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Posts Tagged ‘products’

Get A Load Of This

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 43 Comments › )
Filed under Humor, OOT, Open thread, Technology at February 12th, 2012 - 11:00 pm

The Crappercycle is designed to save paper toilet seat covers. Really.

“Sit Better-Fit Better–Feel Better–Naturally Better” is the motto of the manufacturer of a toilet seat made especially for wide loads to help you 5#!+ better. Really.

Here’s a clever fixture that allows evacuation without even pulling down your chonis. Really.

With that out of the way, grab the adult beverage of your choice, or fill up a bowl and put the lid down, because every night’s a Royal Flush on
The Overnight Open Thread.

How To Smell Up Everything

by Bunk Five Hawks X ( 166 Comments › )
Filed under Healthcare, Humor, Japan, Open thread, Technology at February 16th, 2011 - 11:00 pm


Not sure how this works, but it apparently allows young Japanese girls to smell higher and make magic floating fusilli bucati lunghi at the same time. Or maybe it’s for personal hygiene: “C’mere, hon! Put this on. It’ll make you smell better.”

And then there’s that curious reset button that blows (heheh, nose pun) my theories away. Sneeze inducer? Nasal decongestant? Alternative lifestyle enhancement?

I dunno, Babs, but I do know this. It’s time for the OOTers* to help decipher the purpose of this nasal contraption on The Overnight Open Thread.

*[h/t to yenta-fada for coining that one.]

Caturday Goes Christmas Shopping

by 1389AD ( 108 Comments › )
Filed under Caturday, Economy, Humor, Open thread at December 4th, 2010 - 4:30 pm

For those who can afford to spend a little extra money just for lolz, the intertoobz offers many possibilities, among them the zany products on this site (click photos for the specifics):

Long-lasting Kitty IncrediBubbles for cats to chase

According to the site, these bubbles don’t immediately pop when they land on an object, thus giving your cat the opportunity to chase them around. Only problem is that the bubbles are peach-flavored, while most cats would probably prefer liver or fish. But then, their human caretakers might not be able to handle fish-scented bubble residue in their homes. Maybe catnip scent might be an idea for Version 2.0.

Plastic towel holder resembling a cat's posterior

Rather bizarre for a towel holder.

What’s with the emphasis on cat posteriors, anyway?

Pencil sharpener - insert pencil into rectum of plastic cat

Maybe humans have tail envy!

The tail actually wags on the next product:

Kit Cat Clock

On the other paw…

Those of us who are too broke to buy anybody anything this Christmas, if not for the foreseeable future, will have to get our laughs some other way. I offer the following:

Cat in file drawer, saying: Wikileekz cat iz in ur dokumentz...leekin'