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Posts Tagged ‘Mideast Peace Process’

Peace In The Middle East? Your Turn Team Zero!

by Flyovercountry ( 77 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Hamas, Islamists, Israel, Middle East at July 31st, 2013 - 3:00 pm

It happens once every four years. The ubiquitous promises made to bring about peace in the Middle East are made by each Presidential candidate with the exact same tone and commitment as the contestants for Miss America claim that they would use their titles to help bring about, “world peace.” That is to say, in case the sarcasm was too nuanced for you, that after having personally witnessed thirteen of these national popularity contests, I find such promises to be shallow and meaningless.

Before we get to the discussion as to why, once again doing the same exact thing that has been tried since 1948, and failed each and every time will fail once again, (by both major political parties incidentally,) let’s get this little bit of disclosure out of the way. There is not one single incidence ever in recorded human history of a lasting peace being established diplomatically. give that a second or two to sink in.

Peace, for all of the whining, hand wringing, and endless self righteous bleating of the political left, has only ever been established as a result of one of, or a combination of the following three occurrences. One, a decided military victory of one side over the other. Two, an overwhelming imbalance of military strength of one side over the other, sufficient that the weaker side will just put up with what ever bothers them, and the stronger side decides that war is just not worth the distraction. Three, and my personal favorite by the way, free trade of goods and services are sufficient across the border to make hostility not worth the risk of what each side would lose economically in a conflict. In all of human history, those are the only three things that have led to a lasting peace between disparate peoples.

Still, just like each and every one of his Republican and Democrat predecessors before him, John Kerry this time will take his turn as our nation’s top diplomat, to once again get the Israelis and the Palestinians hashing out their differences and come to some sort of kumbayah understanding. Once again, in the spirit of monotony, color me skeptical. As I see it, we have a major problem at work here that nobody since 1948 has been willing to address. That is the simple fact that the, “Palestinians,” (the moniker is in quotation marks because the very concept of Palestinian is itself a lie to begin with,) do not want peace, or any type of free trade with their partners in the process. They want the eradication of every Jew in that region of the world, and then they’ll want the eradication of every Jew on the planet.

Special Note: As a member of the Jewish faith, I am stating for the record that I am not willing to be eradicated.

From the Hotair article linked to above:

Even as talks for a permanent Israeli-Palestinian peace got off to a cautious start in Washington Monday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told reporters in Egypt that no Israelis would be allowed to remain in a future Palestinian state.

Simply stunning, but illustrative is this bit of news which proceed the already doomed to failure, Israeli, “Palestinian,” talks yet again. We are constantly hearing the mindless chants from the political left about how Israel is an apartheid state. How exactly does that square with this demand? During the creation of Israel in 1948, there were other nations formed by the same U.N. resolution, all of them from parts of the Turkish Empire that Turkey did not want to deal with any longer. Israel and Jordan were formed as a homeland for the indigenous population, Arab and Jew alike. All Jews living in the region were evicted from their homes, including Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and that number was around 700,000, give or take. At the same time, there were Arabs who lived in Israel, who were told that they were free to remain, and welcomed as Israeli citizens. About 700,000 left voluntarily when five surrounding Arab nations began broadcasting on their radio programming that all Arabs should get out of the way while the surrounding armies, “pushed every Jew into the sea.” Those Arabs, and there were a lot of those by the way, who stayed and helped protect Israel, remained, retained their homes and businesses. Those who left and took up arms against the Israelis were not welcomed back. Israel had no problem in assimilating the extra refugees, exiled from Arab nations. In the 65 years since, the surrounding Arabic nations, have found it impossible to assimilate the 700,000 exiled fellow Arabs referred to as, “Palestinians,” and have even managed to swell that number by forcing other members of their lower classes to become, “Palestinians,” as convenience dictated. Even with that set of facts, the supposed victims of apartheid Israel are demanding nothing less than the expulsion of every Jew from their land, which was never theirs in the first place.

The plainly obvious and yet sadly ignored truth of the matter is that the, “Palestinians,” want nothing to do with peace. They’ll accept and break more land for peace nonsense to continue in an effort to destroy Israel slowly if necessary, but their goal, is simply the eradication of Israel. In 2000, when Bill Clinton and Madeline Albright took their turn to attempt this fools errand, Yasser Arafat was offered everything he said that he wanted by Ehud Barak. When confronted with the complete capitulation to his wish list, Arafat’s response was to storm out of negotiations and instead declare the infamous Intifada, a six year war that accomplished nothing but misery for his people. Once again, when the Israelis were on the verge of administering that sound defeat of the, “Palestinian,” people, the U.S. stepped in, George W. Bush and Condolleezza Rice this time, put the harness on Israel demanding that the war end with a negotiated settlement.

In order to label the Israelis as occupiers, one needs to perform logical gymnastics worthy of Olympic competition. In order to label the Israelis and not the, “Palestinians,” as apartheid, one must be willfully anti-Semitic. Peace unfortunately will not break out in the Middle East until these people are soundly beaten like red headed step children. Not just the, “Palestinians,” who are treated like sacrificial fodder by those pulling their strings, but those pulling the strings as well. The Shiite Mullahs in Iran, The Wahhabi monarchs in Saudi Arabia, The Muslim Brotherhood lunatics in Egypt and Libya, The Salafist War Lords of Yemen and Sudan, all must be taught that America is not a Paper Tiger, willing to be content with projecting American weakness abroad. Either that, or we take Israel off of her leash and let her deal with her problems in a manner that’s best for Israel.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Leon Panetta lectures Israel

by Phantom Ace ( 9 Comments › )
Filed under Democratic Party, Dhimmitude, Headlines, Islamic Supremacism, Progressives at December 3rd, 2011 - 6:23 pm

The False messiah claimed he had done more for Israel than any other President. Well friends like him, Israel doesn’t need enemies. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta singled out Israel for not negotiating with Palestinians. Never mind Israel has offered to talk, Panneta takes the Islamic side.

(CNN) — U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta urged Israel to get to the “damn table” in peace talks with the Palestinians, an unusually blunt comment that inserts him into the Middle East peace process.

In remarks at a Brookings Institution conference, Panetta called on Israel to again start negotiations with the Palestinians. “Just get to the damn table. Just get to the table,” Panetta said during the event in Washington. “The problem right now is we can’t get them to the damn table to at least sit down and begin to discuss their differences.”

Israel has offered to do this. Yet It’s the Palestinians who have balked. Panneta is just another Arab tool in our government. The Arab/Islamic lobby is the biggest foreign influence in Washington. Once again, we are taking the Islamic side over a Non Islamic nation.

The Arab lobby needs to be purged from Washington DC.

Obama’s not so funny joke of the day

by Phantom Ace ( 4 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Democratic Party, Headlines, Israel, Palestinians at May 17th, 2011 - 8:54 pm

This actually is not funny. It is such a blatant lie that I’ll let the headline speak for itself.

Obama reaffirms ‘unshakable support, commitment to Israel’

US President Barack Obama on Tuesday reaffirmed his “unshakable support and commitment” to Israel.

Obama made the comments at the start of a week of intense Middle East diplomacy, while speaking at a White House reception marking Jewish American Heritage Month.


White House Press Secretary Jay Carney on Monday said the AIPAC address would “stress the importance of the US-Israeli relationship,” but would not be “a major policy speech.”

Earlier on Tuesday, Obama met with Jordan’s King Abdullah, pledged to keep pressing for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, despite his failure so far to break the impasse.

That’s not a funny joke there Barack Hussein Obama.