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Posts Tagged ‘nazis’

The Progressive-Marxist roots of the Nazis

by Phantom Ace ( 120 Comments › )
Filed under Communism, Democratic Party, Liberal Fascism, Progressives at August 16th, 2009 - 12:55 pm

Radical Leftwing blogs like Think Progress, Daily Kos, Huffington Post and Little Green Footballs keep claiming that the Nazis were Rightwing/Conservative. However the official name of the Nazis was the National Socialist Workers Party, this name is hardly a “Conservative” term. It is really a Progressive/Marxist name, since Hitler was a man of the Left.

Below is a video that will back up what I am saying. This shatters the Nazis were Rightwing myth than even many Conservatives/Libertarians have fallen for.

Again, can someone explain to me how The Nazis were Rightwing and not Totalitarian Left?

KKK member hides in…….. Israel?

by Phantom Ace ( 10 Comments › )
Filed under Israel at July 14th, 2009 - 6:18 pm

This makes no sense. I really don’t comprehend it. He even had a Israeli girlfriend and had her pregnant.

Micky Mayon, 33, survived for nearly two years living quietly in Tel Aviv, moving regularly to avoid detection and swapping his skinhead haircut for long hair.

However, he was reportedly given up to the authorities by a Jewish girlfriend who reacted with horror when – on making her pregnant – he revealed his unwholesome past to her.

Read the rest.

I wonder if a certain blogger will use this as evidence of Nazis/White Supremacists supporting Israel?

This is just too weird.

LGF Poster Gus 802 Supports Nazi and Islamic view of Serb Resistance in WWII

by Phantom Ace ( 59 Comments › )
Filed under Blogwars, Dhimmitude, LGF, Liberal Fascism at May 3rd, 2009 - 10:10 pm

Charles is always ready to label his opponents Nazis. Well he should look at his own Cult Blog, There is a poster named Gus 802 who not condemns Serbia’s resistance to the Nazis, but also spews Nazi propaganda.

475 Gus 802  5/03/09 9:19:54 pm

I can only imagine they’re defending Milosevic and the rest of his henchmen. Might want to look into the Chetniks first. Here’s part of there ethnic cleansing from the early 40s:

The mission of our units is:

The struggle for the freedom of all of our people under the scepter of His Majesty, the King Peter II;

The creation of Greater Yugoslavia, and within it Greater Serbia, ethnically clean within the borders of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Srem, Banat, and Bačka;

The struggle for the incorporation into our social structure of those non-liberated Slovenian territories under Italy and Germany (Trieste, Gorizia, Istria, and Carinthia), as well as Bulgaria and northern Albania with Shkodra;

The cleansing of all national minorities and anti-state elements from state territory;

The creation of direct common borders between Serbia and Montenegro, as well as Serbia and Slovenia by cleansing the Bosniak population from Sandžak, and the Bosniak and Croat populations from Bosnia and Herzegovina;

The punishment of all Croats and Bosniaks who have mercilessly destroyed our people in these tragic days;

The settlement of the areas cleansed of national minorities and anti-state elements by Serbs and Montenegrins (to be considered are poor, nationally patriotic, and honest families).

What Mr Gus doesn’t mention is of course these 2 Groups:


The Ustaša – Croatian Revolutionary Movement (Croatian: Ustaša – Hrvatski Revolucionarni Pokret), members known collectively as Ustaše, but sometimes anglicised as Ustashas or Ustashi) was a Croatian [1] and Nazi-like[2] movement. It engaged in terrorist activity before World War II[3] and ruled, under protection of the Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, in part of Yugoslavia after that country was occupied by the Axis powers. As German forces withdrew from Yugoslavia in 1945, the Ustaše were defeated and expelled by the Yugoslav Partisans.

Why no mention of this group Gus? The Chetniks and Partisans were fighting this Croat Nazi group.

13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar

The 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) was one of the thirty-eight divisions fielded as part of the Waffen-SS during World War II. It was composed almost entirely of non-German Muslim (Bosniaks, then Croat Muslims) and Catholic (Croats) recruits drawn from Bosnia. Handschar (Bosnian/Croatian: Handžar) was the local word for the Turkish scimitar a historical symbol of Bosnia and Islam. An image of the Handschar adorned the division’s flag and coat of arms.

The Handschar division was a mountain infantry formation, known by the Germans as “Gebirgsjäger” (Mountain Hunters). It was used to conduct operations against Yugoslav Partisans in the Independent State of Croatia from February to September 1944.

Did the Serbs execute Bosnians and Croats during WW2, yes these 2 groups were colaborating with the Nazis. Hey how about Nazi/Croat/Bosnian attrocities against Serbs in WW2 Gus?

Top Nazi hunter fights for extradition of suspects in U.S., Austria, Hungary

The world’s top Nazi hunter urged Serbia on Monday to seek the extradition of three elderly war-crimes suspects and blasted Austria and Hungary for failing to help bring two of them to justice.

Efraim Zuroff, head of the Israeli branch of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said at a news conference with Serbian officials that he was helping them provide evidence against Peter Egner, who lives in the United States, Milivoj Asner, who lives in Austria, and Sandor Kepiro of Hungary.

Egner allegedly served in a Nazi unit that killed 17,000 civilians in Serbia during World War II. Asner is wanted for WWII atrocities against Serbs, Jews and Gypsies in Croatia.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center says Kepiro, 94, was convicted by Hungarian courts in 1944 and 1946 but never punished for his alleged role in Hungarian forces’ killings of some 800 Jews and 400 Serbs in the wake of the Nazi occupation of Yugoslavia.


In some occupied areas in which the Nazis had to contend with well organized and active guerrilla units, they applied a simple rule: they would massacre one hundred nearby civilians for every German soldier killed; fifty for every one wounded. Often this was a minimum that might be doubled or tripled. They thus killed vast numbers of innocent peasants and townsfolk, possibly as many as 8,000 in Kraguyevats,51,755 in Kraljevo,6and overall 80,000 in Jajinci,7to name just in a few places in Yugoslavia alone. Most executions were small in number, but day by day they added up. From an official German war diary: 16 December 1942, “In Belgrade, 8 arrests, 60 Mihailovich [the guerrilla Chetnik leader] supporters shot;” 27 December, “In Belgrade, 11 arrests, 250 Mihailovich supporters shot as retaliation.”8A German placard from Belgrade announced that the Nazis shot fifty hostages in retaliation for the dynamiting of a bridge. On 25 May 1943 the Nazis shot 150 hostages in Kraljevo; in October they shot 150 hostages in Belgrade;9 fifty hostages in Belgrade in August 1943;10150 Serbs at Cacak in October;11 and so on. In Greece, as another example, the Nazis may have burned and destroyed as many as 1,600 villages each with populations of 500 to 1,000 people,12 no doubt massacring many of the inhabitants beforehand. Overall, the Nazis thus slaughtered hundreds of thousands in Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Greece, and France; and millions overall in Poland and the Soviet Union.

Gus 802 I challenge you to come here and debate. If you don’t you are either a coward or a Nazi sympathizer. Charles, you looking for Nazis still? Well check out your own blog, you have some sympathizers of the Reich there. Maybe he is a supporter of Islamic Imperialism in the Balkans? Which is it Gus, Nazis or Jihadis you support?

Update: Gus 802 is now crying over at LGF for me pointing out his support for Nazis against Serbs.

591 Gus 802  5/03/09 10:29:05 pm reply quote

re: #589 realwest

Hi Gus – uh, sorry, came in late – what main stalker?

The drunkard over at 2.0. He’s now saying I’m a Nazi sympathizer because I posted some Chetnik rules from Wiki. He went on a long rant with what followed with Cheniks as they stepped away from them being Nazi sympathizers.

Gus 802, If you want to debate WW2 in Yugoslavia, come here. The Nazis attacked the Serbs who resisted. If you don’t come this proves your a Nazi/Islamist sympathizers who hate Serbs. My Girlfriend is a Serb and her dad fought the Muslims in Bosnia. This is personal for me.

Update II: Gus is now linking to Islamist propaganda at LGF. He is too cowardly to debate me. Gus, I know you are reading this. Here is a link to educate yourself about how the Bosnian war was started by Al Qaeda.

Complete 911 Timeline Al-Qaeda in the Balkans

Alija Izetbegovic is elected leader of Bosnia, which is still a republic within the nation of Yugoslavia. He wins the vote because Muslims have a plurality of about 40 percent in the republic. During World War II, Izetbegovic supported the Handzar divisions organized by the Nazi SS. After the war, he was sentenced to three years in prison for his wartime activities. He wrote a controversial Islamic manifesto in 1970 entitled “The Islamic Declaration.” [New York Times, 10/20/2003] In it, he called for “political revolution” and wrote, “There can be no peace or harmony between the ‘Islamic religion’ and non-Islamic social and political institutions.” He also wrote, “Our objective is the Islamization of Muslims” and “Our motto is to have faith and fight.” [Schindler, 2007, pp. 45] In 1983, the Communist government of Yugoslavia sentenced him to 14-years in prison on charges of conspiring to create a Muslim state, however he was released in 1988. The New York Times will later say that the “Muslims of Bosnia were overwhelmingly a secular people. [But] in his strong religious faith, Mr. Izetbegovic was the exception rather than the rule.” He win remain the leader of the Bosnian Muslims through the rest of the 1990s. [New York Times, 10/20/2003]

1991: Al-Qaeda Begins Infiltrating Balkans Region Through Charity Front.

A 2006 analysis compiled jointly by US and Croatian intelligence will reveal that al-Qaeda began infiltrating the Balkans region even before the start of the Bosnian war in 1992. Kamer Eddine Kherbane, a member of Algerian militant group GIA, moved to Zagreb, Croatia, in 1991 to set up a charity front at the direct request of Osama bin Laden. The organization, called Maktab al-Khidamat (MAK) or Al-Kifah, is closely tied to al-Qaeda. Its Brooklyn, New York, branch called the Al-Kifah Refugee Center is tied to both the 1993 WTC bombers and the CIA (see 1986-1993). [Associated Press, 4/17/2006] Apparently the Zagreb branch of MAK/Al-Kifah is also called the Al-Kifah Refugee Center like the Brooklyn branch and has very close ties with that branch (see Early 1990s). A Spanish police report will later claim that Kherbane is the head of the Zagreb branch. [CNN, 12/8/2002] The analysis will allege that Kherbane used Al-Kifah “to infiltrate GIA members into Bosnia,” and that Iran and unnamed Arab countries paid for the operation through money transfers. [Associated Press, 4/17/2006] Kherbane appears to have begun working with other radical militants in Bosnia in 1990 (see 1990).

Hey Gus have the courage to discuss this?

The Saturday Charles Johnson Cult Chronicles

by Phantom Ace ( 200 Comments › )
Filed under Blogwars, LGF at May 2nd, 2009 - 1:29 pm

Today is Saturday for most of us, but for Charles “Nancy” Johnson it is a day to put the Center-Right and Nazis in the same categories. Every post at the Cult Blog is about calling people racists and Nazis. He really is delusional and insane.

Fables of the Reconstruction

Here’s a very good piece by Deborah Rudacille (author of The Scalpel and the Butterfly and The Riddle of Gender) on the DHS “right wing extremism” report, and the absurd over-reaction from conservative bloggers and politicians, featuring some words from yours truly: Fables of the Reconstruction.

The report which did border on political and was not a coherant report has to be criticized. Charles however belives that Extermist Rightwingers are now a bigger threat than islamo-Fascists!

On Hating Nazis

Mary Madigan has a very good post on the recent revelation that Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller were planning to attend a meeting of the fascist “Pro Köln” group in Germany: Nazis. I hate these guys.

The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. When Leftists tolerated and supported the extremists in their midst, they did great harm to their party. If the Right wing follows the same path, they can expect to be out of power for eight years, maybe longer.

We all need to pay attention to the voices of sanity in our midst. In the long run, the anti-fascist right and left will appreciate the work that Charles Johnson has done.

Thank you for that, Mary.

Yes Charles loves this but kissing.

BNP on the Brink of Political Legitimacy?

The extreme right white supremacist British National Party could be on track to win six seats in June’s European elections—which would entitle these cretins to get funding from the European Union.

Through the looking glass we go.

Charles who criticize Geert Wilders for saying the Koran should be banned in the Netherlands., is now for banning the BNP.  I am not a fan of the BNP, however they are a backlash against the UK’s appeasement of Islamo-Fascism.

‘Proud Racist’ Threatened to Blow Up Mosques

A member of the neo-Nazi National Front in Glasgow decided to put some of that rabble-rousing anti-Islam populist rhetoric into action, by allegedly threatening to murder Muslims and blow up mosques.

A man has admitted he threatened to blow up Glasgow Central Mosque and execute a Muslim a day unless all Mosques in Scotland were closed.

Neil MacGregor, 36, who described himself as a “racist”, made the threats after watching an internet video of a British hostage being beheaded in Iraq. Glasgow Sheriff Court heard that he sent an email to Strathclyde Police and made a threatening phone call.

He telephoned and emailed Strathclyde Police to make the threats from a flat in Glasgow, between 30 January and 15 February 2007.

The court heard that the email read: “I’m a proud racist and National Front member. We as an organisation have decided to deal with the current threat from Muslims in our own British way, like our proud ancestors.

“Our demands are very small. Close all mosques in Scotland. If our demands aren’t met by next Friday, we’ll kidnap one Muslim and execute him or her on the internet, just like they did to our Ken Bigley.”

MacGregor then followed up the email with a call threatening to blow up Central Mosque.

(Hat tip: Killgore.)

A lone nutjob and Charles views this as a major danger. I do not condone this mans thought. He clearly was going to break the law and deserves whatever legal punishment is give. This clearly an act of desperation. Many in the UK feel helpless as their governemnt kisses up to Islamists movements. This was bound to happen and it may well get worse.

In this same thread Charles blames Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller for this man’s threats.

37 Charles 5/02/09 9:06:16 am reply quote

This is where the rhetoric of people like Geller and Wilders leads — when you demonize one group of people so relentlessly, violent extremists like this guy feel empowered and encouraged.

And note that he feels completely unapologetic about saying he’s a ‘racist’. Remind you of anyone?


Charles now believes exposing Islam is advocating violence. It is the Imams in the Mosques of London and New York who call for violence. They do this demanding Sharia law and calling for Islam to conquer. To blame Robert and pamela for the threats of a loser shows his new ideology.

Clearly Charles is out an open against the Center-Right. he equates us with Nazis and all his stories are an attempt to line the Right with Nazis. Charles, The Nazis were Leftists. Does National Socialist Workers Parties sound Conservative/Libertarian ? Charles, you are really having a breakdown, do yourself a favor and take a vacation.


(thanks to village Idiot. for the image link and the comment link:

Update II: Right mouse click to copy link locations to avoid Charles’ childish (and grammatically challenged) flashing idiot page. (thanks for letting us know, Escovado)