their job.

They don’t take a trip to Spain with forty “friends” for a week or so, while staying at one of the most lavish hotels in the world, that they have no intention of paying for, regardless of what they claim.

This America-hating POS, like her incompetent worthless America-hating POS husband, has never earned a dime she has been paid and never had an actual job in her life, so she has no idea what it means to “work”.

Yet she hates the country that made this ignorant POS and her equally ignorant husband Harvard “educated”, because of affirmative action, and extremely wealthy.

As an aside, anyone else ever notice it’s always the libturds, who claim to represent the “workers”, as they derogatorily call them, while pretending to admire them, that have never done an honest day’s work in their pathetic lives? Hello, Kennedys!

The First Lady has been lambasted for her extravagance at a time when the economy is still struggling. One blogger went so far as to brand her a modern-day Marie Antoinette.

The exact cost of the trip is unclear as Mrs Obama, 46, and her friends are footing personal expenses – including accommodation at Marbella’s five-star Hotel Villa Padierna – themselves.

And if you believe that, as my wise Father said, you believe in the Easter bunny. I want to see the canceled checks from these libturd dirtbags. No wait, money orders. If they spend their money like they spend ours, their checks would most likely bounce.

But the taxpayer will have to pick up the tab for the First Lady’s 68-strong security detail, her personal staff – and the use of presidential jet Air Force Two. The cost of accommodating the secret service team runs at around £172 each a day which amounts to nearly £60,000 for the length of the summer break.

Use of Air Force Two, the Air Force version of a 757, comes in at £91,900 for the round trip. This does not include time on the ground.

The American public will also cover the cost of the only official part of the holiday, a visit to the Spanish royal family on the island of Majorca.

A conservative estimate puts the total amount at around £150,000.

And the Daily Mail points out the numerous vacations these scumbags (after all the vacations these pieces of shit have already taken this year, including four in July alone) have coming up for the rest of the summer-

Back in the U.S., anger was mounting – especially as it has emerged the First Lady will have enjoyed eight holidays by the end of the summer.

These include a trip to Los Angeles in June, a visit to the Florida’s oil-hit Gulf Coast next weekend and a ten-day trip to Martha’s Vineyard later this month.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was asked at a briefing if there were any concerns about how the visit was being viewed by the public.

‘The First Lady is on a private trip,’ he said. ‘She is a private citizen and is the mother of a daughter on a private trip. I think I’d leave it at that.’

Hey Gibbs, you ignorant asshole, she’ll be a private citizen when we kick her and her incompetent America-hating husband out of the White House in 2012. Until then, we’re paying HER bills, and paying for her staff of THIRTY, so don’t give me or any of us this “private citizen” bullshit. No other first lady’s staff consisted or more than five people, which is yet more proof that these detestable scumbags think they’re royalty.

Yesterday New York Daily News columnist and blogger Andrea Tantaros likened the President’s wife to French queen Marie Antoinette, who was famously extravagant with her spending.

Tantaros wrote: ‘To be clear, what the Obamas do with their money is one thing; what they do with ours is another. Transporting and housing the estimated 70 Secret Service agents who will flank the material girl will cost the taxpayers a pretty penny.’

She accused the Obamas of hypocrisy for preaching the values of sacrifice and austerity to Americans while seemingly refusing to heed their own advice.

She said: ‘Instead, Michelle Obama seems more like a modern-day Marie Antoinette… than an average mother of two.’

She added: ‘I don’t begrudge anyone rest and relaxation when they work hard. We all need downtime – the First Family included.

‘It’s the extravagance of Michelle Obama’s trip and glitzy destination contrasted with President Obama’s demonisation of the rich that smacks of hypocrisy and perpetuates a disconnect between the country and its leaders’

Especially when the economy is tanking with no real signs of recovery, unemployment is the highest it’s been in over three decades, the nation is now trillions of dollars in debt, our southern border is a sieve, hundreds of thousands of Americans are in danger of losing their homes, and everyone’s taxes are going to go up. Don’t believe any of Obama’s bullshit about only those making $250K or more will see tax increases.

Then, just when you think the audacity of this asshole couldn’t get any worse, it does. Here’s what Queen Sasquatch actually said to the owner of the resort:

Mrs Obama arrived by plane at Malaga airport on Wednesday morning and was driven in a 14-car convoy to the five star Hotel Villa Padierna, where her entourage has reserved 60 of the 129 rooms. She told owner Ricardo Arranz she had come to ‘relax and unwind’.

Relax and unwind? GMAFB!!! Exactly WTF does she need to relax and unwind from? Eating $100 a pound Kobe beef and wolfing down lobster tails like they’re M&M’s for dinner?

This POS hasn’t done anything substantive since planting her fat ass in the White House 18 months ago and becoming Queen, I mean first lady.

You can read the whole disgusting story here, and then head over to Gateway Pundit to read this outrage that proves yet again that these two assholes in the White House think they’re royalty:

Back in January 2009, before he signed his failed $787 billion stimulus bill into law, Barack Obama told America that everyone must sacrifice for the greater good. Everyone must have “some skin in the game.”

What he meant, of course, was that everyone would have to sacrifice to lift American out of the worst recession since the Great Depression except for Barack and Michelle Obama.

As if all that wasn’t bad enough, now we find out that the Obama White House has held one party every three days since the Obama reign began. Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH), reported:

After Obama Tells America “Everyone Must Sacrifice” the White House Throws 1 Party Every 3 Days in First Year

“Let the good times roll” – and roll they have at the Obama White House, while nearly 11% of the workforce remains unemployed, nearly four million Americans are losing their homes, and terrorists ride the open skies.

In fact, according to the Chicago Tribune, the stylish Ms. Rogers and the party-hearty First Couple hosted no less than 170 parties and social events through December 3 of 2009. And that does not even include the 17 parties and 11 open houses – feting more than 50,000 guests – ABC News reported the Obamas hosted throughout the Holiday Season.

For those not counting, that means by January, 2010, Ms. Rogers had staged one gala White House event every three days throughout the first year of the Obama Administration, making the once austere Executive Mansion look more like party central.

Remember all the grief that Nancy Reagan took from the press during the early 80’s recession for having the temerity to buy some new china for the White House, even though it was all paid for with private donations, while millions of Americans were suffering? I doubt King Obama and Queen Sasquatch used private donations to pay for all their vacations and parties, and their lapdogs in the mainstream media ignore this. Bias? What bias? I detest these pieces of shit more everyday…