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Posts Tagged ‘Patriots’


by Guest Post ( 61 Comments › )
Filed under Libertarianism, Tea Parties, The Political Right at September 13th, 2013 - 12:00 pm

Guest Blogger: Doriangrey

Your Fifth Column Treasonous Media in action.

For additional perspective consider that the group from Los Angeles alone was 55 miles long. 55 miles of four lane highway – from ONE CITY:



Even when it was reported in local media, downplay was the word of the day.

“Two Million Bikers” Rally Roars Into D.C. Area for 9/11

Although they didn’t reach a goal of two million riders, thousands of bikers rolled through the Washington, D.C. area to mark the 12th anniversary of 9/11 on Wednesday.

The bikers — riding with the group “Two Million Bikers to D.C.” — snarled traffic on the Beltway with a ride honoring the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the members of the military called to serve after the attacks.

Many participating riders were veterans who said they rode to protect Americans’ freedom in the midst of tumultuous times.

“The enemy has a say when the war is over,” said rider Pete Raymond. “I believe they’re saying it’s not, so we’re here.”

On their Facebook page, in all caps, the group said they will stand by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, adding that they’re “against any fundamental transformation of America.”

Take this for what it’s worth, the DC Police, notorious for under reporting the numbers of conservative patriotic American’s that show up for rallies in DC, admitted that 1.2 million bikers showed up. These were hard working American citizens who took time off from their jobs to protest Muslims demonstrating on 9/11 in Mordor on the Potomac.

A Column stretching 55 miles long rode out of Los Angeles California, just let that sink in for a while… That is a column of Bikers that stretches beyond horizon to horizon. That is a column, that even traveling at 60 miles per hour, would have taken more than an hour to pass any given point. That was JUST the bikers from Los Angeles California.

The Fifth Column Treasonous Media desperately hopes that the sentiment that drove millions of American’s to take a couple days off from work and ride into Mordor on the Potomac to protest Muslims demonstrating on what amounts to a sacred holy day in America, will both go unnoticed and not catch on. The truth is more to the effect that this Biker led protest represents a kind of barometric reading of the mood of America.

Traditionally, the average American is very slow and reluctant to protest. We are a gentle, peace loving and pragmatic people by nature. By the time our collective dander is up enough for us to start protesting, we are mighty pissed off. Yes, there are special interest group driven Americans who will protest pretty much anything at the drop of a hat, but they do not even remotely represent the average American.

You can pay attention to what millions upon millions of average middle class Americans riding into Mordor on the Potomac means, or, you can continue to keep your head up your ass and live in a delusional fantasy world, it is of course, your choice. However, make no mistake about it, reality is coming knocking.

(Cross Posted @ The Wilderness of Mirrors)

Did they hear us?

by Kafir ( 112 Comments › )
Filed under Blogmocracy, Guest Post, Open thread, Patriotism, Tea Parties at April 18th, 2010 - 3:00 pm

Blogmocracy Netizen Tea Party Roundup!

Sorry for the late post on this. I had them all in a slideshow, but I think we overwelmed it – I went back and it was empty! It all worked out, because I was able to add in a couple more peoples’ pictures and comments.


Snork gives us his take of the Tea Party in Olympia, WA

Ok. Olympia, WA (the state capitol):

I was delayed, and arrived about 2:00 for an event scheduled from noon to 3, and saw people already leaving. I missed the speeches, but people were hanging around, and talking. I would say that 90% of the signs were about the economy and taxes. The most outlandish thing I saw was a poster of Obama with a Hitler cookie duster magic markered in. A couple of other signs were kind of ridiculous, though true (calling Obama a racist millionaire, for example). The vast majority were about taxes, healthcare, and freedom in general. The RonPaulians were incognito, holding signs demanding an audit of the fed (an issue that I haven’t studied enough to take a position on, but a signature issue of the Paulians).

The crowd was, as the press is quick to point out, almost all white (more on that in a future post, inshallah). However, it was also in line with the other demographic information that we already have; more women than men, and a lot of retirees. Also a lot of small business people, with enough flexibility in their schedules to take a Thursday afternoon off. It would be interesting to contrast this to parties taken on weekends, with people who don’t have that kind of flexibility.

Of course, there were bikers. No crowd of patriots is complete without a Hawg Brigade. The Hawg Brigade is probably the reason why we didn’t see any leftist Moby punks carrying Nazi signs. Let’s not forget, this is also home of Evergreen State College, of St. Pancake fame. If they didn’t fear the bikers, those weenies would have been all over the place.

As is always the case when non-lefties congregate, they picked up after themselves, and left without leaving as much as a gum wrapper. You should see what it looks like after a bunch of green lefties have an event. There were a number of State Smoky Bears wandering around looking completely unconcerned and even bored.

Zombie has a photoblog on the SF tea party.

In fact…
After looking at Zombie’s piece, those Obama with Hitler mustache posters that I saw in Olympia were LaRouchers. Same exact ones as in SF.

From Rix – who went to the Tea Party rally near Chicago:

Just some observations,

I heard the insulting accusations about the Tea Parties, so on 4/15 I went to one outside of Chicago to see for myself.

What I discovered was a well behaved group of people that are opposed to the direction that Obama and the Democrats are dragging this country.

The charges of racism are silly, they are about the economy & national sovereignty. They struck me as a a really upbeat ,positive group & really well behaved, they cleared their own trash.

The speakers attacked policies not individuals. The attempt to portray these people as violent & dangerous seems absurd in the extreme. I saw a cross section of people & grannies on walkers didn’t seem very thuggish to me..
Interestingly enough, David Gergen & Clarence Paige reported the same experience that I had.

In my opinion that Tea Parties are being smeared because the Left fears them, not because of violence but because they are effective at shining the light on them.

This from Song & Dance Man – with pictures in the video from Albuquerque, NM

There was a local Tea Party rally today and after procrastinating about attending I was encouraged to go by Buckeye Abroad, Scott Madsen and coldwarrior. It was a boat load of fun and am glad I went.

First of all, it was not the typical Tea Party rally and more like a demonstration. There were no stages or speakers – just good ‘ol patriots who lined both sides of the street for about a two mile stretch of town on a major thoroughfare. And they were not the only participants. If any of you have ever been to the Rose Parade, the night before is like a huge party with revelers on the streets and cars parading back and forth on the boulevard. That is what this was like. There were thousands of folk on the sidewalks and a congestion of vehicles driving up and down the street honking their horns and waving flags and posters from their vehicles.

The event was held on Menaul Blvd between San Pedro St. and Wyoming Ave. It took quite a bit of time just to get there.

I know the recent CNN and ABC polls claim that most of the Tea Party advocates are over 45, but I was quite surprised to see so many youth there. There were teenagers and people in their 20‘s in large numbers. This one girl and her sign caught my attention. And thanks to her mom who didn’t object to me taking her picture.

[see pics in the video below]

Island Libertarian, reporting from Hawaii:


I just want to share a few pictures from the Tea Party held at the Hawaii State Capitol Building in Honolulu, Hawaii. I want you to notice the DIVERSITY of those attending. If ANYONE says the Tea Parties are RACIST, please direct them to these photos.

There were two authentic infiltrators in the crowd. Both were trying to start arguments. They were pretty much ignored.

I’d say over 500 people showed up over the 2 hours I was there.

[see pics in the video below]

We also have pictures from Geepers in Columbus, OH, mfhorn in Wichita, KS, Rodan from Tampa, and Lobo in Colorado Springs. Don’t forget Urban Infidel covered the New York City Tea Party 2010!

I guess I’m a shutter bug ~ I had to split the video and take mine out. Slideshow from the Tea Party in Charlotte, NC here:

Update (for full size pics from the video, here are all of them in slideshow form):
Geepers: Columbus, OH
Island Libertarian: Hawaii
Lobo: Colorado Springs, CO
m: Charlotte, NC
mfhorn: Wichita, KS
Rodan: Tampa, FL
Song & Dance Man: Alburquerque, NM

Update II: Rides a Pale Horse has video from the rally in Denver, CO – check it out.