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Posts Tagged ‘Republican Establishment’

When you have been compromised.

by Guest Post ( 7 Comments › )
Filed under Conservatism, Libertarianism, Republican Party, Special Report, Tea Parties, The Political Right at October 24th, 2013 - 3:48 pm

Guest Blogger: Doriangrey

If you have seen the movie 300, then you know that King Leonidas and his Spartan Warriors were not so much defeated by the legions of Xerxes, as they were betrayed by a fellow Spartan. Traitors and Infiltrators are a brutal fact of life. It’s one of those area’s in life, where, at best, the movies copy real life rather accurately. In the recent movie, “Olympus has Fallen” an infiltrator works his way into a position of trust within the South Korean Government while another does so within the Whitehouse.

Their treachery nearly causes a World War. History is likewise replete with stories of traitors in very high positions betraying their own people. Benedict Arnold is a perfect example of just such a highly placed and trusted individual betraying his own people. Sadly Infiltrators and traitors are not just the stuff of history or the movies. They are a genuine real fact of life.

American politics is choking to death on infiltrators and traitors, they work their way into positions of power and trust for the purpose of sabotaging from the inside. Today, many infiltrators are pretending to be Conservative journalist or pundits, in reality, they are Liberal/Marxists working to move the Republican Conservative base to the left of the political spectrum. Here is an example of how those infiltrators work.

Inside the Messy but Moneyed Republican Plan to Neutralize the Tea Party

It took a tea party insurrection that disabled the federal government and wrecked the Republican brand, but after months of handwringing, establishment Republicans are preparing to attack ultra-conservative ideologues across red America.

From Alabama to Alaska, the center-right, business-oriented wing of the Republican Party is gearing up for a series of skirmishes that it hopes can prevent the 2014 mid-term election from turning into another missed opportunity. But this will not be a coordinated operation. It will be messy, ugly, and prone to backfiring. And if the comeback succeeds, it will be in fits and starts, most likely culminating in the selection of a presidential nominee in 2016.

“Hopefully we’ll go into eight to 10 races and beat the snot out of them,” said former Rep. Steve LaTourette of Ohio, whose new political group, Defending Main Street, aims to raise $8 million to fend off tea party challenges against more mainstream Republican incumbents. “We’re going to be very aggressive and we’re going to get in their faces.”

The caterwauling over the GOP brand ramped up after President Obama’s re-election and a handful of setbacks in the Senate before hitting full screech as the country hurtled toward default. For some Republicans, the time for soul-searching is over. “This is a battle we have to fight,” said Republican consultant John Feehery, a former adviser to top Republican leaders on Capitol Hill. “We can’t just lie down and let this happen.”

Tactics being discussed among Republican strategists, donors, and party leaders include running attack ads against tea party candidates for Congress; overthrowing Ron Paul’s libertarian acolytes dominating the Iowa and Minnesota state parties; promoting open primaries over nominating conventions, like the ones that produced Republican hardliners like Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli and shutdown-instigator Mike Lee of Utah; and countering political juggernauts Heritage Action, the Club for Growth, and FreedomWorks that target Republican incumbents who have consorted with Democrats.

LaTourette’s Defending Main Street group has identified its first project: defending Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho. The Club for Growth threw its support to a tea-party challenger, Bryan Smith, because Simpson backed the $700 million Wall Street bailout, raising the debt ceiling, and a budget deal that staved off last year’s “fiscal cliff” crisis.

Defending Main Street also is keeping an eye on other House Republicans who have drawn the wrath of the Club for Growth, including Aaron Schock and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, who is running for the Senate.

But there are many more races drawing the attention of Republican insiders who fear the tea party – and the public’s growing distaste for the movement – is jeopardizing GOP control of the House and a potential Senate takeover. Consider:

Beth Reinhard is a Liberal Marxist propaganda artist pretending to be a Journalist. That she writes blatantly obvious propaganda of this nature is no surprise to anyone with two functional brain cells. That so many supposedly Conservative bloggers, pundits and policy wonks insist on quoting her as though she were objectively reporting facts is what is both surprising and disturbing.

it’s the kind of thing that should be a clue that there are infiltrators in your midst. Kind of like the clue Sam Becket finds in Quantum Leap when he finds a Navy Seal Radio tuned to 47.30 megahertz. At the time it strikes him as odd, but he doesn’t think anything of it. Only later when he discovers that the Vietcong are using that frequency to communicate does he realize that he and his squad are being lead into an ambush.

Here is a clue for the average Conservative Republican, it’s like Sam finding that radio tuned to 47.30 megahertz, the Democrats and the Fifth Column Treasonous Media absolutely hate the TEA Party Conservatives. Now the GOP Leadership are preparing to wag a civil war against the TEA Party Conservatives. Ask yourself this, if knowing how much the Democrats and the Fifth Column Treasonous Media hate the TEA Party Conservatives, why would the GOP Leadership also hate and want to wage war on 1/3 to 1/2 of their own Base?

The answer is and has been staring you in the face for almost 4 years. The answer is as ugly as it gets, it’s the same brutal painful truth General George Washington was forced to face when his good friend and trusted General Benedict Arnold attempted to betray him. The Republican Base is being betrayed by it’s own so called leadership, for much the same pathetic reason that Benedict Arnold attempted to betray General George Washington.

The members of the TEA Party are not terrorists, they are not Taliban extremists, what they are is average American citizens who are fed up with the corruption flowing out of Mordor on the Potomac.

For Sale; 1 Congress, 1 million Dollars or best offer…

Part 2: For sale; 1 Congress, Making Extortion pay…

Corruption that the republican Leadership are every bit as compliant in as the Democrats. Sarah Plain had a reputation in Alaska for fighting exactly that kind of corruption, whether in the Democrat Party or in her own Republican Party, that’s why the Democrats, the Fifth Column Treasonous Media and even John McCains own people had to destroy her. it’s why Speaker John Boehner found it necessary to purge the GOP Leadership of all TEA Party members from any powerful committees. Because what the TEA Party people want, is to bring about an end to the culture of corruption that permeates Mordor on the Potomac. John Boenher, Mitch McConnell, John McCain and the other powerful members of the Republican Party Leadership have made far to much money working the corrupt system to allow the TEA Party to come in and bring an end to their gravy-train.

So now, like Benedict Arnold the GOP Leadership is attempting to betray the TEA Party. They are doing so in the hopes of retaining their positions of power, positions from which they have looted America’s treasuries for their own personal profit.

(Cross Posted @ The Wilderness of Mirrors)

How To Determine Who The Establishment Truly Fears

by Flyovercountry ( 152 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2016, Libertarianism, Republican Party at August 13th, 2013 - 7:00 am

The following text and picture were forwarded to me by a liberal friend, which is why I suspect that this is not a Republican pulling a pre-primary havoc seeking operation. It’s a wee bit early for the full on sleaze of the Presidential Campaign Season, but then again, these games have been starting earlier and earlier every cycle. It’s all in there, a wildly slanderous ad hominem, sprinkle in a straw man argument, top it off with our favorite game, senile, crazy, evil, or stupid, and what we have here is the attempt to destroy a non establishment candidate even before he declares himself to be a candidate.

Subject: Complete Ass

His obvious implication is that Jews who died in the Holocaust were more deserving of their
fate than aborted fetuses.

This one bears some discussion, so I’ll preface his actual stated position, which follows in the video below, with some observations. It would seem that in the above mentioned game, the default description for Rand Paul in 2016 will be evil. His dad was labeled crazy, but that clearly will not fit for Rand. Stupid doesn’t work either, he is way too articulate for that. He’s too young for senile, so that leaves evil. One of the many reasons that my suspicions were raised immediately with this one was that this is not even Rand Paul’s position on the great abortion debate. Who ever put this together did not bother with even getting that lead premise correct. They could have easily gone with the whole cutting off of foreign aid stance, and used that to single Israel out as they had done in the past, and that would have made it easier to paint Paul as a Jew hater, but this bit of chicanery is just manifestly moronic right out of the gate. I wish to say here, that once called on it, the friend who forwarded this to me retracted, and sent emails to all concerned that the facts did not support this revelation. Three of us over the weekend attempted to research Rand Paul’s position on the abortion debate, and here was the only video that we could find in which he gives his position. The more astute of you will notice that it is not Fox News, but CNN and more specifically, Wolf Blitzer, not a Paul fan by any stretch of the imagination, where Rand Paul decides to articulate his stance.

After reading Paul’s position on the issue, and seeing this interview with Blitzer, I would characterize Paul’s position as this, and believe me it is that exact level of nuance that usually has many of us heated up.

1) He believes that life begins at conception, and wishes to enact legislation that bans all federal funding for the act. The caveat however is that he feels that any physician should be free to determine if an exception should be granted in each individual case, based upon the physician’s opinion in regards to the health of the mother, and that the decision of each physician should be final. In other words, make abortions illegal, unless a licensed doctor tells the woman she can have one.

2) He believes, and I agree with this by the way, that allowing this to be determined by our court system solely, without any actual way to settle the national debate by the constitutionally proscribed method was a mistake. This fight has been waged for 60 years now, and no resolution is in sight. It is a distraction that has pocked each election for the last half century, and Americans have never been able to voice their own opinions in the manner allowed by our constitutional republic, via the ballot box. The temporary solution administered by the Supreme Court is one that has been inflicted upon the people of this nation, and Paul suggests that the debate be settled in the manner that all such disputes be settled, via that vehicle that was bypassed.

There is no question that Rand Paul is running for President. Like all polished politicos, he realizes that he needs to have a position on every conceivable question that will come up during a national election. Hearkening back to the halcyon days of 2012, and remembering the Republican Debates moderated by Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos, we were treated to 90 solid minutes, twice, spent solely on the topic of abortion. (If you possess an adult memory, you may recall that there were several dozen other issues of actual import at the time, like Islamic terrorism being completely ignored, a run away deficit, zero fiscal responsibility, unemployment continuing to be nearing depression levels, lack luster GDP growth, our embassies burning around the globe, etc.)

Paul realizes that he needs to at least sound pro life in order to win the GOP nomination, and he has found a way to do that and still hold onto his Libertarian beliefs. For this, I actually give him a lot of credit. My hope is that we won’t allow Gibson or Stephanopoulos to moderate debates in 2016, but you can rest assured that we’ll have at least one 90 minute special in which abortion is the only topic of conversation, to the complete exclusion of anything else that may have actual import for the American voting public.

Now, let’s get to the crux of the matter. Why would someone attempt to pass off this blatant fabrication as actual fact, and do so this early in the game? It is for this reason, and this reason alone. Rand Paul scares the hell out of the establishment, and they are correct to be terrified of him. Rand Paul may or may not win in 2016, I could not tell you at this stage of the game who’s candidacy has traction and who’s does not. I will tell you however, that if Rand Paul does win, he’ll decentralize federal power, and do so on a scale that will cause those institutional reign holders to literally wet their collective pants. Both Drs. Paul realized that the Libertarian Party had zero chance of being elected to national office, but a GOP bereft of leadership, that apparatus was pre-built, and ripe for the picking. Rand Paul has found a way to articulate the concept of individual freedom and liberty again, and do so in a way that attracts younger voters not seen since the days of Reagan. Freedom is cool again, and Rand Paul is passionate about his beliefs. He does have a legitimate shot, and the establishment who does not wish to see their private member’s only party end, will do what ever they feel they need to in order to keep their grip on those levers that our Constitution says should not exist in the first place. In their view, the end will justify the means, which they’ve already given us a glimpse of.

I don’t know at this early stage if Rand Paul is my guy or not, I also like Cruz, Rubio, Perry, Palin, Walker, and others, but I am in favor of decentralizing our federal behemoth. To that end, I say stand with Rand. I am not sure that I’ll agree with how soft he’s going to be on the topic of Islamic Terrorism. I am not for the infliction of the gold standard to alleviate the evils of fiat money by reintroducing the evils of a hard cap on wealth creation by limiting capital to a finite amount. I believe that we should force congress to take up the duties of coin, and while ending the fed would be a net benefit for our nation, tying that to the gold standard is economic folly of the most dangerous variety. Those are real issues that need to be hashed out, and not whether Rand Paul’s stance on abortion is more in line with the Republican or Libertarian brand.

By the way, that quote at the top really did come from someone, and it is not a political candidate, nor even a U.S. citizen. It is a New Zealand born Jewish convert to Christianity who became an evangelical preacher. He runs a church in California called the Living Waters Ministry. His name is Ray Comfort. So much for the assumption of Antisemitism.

Cross Posted from Musings of a Mad Conservative.

Rand Paul goes after the GOP “Old Guard”

by Phantom Ace ( 6 Comments › )
Filed under Headlines, Libertarianism, Republican Party at August 3rd, 2013 - 9:58 pm

The Republican Party has lost 4/6 of the last Presidential elections and lost the popular vote the last  5/6 elections. Rand Paul wants to change that and create a new inclusive 21st Century Republican Party that can compete at the Presidential level. The GOP Establishment is not interested in winning and now view Rand Paul as a threat.

The GOP elites have unleashed the Corpulent Guido as their attack dog on Rand. However, he has not backed down from this fight and calls out the failure of the GOP Establishment.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said he agrees with those that say there is pushback from the Republican establishment when the party faces heat from factions such as the libertarian wing.

Newt Gingrich said Thursday that he thinks the establishment is growing “more hysterical” as Paul and fellow Republican Sen. Ted Cruz rise in prominence. Paul said Friday on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that he thinks the establishment needs to welcome new ideas
“I think there’s some truth to that and I think the other thing about it is that the old guard needs to realize they’re the ones that have been losing the last couple of elections,” Paul said. “If we want to win for presidency we have to compete in the states where we’re not competing. Precisely, up in the northeast and on the west coast where Republicans are basically on life support. We need to reach out with issues that may attract new people to the party.”


Paul said he thinks there is a place within the Republican party for libertarians such as himself. He said that way of thinking, particularly when it comes to issues of privacy, can be used to attract young people to the GOP.

“Young people, they don’t really associate with Republicans on taxes and regulations. Not that they oppose us, they just don’t have any money so they don’t care much about those issues,” Paul said. “But they’ve all got a cell phone, they’re all on the internet, they’re all concerned about internet freedom and they’re concerned about privacy. And these are precisely issues where we can grow our youth vote.”

Rand Paul is interested in Coalition building, while the GOP Establishment is happy being an opposition Party. Although the Leftist media is siding with the GOP Establishment and going after Rand Paul./ However, some on the Left like Bill Maher are on Rand Paul’s side.

Bill Maher opened the panel discussion on his show tonight taking on the “huge verbal slapfight” between Chris Christie and Rand Paul that Maher believed was an important “fight for the soul of the Republican party” over national security. He and the panel largely came down on Paul’s side in that fight, but former Democratic congressman Barney Frank expressed his personal outrage with Bradley Manning for releasing diplomatic cables, getting into a spat with fellow panelist and Occupy Wall Street activist Alexis Goldstein.Business Insider’s Josh Barro said Christie took up this fight to be “Mr. Conservative” again instead of a wishy-washy New England moderate Republican. Frank bashed Christie’s anti-gay record and said he agrees with the Pauls (both Rand and Ron) on drugs and civil liberties. Maher questioned why the Department of Homeland Security still exists, and while Frank did push back a bit, the others agreed that it might be wise to scale back the government bureaucracy and the “internal lobby” it created.

Rand Paul’s stances on issues appeal to a broader audience than the traditional Republican base. This is why the Establishment wants to destroy him.

The Republican Establishmnet tried to recruit Christie for 2012

by Phantom Ace ( 181 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2012, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Republican Party at July 5th, 2013 - 12:00 pm


Earlier this week I had a post on the upcoming book about the 2012 election; Collision 2012 by Dan Balz of the Washington Post. In it, Balz interviewed Mitt Romney who admitted he almost dropped out because he knew he was a flawed candidate. This was very revealing and explained his terrible campaign for the Presidency in 2012.

It seems, the GOP Establishment knew Romney’s heart was not totally in it. in the summer and fall of 2011, Republican establishment figures like the Bush family, Henry Kissinger, the Koch Brothers and even Nancy Reagan tried to recruit NJ. Governor Christie to run for President. The GOP at that early stage knew Romney could not beat Obama and tried to gamble on Christie. He declined and the GOP establishment threw its support behind Romney.

Chris Christie was actually Mitt romney’s original choice for VP. The only thing preventing it was a SEC ruling that forbid Wall Street to donate to candidates where big banks are located. Several major banks have their headquarters in NJ. The only way Christie could have been the VP nominee if he had quit the governorship. He declined to quit and Romney ended up passing him over. A series of events transpired that led to bad blood between Christie and the Romney campaign. The culmination of this led to the Corpulent Guido backstabbing of Mitt Romney by embracing Obama so publicly after Hurricane sandy.

Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J., threatened to drop the “f-bomb” during a nationally televised speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention. Mitt Romney, the GOP’s eventual 2012 nominee, almost aborted his presidential run in 2011 because he didn’t see a viable path to the nomination. And Romney’s advisers, frightened by Newt Gingrich’s victory in the South Carolina primary, held a series of “Kill Newt” strategy sessions in the days after the primary.


The presence of Christie loomed large over the 2012 election, even though he had publicly maintained that he would not run. Balz reveals how pervasive the effort to draft Christie into the race became during the summer of 2011, when figures including former President George W. Bush and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger contacted the popular New Jersey Republican, entreating him to throw his hat into the ring.


In addition to Bush and Kissinger, former first ladies Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan and billionaire businessman David Koch also pushed Christie in the direction of a run.

When he eventually decided against a run, he was again courted – this time by the Romney campaign – as a potential vice presidential candidate. Though he had cautioned Romney that he had a “big” personality that may not be well-suited to playing second fiddle, Romney assured Christie that he remained under serious consideration, Balz writes.

In the end, it was money, not chemistry, that kept Christie off the GOP ticket. A “pay to play” regulation from the Securities and Exchange Commission prevented the country’s largest banks from donating to candidates and elected officials from states in which big banks were located. If Christie, the governor of New Jersey, were added to the ticket, Romney’s campaign would have been barred from accepting any campaign contributions from Wall Street – a critical source of cash for the GOP candidate, formerly a private equity manager.

In a phone call, Romney asked Christie whether he would be willing to resign the governorship to side-step the SEC regulation. Christie laughed and said he needed time to think about it, but eventually decided to stay put in New Jersey. “After that phone call, Romney and Christie had no further conversations about joining the ticket,” Balz writes.

Read the rest: Christie threatened to drop “f-bomb” at 2012 GOP convention

This book shows the dysfunction of the Republican Party heading into 2012. Mitt Romney knew he could not win nor was his heart totally in it. The GOP establishment knew this as well and tries to recruit the wannabe Jersey Shore style Guido. Christie it turns out is a snake who is out for himself.

Unlike the mess in the GOP, Obama had a united Party, a virtually invincible electoral machine in OFA that organized an anti-Republican coalition, a friendly media, support of the popular culture and government resources like the IRS or NSA. In retrospect. It is now apparent the GOP never had a chance in 2012. Unless the GOP makes major changes and begins to form a broad appealing coalition, 2016 will be another lost election for them and the Democrat Party’s dominance of Presidential elections since 1992 will continue.