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Posts Tagged ‘NAACP’

With Objective Truth Rattling Off Its Final Breaths, Let Us Rejoice In the Bizarre, “One-Upsmanship,” That Will now Follow.

by Flyovercountry ( 143 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, Progressives at June 15th, 2015 - 10:46 am


So I woke up to something that had me laughing for a good little bit this morning. Apparently, somewhere in the Liberal Mecca known as the Left, or West Coast, depending upon who your favorite cable news service happens to be, there exists a chapter of the NAACP who’s President happens to have been born with a lighter shade of pigmentation than one would expect for someone holding that position. Now, I’m not one for identity politics, and indeed I find the whole concept to be not only exasperating, but down right destructive to our national soul. I get that racism exists in American in some fashion, and I get that this is fundamentally wrong. I’ll go a step further and say that any decision or preconception based upon some shallow concept does more harm to the person clinging to that shallow compass that those at whom such idiocy is directed. With that being said, and I can not stress this point enough, it is every American’s God given right to be shallow. Allow me to repeat that. It is every American’s God given right to be shallow.

Now, let’s take this a step further. The only result of any of the social justice remedies designed to legislate away such forays into the world of politically incorrect thinking is that the economic cost of such idiocy will be reduced to zero. Ultimately, the Social Justice warriors are guilty of creating and magnifying the very problems they claim to care so much about. The lens of history has been crystal clear on this point, and we only have a few hundred real life examples of what happens when Democrats get their way in any community for decades, unchecked by those who are sane. Detroit, Saginaw, Chicago, Washington DC, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Jacksonville, Pontiac, Cleveland, Flint, Baltimore, St. Louis, Houston, Philadelphia, Patterson, Newark, are just a few examples of once nice cities which have been turned into cesspools after decades of unchallenged rule by the political left. Such is our lot in life however my fellow Conservatives. Our ideas and economic systems will always be compared to Utopia, and theirs will draw comparisons to Hell on Earth. Never mind that Hell on Earth often looks better than Detroit, St. Louis, or Washington DC, Social Justice dictates that all must be equally miserable.

Give them enough time however, and they’ll find a way to destroy themselves, along with everything else that they touch. Now, we’ve had our share of chuckle at them moments, like Ward Churchill being outed as a fraud, living the hard life of academic non-reality, preaching to the young skulls full of mush about how his Native American Heritage was a cruel cross he had to bear, watching the white man rape and pillage his ancestral homeland, decrying every sports franchise and NCAA member university that sported a culturally insensitive mascot. Of course, he turned out to be a whiter than snow phony, with not even a slim trace of DNA that couldn’t be traced to Europe’s least culturally diverse Gene Pools. Then we had Elizabeth Warren, who also used the Affirmative Action Laws to secure herself a couple of cushy gigs suckling off of the tax payer’s teat found within the system of academia, based upon her Native American Heritage, which of course was always a complete fabrication.

But maybe we have this all wrong. Maybe there is a mental disorder out there, where whiter than snow flake white people feel as though they’re black people trapped inside of a white body. I mean, there are way too many, “lesbian bloggers,” that have turned out to be straight male college professors just pretending to know about the struggle, and were believed by the way, to not see that maybe, something is afoot here. I mean if Bruce Jenner can bravely come forward and allow the entire population of adult and adolescent humans who possess the skill of reading to witness in real time his complete and utter departure from reality, (which I’m sure has not one gosh darned thing to do with the cool half billion bones one marketing guru has declared this exercise in public mental illness to be worth,) by declaring himself to be Caitlyn trapped in the body of a former Gold Medal Winning Decathlete, then a white girl who’s name should be Whitey McWhiterson could very well be a strong black woman trapped in a whiny brat’s weakling white body.

Bruce baby, (I refuse to call him Caitlyn until he changes his name legally, and further refuse the female pronouns until he finalizes his transformation,) this is for you.

I found this gem on Twitter today.

Embedded image permalink

the possibilities here are literally limitless. This, is just the tip of the iceberg, and the only question now that we as a society have decided to start celebrating lunacy as something to which people should aspire, is how far and how quickly this thing will take off? I was born an Earthling, and I feel like a person from the planet JM27qrxpjspacemodulator trapped in an Earthling’s body. We’re just getting warmed up here. I’ve always felt like a dolphin myself. Yes, South Park already did that one.

But why stop at other ethnic groups, planets of origin, or even disparate animal species? I read a seriously written article last week in which people felt that they deserved some sort of handicap, because they just didn’t feel right with both arms and both legs. I believe that I read transcapable or transhandicapped as the politically correct name for this particular psychotic break. There may be some poor soul among us who feels that he or she should have been born as a potted plant, or a Timex Watch. I mean now that truth itself is all relative anyhow, and each of us gets to have his or her own reality, where exactly are any lines to be drawn? Dan Rather’s fake but accurate news reporting, (and I still say he deserves more than the ubiquitous ‘gate’ appended to his name,) makes perfect sense in this Serlingesque dimension. The question we need to ask ourselves, and ask sooner rather than later, is do we really want to live here?

A world where objective truth has no more meaning than anyone who demands such will now be identified as a big meanie, comes with some pretty horrific consequences attached. A place where laws are interpreted by a factious subordination of various victim classes, and applied according to the whims of those who feel emotionally aggrieved at any particular moment, is also a world where the Bill of Rights, and more to the point, natural rights granted by God and not a central government, simply will no longer exist.

Please enjoy this video clip of Rachel Dolezal, President of the Spokane NAACP and recently outed as white by her parents, describing in full detail some of the various hate crimes allegedly perpetrated against her and her children, her struggles as a black woman facing racial hatred daily, (in the liberal mecca known as Washington State by the way,) as the reporter leads her straight to the payoff, about 7 minutes and 50 seconds in.

Exit request to God: Please let me see this woman appear on a stage with Condoleezza Rice, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, Mia Love, Janice Rogers Brown, Clarence Thomas, et al., and discuss with them the fact that she knows, better than they, the true black experience of growing up as a person of color in the United States of America.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

“We’re all from the African continent.”

by Phantom Ace ( 118 Comments › )
Filed under Cult of Obama, Democratic Party, Hipsters, Humor, Multiculturalism, Progressives at June 12th, 2015 - 9:58 am

An NAACP leader named Rachel Dolezal was trying to pass herself off as Black. It turns out she’s White. Rachel when confronted about her false claims about being Black, responded by saying we are all Africans!

Controversy is swirling around one of the Inland Northwest’s most prominent civil rights activists, with family members of Rachel Dolezal saying the local leader of the NAACP has been falsely portraying herself as black for years.

Dolezal, 37, avoided answering questions directly about her race and ethnicity Thursday, saying, “I feel like I owe my executive committee a conversation” before engaging in a broader discussion with the community about what she described as a “multilayered” issue.

“That question is not as easy as it seems,” she said after being contacted at Eastern Washington University, where she’s a part-time professor in the Africana Studies Program. “There’s a lot of complexities … and I don’t know that everyone would understand that.”

Later, in an apparent reference to the origins of human life in Africa, Dolezal added: “We’re all from the African continent.”

Honestly, this situation is hysterical and makes for a good laugh. People should not get worked up about Rachel Dolezal and instead have good laughs at her claims of being White. It is possible she’s an avid follower of Mr. Toot (Charles Johnson) who also thinks he’s Black.

Barry Goldwater’s fight against segregation; and Southern whites shift to the GOP started before the 1960’s

by Phantom Ace ( 51 Comments › )
Filed under Bigotry, Conservatism, Libertarianism, Republican Party, The Political Right at April 30th, 2013 - 3:00 pm


Barry Goldwater was once an icon for the Conservative movement. But as the movement changed in the last two decades he has become almost persona non-grata. Progressives have smeared him has a racist and today’s Conservatives collaborate through their silence. Libertarian-Conservatives still admire Goldwater and through the personage of Rand Paul there is a growing Neo-Goldwater wing on the right. It may not be force in 2014 or 2016 but after this version of the Republican Party has run its course this wing will be ascendant and most likely will lead a new version of the GOP to victory in 2020.

One of the hidden historical facts about Barry Goldwater was that he was against Segregation. As a Department store owner he desegregated his business. Another hidden gem was that Goldwater was a member of the NAACP. Back then, before the organization went Afro-Marxist, the NAACP welcomed Republicans. Goldwater put his money where his mouth was and helped fund anti-segregation legal challenges.

Here, Barry Goldwater enters the story. Goldwater was a department-store proprietor and a member of the Phoenix city council. He was a very conservative Republican, something that was not at all at odds with his membership in the NAACP, which was, in the 1950s, an organization in which Republicans and conservatives still were very much welcome. The civil-rights community in Phoenix, such as it was, did not quite know what to make of Goldwater. It was already clear by then that he was to be a conservative’s conservative and a man skeptical of federal overreach; while he described himself as being unprejudiced on what was at the time referred to as “the race question,” the fact was that he did not talk much about it, at least in public. His family department stores were desegregated under his watch, though he was not known to hire blacks to work there. But when the Arizona legislature was considering making segregation voluntary in the public schools, Goldwater was lobbying for it behind the scenes. And, perhaps more important, he organized a group of well-known white conservative leaders to do so as well. He did so on the advice of his friend Lincoln Ragsdale.


When Lincoln was working to raise money for the NAACP for a lawsuit to integrate the schools, he turned to every possible source he could think of, including the conservative city councilman Barry Goldwater. To his surprise, Goldwater responded with a large check. What surprised him further was that Goldwater became a personal friend and political colleague of the couple, a “great inspiration,” in Lincoln’s words.


But funding the lawsuit may have been the most important thing Goldwater did in his civil-rights career. As the historian Quintard Taylor of the University of Washington puts it: “Most historians characterize the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Topeka Board of Education as the death knell for de jure public school segregation. Yet a little-known legal victory by . . . the Arizona NAACP before the Arizona State Supreme Court in 1953 provided an important precedent for the ruling by the highest court in the land.” The NAACP had not been getting very far suing on behalf of black students, but it had made some progress with suits on behalf of Mexican-American students: A 1951 decision had outlawed segregating Hispanic students in the Tolleson School District, and Phoenix refused to comply with the new legal standard, so it was targeted for a lawsuit, too: one that would have ended racial discrimination against any student.


Barry Goldwater was not the most important opponent of racial segregation in Arizona, nor was he the most important champion of desegregating the public schools. What he was was on the right side: He put his money, his political clout, his business connections, and his reputation at the service of a cause that was right and just.


The problem for Republicans is that reclaiming their reputation as the party of civil rights requires a party leadership that wants to do so, because it cherishes that tradition and the values that it represents. It is not obvious that the Republican party has such leaders at the moment. The Party of Lincoln seems perfectly happy to be little more than the Party of the Chamber of Commerce. We should not turn our noses up at commerce — though Napoleon meant it as an insult, it was Britain’s glory to be “a nation of shopkeepers” — but it was not commerce alone that freed the slaves or built the nation.

Barry Goldwater stood up to any tyranny. Whether it was Nazism, Communism or segregation, he stood for individual liberty. Just like Calvin Coolidge is being rediscovered by many Libertarian-Conservatives, hopefully Barry Goldwater continues to be rediscovered. His message of individual liberty is timeless and if the Republican Party ever wants to be competitive in a Presidential election they should embrace this philosophy.

Another article on the GOP and civil rights that you should find interesting. Teh author states that the South was starting to trend Republican before the 1960’s.

by Sean Trende

I by-and-large agree with the thrust of Jamelle Bouie’s recent American Prospect article, which argues that Republicans badly misapprehend the reason(s) African-Americans generally vote for Democratic candidates. Too many conservatives assert that African-Americans have developed a “false consciousness” and simply need to be shown the error of their ways before they’ll start supporting Republicans. Asking “What’s the matter with black people?” simply isn’t going to get the GOP very far in its minority outreach efforts.

But in the course of this argument, Bouie makes the following statement: “White Southerners jumped ship from Democratic presidential candidates in the 1960s, and this was followed by a similar shift on the congressional level, and eventually, the state legislative level. That the [last] two took time doesn’t discount the first.”

If you polled pundits, you’d probably get 90 percent agreement with this statement. And if you polled political scientists, you’d likely get a majority to sign off on it. That’s maddening, because it’s incorrect.


In the 1930s and 1940s, FDR performed worse in the South in every election following his 1932 election. By the mid-1940s, the GOP was winning about a quarter of the Southern vote in presidential elections.

But the big breakthrough, to the extent that there was one, came in 1952. Dwight Eisenhower won 48 percent of the vote there, compared to Adlai Stevenson’s 52 percent. He carried most of the “peripheral South” — Virginia, Tennessee, Texas and Florida — and made inroads in the “Deep South,” almost carrying South Carolina and losing North Carolina and Louisiana by single digits.

Even in what we might call the “Deepest South” — Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi — Eisenhower kept Stevenson under 70 percent, which might not seem like much until you realize that Tom Dewey got 18 percent in Georgia against FDR in 1944, and that this had been an improvement over Herbert Hoover’s 8 percent in 1932.

In 1956, Eisenhower became the first Republican since Reconstruction to win a plurality of the vote in the South, 49.8 percent to 48.9 percent. He once again carried the peripheral South, but also took Louisiana with 53 percent of the vote. He won nearly 40 percent of the vote in Alabama. This is all the more jarring when you realize that the Brown v. Board decision was handed down in the interim, that the administration had appointed the chief justice who wrote the decision, and that the administration had opposed the school board.


Perhaps the biggest piece of evidence that something significant was afoot is Richard Nixon’s showing in 1960. He won 46.1 percent of the vote to John F. Kennedy’s 50.5 percent. One can write this off to JFK’s Catholicism, but writing off three elections in a row becomes problematic, especially given the other developments bubbling up at the local level. It’s even more problematic when you consider that JFK had the nation’s most prominent Southerner on the ticket with him.

But the biggest problem with the thesis comes when you consider what had been going on in the interim: Two civil rights bills pushed by the Eisenhower administration had cleared Congress, and the administration was pushing forward with the Brown decision, most famously by sending the 101st Airborne Division to Arkansas to assist with the integration of Little Rock Central High School.

It’s impossible to separate race and economics completely anywhere in the country, perhaps least of all in the South. But the inescapable truth is that the GOP was making its greatest gains in the South while it was also pushing a pro-civil rights agenda nationally. What was really driving the GOP at this time was economic development. As Southern cities continued to develop and sprout suburbs, Southern exceptionalism was eroded; Southern whites simply became wealthy enough to start voting Republican.

In 1964, Barry Goldwater won 49 percent of the vote in the South to Lyndon Johnson’s 52 percent. This doesn’t represent a massive breakthrough; in fact, Goldwater ran somewhat behind Eisenhower’s 1956 showing. He lost Texas, Virginia, Florida, and Tennessee, all four of which were won twice by Eisenhower and the last three of which were won by Nixon. He also lost North Carolina and Arkansas.

Goldwater did win Louisiana and South Carolina, although as we saw above, those states became “swing states” in the 1950s, not the 1960s. The only real breakthroughs for Republicans came in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi (Goldwater won 87 percent of the vote in the latter). But the argument that white Southerners in those states began voting Republican in 1964 is quite a different animal than the much broader claim that white Southerners began voting Republican that year; even then, the groundwork in these largely rural states had been laid in the 1950s.

And of course, there were steps forward in addition to the steps back for Democrats afterward. Jimmy Carter won the South by 10 points in 1976; if you narrowed down to white Southerners, Gerald Ford’s showing probably looked a lot like the Eisenhower/Nixon showings in the South. Even as late as 1992, Bill Clinton ran only a point behind George H.W. Bush in the South, although his showing among white Southerners was clearly much weaker. (Every Southern state besides Arkansas was decided by single digits that year.)

Even at the congressional level, the 1964 elections don’t represent some sort of watershed. The GOP’s development in the South lags its development at the presidential level, as quality candidates continued to favor the Democratic Party well into the 1990s, and as the national Democrats continued to tolerate Southern Democrats operating as a de facto third party through the mid-1970s. [……]

But if you’re looking for an analogue to Ike’s 1952 showing in the South, but at the congressional level, it would probably be 1962, not 1964. The GOP went from winning 21 percent of the Southern vote for Congress in 1960 to winning 33 percent in 1962. It nearly unseated Alabama Sen. Lister Hill that year, leading political scientist Walter Dean Burnham to declare that two-party competition had finally arrived there. Of course, it also won LBJ’s Senate seat in a special election in 1961.

Republicans actually stepped backward in the House popular vote in 1964, to 32 percent, before winning 34 percent in 1966. Incidentally, all of these improved showings owe a lot to Eisenhower, who directed the NRCC to launch “Operation Dixie” in the late 1950s, developing local “farm teams” in states where no Republican organization existed and working to make sure more House races were contested.

Goldwater’s nomination may well have represented a watershed in the GOP’s ideological development (though I think there are some nuances there that are frequently missed as well), and there’s no doubt, at least in my mind, that GOP candidates used racialized appeals to try to win over Southern whites. None of those debates are impacted by the observations above.

But the assertion that white Southerners began voting Republican in 1964 is simply incorrect, whether for president, Congress, or statehouses. The development of the Southern GOP was a slow-moving, gradual process that lasted over a century, and is just being completed today.

Update by Speranza

Read the rest –  Southern  whites shift to the GOP predates the ’60’s.

Romney received a standing ovation at the NAACP

by Phantom Ace ( 5 Comments › )
Filed under Mitt Romney, Special Report at July 11th, 2012 - 3:11 pm

Mitt Romney was booed in today’s NAACP speech, when he discussed repealing Obamacare. That is just part of the story. At the end of his speech, Romney actually got an applause from the crowd.

Mitt Romney just completed his remarks to the annual NAACP convention in Houston.

The media will focus on the strong boos that greeted Romney’s pledge to repeal Obamacare, but the crowd was cordially welcoming and applauded quite a few lines. The audience gave him a standing ovation at its completion.

Does this mean anything, probably not. They probably just applauded because he mentioned who his dad was.