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Posts Tagged ‘Oslo Accords’

The Oslo Accords – Israel’s 20-year old nightmare

by Mojambo ( 94 Comments › )
Filed under Hamas, Israel, Palestinians, Terrorism at September 16th, 2013 - 3:00 pm

The tragedy is that by engaging in the Oslo negotiations (culminating in the September 12, 1993 White House ceremony), Israel resurrected a dying and largely irrelevant P.L.O.

by Caroline Glick

Twenty years ago today, Israel’s so-called peace process with the PLO was officially ushered in at the White House Rose Garden.

A year or so later, when the death toll of Israeli victims of the massive terror offensive that the PLO organized shortly afterwards reached what then seemed unbearable heights, a popular call went out to “Put the Oslo Criminals on Trial.”

Needless to say, with Shimon Peres, the architect and godfather of the so-called peace process now serving as the president of Israel, nothing ever came of the call.

The demand for an accounting was not unprecedented. There was no reason, on the face of things, for those who made it to be perceived as anything other than reasonably enraged, and as responsible citizens insisting that those responsible for the largest, most destructive strategic error Israel has ever made pay a personal price for their actions.

Twenty years before that ceremony at the White House, Israel suffered the worst military defeat in its history.

Israel did win the Yom Kippur War, in the end.

It was a sloppy, painful, tragic and costly win.

Victory owed to tactical errors by the Syrians; to the unbelievable heroism, and dogged determination, exhibited by the IDF’s junior officer corps and line soldiers, particularly on the Golan Heights; and to the emergency resupply of war materiel Israel received midway through the war from the United States.

Just as was the case 20 years later, when Israelis (having been introduced to the suicide bomber), decided their leaders had betrayed them – following the Yom Kippur War, the demobilized soldiers, the bereaved families and the general public demanded an accounting from the senior political leaders and the IDF brass that had led them down the vicious, deadly garden path.

After the Yom Kippur War, their demand was answered. The Agranat Commission was formed. And heads rolled.  […….]

And just to make sure we remember how ill-served we were by our leaders 40 years ago, every year around Yom Kippur, the media gives an open mike to every maudlin, angry and indignant story they can find. Every year documentaries are produced. Every year, books are published. And for the most part, they are interesting and worthwhile.

Nothing even vaguely resembling the now 40-year-long accounting Israel has experienced with regard to the Yom Kippur War has occurred in relation to the so-called peace process with the Palestinians that is now 20 years old. No commission of inquiry was convened.

No heads have rolled.

No television station has broadcast a serious documentary explaining the price Israel has paid on any level for a mistake that has cost us so dearly on every level. No one has given belated tribute to the millions of Israelis who foresaw the disaster that would befall us if we recognized the PLO.

As a proportion of Israel’s population, the number of Israelis who took part in protests against the so-called peace process comprised the largest protest movement in history.

The public foresaw what was eminently foreseeable.

Renowned intellectuals and decorated military leaders warned that the PLO was a terrorist organization that had no intention of making peace with Israel. They warned that the PLO would use every inch of land Israel transferred to its control as a forward base for terrorism against Israeli civilians. They warned that Yasser Arafat was a liar, a murderer and a Jewhater who would use all powers granted him to murder and legitimize the murder of Israeli civilians.

They warned that he was not interested in the least in establishing a Palestinian state, rather wanted only to oversee the dismemberment and destruction of our state, the Jewish state.

And for the past 20 years, their warnings were borne out by events every single day.

More than 1,500 Israelis have been murdered by Palestinian terrorists in the past 20 years.

Scores of thousands of Israelis have been wounded or suffered the destruction of their families and their lives.

Diplomatically, Israel has paid an immeasurable price for the abject stupidity of our leaders’ willful blindness to the rank phoniness of the PLO’s commitment to peaceful coexistence with Israel. The glaring obviousness of the danger of accepting the false historical narrative of our sworn enemies for our ability to defend ourselves internationally was so overwhelming that no one even bothered to mention it in the years before the so-called Oslo Accord was concluded.


The PLO falsely claims that the cause for instability and violence in the Middle East is the absence of a Palestinian state in the lands Israel took control over from Jordan and Egypt in the 1967 Six Day War.

Before the inauguration of the so-called peace process, Israel easily defended itself against this libel. After all, the PLO was established in 1964 – three years before Israel took control over Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Its declared purpose was and remains the destruction of Israel, not the establishment of a Palestinian state on some of the territory Israel controls.

The absence of regional peace has nothing at all to do with Israel. It stems from the virulent Jew-hatred that is endemic throughout the Islamic world. Due to this hatred, Israel’s neighbors seek its destruction. The centrality of their irrational, obsessive desire to seek the eradication of the Jewish people and the Jewish state is the reason there has been no true peace between Israel and its neighbors – including its Palestinian neighbors. And because their hatred is irrational and all-encompassing, there is nothing Israel can do to appease them.

Israel was able to defend itself from the PLO’s lies to great effect before it accepted this terrorist organization as a legitimate actor and so accepted the legitimacy of its duplicitous narrative.

But since it did, it has been unable to explain its actions, or increasingly, its right to exist at all. Because if the absence of a Palestinian state in Israel’s heartland, and in its capital city, is what stands behind all the bad behavior of the Arab world, then everything that Israel does that impinges even marginally on the establishment of such of state is immoral, destabilizing and dangerous.


This is why a generation of Israeli leaders have zero to show for their efforts to defend this country. They are trapped in a policy discourse that is founded on anti-Israel lies.

Then there is our alliance with the United States. To legitimize the single-most destructive action ever undertaken by an Israeli government, the Rabin-Peres government approached the Clinton administration and asked it to sponsor this objectively insane policy, strenuously opposed by half the country.

Bill Clinton was happy to oblige them. But once the Americans were on board, and placed US prestige behind a policy which, based as it was on lies, had no chance of success, Israel could not walk away.


From a domestic perspective, the phony peace process has taken an enormous toll on Israeli society and democracy. To defend such a move so strenuously and reasonably opposed by such a large portion of the public it was necessary to marginalize the public. And so we were subjected to a systematic effort to purge and discredit dissident voices from the senior and later junior ranks of the IDF, the Foreign Ministry, (although Peres had done much of the work pruning responsible voices out of the ministry in the previous decade), and the Justice Ministry.

Responsible opponents in the public square were castigated as extremists and enemies of peace, little different from terrorists. A new vocabulary to hide reality – such as calling terror victims, victims of peace – was invented.


Lawful demonstrators and political activists – including minor children – were criminalized, and often jailed and put on trial for their civil disobedience. The corruption of Israel’s legal system, which applies laws unequally to various members of the public, depending on their political views, was a direct outcome of Israel’s decision 20 years ago to embrace the PLO.

For the past 20 years, the party most responsible for Israel’s continued abidance by a strategy that has brought us nothing but disaster is the media. The reason that Peres was elected to the presidency rather than put out to pasture like Golda Meir is because the media lionized him as the greatest statesman of all time.

The reason that once in office non-leftist leaders embrace the positions of the radical Left, ignore the public, block every attempt to correct the damage that the Oslo Accords have wrought, and embark on a new path, is that they are no match for Channel 2 and all the rest.

Our media outlets run a constant stream of post-Zionist propaganda that has reduced our elected representatives’ field of action to the size of a postage stamp. They ignore knowledgeable, well-spoken representatives of the majority. They regularly invite cognitively and aesthetically challenged nationalists to their studios to embarrass into silence the majority of viewers who share their opinions.  [………]

Today the Obama administration plumbs the depths of strategic dysfunction. The Arab world empowers the most dangerous elements in country after country. The European Union treats Israel as a greater international outlaw than Iran, North Korea or Syria. Anti-Israel indoctrination is the norm on university campuses throughout the Western world. [……]

To contend with all this, the single-most important step Israel must take is to end our 20- year nightmare with the PLO. As long as it continues, we will remain incapable of defending ourselves.

Read the rest – Israel’s 20-year nightmare

Explaining The Arab-Israeli Conflict: The 1974 PLO Phased Plan

by WrathofG-d ( 78 Comments › )
Filed under Fatah, Gaza, Hamas, Islamic Invasion, Islamic Terrorism, Islamists, Israel, Jihad, Leftist-Islamic Alliance, Middle East, Palestinians, Religion, Terrorism, United Nations, World at January 6th, 2010 - 3:00 pm

Much of the Arab-Israeli conflict is “complex”, and misunderstood by a majority of the World.  Based on the complete lack of factual information, and actual historical context presented by the horribly ignorant, and therefore exceptionally biased media, universities, political parties, and some Religious organizations, this really isn’t all that surprising.

One significant aspect of the Arab-Israeli conflict that is never discussed, yet would explain the PLO/”Palestinians” actions perfectly, is an agreed upon PLO/”Palestinian” strategy from 1974 commonly referred to as the PLO Phased Plan.  In the context of the Phased Plan, the practically all steps taken by the Arabs/PLO/”Palestinians” make complete logical sense.   In addition, an understanding of the historical context of this Phased Plan will help rip the mask of a “peace process” off the face of the “moderate” Fatah and show their actions in their true context – a desire and change of method to their ultimate goal of destroying Israel.

In 1974, the PLO outlined their future goals, according to the Phased Plan.  The Phased Plan calls for Palestinians to create a state on any land that is given to them, and to use that land as a launching ground for attacks against Israel, with the end goal, to take over all of Israel. This plan is well documented, and can be found on the Phakestinian Arab-controlled Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre, and even “Palestine’s” official UN website.

To best understand the importance of this 1974 PLO Phased Plan as a switch of tactics, more than a change of heart, however one must understand what historically was taking place around this time. (h/t United Jerusalem)

Just prior to 1974, the Arab-Muslims had just lost their fifth all out traditional military battle against Israel.  The most recent being the Yom Kippur War which was begun by the Arabs in October 1973.   In this war, the Arab states launched a surprise attack against Israel on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar,  once again attempting to destroy Israel.  In addition, because of their humiliating defeat in the 1967 Six-Day-War, the Arabs had the additional goal of attempting to redeem their honor.  Though Israel was initially caught off guard, it then regrouped and repelled the Arab attack, but not before incurring heavy casualties.

This loss finally convinced the Arabs that they would not be able to destroy Israel militarily within its post-1967 boundaries, but because of the previously unheard of successes raised their moral, and reinvigorated their zeal for destroying Israel.  Accordingly, instead of accepting that their desire to destroy Israel was unattainable, they instead switched gears, embraced the tactic of Terrorism over full military attacks, and embarked upon a new three-stage strategy for Israel’s destruction: The PLO’s 1974 decision commonly known as the Phased Plan.

The Phased Plan, Adopted at the 12th Session of the Palestinian National Council in Cairo, on June 9, 1974, is summed up as follows:

PHASE 1. Through the “armed struggle” (i.e., terrorism), to establish an “independent combatant national authority” over any territory that is “liberated” from Israeli rule. (Article 2)

PHASE 2. To continue the struggle against Israel, using the territory of the national authority as a base of operations. (Article 4)

PHASE 3. To provoke an all-out war in which Israel’s Arab neighbors destroy it entirely (“liberate all Palestinian territory”) (Article 8 )

Full text of the Plan can be found here, and again here at “Palestine’s” official UN website.

The Phased Plan remains the basis of PLO actions to this day, even despite the naive folly of the Oslo Accords.

Speaking on September 1, 1993, just after the announcement of the 1993 Israel-PLO agreement, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat announced on Radio Monte Carlo that the Oslo agreement:

will be a basis for an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Palestine National Council resolution issued in 1974… The PNC resolution issued in 1974 calls for the establishment of a national authority on any part of Palestinian soil from which Israel withdraws or which is liberated.

(More at “Palestine Facts“)

As is noted by “Middle East Facts“:

It is worth noting that the PLO’s term for the self-rule council now in place in Gaza and the West Bank is the “Palestinian National Authority,” echoing the language of the Phased Plan.

But, let’s take this all out of the theoretical, and look at some of the present facts on the ground to see how the 1974 PLO Phased Plan is relevant today.

Additional Sources On This Topic:

Free Middle East

The PLO’s “Phased Plan”
The Phased Plan, Piece by Piece, The Piece Process
PLO’s Aim Continues to be the Destruction of Israel
Israel and “Palestine”